animasi  bergerak gif


   _   _       _ _             ___      _       _____
   / \ | |_ ___| (_) ___ _ __  |_ _|_ __(_)___  |___ /
  / _ \| __/ _ \ | |/ _ \ '__|  | || '__| / __|   |_ \
 / ___ \ ||  __/ | |  __/ |     | || |  | \__ \  ___) |
/_/   \_\__\___|_|_|\___|_|    |___|_|  |_|___/ |____/

 ____                     _   ____  _                 _
 / ___|_ __ __ _ _ __   __| | |  _ \| |__   __ _ _ __ | |_ __ _ ___ _ __ ___
| |  _| '__/ _` | '_ \ / _` | | |_) | '_ \ / _` | '_ \| __/ _` / __| '_ ` _ \
| |_| | | | (_| | | | | (_| | |  __/| | | | (_| | | | | || (_| \__ \ | | | | |
 \____|_|  \__,_|_| |_|\__,_| |_|   |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__\__,_|___/_| |_| |_|

Gust: Developer
NIS America: Publisher
Released: 05.29.07
Koei: Publisher
Released: July/August 2007 (PAL)


                          W A L K T H R O U G H /F A Q
                         by threetimes 10th August 2008


Updated May 18th 2011
Donations news!


Search Codes
To find a section of the guide select the Edit option on your toolbar and then
"Find" and type the code. Or use Ctrl +F, (it's the Apple button for Macs +F),
to bring up a box where you can type in the code.

T A B L E  O F  C O N T E N T S ..................................SEARCH CODE

A. Using the Guide..................................................... A01

B. Game Basics ........................................................ *BASIC
   i. Introduction .................................................... B01
  ii. The Controls .................................................... B02
 iii. The Menus ....................................................... B03
  iv. The Chapters .................................................... B04
   v. The Quests ...................................................... B05
  vi. Alter-worlds .................................................... B06
 vii. Enemies ......................................................... B07
viii  Fighting ........................................................ B08
  ix. Burst Chains .................................................... B09
   x. The Characters .................................................. B10
  xi. Alchemy ......................................................... B11
 xii. Saving and Loading .............................................. B12
xiii. Post Game. ...................................................... B13
 xiv. Hints and Tips .................................................. B14

C. The Walkthrough (Zey Meruze map).................................... *WALK

      Chapter One (Raider Rank 03)..................................... C01
    . Chapter Two (Raider Rank 04)..................................... C02
      Chapter Three (Raider Rank 05)................................... C03
      Chapter Four (Raider Rank 06).................................... C04
      Chapter Five (Raider Rank 07).................................... C05
      Chapter Six (Raider Rank 08)..................................... C06
      Chapter Seven (Raider Rank 09)................................... C07
      Chapter Eight (Raider Rank 10)................................... C08
      Chapter Nine (Raider Rank 11).................................... C09
      Chapter Ten (Raider Rank 12)..................................... C10
      (Includes Distorted Dimension)

D.  The Alter-worlds .................................................. *ALT

   i. Ancient Forest of Valtessa ...................................... D01
  ii. Grimoire Castle ................................................. D02
 iii. Posporia Battlegrounds .......................................... D03
  iv. Valley of Dakcasus .............................................. D04
   v. Gardens of Ishtar ............................................... D05
      (Includes two optional Blades)

E. Lists .............................................................. *LIST

   i. Shops ........................................................... E01
  ii. Recipes ......................................................... E02
 iii. Quests .......................................................... E03
  iv. Mana Items ...................................................... E04
   v. Ingredients ..................................................... E05
  vi. Weapons ......................................................... E06
 vii. Armour .......................................................... E07
viii. Accessories ..................................................... E08
  ix. Character Skills and Blades ..................................... E09
   x. Common Skills ................................................... E10
  ix. Alchemy Levels and Ideas .........................................E11
 xii. Monsters ........................................................ E12
xiii. Key Items .... .................................................. E13

F. Version History .................................................... F01

G. Credits, Legal and Contact ......................................... G01


                     A.  U S I N G   T H E   G U I D E.....................A01


I have arranged things to make searching for one particular thing easier, I
hope!  If you want some general advice on the game, read the Game Basics
section. If you want to know what recipes you can find or alchemy levels you
can reach in each chapter, that is in the walkthrough section of the chapters.
If you want details of how to complete a quest, that is in the RAIDER RANK
quest section of each chapter, and the Mission is found at the end of every
chapter. Finally, all details for Field Bonuses, where to go when, and what you
can find in the Alterworlds are found in the Alterworlds section.

o The Game Basics
This section gives an overview of the mechanics of the gameplay, how to
use alchemy, and a detailed overview of Questing.

o The Walkthrough
This takes you through each chapter of the game, following the events and
quests as they unfold, as well as the recipes you can find, and the things you
can craft. There are no spoilers for the story.

You will find the quests organised by Raider Rank, but sometimes they don't
appear in the chapter corresponding to that rank, partly because many are
repeats and partly because it depends on the order in which you complete the
quest point quests. If you know the Raider Rank then you know which chapter to
check. Quests are also subdivided into the three types: Normal - for Quest
Points, Combat, and Fetch Quests, and they are arranged alphabetically.

Raider Rank 03 - Chapter One
Raider Rank 04 - Chapter Two
Raider Rank 05 - Chapter Three
Raider Rank 06 - Chapter Four
Raider Rank 07 - Chapter Five
Raider Rank 08 - Chapter Six
Raider Rank 09 - Chapter Seven
Raider Rank 10 - Chapter Eight
Raider Rank 11 - Chapter Nine
Raider Rank 12 - Chapter Ten

o Alterworlds - Locations
This is a separate section devoted to all the Alterworlds and listing all the
items, treasure chests and monsters that can be found, together with a
walkthrough for each area. Since you visit these worlds many times, and
different areas open up bit by bit, I decided to put everything in one section
here. There are also rewards for completing "Field Bonuses" for each
Alterworld, and the requirements and rewards are listed in this section. The
walkthrough for Ishtar includes details of how to beat two optional bosses
for the Siren and Luplus Blades.

o Lists
Here you will find the details of all recipes, items, equipment, quests and
monsters, incluidng bosses. Most lists are in alphabetical order for ease of


                   B.   G  A  M  E    B  A  S  I  C  S ..................*BASIC


i. INTRODUCTION ........................................................... B01

This is the third AI game to be released in the West and is labelled 0.8 in the
Atelier Project. Mana Khemia is 0.9 and I co-wrote a walkthrough for that game,
which inspired me to take another look at AI3.  This game introduces the
Active Card Battle Bar (ACBB) and Burst Chain system as well as the
jobs/quests theme. However, there are only three characters, and everyone has
left school. (Mana Khemia joke...)

AI3 has perhaps had less attention than the other AI games, partly because
there is no published guide, and this makes writing a FAQ slightly more
challenging. It is hard to verify if everything has been found as there isn't a
percentage total given for your collection.

ii. THE CONTROLS .......................................................... B02

DualShock 2 analog controller configuration as shown in the game manual.

                     ____          |  |          ____
        L2 Button > /____/\        |  |        /\____\ < R2 Button
       L1 Button > /____/  \       |  |       /  \____\ < R1 Button
                  /         \______|__|______/      _  \
                 /  __                             /_\  \  Triangle Button
  Directional > |  _| |_    SELECT    START      __   _  |     Circle Button
   Buttons      | |_   _|                        |_| (_) | Square Button
                |   |_|       ____ ANALOG ____           |      X Button
                |            /    \      /    \    (X)   |
                |           |      | __ |      |         |
                |        /\  \____/ /  \ \____/ /\       |
                \       /  \_______/    \______/  \      /
                 \_____/ Left Analog  Right Analog \____/

Directional Buttons and Left Analogue Stick - Move
X Button                                    - Select Menu
O Button                                    - Exit Menu
START Button                                - View Map
SELECT Button                               - Open Quest Notes

Directional Buttons and Left Analogue Stick - Move
X Button                                    - Talk/Examine
O Button                                    - Jump
Square Button                               - Action
Triangle Button                             - Open Main Menu
START Button                                - View Map
SELECT Button                               - Open Quest Notes
L1/R1 Button                                - Change Action

Directional Buttons and Left Analogue Stick - Select Action
X Button                                    - Confirm Action
O Button                                    - Cancel Action

iii. THE MENUS ............................................................ B03

At the start of the game you have the choice to change the settings (under the
heading "System"). Text can be fast or slow, and voices can be altered to
Japanese if you wish.

START:  To see your location when in or around the main town, Zey Meruze,
        press Start. Start is also used to check the Alterworld map.

SELECT: To see details of a Quest or Mission press Select.

MAIN MENU:  This is the active menu. Press triangle to see these options:

Item:      all items in your possession - you can select some items to use.
Equip:     select character to view current equipment.
Skill:     select character to view current skills (some healing skills can be
           used from this menu.
Reference: includes everything!
Config:    alter Text Speed, Vibration, Voice, BGM and Sound and Language.

Everything you can find, make or do is listed in the Reference section of the
Main Menu. Items are grouped automatically by type: for example all fish will
be listed together, all sweets, Normal Blades, healing items, and so on. You
cannot change the sorting, and some lists are long.

o Quest List:   arranged by type of quest
               "Boot" Icon  - Unable to Cancel 'Quest Point' Quests
               "Skull and Crossbones" Icon - Fighting Quests
               "Basket" Icon - Fetch Quests

o Mission List: arranged by chapter

o Item List:    Mana Items
                Key Items

o Skill List:     arranged by Blades, Edge Nell and then Iris, Common Skills

o Blades List:    all listed with their useable skills

o Character List: all significant named individuals met during the game

o Monster List:   arranged by type, with bosses at the end of the list.

o Tutorials:      all tutorials are listed in full.

iv. THE CHAPTERS .......................................................... B04

The game is neatly divided into 10 chapters and the end of one is reached when
you raise your Raider Rank. What this means is can continue to take
quests or just fight in the Alterworlds for as long as you like, so long as you
don't reach the target of quest points required to raise your level. Once this
happens a MISSION event will begin and no more quests can be undertaken until
the mission is completed, and this will end that chapter.

v. THE QUESTS ............................................................. B05

There are 144 quests in total, and 65 of these reward you with quest points
which are required to raise your Raider Rank. You take on quests (jobs) to
improve your Rank or just for the rewards of cash (Cole), recipes and items.
You don't have to do all quests to complete the game, but you DO have to take
enough to increase your rank as this is the only way to progress to the next
chapter of the story.

After accepting a Quest, find the client, who will have a large sign above
their heads saying "Quest", just in case you were in any doubt, and receive
more detailed instructions. After completing the Quest you often have to report
directly back to the client and sometimes to the Guild as well.

You can check on the progress of any Quest you have accepted by looking at the
details from the SELECT screen. Once you complete the Quest it will disappear
from this list, and you can find it again in the Reference Book where all
completed quests are recorded.

The Guild
All quests are posted on the board at the Guild, and you have to accept them
here. Although there appear to be other Raiders, in fact no-one will take
a quest off you, and in effect your team are the only ones taking quests. You
can accept as many as you like at one time, and then complete them as and when
you choose. Accepted quests will carry over to the next chapter if they have
not been completed.

The Mission
When you complete sufficient quests with quest points then your Raider Rank
rises, and a mission will begin during which the board cannot be viewed, and
all other quests are on hold until the mission has been completed. After
raising your rank the guard at the right of the board will give you additional

Getting Quests to Appear
At the start of the game there are only a restricted number of quests, but in
later chapters the board can be nearly full of them! Some of these will be
repeated, and require a lower rank than your current ranking. If the quest you
want does not show, then you can either complete a few other quests and check
back at the board, OR accept some less significant ones and then cancel them.
This will remove them from the board and allow apace for new quests to appear.

Quest Points and Not Yet!
"Unable to Cancel" Quests are mandatory to get sufficient Quest Points in order
to complete the chapter. Sometimes Quests will appear in one chapter but will
have a sign saying NOT YET!, meaning that your current Raider Rank is not high
enough to accept them. The only way to open up these jobs, is to earn enough
Quest Points to raise your rank and trigger the mission which ends that

Repeatable Quests
Repeatable quests will have slightly different rewards each time, and the
numbers of monsters you have to slay, or items you need to deliver, may be one
or two more or less. You do not have to take these quests, and it is entirely
up to you if you want to. These quests will have a time limit for completion
and if you fail to complete one (for example, you kill 5/7 of the groups
required), then you won't get the rewards and will have to start over if the
quest appears again and you accept it again.

Raider Ranks and Grades
Raider Rank corresponds to the Chapter, and you will begin with a rank of 03
and end the game with a rank of 12. However, some quests require a higher
grade and these will only appear after you have completed lower graded quests.
The grades range from D to A and then S for the top graded quests.

This is shown by a green boot icon, and all these quests reward you with Quest
Points. Theoretically you could complete the game just by doing these quests.
Once you accept one of these quests you cannot cancel it. There are some
precious items and recipes that are only received when you complete quests so
it is a good idea to accept all these ones if at all possible.

This is shown by a red skull and crossbones icon. Some of these quests require
you to defeat one specified boss enemy, but many involve defeating a set number
of groups of enemies. If there is a purple icon next to the group then you must
find and defeat purple coloured enemies. However if there is no helpful colour,
then you will not know which blob contains the target enemies. Phenyl deals
with all these quests and she will tell you where to find the groups listed as
"any location".

Some of these Quests are repeatable, and they will appear again in different
chapters. You can cancel any of these quests if you want to free up space on
the board for something better!

This is shown by a blue basket icon. These quests will have a variety of
clients and sometimes you have to speak to the client first to find out what
they want you to do. Some of these Quests are repeatable and you can amass very
useful items by repeating them.

vi. ALTERWORLDS .......................................................... B06

There are five Alter-worlds in Atelier Iris 3 and these are all reached from
portals around the main town of Zey Meruze. This is where you fight monsters.
find treasure chests, gather various ingredients for alchemy, and undertake a
range of Quests. There are no monsters or enemies in the town itself.

Your time in these worlds is very restricted: literally by time! Time passes,
as represented by a line of beads at the right of the screen, and when your
time is up, you will see a mist and be transported out of the Alterworld,
whether or not you are ready to leave. There is no way to prevent this from
happening, but you can slow down the time in various ways, (or rather extend
it) by finding Hourglasses (called Time Fragments)

Defeat monsters with a FAST KILL and time will not pass by in combat. What
this means is that it is better to fight than to run away, if you want to
avoid getting thrown out of the Alterworld too quickly.

Most Alterworlds have a garden where you can plant seeds, and a fishing spot
where you can catch fish. They also have Field Bonus points which you receive
when you complete a range of different challenges. These points are
accumulative and rewards are given for set amounts of points obtained. The
different coloured crystals that are found, often when cutting grass or
smashing boxes, will help in racking up points for the Field Bonus. You do not
have to complete all the tasks in order to achieve the 10000 points needed for
all rewards.

All items and enemies in the Alterworlds will regenerate after you leave and
return, except for the contents of Treasure Chests. Enemies and bag contents
will change slightly as the game progresses.

vii. ENEMIES ............................................................. B07

Enemies are hidden from view inside various coloured blobs (it's really the
only way to describe them), which wander around the Alterworlds. They are
usually in groups of three, but it varies from one to five.

Monsters: Blue ....... it is weaker than you
          White ...... it has the same strength as your party
          Red ........ it is stronger than you.
          Large Red is much stronger than you.
          Purple ..... target enemies for a combat quest.

          Tall and Large Red .. Boss

When you gain a few levels you will be able to "sword-slash" the blue enemies
and you don't have to fight them to get a possible drop. Slash and they're
history, though if you miss and touch them, there will be in battle.

The other way of avoiding enemies is to jump over the small ones, or simply
skirt around them, since on the whole they are not aggressive and will just
move slowly. One word of caution though, if you start a battle and can't be
bothered to complete it, you can usually run away, but this will use up time,
and since your time is restricted it pays to fight rather than run. This is
because, if you defeat the monsters fast (you will see the words: FAST KILL
on screen after the battle) then time will not pass by in combat.

Most enemies have a class (Beast, Dragon, Puni, Undead or Unholy), and some
will have a particular strength or weakness. These traits, as they are called,
can be viewed on the battle screen, and are listed in the Reference
information. They also drop items and can be turned into sweets if you use a
special attack skill. They usually appear in groups of three although you
cannot tell which ones they might be until you start the battle.

viii. FIGHTING ........................................................... B08

The gameplay is turn-based but with a slight "edge" to it. There is an Active
Card Battle Bar (ACBB) consisting of 16 time cards and each character and enemy
is represented by one card. The cards move along the bar, and when one gets to
the far right, then it's that card's turn to act. There are also some Time
Attacks, which will show up on the ACBB and can act even if the person or enemy
is disabled in some way: for example, asleep or knocked out.

A range of skills can be used as well as ordinary attacks, and these use up
Skill Points. Different skills have different effects and they are listed with
a number of different icons in the Reference section of the Menu.

Fist = Physical Skill.
Wand = Magic Skill.

Blue runner = Special Skills, including instant kill moves and fixed damage.
Green AUTO = Automatic activation skills.
Fire/Ice/Electricity = Element of the skill.
Pink/purple skull and crossbones = Skills with Status Effects.
Blue line = Skills that lower defense or power of enemies
Red Cross = Skills that boost allies magic, defense, hits.
Grey icon on an Element = Weakness.
Shield on an Element/Fist/Wand = Resists.
2 Shields on an Element/Fist/Wand = Double resists.
Sword on a monster type = weapon is strong against that enemy type.

There is a maximum of 9 skill points when fighting a battle, and you need
skill points for most skill based attacks or healing. Although skill points
will fill up slowly while you are walking, the best way to increase points is
to attack enemies using ordinary weapon attacks.

During the game you will encounter new Mana and these enable new skills to be
acquired: Iris can summon the Mana, and Edge and Nell can master a Blade.

New Blades can only be used after Iris makes a pact with a Mana, and there are
8 Mana and 4 different Blades for Edge and Nell. They also have the Normal
default Blade and so have 5 each, and every Blade has unique skills and stats.
Note that two of these Mana will not be encountered during normal play and are
optional, so you have to find them and defeat them in order to make a pact
with the Mana.

Most of these skills require skill points in order to be used, and some also
require items. When a Blade is equipped you can check on the skills and
requirements in the Skills Menu.

When you win a battle you gain experience, Cole (money) monster drops, and
Blade Points. These Blade Points will be added to whatever Blade is currently
equipped, and this will increase the Blades' Levels and activate more skills.
You can ONLY change Blades in the summoning circle in the workshop. Each Blade
has a range of weapons that can only be equipped to that particular Blade.

As well as these Blade and Mana based skills you can use skills, known as
"Common Skills" which are attached to accessories. These are a range of
healing and attack spells which can be used by anyone who equips the
appropriate accessory.

ix. BURST CHAINS ......................................................... B09

Burst Chains will get you more bonuses from the fight in terms of money, Blade
Points and experience. A Burst Gauge bar shows at the bottom left of the
battle screen and multiple attacks, or ones which target an enemy's weakness,
will fill up the gauge faster. (Enemy attacks can deplete the Burst Gauge
before it activates.)

When the burst gauge is full, then the Burst will occur and this fills up the
skill gauge to 9 (full). All attacks and healing magic are stronger and with
the additional Skill points available you can use the best and most powerful
skills against the enemy. As a nice bonus, when the Burst occurs all enemies
are stunned, and this means that the first attack against them is
automatically a critical attack, and their next action is delayed.

x. THE CHARACTERS ........................................................ B10

These are their default items and equipment.

Pyre Blade (physical attack: fist icon) 4x HIT
Mist Armor

Alchemist Staff (magic attack: staff icon) 3x HIT
White Separates

Default Items:
Mana Items: Green Soup (none), Spinacherb 5
Ingredients: Meruze Water 3
Key Items: Iris's Book
Recipes: ?Medicinal Idea, Soup

Slash Rapier (physical attack: fist icon) 3x HIT
Red Powerpuff

xi. ALCHEMY .............................................................. B11

You can only do alchemy in Iris's workshop using the cauldron. You can make
any item, armor, weapon or accessory, IF you have the recipe, and the correct

When an item has not yet been crafted the word: "Uncrafted" will appear in the
top right of the screen.

Craftable with Substitutes
The orange circling arrow that shows by the left of an ingredient for the
recipe means that there will be alternative items that can be used for that
recipe. These will not be listed until you have the items. Often you can still
make something even though you are missing some ingredients, and this message
will appear to tell you to go ahead.

Derived Recipe
The arrow icon beside the first ingredient usually means that there is an
alternative RECIPE. Try an alternative ingredient and you will see the Iris
Inspiration Icon. You will only be able to make this new item if you have the
ingredients, but you will know what these are, and the new possibility will be
listed as ????? (Unknown) and uncrafted. This is known as a Derived Recipe.

Alchemy Level
Every new item you make for the first time, will raise the Alchemy Level. This
is the bar at the bottom left of the main menu screen. When Iris's Alchemy
level increases she will get some new ideas for recipes and a boost to her
Magic Attack and Magic Defense.

Alchemy Ideas
These new ideas are not yet fully formed, and are really just hints about a
new recipe. You have to discover a precise location, in Zey Meruze or one of
the Alterworlds, in order for Iris to have her light-bulb moment and discover
the new recipe.

Although basic craftable items have set properties which cannot be altered, you
can select properties for Equipment. What this means is that you have a choice
(depending on the ingredients you use), and can make things that have
particular strengths: for example, Stun (S) - small, Magic (M) - medium, Atk
(L) - large, or even Deadly Toxin or Autoheal. This is where your skills as an
alchemist can be put to good use!

xii. SAVING AND LOADING .................................................. B12

From one save file, you can make up to 12 separate saves for the game. The
only Save Point in Zey Meruze is in Iris Workshop, and you can also load the
game from here.

xiii. POST GAME .......................................................... B13

After completing the game (whichever ending you choose) you can view the EXTRA
option Library/reference section and see everything you acquired in the game.
There is also the option to listen to all the music and see the names of the
cast and pictures of the main characters. There is no bonus dungeon and no New
Game +.

xiv. HINTS AND TIPS .......................................................B14


o If you craft an item and give it properties, then all other identical items
  that you possess will also have those properties. You cannot have different
  properties on the same item.

o Stock up on frequently used items such as water, salt, flour, polishing
  powder and Melty Spring Water (when you can buy this.)  Try to take
  on the quests that reward you with recipes and rare items.

o Many items can only be found as rewards for quests, so be sure to undertake
  as many quests as possible. Repeated quests often have slightly different
  rewards. Make sure to be careful how you items such as HOLY EMBLEMS. These
  are requird for many crucial recipes and you will ONLY find them from quests.

o If a quest does not appear when you think it should, take on other quests to
  clear space on the board and this allows more quests to be posted.

o Check back at the Guild often, especially when completing a quest, and new
  ones will appear. You can also trigger new quests by visiting an Alterworld.

o You do not have to complete all quests to finish the game, but if you want
  the quest that allows you to go for the "good" ending of the game, and to
  take on the most challenging (optional) boss then, complete ALL quest point

o Avoid battles by jumping over enemies, or slashing weak ones, but if you
  enter a battle don't run away as this uses up a lot (one bead's worth) of

o If you have to run away from a battle, the enemy will disappear. This can be
  useful if you need to get somewhere and a powerful monster is blocking the

o Win battles fast by targeting enemy weaknesses. The rewards are better, and
  there will be no loss of time in the Alterworld.

o Everyone can equip one weapon, one piece of armor and two accessories so
  make sure that these possess different properties, since properties do not
  stack. Keep experimenting with new ingredients and you can often improve the
  quality of your equipment.


                C.   T  H  E    W  A  L  K  T  H  R  O  U  G  H .........*WALK


This walkthrough is arranged to follow the Chapters of the game. Each chapter
includes Quests which reward you with Quest Points and the final Mission, which
must be completed to move on to the next chapter. There are no spoilers for the

All quests for each chapter are listed and you can do most of these in whatever
order you decide, but I have suggested how you can complete some of them more
efficiently without having to spend too much time going back and forth.

Z  E  Y   M  E  R  U  Z  E   M A P

Zey Meruze is the only town, and here you can shop, chat and undertake various
quests. There are no enemies to fight, though there are items to gather: bags
and barrels will yield random items, and you can help yourself to water at the
fountain and at the jetty to the right of Iris's workshop. There are also a
few treasure chests. This is the hub of game, in effect, and you will be doing
a lot of to-ing and fro-ing.

Although there is an in-game map, I have made one as well, for easy reference.
This shows the location of all the shops and the Alterworlds, although only one
is accessible at first. This diagram is not to scale.

                                                                    | |
                                                                    | |
                                                                ____| |
                                                        __      | ____|
                           ____                         | |_____| |
                  GRIMOIRE |  |                         |_|_____  | BEASTMEN
                      _____|__|                                 | | QUARTERS
                      |  X    |                           __    | |  ________
    SCRIPTURE LIBRARY |_______|         _____             |S|___| |__|___|__|
                        | |             |   |             |_|___  ___    |
                        | |         ____|___|                   | |  |___|
                        | |         |       |     _______       | |
                        | | ISHTAR  | GUILD |     |PUB | |      | |
                        | |    X    |_______|     |__|_| |      | |
                      __| |____________| |________| |__| |      | |
                     |S_|______________  ________________|      | | EAST
                     |S_|              | |                      | | BRIDGE
                                       | |                      | |
                     ___    ___________/-\______________________| |
                     | |    | _________\F/________________________|
                     | |____| |        | |               _____
                     |______  |   ___  | |___            |_?_|   ___
   DAKASCUS                 | |   |S|__| |_S_|____________||_____| | MEMORIAL
         ____               | |   |_|__  |________________  _______|
        X__  |              | |        | |            ____||
           | |              | | ___    | |           |_____|
           | |              | | |W|____| |
           | |  VALTESSA    | | |________|
           | |_____X________| |
           |__________________| WESTBRIDGE

Bags: Spinacherb, Gash Twig, 17 Cole (Eastern Residence near child), Zuftuff
Water (inside ? house), Uni (Beastmen)

Paw Gloves, Cure Jar, Nicro Cloth, Legien Ore, Salt, 210 Cole, Flour, Heal Jar,
Divine Shield (Beastmen's area: go down the ladder in Gerber's room and break
the boxes.)

Key People:
Ewan:   Researcher in Scripture Library back room
Winna:  In Scripture Library
Anna:   Receptionist in Guild
Phenyl: Combat Receptionist in Guild
Eva:    Barmaid in Bad Liver Tavern
Cerber: Beastmen: Chief
Pukko:  Fairy

Manna: Everfresh Grocery Store
Ella:  Rio Book Store
Yach:  New Leaf General Store
Hagel: Hagel's Weapon Store

--------------------------------    ----------------------
Everfresh Grocery Store  (Manna)    Rio Book Store  (Ella)
--------------------------------    ----------------------
Crystart ((in Chapter 4) 360        Gash Twig                 50
Spinacherb                80        Zuftuff Water            140
Eicheloa                  70        Polishing Powder          40
Green Soup               440        Zettel                   100
Flour                     50        Nicro Cloth              190
Salt                      50        * Recipe Items
Belgrade Potato          100        Cloth                    400
Carrotato                170        Ingot                    750
Burdock Straight         210        Iris's Clothes          1050
                                    Cake                    2190

------------------------------      -----------------------------
New Leaf General Store  (Yach)      Hagel's Weapon Store  (Hagel)
------------------------------      -----------------------------
Heal Jar (not at first)  290        Legien Ore               110
Cure Jar                 360        Long Shaft               190
Nectar                   500        * Recipe Items
Flame                    440        Mechsword                500
Leather Cuirass         1370        Battleaxe               1880
                                    Rapier                  1580
                                    Lance                   2180
                                    Light Armour            1730


This area is located to the north east of Zey Meruze, heading up from
Eastbridge, and the shop is the first building on the left.

General Nethershop (Beastmen Quarters)
Mysterious Seed          740
Uni                       40
Poison Shroom             90
Eiche                     60
Polishing Powder          50
Devil's Panties        29990
Angel's Slip           36550


C H A P T E R  O N E .......................................................C01


| Quests - Target 500 Points       |
| RANK - 03 WIND                   |
| Researcher's Request: 100 points |
| Medicine Delivery   : 200 points |
| Your Name           : 100 points |
| Uniting the Beastmen: 100 points |

- Valtessa A
- Grimoire A

- Adventurer's Clothing [Quest reward- Medicine Delivery]
- Alchemic Cane [Chest - Grimoire]
- Alcohol [Alchemy Level 2 - Tavern, table by wall]
- Battleaxe [1880 Cole from Hagel's Weapon Store]
- Bouquet [Alchemy Level 1 - Valtessa flower patch]
- Broom [Alchmy level 2 - Library, Ewan's Room - books on floor]
- Cake [2190 Cole from Rio Book Store]
- Cloth [400 Cole from Rio Book Store]
- Common Dirt [Alchemy Level 0 - Patch of dirt in Valtessa]
- Enhanced Mechsword [Quest reward - Uniting the Beastmen]
- Fermentation [Alchemy Level 2 - Tavern, barrel at door]
- Flame Broiled Dish [Alchemy Level 1 - table - Tavern]
- Ingot [750 Cole from Rio Book Store]
- Iris's Clothes [1050 Cole from Rio Book Store]
- Lance [2180 Cole from Hagel's Weapon Store]
- Light Armour [1730 Cole from Hagel's Weapon Store]
- Magic Lantern [Alchemy Level 2 - Grimoire Library Desk]
- Mechsword [500 Cole from Hagel's Weapon Store]
- Pot [Alchemy Level 0 - in Guild, main room]
- Rapier [1580 Cole from Hagel's Weapon Store]
- Restorative Medicine [Alchemy Level 0 - in Workshop]
- Ring [Chest - Grimoire]
- Stole [Chest in Valtessa]
- Soup [default]

- Alchemy Level 0
- Alchemy Level 1
- Alchemy Level 2

Raise Iris' Alchemy Level as much as you can to obtain more recipe ideas and
increase her Magic Attack and Magic Defense.

C H A P T E R  O N E  -  W A L K T H R O U G H

After the introduction, defeat the first enemies (simply pressing X three times
will do it) and you will exit the Alterworld. Walk to the right and you arrive
at Westbridge and the entrance to Zey Meruze. You might plan to return back
into the Alterworld and explore for a while, but Iris won't let you.

Visit the Guild
Walk into the town and talk to anyone if you want. Pick up the brown bags on
your way and head up and left to find a chest containing Paw Gloves. Then carry
on right and there is another chest [Cure Jar] just before reaching the
fountain. Fill up on Meruze Water. Iris won't let you explore more until you
have reported to the Guild, so you might as well do as you are told.

Head up past the fountain helping yourself to the first bag you see, and at the
entrance to the Guild there will be a short scene. After this you can in fact
do some exploring and walk left to find the shops, and right to find a chest
[Nicro Cloth] by the back door of the Tavern. Go inside the inn and through the
door to the right to find another chest containing [Nectar]. You can also play
with the globe in here: don't worry if it flies off, another one will be there
next time you visit.

Okay, let's not put it off anymore, and enter the GUILD. You will be introduced
to Anna and the Bulletin Board. There is only one open Quest, so that's the one
to take. Check your quest notes if you forget where to go, who to see, or what
to find. Talk to the other people if you wish and open the two chests for [210
Cole], and [Flour]

Although the task now is to visit the Library and meet Ewan, you can explore
if you want, and head back past the fountain to the Workshop if you want to
save your game. There is another chest alongside Iris' workshop [Legien Ore]
and you can fill up on water from the jetty to the right of her home.

You can explore the rest of the town now, picking up any other bags and chests.
There is a chest behind a barrel which you just hit with Edge's sword. This
contains [Salt] and is behind the house opposite the empty house on the route
to the monument.

However, it is best just to go and visit Ewan because walking all around Zey
Meruze gets tiring, and only after this visit will you be able to make use of
the green boats you may have noticed in various parts of the town. (There is a
chest containing [Heal Jar], if you go left at the Library steps

o Quest Tutorial
o Taxi Tutorial
o Tutorial for Alterworlds

Now you will have access to the boatman, and he will take you to the exit by
the Western Bridge. Take a quick trip back to the Workshop to save your game
if you haven't yet done so, and maybe do some shopping, but you cannot yet do
any alchemy. These taxis cost 10 Cole a ride and save a lot of hassle in
getting around the town quickly. When you are ready walk into the purple mist
for your first adventure in the Alterworld!

The First Quest: Valtessa: MAP A
Although the aim is just to pick up one item, you can take some time to explore
the Forest and fight some enemies. You can see all the details of the current
quests if you choose SELECT. (A quest is not recorded in the Reference Menu
until it is completed.)

You enter at the bottom left corner of the map and if you check the in-game map
by pressing Select, you can see a flashing exclamation mark which is your
destination. Ignore this for now and walk forwards and down and back along the
first path where you cannot see a room on the map. In here are some crystals,
grass that you can cut with your sword (press square to use your sword outside
of battle) and a chest containing Healing Ankh. This is a valuable accessory
and best to equip it to Iris.

Return to the large area and hop up the grass to get a brown bag. Continue
right, and past the large red enemy. You can win a fight against him easily
enough if you reach burst mode. Simply use fire attacks against the Puni and
Kobold with Edge and use Iris's magic, and with a Burst you will increase a

In front of you, where you enter the next room, there will be a chest with the
Magic Staff inside. As soon as you open the chest there will be a battle, so
if you want to explore a bit more then don't open the chest. Check the
Valtessa guide for more details on what you can find and where you can go at
this stage of the game.

| Protections: Status  |
| Weakness: Fire       |
| Skills:              |

There will be a simple battle against a Platinum Puni. He resists magic, but
is weak to Edge's Pyre Blade which he will automatically use. Let Iris make a
normal physical attack to increase the Burst Gauge and one more Pyre from Edge
and you should get a Burst. All attacks will do very much more damage, but any
attack from the enemy will decrease the gauge. You also get a full 9 points to
use on more powerful attacks.

You'll notice that each battle gains Blade Points as well as money and
experience. After you leave the forest you will see a new screen with the
Field Bonus listed. Aim to complete these and you will receive some additional
rewards. (All the details of these bonuses and how to complete them are in the
Valtessa Alterworld section.)

o Battle Tutorial and Effects.
o Field Bonus Tutorial when you leave the Forest.

At the end of every Alterworld visit your team will automatically return to
the workshop where you can save.

The First Synthesis
Now return to Ewan, who will take you back to the Workshop and then walk or
take a taxi back to the Guild and take the two quests. When you return to the
Workshop there will be an icon of Iris's face with a flashing yellow light to
the right of the room. Investigate and ? Medicinal Idea becomes the recipe for
Restorative Medicine. She will also have three more Inspirational Ideas, which
are listed for Alchemy Level 0, and now you can start to synthesize.

o Tutorial for Synthesis.
o Tutorial for Properties

You are advised to buy in bulk! Salt, Flour, Polishing Powder, Legien
Ore and Water (though this is free) should always be in plentiful supply. You
don't have much money as yet, but when you do make sure to stock up on the
cheaper items as you will use them for many recipes.

As soon as you make one item there will be a tutorial on Properties. You can
have two for weapons and only one for armor and accessories. Only the strongest
effect will be active, and you can see this on the equipment screen where a
duplicate property will be greyed out. For example, if you equip a weapon with
the property HIT + 1, and an accessory with HIT + 2, the total additional hits
would be two. Or, if you have armor with the property Magic + (S) and a weapon
with Magic + (M), only the Magic + (M) would be active.

Even without buying any recipes or ingredients you should be able to make the
Raven Robe, Green Soup and Heal Jar. This will increase Iris' Alchemy Level to
just over half for the first level. If you find the Alchemy ideas you can also
make the X-Jar (from the Pot recipe), and using Philosopher's Ash from the
Common Dirt recipe.

Now time to go shopping! Buy the Mechsword recipe and Iris can make and improve
Edge's weapon. Buy Polishing Powder and the recipe for Cloth from the Book
Store. After making all these items her Alchemy Level will rise to Level 1 and
you will have more recipe ideas.

You can now go and find these ideas by returning to the places where you can
find them. While in Valtessa fight enough battles with the large red enemies to
get at least 3 Wild Meat for a Quest in the next chapter. You can also
increase your Valtessa Bonus.

More Quests
Complete the Heal Jar quest first, and Grimoire Castle will open up and you can
accept Retrieval (Fetch) Quests.

o Tutorial on Cancelling Quest and Retrieval Quests.

Now, if you want to continue doing quests, simply avoid getting the full 500
Quest Points. If you want to move on to the next chapter then as soon as you
reach the required number of points there will be a Mission, and ALL quests are
on hold. If you are in the middle of a quest, don't worry, as you can simply
continue and complete it in the following chapter. So long as you have accepted
a quest, it will still be shown in your quest list and even if you haven't
started it, you can do so in the next chapter. You can accept all quests for
your current level, but at some point there will be no more, and all new quests
indicate" NOT YET!".

Despite doing all the quests and making everything you can find or afford to
buy it is doubtful that you will be able to afford to buy all the recipes on
sale. However, many of these have ingredients that you don't yet have access
to: such as Alchemic Metal. This includes Light Armor, Battleaxe recipes. Cake
requires Goat Cheese and a couple more things you won't have yet. It's not
worth buying the Lance or Rapier recipes since there is no-one who can use such
weapons yet, and besides, they also require items you don't yet posses.

Check with the man by the board in the Guild to receive some provisions: Green
Soup x5 and Nectar x3, Sweaty Fruit x2. You get more each time you increase in
Raider Rank if you ask for them.

RAIDER RANK 03 WIND - Green Soup x5 and Nectar x3, Sweaty Fruit x2.

C H A P T E R  O N E  -  Q U E S T S :  R A I D E R  R A N K  0 3

N O R M A L  Q U E S T S
Client   : Anna, Guild
Objective: Get 5 Heal Jars
Reward   : Quest Points: 200, Adventurer's Clothing x1 Recipe
Rank     : 03 D
Unable to Cancel

Make these in the Workshop, and Anna will tell you to deliver them to Yach at
the General Store. Then report back to Anna.

Client   : Ewan, Scripture Library
Objective: Find the Magic Staff in Valtessa.
Reward   : Quest Points: 100P, Nicro Cloth x3
Rank     : 03 D
Unable to Cancel

Open the chest in the area marked with an exclamation mark and return to Ewan.

Client   : Pukko, Beast Quarters
Objective: Listen to Pukko
Reward   : Quest Points: 100, Flour 6.
Rank     : 03 D
Unable to Cancel

You'll find Puko on the patch of earth to the right after entering the Beast
Quarters. Return to the Guild Combat Reception Desk to meet the object of his
affections: Phenyl, and then report back to Pukko to complete the quest. (You
will end up back at the Guild, saving you the walk back.)

Client   : Cerber, his house, Beastmen:'s Quarters
Objective: Talk to Cerber.
Reward   : 100 Quest Points, Enhanced Mechsword x1, Recipe.
Rank     : 03 D
Unable to Cancel

After finding and talking to Cerber, do as he asks and head out to Grimoire to
find and defeat defeat five groups of Caterpillars. To reach the Grimoire you
go through the secret door from the Scripture Library in Zey Meruze. The
monsters are immediately visible in the entrance area to the right and left by
the fact that they are coloured Purple. They are weak to Ice. Report back to

F E T C H  Q U E S T S
Client   : Eva, Tavern.
Objective: Wild Meat x3
Reward   : Worthless Stone x10, 1000 Cole.
Rank     : 03 D

Defeat at least three Bears in Valtessa for their drop of Wild Meat. They are
found inside the large red enemies. Then return to the Bad Liver Tavern (down
the path to the right of the Guild), and give the meat to Eva, the barmaid.

NOTE: there will be more quests from Eva involving Steak, which requires Wild
Meat, so make sure to keep a supply of these.

Client   : Ella, Rio Book Store
Objective: Philosopher's Ash x7 will be needed
Reward   : Poison Shroom x10, 1200 Cole
Rank     : 03 D

Make 7 of these and give to Ella. You will first have to find the recipe for
Philosopher's Ash. This is one of Iris' Alchemy ideas and she will uncover the
recipe when she sees a patch of dirt in the second large room in Valtessa. You
can't miss this if you explore just a little.

Client   : Yach, his store
Objective: Shifty Eye x3
Reward   : 1300 Cole, 8 Directional Spring 7
Rank     : 03 D
* Repeatable

Go to Grimoire and fight a few ordinary red enemies. Sword Geist and Shield
Geist drop this item.

* Repeatable - there are a number of these quests from Yach so it's worthwhile
always having a handy supply of Shifty Eyes to give him whenever you see this
quest. After you achieve a few levels you can sword slash blue enemies in
Grimoire and find loads of Shifty Eyes!

NOTE: repeated quests may require more than three Shifty Eyes, and the rewards
can change too: for example, Puppy Paw Bonbon x6 and 1300 Cole were given for
5 Shifty Eyes in a repeat quest.

C O M B A T  Q U E S T S
None as yet, because your Raider Rank is too low.

C H A P T E R  O N E :  M I S S I O N :  The Doors of Hope

Book of Hope: the Beginning

You will see a scene which reveals the location for this mission in Grimoire,
and first you must return to the Library to speak to Ewan. By this time you
should be able to equip Iris with a Flame Ring so they both have access to Fire
attacks. Enter the Alterworld and check your map for the red exclamation mark
to show the precise location. It is on 3F, in the Library area, so first make
your way there.

This entails heading left from the entrance to Grimoire and then following the
passageway until you reach the opening to the second floor. Then walk left and
over the bridge and keep left until there is a junction. Turn left down the
screen and enter the opening to emerge at the third floor, Libary Desk. Follow
the passage until you reach the main library area.

There is a healing spot in the centre of the books in the Library so take
advantage of this and then walk towards the corridor leading to the mark.
You will be challenged to a battle.

| BOSS -  ALVERO KRONIE             |
| Location: Grimoire Library        |
| Protections: None                 |
| Weakness: None                    |
| Skills: Twin Blade, Thunder Blade |

Twin Blade is a timed attack which is annoying as it prevents you from building
up your Burst Gauge. However, counter this by using Edge's Windmill timed skill
and you should be able to get a Burst and then keep using Windmill.

If you anticipate any difficulty with this fight, then just make sure you have
raised the Skill Gauge before the battle, so you have an advantage. Also equip
Iris with a staff that has more than one Hit, so she can help with raising the
Burst. (Don't use the Crushing Empress staff for this fight!) Edge should have
Mist Armour and his Pyre Blade.

Room of Prayer
Walk back to heal after the battle if you want to, (it's not necessary) and
then back down to the small empty room in the SE corner. Press X on the
bookcase and enter the secret Room of Prayer. Walk along the empty corridor to
the end. Make sure to chat to Pamela either before or after the fight. Report
back to Ewan in the Library to complete the first chapter.

RANK 04 BREEZE: Collect your items: Cure Jar x5, Nectar x5, Bitter Fruit x2


C H A P T E R  T W O .......................................................C02


| Quests - Target Points 1000        |
| Rank - 04 BREEZE       (1500)      |
| Alterworld Visit        100 points |
| Combat Exam             200 points |
| Echoes Of The Castle    200 points |
| Find my Cat!            100 points |
| Find Me Cat Food!       150 points |
| Flowers for the Library 200 points |
| For You!                150 points |
| Ghost Research          100 points |

- Posporia
- Valtessa Forest Depths

- Plua (Edge Blade) [Echoes Of The Castle Quest]

- Cane [Alchemy Level 1 - Posporia, Eastern Fairy Forest]
- Costume [Alchemy Level 1 - Posporia Middle Battlegrounds, Kuma]
- Electric Fan [Alchemy Level 3 - Windmill outside workshop]
- Explosive [Alchemy Level 0 - Posporia]
- Fairy Clothes [Chest - Posporia]
- Gold [Quest reward - Echoes of the Castle]
- Kunai [Quest reward - Find Me Cat Food]
- Multi-Mechsword [Quest reward - Alterworld Visit]
- Magician's Book [Alchemy Level 3 - first bookshelf in Scripture Library]
- Mechanical Staff [Gearshaft: Quest reward - Ghost research]
- Shroom Armor [Alchemy Level 2 - Posporia]
- World Tree Twig [Alchemy Level 3 - Valtessa - sunlit tree Map A]

- Alchemy Level 3

Use a new Blade when you find one, to raise the Blade's levels and discover
more skills.

C H A P T E R  T W O  :  W A L K T H R O U G H

After the event at the start of the chapter, head back inside the Workshop if
you want to save.

Visit the Guild
Start off by visiting the Guild and you will be given access to another
Alterworld: Posporia Battlegrounds, which is reached from the far end of the
Beastmen Quarters.

There will be more quests all of which you can accept. You will want to explore
the new area, and check it out for new Alchemy ideas from the last chapter, but
first call in on the clients and make sure you have all the details for the
quests. Phenyl is the easiest to talk to first so walk back to the Combat
Reception Desk to take the Combat exam. This requires you to visit Posporia as
you would expect.

Starting the Quests
You can do your round of the rest of the clients, though don't bother with Eva
until you have made the 7 Steak items. However, first head to Posporia, because
you can only get hold of a fishing rod after you have completed this Quest, and
then you can do the cat and fishing ones all at the same time. Make sense
anyway: cats like fish. (By the way, if you do the Gon quest first there will
be no more quests yet, so it is fine to leave this one until after Pospoaria.)

My guys were Level 11 after the Combat Exam battle and our exploration of
Posporia, and we returned with lots of new items and recipes. Report back to
the Guild and there should be another Quest on the board, this time from Ella
at the Book Store. Once you complete the Combat Exam you can take Combat
Quests, and Anna will give you a special request from Hegel at the weapon
store. Phenyl will bestow your reward, (Fishing Pole), which means that you are
now ready to go fishing...except that the Hegel event now unfolds
automatically. After this, head back to the Guild and there will be 4 more
quests: 2 with Quest Points, one combat and one repeat Shifty Eye quest.

o Combat quest tutorial.
You always report back to Phenyl for these quests and you can have as many
going at one time as you like, but there is a (generous) time limit to these,
although if you fail to complete one, it is likely to come up again.

Fishing Quests
Now is time for the fishing group of quests. To start the cat quest talk to
Papal, the girl who has lost her cat. She is standing just below the Fountain,
and you will need to go and search for Gon in Valtessa. Now take a taxi to the
Westbridge and walk down the grass verge just to the left of the boat to find
Funan. You will get a number of quests from him in future chapters, so don't
forget where to find him!  You can head to Valtessa to the fishing spot and
catch fish and boots, for two quests, and find Gon as well.

The Puni Brothers are in Valtessa too, so in fact you could complete 4 quests
now, as well as trying for the Valtessa bonus of fishing 10 times. If you plan
to go after the Punis equip Iris with the Crushing Empress. In fact the Puni
Brothers are waiting for you at the fishing spot, so after picking up Gon, you
can now see the fishing area marked on the map.

It is a good idea to catch as much as you can, since you will gain a bonus for
Valtessa as well as having sufficient fish for a few quests and recipes.

This is simple. When a fish is hooked a bar appears on screen. Reel in the fish
by hitting the red area on the bar using the X button. If you miss you
fail...and sometimes you will plan to miss because the red area will take up
most of the bar and this means there is a monster and not a fish or anything
useful. Fish at least 10 times for the bonus.

Grimoire Quests
To trigger more Grimoire Quests, first do the "Flowers for the Library" and
after this you can do two at once in Grimoire, as well as getting Shifty Eyes
for Yach.  First head to the library for Winna's quest, and then to the Dark
Altar for the "Echoes in the Castle" quest.

After this quest Iris will make a pact with the Mana, Plua, and you will have
the Summoning Skill for Iris and Blades for Edge.

The awkward thing here is that you can only change Blades at the workshop so
you have to decide before venturing forth, which one would be best to use. Now
you have an option to continue to use Edge's normal blades or equip Plua. You
probably will still have one level for the Normal Blade left to reveal so you
might want to continue using this Blade. However Plua has vastly better speed,
though lower attack, than the Normal Blades. You also change weapon type, and
now you will have the Kunai and Wind Slicer. Although the stats are much the
same for these, the Slicer has more hits.

Raising Raider Rank
Now be careful. If you have completed enough quests to gain 800 points and only
need another 100, if you then take on a 200 point quest, you will be on to the
next chapter. The best way is to avoid completing one of these until you have
done everything else you want to do.

Alchemy and New Equipment
Now to do some more crafting. You should be able to make quite a few new
things in order to raise Iris's Alchemy level once again. You can buy more
recipes with the money you receive from quests.

Mana Items
Nectar requires Zuftuff Water, Bitter Grape and X-Jar. Make Flame and then
replace Canone Rock with Thunder Stone to get Lightning Rod. Get the Glacier
Stone from the Quest to make Medicine X and craft Bomb Ice.

Goat's Cheese: replace Goat milk with Eicheloa which will give you a new idea
for Shroom Juice, or you could wait and make Alchemic Metal using your one
source of Melty Spring Water, and then make the Magical Torch accessory. Make
lots of Steak.

Kuma Outfit will produce a new item if you replace Bear Pelt with White
Separates, except that you don't yet have Formal Fabric, which is the last
item needed for this new armor. However you can make Fairy Clothes with +1
HIT, and then use this to make Arabesque Stole with the Chrome Crystal.

By this point Iris's level should have increased to Alchemy Level 3. Go
outside the Workshop and look at the Windmill for another idea to come to
fruition, although you won't be able to craft it just yet.

You will also be able to craft the Ice Ring using a Glacier Stone and Chrome
Crystal from Ella's quest. This has the CS ICE STORM, and finally make the
Fairy Stick.

Change your equipment to reflect these better weapons and accessories.

After completing the Puni quest there were now five NOT YET quests on the
board. But although you cannot do them until your rank is higher, it can be
helpful to know what they are, because you can plan accordingly and make sure
you have made or collected some of the items needed.

Edge and Iris will be around Level 12 after completing these quests.

C H A P T E R  T W O - Q U E S T S : R A I D E R  R A N K  :  O  4

Combat quests become available after you take the Combat Exam Quest in Chapter

N O R M A L  Q U E S T S
Client   : Kuu, Fountain Area
Objective: Take him to an Alterworld
Reward   : Multi-Mechsword x1 Recipe, 100 Quest points
Rank     : 04 D
Unable to Cancel

Speak to the child to the right of the Fountain concerning the Quest to take
him to the ALterworlds. You agree to take him to Valtessa and he will meet you
at the entrance. He will appear whenever you are ready to enter Valtessa when
he will join you. Explore, heading north until Kuu finds a new path. Events
will proceed and then you can return to Zey Meruze. Find him again to the right
of the Fountain in order to claim the reward and complete the quest.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat enemy in Posporia
Reward   : Quest Points 200, 1 ??? (Fishing Pole)
Rank     : 04 D
Unable to Cancel

Take the taxi to the East Bridge and walk up through the Beastmen's Quarters,
Depths, heading to the right where the path forks.

Make your way down the tree to the Entrance Area. If you look at your map you
will see a red exclamation mark which indicates your adversary. For the full
details of this first accessible area in Posporia see the separate section. In
fact you can manage to explore everywhere, open all chests and still have time
for tea...I mean, still have time to fight the monster at the Watchtower.

Head to the far right room in Posporia Battlegrounds, going through the Neutral
Baths and then keeping to the upper path. This takes you to the Watchtower
Steps where you will find Mama Puni. Report back to Phenyl to complete this
quest and receive the Fishing Pole.

| BOSS -  MAMA PUNI                      |
| Location: Posporia Watchtower Entrance |
| Protections: None                      |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills: Puni Breath                    |
| Drops: Canone Rock                     |

The battle starts with two red and two blue Punis and Puni Mama. Use Flame
attacks to target the red and blue ones and build up your gauge. Use Windmill
with Edge and even after getting a Burst this timed attack does not deplete the
Skill Gauge so it is win win win all the way!.

If you have time continue up the steps, and there is another hourglass around
the corner and you can climb up to the Watchtower Ruins for a great view!.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Investigate echoes in Grimoire Castle, Altar second floor.
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Gold x1 Recipe (Kunai received after battle)
Rank     : 04 D
Unable to Cancel

Walk up to the second floor of the castle and keep going left to Inner Centre
East and then to the East Corridor. You will see a red mark on the map, so
continue down the passage to the Dark Altar and the inevitable boss battle. At
the end of the path is the Altar and an enemy. After beating her you will
receive a Mana, Plua: the Mana of Darkness.

| BOSS - THE ELDER 1 and 2               |
| Location: Dark Altar, Grimoire         |
| Protections: Special                   |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills: Flame Gaze (1) Flare Cannon (2)|
|         Hell Wave, Meteor (Timed)      |
| Drops:  None                           |

For the first stage of the battle use Windmill with Edge and physical attacks
with Iris who should have a few hits by now and the Caduceus. She will soon be
defeated, but then reveals her true form!

Keep healed and use the same strategy. Iris should use Mana Storm once you get
a burst and Edge could try Chain Digger if you get a chain of more than 7 or 8
hits. Green Soups are useful for repeat healing.

At the end of this battle you meet Plua the Mana of Darkness and an old friend
from the other Atelier Iris games. Iris makes a pact and now you have access
to BLADES! for Edge and the Summoning Skill for Iris. There will be a tutorial
on Blades.

Client   : Papal, Fountain Area
Objective: Talk to Papal first
Reward   : 150 Quest Points, Kumai x1 Recipe.
Rank     : 04 D
Unable to Cancel

Speak to Papal at the Fountain and then go to the tavern. On the way you will
be told that you need Tiger Blowfish for Gon. You can fish for these in
Valtessa if you have none. Give to Papal to complete the quest.

Client   : Papal, Fountain Area
Objective: Find Gon
Reward   : Quest Points 100, 8 Directional Spring x2
Unable to Cancel

First speak to Papal who is waiting just below the fountain and will
have"Quest" above her head. Gon is found in the second small room to the left
in Valtessa and all you need to do is return to Papal to complete the quest.

Client   : Pamela, Grimoire
Objective: Give her a Huffin Blossom
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Canone Rock x5
Rank     : 04 C
Unable to Cancel

Make sure you have a Huffin (easy enough since they are obtained by cutting
grass in the bottom right room at Valtessa next to the entrance), and then head
out to the Library in Grimoire. However you also need water, and an X-Jar so
make sure you have these first. If you remember, this is reached by going up
left from the entrance all the way around until you reach the staircase from
the landing on 1F, and then walking left through the Inner Center area to Inner
West and then heading left and up the stairs to the Library. You should be able
to sword slash all small enemies by now. Meet Pamela at her usual haunt (!) and
give her the Blossom. Now she wants a Vase, so give her an X-Jar, and finally
give her some water. That's the Quest clear.

Client   : Pukko, Beastmen Quarters
Objective: Bring him a Kunai
Rank Required: 04 D
Reward   : 150 Quest points, Fairy Hat x1
Rank     : 04 D

Give him one of your Kunai. You will end up back at the Guild after fulfilling
this quest.

Client   : Winna, Scripture Library
Objective: Speak to Winna.
Reward   : 100 Quest Points, Mechanical Staff x1 Recipe.
Rank     : 04 D
Unable to Cancel

Speak to Winna and then he will accompany you into Grimoire to meet Pamela in
the Library. Winna, the red haired researcher will be waiting for you in the
Scripture Library. He will join you when you enter the portal to Grimoire. Make
your way back to the Library slashing everything on the way, and Winna will
speak to Pamela. That's it! Return to Winna (once you leave Grimoire) for the
reward. Make Gearshaft, a weapon for Iris, from the recipe.

C O M B A T  Q U E S T S
Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Kobold Magicians, Posporia
Reward   : Healing Ankh x1, 2000 Cole
Rank     : 04 C

While you're after this guy you could take some time out to fish for two boots
in a row and win 10 battles. Fishing can kill two birds with one stone, since
if you stay long enough you can catch your boots and fight some enemies.

The enemy is found at the same place as the Puni Mama: just up the steps at the
Watchtower Entrance.

| BOSS -  KOBOLD MAGICIAN                |
| Location:  Posporia Watchtower         |
| Protections: None                      |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills: Plasma Ray, Mind Bomb          |

Use Windmill again to ensure you build up the gauge even if you are asleep!
Of course, having forgotten he used a sleep attack, I had the Cure CS on Edge
and he got the sleep spell. Once you have a burst and a chain of attacks, use
the Chain Digger to finish him off.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Punis of Valtessa 5 groups needed
Reward   : Thunder Stone x7, 2300 Cole.
Rank     : 04 D
* Repeatable 5 times.
* Purple Monsters

Find and kill 5 groups of purple enemies.

NOTE: the numbers change from 5-7 groups, and the rewards can also be Glacier
Stone x5 and 2800 Cole.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Puni Brothers, Valtessa
Rank     : 04 B
Reward   : Bitter Grape x3, 1000 Cole

Find and defeat these at the fishing spot in Valtessa. You will first need to
complete the previous Puni quest.

| BOSS -  PUNI BROTHERS: Taro, Kichi,Jiro|
| Location:  Valtessa Fishing Spot       |
| Protections: Special                   |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills:                                |

Although they all have Special Skills protection they are weak to the Crushing
Empress which targets Punis, and using this weapon this will assist you in
building up the Burst Gauge. Have Edge use Windmill and concentrate on hitting
one brother at a time. Although Edge's Buster Drive Skill can do more damage it
does not help build the gauge, so I prefer the Windmill attack. At the end of
this battle Edge learned Chain Digger for his Normal Blade.

F E T C H  Q U E S T S
Client   : Ella
Objective: Medicine X x7
Rank     : 04 C
Reward   : Glacier Stone x5, Chrome Crystal x5

Make seven Medicine X.

Original Recipe: Derived from Restorative Medicine
Items needed:    Poison Shroom
               o Meruze Water/Zuftuff Water/Goat Milk

Client   : Eva, Tavern
Objective: Steak x5
Rank     : 04 B
Reward   : Puppy Paw Bonbon 7, Canone Rock 8
* Repeatable

Make these using Wild Meat, dropped from Bears in Valtessa. You will need the
recipe: Flame Broiled Dish, which is found at the inn when Iris reaches Alchemy
Level 1. Simply check out the table in front of the entrance and you'll see the
lightbulb. Then, use Wild Meat instead of fish and you'll make steak.

Original Recipe: Flame Broiled Dish
Items Needed:  o Wild Meat/Golden Meat
               o Belgrade Potato/Carrotato

NOTE: the numbers and rewards change for repeat quests: maybe 1 or 5 Steak and
Thunder Stone can also be a reward.

Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Boot x1
Reward   : Fairy Stick x1, Puppy Paw Bonbon x5
Rank     : 04 D

Fish for Boot at Valtessa's fishing spot, and return to Manna.

Client   : Funan, Westbridge
Objective: Lake Fish x5
Reward   : Thunder Stone x5, Wild Meat x3
Rank     : 04 D

Fish for Lake Fish in Valtessa, and now return and give the fish to Funan,

C H A P T E R  T W O :  M I S S I O N  -  Broken Ties

First of all you will automatically meet with Hagel. Then head for the tavern,
and finally take a taxi to the entrance to Westbridge. You will return
automatically to the tavern, where you are told to head out to the Fairy
Village in Posporia.

Check your map by scrolling to the second map of the area and the red mark
will be visible at the Fairy Territory.village

The fastest route is to go east through the fishing spot and then through the
Gate to Fairy Fort West Entrance (this is where the Fairy shop is located).
There is a new healing place next to a tree in Eastern Fairy Forest just before
arriving at the village. You know what that means!

(You can go the other way as well and there is another healing spot at the far
south side of the village.)

| BOSS - YULA and NELL                   |
| Location:  Fairy Village, Posporia     |
| Protections: Special Skills            |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills: Mow Down, Yula Strike          |
|         Armour Piercing, Quick Panther |
| Drops: None                            |

The strategy here depends on whether or not you have equipped the Plua Blade.
If not, then do as you have done before, and use Windmill to build up the Burst
Gauge. If you have Plua then take advantage of Blink attacks with the new Plua
Blade, and Plua can be summoned by Iris to make them both fall asleep, though
of course they will wake as soon as you attack again. Once you get a burst then
keep using Blink and Mana Storm with Iris. Defeat them one at a time. Yula's
attacks are more damaging, but since Nell is easier to defeat you could finish
her off first.

Mow Down damages everyone repeatedly, and Yula Strike is a timed attack on
one. Quick Panther and Armour Piercing are physical attacks from Nell,

Edge should gain sufficient ability points to learn Phantom Shift for Plua.
Now you receive the second gem. The fairy by the tree house door to the left
will tell you that Funan went home. You could stay for a while and gain more
field bonuses since Edge's Wind Slicer weapon will target Kobolds and Bears
(beasts) and Iris's Gearshaft targets the mushrooms (with Ice) so it is easy
to get fast kills.

When you've had enough return to town, and Funan will greet you and give you
the lost hammer, thus ending the mission and the chapter.


C H A P T E R   T H R E E ..................................................C03


| Quests - Target  Points  950     |
| Rank 05 - WHIRL        (2500)    |
| A Fishy Gift          150 points |
| A Simple Quest        100 points |
| First Feelings        150 points |
| Monster Puppeteer     200 points |
| The Reasons For War   200 points |
| Unsatisfied Humans    150 points |
| Unseen Weep           100 points |

- Dakascus - Crystal Valley East
- Posporia - Kuma area

- Nymph (Nell Blade) [Monster Puppeteer Quest]
- Jiptus (Edge Blade) [Unseen Weep Quest]

- Bread Bikini [Quest reward - Let's Talk]
- Cloth Accessories [Quest rewards - The Reasons for War]
- Curative Medicine [Quest reward - Unsatisfied Humans]
- Dress [Penn's Discounts - Dakascus]
- Hat [Chest in Crystal Valley East Lizard Thief room]
- Holy Clothing Recipe [Chest in Dakascus, Crystal Valley East]
- Jewelcraft [Quest item - First Feelings]
- Magic Battleaxe [Quest reward - A Fishy Gift]
- Men's Clothing [Penn's Discounts - Dakascus]
- Mushroom Charm [Alchemy Level 4 - mushrooms by tree: the third large room in
  Valtessa OR in Posporia Western Fairy Forest near the Fairy sitting at the
  top of a tree in the room before Fairy Fort, West Entrance]
- Mysterious Card [Chest - Posporia Kuma territory]
- Nell's Clothes [Quest reward - Monster Puppeteer]
- Risque Clothing [Alchemy Level 4 - Oasis fishing spot in Dakascus]
- Sharp Kunai [Quest reward - Unseen Weep]

- Alchemy Level 4

Make good use of accessories to enable common skills that complement the
Blades and weapon you have equipped.

C H A P T E R   T H R E E  :  W A L K T H R O U G H

RANK 05 WHIRL -Heal Jar x5, Nectar x5 Bitter Fruit x1 and Sweaty Fruit x1.

Visit the Guild
Head for the Guild and Anna will inform you that the Crystal Valley of
Dakascus is now open to you. In Posporia things have changed and you can now
gain access into the Kuma territory to the North. Pick up your Rank raised
items before leaving the Guild.

Quests on the board are likely to be: Let's Talk, Green-Tail Bandits, The Age
Of...!, Something Furry, and Monster Puppeteer. This last quest gives you
another Mana, and since this enables Iris to use Ice attacks and Nell to heal
and boost stats, it's a good idea to complete this early on in the chapter
before visiting Dakascus, as many enemies there are weak to Ice. Also, complete
this quest before taking on the Unseen Weep Quest, although I think you have to
do it first anyway. Then equip the Nymph Blade to Nell as it allows you to heal
everyone from negative status effects.

Do the easy quests first, and any leftover from the previous chapter. The
Posporia one is fun, and will lead to some more from the same source, so you
might want to do that after talking to Anna. Chatter Flower, Tufts and Monster
Bones you should have after gardening and fighting some battles in Valtessa,
and the reward from Hagel is very useful as it will enable you to make some
items using the Alchemic Metal.

You can also now visit Dakascus for the first time and buy the essential
Melty Spring Water. Make sure to buy a lot of these as they are used in many
recipes. In fact, you can never have enough MSW!

Wait before doing the Mercenary Fight quest in Posporia, until the quest "The
Reasons for War" appears, and you can do both of these at the same time, since
the Jin Riders appear in the Kuma Mountains and West area. You can collect all
the new treasure and complete these two quests in one visit. You could also
complete the Pranks Prohibited at the same time, since you will end the quests
at the Fairy Village where they are easy to find. If the time is running out
with just a couple of beads left, then head to the Fairy Treasury and you can
steal all there treasure as the guard will have gone for lunch.

There are some repeat quests in this chapter, so make sure to do the easy ones
at least, such as Yach's Shifty Eye.

Now you can make the Heavy Glaive and Metal Hauberk with the Alchemic Metal,
and the Magical Torch, Thunder Ring and Silver Frost Ring using an Ice Ring and
the Alchemic Metal. These accessories are useful because they give you
additional common skills or spells that anyone can use if they equip the
accessory. Make sure to improve Nell's equipment with better armor and two
accessories before heading out to battle!

After visiting Dakascus you can also make some new equipment: Slash Rapier, and
Lancelot, and the Bread Bikini after taking the Chatter Flower to Manna. (Be
careful about using this armour as it is weak to physical attacks.) You can
also make Red Powerpuff from the Nell's Clothes recipe, using Nicro CLoth as a
substitute for Bear Pelt. You can finally make your very own Alchemic Metal
from the Ingot recipe bought in Chapter One, but you had to wait for the MSW
(Melty Spring Water). Make the Wind Slicer when you have the Sharp Kunai recipe
from the Unseen Weep quest, and then you can make the Stratos Sword and still
have a Wind Slicer to spare if you need it.

By this point you will have raised Iris's Alchemy Level once more.

More Quests
Until you complete the Reasons for War there seems to be an embargo on new
quests, even if you complete all the Combat and Fetch ones. After this was
completed there were suddenly three more: Winna's, the Harpy, and the next Kuu

More Alchemy
Once you have a Bear Pelt from the Kuma territory chests you can make Kuma
Outfit, and Black Hat with the Black Liquid. Trauer Tarot is made from the
Mysterious Card recipe also found in Posporia, so long as you have a spare
Magician's Book (which is easy enough to make.) You can also make Goat Cheese
with the Goat Milk you found, and then Cheesecake. Try using a different
ingredient for Mist Armor (Glansen Ore) and you can make Mist Plate. Use
Carrotato or Belgrade Potato and you can make Hot Salad from the Steak/Fish

With Winna's Recipe you can make Healing Necklace.

You can experiment with a number of different recipe variations but there is
usually at least one item missing preventing you from crafting more.

C H A P T E R   T H R E E - Q U E S T S :  R A I D E R  R A N K : O  5

N O R M A L  Q U E S T S
Client   : Kuu, Fountain area
Objective: Give him a Bonita
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : 150 Quest Points, Magic Battelaxe x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Bonita can be fished for at the pond in Dakascus, but only after defeating the
Lizards that block the path.  Kuu is where he always is, to the right of the
fountain in Zey Meruze.

Client   : Earl, Tavern
Objective: Give him a Fungushroom
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : 100 Quest Points, Melty Spring Water x5
Unable to Cancel

You can fulfil this quest easily as soon as it appears on the board, as
Valtessa has these in plentiful supply. Earl is inside the Bad Liver Inn.

Client   : Winna, Scripture Library
Objective: Healing Medicine for Pamela
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : 150 Quest Points, Rose x1 (Quest item: Jewelcrafts Recipe)
Unable to Cancel

Speak to Winna and receive the Jewelcrafts Recipe for the Healing Necklace.
Return to the Workshop and make this accessory from Heal Jar, Legien Ore and
Melty Spring Water. All you have to do is take it to him and that's the end of
the quest.

Client   : Anna
Objective: Investigate strange rumor in Posporia
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Nell's Clothes x1, Recipe. (Witchstaff after
Unable to Cancel

The room is highlighted on your map. It is the fishing spot at the bottom left
of the Central Region map, called the Altar of Water. Just head down a couple
of rooms and a scene will start after which you are in a battle with three
Kobolds: a Priest, Fighter, and Mage. This is nothing out of the ordinary so
use your usual attacks.

Next head to the new red mark on the map at the Neutral Baths. Talk to the
creatures in the baths and then to the fairy in blue to the right. Then walk
back to the Altar for another song from Repre and now there is a real boss
battle with an Ice Sprite.

| BOSS - ICE SPRITE                          |
| Location:  Altar of Water, Posporia        |
| Protections: Special Skills, Ice (double)  |
| Weakness: Fire                             |
| Skills: Healing Echo, Summons Ice Elements |
|         Frozen Shard                       |

This enemy starts the battle with what looks like four timed Ice attacks
already lined up, but in fact these are separate parts of the Sprite and can
be targeted. Obviously being an Ice Sprite it is weak to all flame attacks.
You can also use Flame bombs on it. If you made the Accessory Magical Torch
then you will have Flare Rain, a timed fire attack.

It will use Healing Echo to heal all parts at once, and this is a timed skill,
so it will continue to heal. Frozen Shard is an attack by the Ice Elements. The
only useful thing is that the elements attacks don't do much damage and they
only attack once every other turn. Use Edge's Blink attack (with Plua), and
Nell's Quick Panther when you have a burst. I suggest just targeting the Sprite
unless you can destroy the elements during a burst. After the battle you will
receive another Mana: Nymph, and this gives Nell a new Blade option and Iris a
new summon. Both Edge and Nell will increase their equipped Blades' levels as

Report back to Anna at the Guild.

Client   : Go to Anna at the counter
Objective: Find out why the Fairies and Kuma are at war.
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Cloth Accessories x1 Recipe.
Unable to Cancel

Anna will explain that the Fairy territory might be out of bounds so this gives
you the first chance to visit the Kuma side of Posporia, as you can now go
north from the central area and reach the Kuma Village. Pick up items from
various chests along the way, and when you reach the Kuma Village North speak
to the Kuma General who is standing on a small platform in front of the door of
the Chief's House. Now you can use the Cannon!  Hop up the steps leading to the
roof of the house at the left of the village and speak to the Kuma there who
will send you flying.

Helpfully you will get a tutorial on cannon use. This first time you will get
to where you want to go without a problem, but after this you have to use the
moving bar in the same way as for fishing.

You will be in the Fairy Village and all you need to do is walk up the grassy
steps and speak to the Fairy General who is standing at the top. Now you can
use the Fairy Cannons as well. Report back to the Guild to complete this quest.

NOTE: If you plan to do the Mercenary Fight quest at the same time, just head
to the Mountains and defeat purple enemies before talking to the General, or
using the Cannon.

Client   : Cerber, Cerber's house, Beastmen:'s Quarters
Objective: Investigate complaints from Ella, Yach and Manna.
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : 150 Quest Points, Curative Medicine x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Talk to Cerber, who asks you to talk to the shopkeepers about why they have
been complaining about the Beastmen. Talk to all three shopkeepers and then
return to speak to Cerber again.

Client   : Anna at the counter
Objective: Investigate weeping in Valtessa.
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : 100 Quest Points, Sharp Kunai x1 Recipe (Heavy Glaive after battle.)
Unable to Cancel

Talk to Anna to hear about an unseen girl crying in the Forest Depths. When you
arrive, check the Depths map to see additional Quest Info, and walk to the
Forest Depths. Fight a few battles on the way to raise the Skill Gauge.

When you enter the Depths head straight into the next large room and turn up
right past the two large red enemies, and then walk into the right hand room,
which is reached by walking down the path below the two grassy steps. This is
the Poison Altar, and a scene will begin, after which you will find yourselves
in a battle.

| BOSS - MAGUS                           |
| Location:  Valtessa Forest Depths      |
| Protections: Special, Status Resist x2 |
| Weakness: Undead                       |
| Skills: Cursed Dragon (all cursed)     |
|         Death Call timed attack on one |
|         Zombie Rain (all poisoned)     |
|         Life Drain (sucks HP from one  |
| Drop: Heavy Glaive                     |

As she says, she inflicts poison so make sure someone has the Skill Cure.
I used Edge with Plua and Nell with Nymph so she had the Healing Echo skill
with the Cure Jar, as well as Swiftness to increase HITS, which combined with
Personal Call will help raise the Burst Gauge. Use Sanctuary with Nell to heal
any status effects. Nell will be immune from Life Drain with Nymph, and Plua
will activate to block some attacks.

At the end of this battle you receive Jiptus, the Mana of Poison, and can now
have a chat with Rufina. Report back to Anna for the rewards.

C O M B A T  Q U E S T S
Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Harpy in Posporia
Rank     : 05 B
Reward   : 3500 Cole, Ice Ring x1

This Boss enemy is not marked on the map but is up the rocks to the right of
the Earth Altar in the Kuma Mountains. (This is the large L - shaped room on
the Kuma Territory map.)

| BOSS -  HARPY            |
| Location: Posporia       |
| Protections: None        |
| Weakness: Beast          |
| Skills:  Impulse (all)   |
| Drops: None              |

She is fast and will probably manage two attacks for each card, though you can
use Iris to summon Jiptus to lower her attack and magic. But there should be
no real difficulty and with one burst chain you can beat her.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Lizard Thief in Dakascus
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : 4000 Cole, Laughing Shroom x2

These are poisonous, so be sure to take the Fairy Stick so you can Cure,
though you should have Nymph by now for Nell and she can cure all status
effects with Sanctuary.

These enemies cannot be reached until you have first defeated the Lizard
Musketeers. They are hiding away in a small room to the left of the third of
six rooms at the far right of the Crystal Valley East map. (You will also find
the recipe [Hat] in a chest here.

| BOSS -  LIZARD THIEF x 3               |
| Location:  Dakcascus, CV East          |
| Protections: None                      |
| Weakness: Dragon, Ice                  |
| Skills: Venom                          |
| Drops: None                            |

There are three of them, and they are all weak to Ice and will inflict Venom, a
more damaging form of poisoning. Use Nell's Nymph Sanctuary which not only
cures, but provides immunity from Venom attacks, and Plua for Edge which
protects him from a number of attacks. The Lizards' normal attacks will do
around 30 HP damage depending on your levels and equipment.

Once you gain a Burst use Dancing Edge with Edge's Plua which attacks them all
at once, and Iris to summon Nymph. Target them one at a time. My team were at
level 16/15 for this battle.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Lizard Trio in Dakcasus
Rank     : 05 B
Reward   : 3000 Cole, Glansen Ore

These enemies are found inside a Large Red boss monster which blocks the path
to the right from the room that also leads to the Pengie Village. They are
ordinary enemies.

Lizard Shaman: heals so take him out first.
Lizard Lord: attacks one for around 50 HP
Lizard Wizard: Hell Wave - powerful fire magic vs all, Tempest - wind magic vs

All three are weak to Ice so equip your team with Ice weapons: this means
change Nell to Nymph Blades and have Iris with the Gearshaft. Target them one
at a time leaving the Lord until last. After this battle you will have access
to Penn's Discounts shop outside town, and the Oasis and Garden.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Posporian Puni Riders. 8 groups needed.
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : 4000 Cole, Fungushroom x3
* Purple Monsters
* Repeatable x5

These are found in Kuma Territory Mountain and you can wait to do this quest
until after you take the quest The Reasons for War, and do them both at the
same time. It is the room that can be reached from Kuma Village South if you
head left and up some rocks. They also appear in Kuma Fort West if you take
the western route through the mountains and finally to the village.

Client   : Phenyl
Objective: Kobold Mage x6/8
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : 3800/3700 Cole, Glansen Ore x7/Monster Bone x11/5
* Repeatable

South part of Posporia - randomly found in small enemies in Western Fairy
Forest. They are sometimes in groups that drop from the Tree so this might the
best place to find them when you have the Hammer on a repeat quest later in
the game.

When completing the Reasons for War quest you will be fired back to the Fairy
Village and can find these enemies close by (best to head south to the Fairy
Village West Entrance) in blue blobs.

F E T C H  Q U E S T S
Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Chatter Flower x1
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : Bread Bikini x1 Recipe, Misty Curtain x3

Take her a Chatter Flower to receive this recipe. (These are found, but not
every time, when you grow a Mysterious Seed in the garden in Valtessa, and
pick the flower before it turns to seed.)

Client   : Eva, Tavern
Objective: Take her Nectar x10
Rank     : 05 B
Reward   : Glansen Ore x5, Monster Bone x5

These are easy enough to make with Water, Bitter Grape and X-Jar. You will
probably have more than enough already, but if not just make a few more.

Client   : Yach, General Store
Objective: 7 Monster Bones
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : 4000 Cole, Glansen Ore x5,

These are dropped by Owl Bears found in Valtessa and Posporia and Lizards in
Dakascus, and you get them as a reward for Eva's quest.

Client   : Hagel, Weapon Shop
Objective: 7 Tufts
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : Metal Hauberk x1, Alchemic Metal x5.

You should have plenty of these from Kobold enemy drops, and can stock up on
that valuable Alchemic Metal as soon as possible.

C H A P T E R  T H R E E  :  M I S S I O N  -  The Girls' Daily Lives

RANK 06 BLOW - X Heal x5, Cure Jar x5, Spicy Fruit x3.

My Levels: Edge and Iris 17 and Nell 15.

There are more Quest Points available than you need, so you will be able to
move on to the mission before completing all of them, but don't worry, as they
will still be listed at the start of the next chapter provided you accepted
the quests.

Collect your provisions from the Guild Worker, since you start this mission in
the Guild, and then visit Manna in her grocery shop. After this visit the Book
Store and talk to Ella. Now head off to Dakascus Pengie Village. You might want
to save first and check on your equipment. I was using Jiptus for Edge by this
time though it was only on the second level, and Nell had Nymph at Level 4. The
problem with Jiptus at this point is that it is very slow, though you should
have been able to craft the better Cyclops weapon. And remember, this is
Dakascus so you need to equip Nell and Iris with weapons that target Ice for
all those Lizards. (Hint!)

Make your way to the Pengie Village and talk to the Chief. After a Pengie flies
in with news (Stop harshing my aura!) depart to investigate the Guardian Hill.
This is marked on your map and is the room at the top right. Walk back to the
entrance to the village and then all the way right past the entrance to the
other shop outside town. Keep going up through the rooms and pick any chests if
have not already been up here.

Once you reach Guardian Hill there is a healing place, so you know what happens

| BOSS -  STONE EMPEROR                  |
| Location:  Dakascus                    |
| Protections: Special, Status (Double)  |
| Weakness: Ice                          |
| Skills: Cliff Slicer - one, Teraflame -|
|         all                            |
| Drops: None                            |

Cliff Slicer does around 40 HP damage to one, and the SE self heals for each
round for around 250 HP. Teraflame will hurt for about 30 HP each.

Well, of course, you have Ice weapons so building up to a Burst should not be
too hard. Iris can lower his Spirit and Power with her Jiptus summon just to be
on the safe side. Use Death Call (a Create Life skill) with Edge's Jiptus to
assist in building the gauge with its timed attacks. If you have "Block" on
some equipment this will protect you from his physical attacks. Soul Eater can
inflict over 4000 damage when in Burst Mode and the battle should be over after
a couple of burst chains.

After the battle you will be back in the Pengie Village, so speak to the Chief
once more, and you will receive the Crystart recipe for Manna. You can stay to
complete any field bonus not yet achieved or just return to town and report
back to Manna to complete this chapter, and after this Manna's shop will now
sell Crystart.


C H A P T E R   F O U R ...................................................C04


| Quests - Target Points  900      |
| Rank - 06 BLOW        (2600)     |
| Cleaning The Castle   200 points |
| Disorderly Time       200 points |
| Lost Kuu              150 points |
| Lying Grandpa         100 points |
| Lying Grandpa, Again  150 points |
| Subcontract Work      100 points |
| Unsatisfied Beastmen  150 points |

- Grand Gardens of Ishtar - automatic
- Underground and Squawk Village of the Ancient Castle of Grimoire - with
  Castle Key
- From Bow to Wow shop in Posporia opens its doors
- North Ruins opens up in Posporia during the Mission.

- Siren (Nell Blade) [Optional - found at Sound Hill in Ishtar]
  (See the section on Ishtar for details)

- Bangle [Chest - Ishtar 2nd level Terrace N]
- Book of Prophecy [Quest reward - Bridgetop Duel]
- Cursed Doll [Chest - Ishtar Woofer Village]
- Cute Clothes [Quest reward - Cleaning the Castle]
- Demon Pot [Grimoire Field Bonus 7000 points reward]
- Demonic Book Recipe [Alchemy level 5 - bookshelf in Grimoire Library, Devil
- Gauntlet [From Bow to Wow Posporia]
- Globe Recipe [Alchemy Level 6 - see globe in Tavern room to the right]
- Gong [Find - Squawk Village chest]
- Holy Battleaxe [Alchemy Level 6 - first metal plate at Ishtar Sky Gardens
- Holy Stone [Quest reward - Disorderly Time]
- Large Explosive [Buy from Antique Shop Gee in Squawk Village]
- Legendary Shield [Alchemy Level 5 - shield on wall in Grimoire Library,
  Weapons Aisle - the room where you found the Castle Key]
- Medium Alchemy Staff [Quest reward - Lying Grandpa]
- Magic Bell [Quest reward - Lost Kuu]
- Sage Stone [Mission reward] ???

- Alchemy Level 5
- Alchemy Level 6 - possible, though you may not achieve this until Chapter 5.

Craft equipment with the ingredient Concentrated Honey to give the useful
property "CHARGE + L" which fills up the skills gauge faster.

King Tuna can be caught in the pond in Ishtar on your first visit.

C H A P T E R  F O U R  :  W A L K T H R O U G H

There is a lot to do in this chapter, with many quests and new places to

Visit the Guild
Start as usual by visiting the Guild and completing any quests left over from
the previous chapter. The Grand Gardens of Ishtar is now open.

Funan wants two Joker Fish, Yach want a Laughing Shroom, There will be a quest
to slay Shadow Girls in Grimoire, another from Pamela, and a fish dish is
required by Manna. These initial quests do not involve Ishtar directly so you
could put off visiting there until there are some specific Ishtar quests. The
Rose Thorn quest from Eva can be completed early on as you will have a Rose as
the reward from Winna's quest in the last chapter. Don't worry about using up
your only Rose as you will be able to find many more in Ishtar, eventually.

I suggest doing as many other quests as possible before going to Ishtar, and if
you wait a while you will see the quest: Disorderly Time, which gives you a
good reason for entering Ishtar.

Grimoire Quests
There are a few of these so take them all, and on the way to the Scripture
Library visit Yach and complete his quest. Kettle Spirits and the Shadow Girls
are found on Floor 2 on the way to the Library for Pamela's quest. You will
also be able to visit the Squawk Village during this visit, since you will
receive the Castle Key during the cleaning of the cobwebs task. You can also
fish for two Joker fish when you reach the Squawk village in Grimoire, and
thus complete another quest!

Alchemy - Before Ishtar!
The Punislayer weapon can be made from the Slash Rapier, and this is useful
for Nell when going after Puni bosses of which there are quite a few. After
visiting the new areas there will be many more recipes to craft. You can make
Broiled Fish using the Joker Fish from Grimoire pond. After collecting Posporia
Cotton in Kuma territory chest you can make Posporia Cloth. A word of warning:
although one of the ingredients is Rainbow Feather (and you should have at
least one of these by now after fighting Harpies, DON'T waste it on the Cloth
since this is an item and has a set property of Guts.)

With the Posporia Cloth you can make the weapon Ice Blade for Edge (a derived
recipe from Magic Battleaxe - the Cyclops). After Grimoire Underground has been
explored you can also make the Lance Rocket for Nell, using the Brilliant Stone
you found there. (It's a recipe derived from the Slash Rapier.) This is useful
since the Stone allows you to add the property "Experience Bonus" and this will
help Nell to catch up levels with the other two, at least, it will once you
have her Blade that allows her to equip this weapon. (You will soon get the
recipe for Brilliant Stone so don't worry about using this one.)

If you picked up an enemy drop in Grimoire, you should have a Wandering Armor
item and can make the Mushroom Armour for Edge which protects him from Status
Effects. Make Ravissan for Nell, and with this you can make the Black Bustier
using the Pendelook found in Grimoire underground.

You can also try crafting the Rosen Maiden after receiving the Devil's Panties
reward for the Dinner quest, and use an alternative to the Rose for the first
ingredient instead, although you may wish to wait until you have been to
Ishtar and find lots of Roses. If you have Posporia Cotton you can make Nurse
Style costume which protects against Status Effects. Also, using Amethyst
Flower as the first ingredient, and Black Bustier for the second you can make
Maid Dress (with the Angel's Slip from Eva's beautiful Roses quest)

With all this crafting Iris should gain another Alchemy Level.

(Oh and don't worry about using up some of these items because the useful shop
in Posporia is now open where you can buy plenty of Goat Milk, Cheese, Cotton
and Bear Pelts.)

Ishtar Quests
When the Disorderly Time quest appears, take this, and the quest from Earl for
the Altena Soul. Many enemies in Ishtar are weak to electricity, and some to
Fire, so equip yourself to target these weakness. The Cyclops is a good weapon
for Edge if you are using Jiptus, or the Stratos Sword for Normal Blades. Nell
can use Gurgu's Cane for Nymph, and if Iris stays with the Gearshaft then you
have every eventuality covered!

Having left this for a while and completed many other quests first, my team
were at Level 19/18, and all that was left were repeated quests or Not Yets!
Time to head for Ishtar. During this first visit there is a lot you can do,
despite not having access to many parts of the area. You can fish, cut grass
and jump a lot for the Field Bonus, collect or buy Altena Souls for Earl's
quest, as well as completing the Disorderly Time quest. During this first
quest to Ishtar you can also find the Siren Mana at Sound Hill.

Even if you return to Ishtar you cannot alter the Lithographs and so you
cannot change anything in the Gardens during this chapter. However, you CAN
access Sound Hill and defeat a couple of enemies to find another Mana and new
Blades for Nell. These are very useful to obtain as soon as possible since they
allow Nell to steal items and turn enemies into a treat. Abuse this skill!
See the section on Ishtar for full details of this (optional) encounter.

Alchemy After Ishtar
Mana Items and Ingredients
After Ishtar using one Pendelook you can make Magic Silver Ingot using Glansen
Ore instead of Legien for Alchemic Metal, then Pendelook and MSW. Cure Jar can
be made now you have a supply of Concentrated Honey, and Brilliant Stone.

Sybyl's Book can be made with the Magician's Book, Altena Soul and Zettel.
Jyoya can be crafted for Nell. You can make the Caduceus after completing the
first quest for Grandpa and receiving the Medium Alchemy Staff recipe.
Necronomicon can be made, and once you have Chaos Candy (from Nell's Trick or
Treat with Siren) make Rectangle Bread. If you complete Lost Kuu quest you can
make your own Funnybell from the recipe rewarded for this quest.

Craft Rosen Maiden using the Roses you brought back from Ishtar. Make Funky
Overalls with a substitute for the Frontier Headband providing you found (or
have made) the Black Belt. (Note that this armour for Edge defends against
Special attacks). Make Idol Costume for Nell. After getting the reward of a
Holy Stone recipe for completing Disorderly Time you can now make Brilliant
Stone, and with one of these Violetta can be made using the Brilliant Stone as
a substitute for Pentagle.

Make Metal Hauberk and change the first ingredient to Magic Silver Ingot and
you get Silver Cuirass. This is also useful armor as it protects against status
effects and can have AutoHeal on it as well. Nell and Edge can both equip this.

Now for accessories, you can finally craft the Healing Ankh using the Healing
Necklace as the first item. Thorn Gauntlet can be made with a Rose Thorn.
Voodoo Doll can be crafted and then used to make Vasilissa's Doll (provided you
have a Pendelook left over and a Chatter Flower.)  You can also make the Flame
Bangle, and if you have enough Brilliant Stones check out the recipes for the
Ice and Thunder Bangles as well, though they require ingredients you don't yet
possess. Craft Paw Gloves and the derived item, Black Belt, starting with Black

All this alchemy will raise Iris' level again to Level 6.

Guild Again
Report back to Anna after completing the Ishtar quest and Lost Kuu quest and
Lying Grandpa quests should appear.

If you have heeded my warning to make lots of Steak, you might be lucky to see
another Eva quest and can dash to the Tavern, give her the Steak and the
Altena Soul to Earl at the same time. Now for the Kuu/Grandpa quests.

Be aware that if you had a Quest Points quest left over from the last Chapter
you could be heading for the mission if you complete another couple of quests.
If you want to wait until more appear then do some non quest points ones. I
did this and then Unsatisfied Beastmen and Lying Grandpa Again, appeared. This
meant I could accept all these quests even though I wouldn't be able to
complete them all in this chapter.

C H A P T E R  F O U R  -  Q U E S T S : R A I D E R  R A N K  :  O  6

N O R M A L  Q U E S T S
Client   : Pamela, Grimoire Library
Objective: Talk to Anna and then remove the Spider Webs in the Library Area
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Cute Clothes x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

After talking to Anna walk all the way to the Library in Grimoire and talk to
Pamela. Edge shows you what to do..simply sword slash the cobwebs. Since this
is also a requirement for a Field Bonus make sure to complete the job!

You start in Devil Aisle where there are two, and then walk right to Magic
Aisle room where there are 4. Then go up the ladder and into the left hand
room, Weapons Isle, where there are 5 cobwebs. Now, after you slash the two at
the right you will find a brown bag and the Castle Key, and Edge will say you
can stop. Don't do so if you want the Field bonus, and carry on and slash all
cobwebs in that room before speaking to Pamela again.

Now return to 1F Landing and walk right down the East Corridor and through to
the Outer Hall. When you arrive at the door there will be a scene and you now
have access to the Underground of the Ancient Castle of Grimoire, (to give it
it's proper title!)

Client   : Anna
Objective: Investigate the history of Ishtar
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Holy Stone x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

*See the separate section on Ishtar for a more detailed walkthrough.*

Speak to Anna first. According to Winna (who interrupts to give you a dull
lecture), there are two types of Lithographs> Red and Blue and you must copy
the inscriptions. All you have to do is approach them both and a scene will

Examine two Lithographs in Ishtar to obtain these messages: "light the western
sun" and "snuff the eastern sun". The first one is marked on your Ishtar map
and is reached from the Woofer Village. Simply take the first teleporter down
from the entrance to the gardens and then walk to the right and down the path
that takes you directly to the Lithograph. You don't have to leave the room
where the villagers will chat and the shop can be found.

Then you have a long walk, heading through a number of rooms, all the way to
the right until you reach a grassy area. Here you will find the fishing pond
and you can walk across the water using the rocks and keep on the path to find
the second Lithograph.

After you're done, just spend some time fishing for Scallops until the time is
up. In fact you CAN catch a King Tuna at this fishing spot if you are lucky.
You can also take the teleporter to Sound Hill and defeat the boss there to
obtain the Siren Mana.

Report back to Anna when you return to Zey Meruze.

Client   : Anna
Objective: Search for Kuu who is lost in Valtessa
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Magic Bell x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Speak to Anna and then Papal at the Fountain and finally head out to Valtessa.
Check the map to see information on the first map so it appears that you don't
need to head out to the Forest Depths, but in fact when you walk to the turning
to the Depths you will find his backpack. Now switch maps and you are informed
that he IS in the Depths after all. (Surprise, surprise.)

Ignore the side rooms and make your way north. When you reach the large room
second from the last room, walk all the way to the right (this is the area with
the low stone walls), and then up into the final room that has two chests.
There he is!. The mist will come down after the scene, and that's that.

You next have control of Edge just in front of the Guild. The quest is not
completed until you report back to Anna.

Client   : Gramps, Fountain Area
Objective: Get 10 Beast Fangs
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Medium Alchemy Staff x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Give 10 Beast Fangs to the old man standing by the fountain. You should have
plenty to spare and the rewards are good.

Client   : Gramps
Objective: Bring him 1 Dragon Bone
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Jawbreaker Candy x7
Unable to Cancel

This quest is dependent on you having completed the first Lying Grandpa quest.
You will have plenty of Dragon Bones to spare either from the reward for the
Dark Wing Collection Flaming Joker quests, or drops from Lizard Warriors and
Wizards in Dakascus.

Client   : Earl, Tavern
Objective: Give him an Altena Soul (from Ishtar)
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100 Quest Point, Goat Cheese x5
Unable to Cancel

Simply find or buy one in Ishtar and take it to him.

Client   : Cerber, Cerber's House, Beastmen: Quarters
Objective: Visit Cerber and then investigate complaints in Posporia
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Silver Cuirass x1
Unable to Cancel

Visit Cerber and listen to him. Then speak to him again and this time he will
tell you who he wants you to visit and talk with: The Fairy and Kuma Generals
and the Woofer merchant in Posporia.

The Merchant (Bow Won) is in the Neutral Baths area, which is the room to the
right of the Middle Battlegrounds, and the fastest way to the other two is to
take one of the cannons from the Kuma Cannon east or west and this will deposit
you near the Fairy Village. Speak to the General at the top of the green steps
and then take the cannon back to the Kuma area close to the Kuma village. The
General will be just in front of the Chief's house. (This can be a good time
to complete the field bonus of not entering any battles, if you have no Combat
Quests left.)

When you have spoken to all three return and report back to Cerber, since this
quest is not completed until you do that.

C O M B A T  Q U E S T S
Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: 06 B
Rank     : Defeat the Jagged Bear
Reward   : 7000 Cole, Book of Prophecy x1 Recipe

This quest will only appear after you have completed a few other quests. You
will see information on the map saying that the bear is on a Bridge in central
Posporia, so it's just a matter of finding the correct bridge. In fact it is
the bridge leading to the east from the fishing spot at Fairy Fort East. As
Phenyl tells you: it's just a Bear!

| BOSS -  JAGGED BEAR                    |
| Location:  Posporia                    |
| Protections: Ice                       |
| Weakness: Beast                        |
| Skills: Hug and Crush (Spirit down)    |
| Drops: None                            |

It is slow, and although its ordinary attack can inflict around 80 HP damage,
(which is a lot when your team's HP only averages around double that), he is
easy enough to defeat with any Blades and any attacks.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Grimoire Shadow Girls. 6 groups required
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : 3000 Cole, Dragon Bone x5
* Repeatable
* Purple Monsters

These enemies are found in the Inner Centre/Corridor on floor 2F. They are
accompanied by Kettle Spirits so you can literally kill two birds with one
stone...well, one bird, two enemies and two quests at once!

Variable numbers - if 8 groups then 8 Bones!, and when there were 5 groups the
reward was Jawbreaker Candy x10, with the cash.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Posporia Bear Monster. 5 groups needed
Rank     : 06 D
Reward   : 6000 Cole, Needle Candy x1 (weapon)
*Purple monsters

You are told to protect the fairies, so you know where to find the bears: in
Fairy Territory. I found them in the Western Fairy Forest south of the
village. However, you may find that you cannot access this part of the map
directly as the Fairies block the normal routes. If you head north to the Kuma
Territory you can take the Cannon from Kuma Cannon East or West, and this will
deposit you at the Fairy Fort East or West entrance.

The bears come in groups of two or three with a Bear, Owlbear and/or Kobold
Fighter. If you are using Jiptus, poison with Zombie Rain, is an effective
attack against them, or Iris can make them all fall asleep.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Kettle Spirit x8
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : 4000 Cole, Long Pochy x6/Concentrated Honey x5 (varies on repeats)
* Repeatable

You can find these in Grimoire 1F inside blue enemies, and in purple enemies
on 2F which you need for the Dark Wing Collection quest.

In later quests they are easily found in Ishtar, 2nd Level Terrace N.

F E T C H  Q U E S T S
Client   : Eva, Tavern
Objective: Take her Rose Thorn x1
Rank     : 06 B
Reward   : Angel's Slip x1, Black Hat x2

Make this from the Kunai Recipe (received when you completed the Unseen Weep
quests) using the Rose (from Winna's quest, or gathered from Ishtar) as the
first item.

Original Recipe: Derived from Kunai
Items Needed:    Rose
               o Zuftuff Water/Bitter Grape/Shroom Juice
                 Polishing Powder

Client   : Funan, Westbridge
Objective: Give him Joker Fish x2 (x4)
Rank     : 06 B
Reward   : (???) Tiger Blowfish x2, Dragon Bone x8/Joker Fish x2 Long Pochy 11/
              Jawbreaker Candy x10
* Repeatable

Fish for these at the Squawk Village as soon as you gain access to the pond.
These fish are hard to catch as the bar is very small and the margin for error
large. Keep trying until you catch two for Funan, and at least two for
yourself (for Manna's Dinner quest). If you keep fishing you may also be able
to catch Demon Squid which are needed for a later Funan quest.

Strange quest this one, when you get given back the two fish you gave him plus
additional items in repeated quests. It always shows a ???? for the first
item, but it is always 2 Fish, it's just the second part of the reward that

Client   : Yach, General Store
Objective: Give him 1 Laughing Shroom
Rank     : 06 D
Reward   : 7000 Cole, Black Liquid x1

These are found as a quest reward for Greentail Bandits so you should have at
least two. You can also cut grass for these and find them in bags in Ishtar.
(And they are found in bags in Nature's Prison in UG Grimoire.)

Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Take her Broiled Fish x2
Rank     : 06 B
Reward   : Devil's Panties x2, Long Pochy x7

This is why you needed an extra two fish from Grimoire pond, because Manna
wants TWO Broiled Fish. Make these using fish in the Flame Broiled Dish recipe.

Original Recipe: Derived from Flame Broiled Dish
Items Needed:  o Lake Fish/Unihorn/Bonita
               o Joker Fish/King Tuna

C H A P T E R  F O U R :  M I S S I O N  - A Man's Request

Raider Rank FLURRY 07 - Cure Jar x5, Nectar x5, Crunchy Fruit x3.

Whichever quest you complete to raise your rank, a scene will start with
Crowley. He asks you to go to Posporia, Kuma Territory. You can now go back to
the Guild and pick up your ranked up items and save as well if you need to,
before setting out for Kuma Territory.

Check the map in Posporia and you'll see a red ! at an area you haven't yet
explored. This is the place where a Kuma blocked your path earlier. When you
arrive at the Middle Battlegrounds Alvero will turn up for a fight.

| BOSS -  ALVERO 2                       |
| Location:  Posporia                    |
| Protections: Special/Status Double     |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills: Twin Blade X (x3| timed - one  |
|         Thunder Blade - one            |
| Drop: None                             |

I had Nell with Siren (having only just got it), and Edge with Jiptus to
complete his final level for that Blade, but you would might do better with
different Blades, though at least this has Death Calls, which is helpful for
increasing the Burst Gauge. The other awkward thing for this battle, is that
you have no chance to increase your Skill Level, so that's the first thing to
think about. Iris can reduce his Power and Spirit with Jiptus as usual, but
there's not much you can do about his timed attacks.

He has Thunder Blade which targets one for about 30-40 HP and Twin Blade also
randomly targets one person each time it activates. I managed to get in two
Soul Bursts in one Burst Chain so he was nearly out of HP by the end of that.
He can summon the Twin Blade X attack again even with one card left from the
last. It was fun seeing Team Kobold flatten him for the final attack, but they
didn't manage to steal anything despite a few attempts.

After a short scene, continue on your way to the red mark. Walk up across the
bridge and head right through Kuma Fort East, then up the steps to the left
and follow the path right and then left and across the wooden bridge, until you
reach the East Gate. Once through here go up the steps into the house (Kuma
Station East) and then up the path beside the house. This takes you to the new
and previously un-visited area called the North Ruins Entrance.

Fight a battle or two to raise your skill gauge and then heal up before
venturing into the unknown. (Though at least you know it's going to be a boss


| BOSS -  ALKANE                         |
| Location:  Posporia ???Ruins           |
| Protections: Special/Status Double     |
| Weakness: Lightning                    |
| Skills: Primal Ray, Armor a, Armor b   |
| Drops: None                            |

This boss made me laugh the first time I saw it, as I was expecting something
dinosaur like. Anyway, luckily, being a machine it is weak to lightning. You
really need Nell with Nymph to heal, and as many Lightning based weapons as you
can muster. Edge with his Cyclops Blade would be a good plan with Jiptus, and
Nell with Funnybell. (I had Silver Cuirass for Nell, Funky Overalls and Nurse
Style Armor for the other two, and they all had Speed S with Edge having Delay
L .)

Primal Ray is a physical attack that does not activate immediately, but will
blast you all on its next turn doing anything up to 120 HP damage. This thing
means serious business. Armor a (alpha I think), is a one person physical
attack, that involves lots of small hits. Armor b targets everyone for around
25-30 HP. His ordinary attack will do around 80+ HP damage.

Use Jiptus with Iris again, and make sure everyone is kept healed when he plans
to use Primal Ray. Aside from that precaution, just manage one or two bursts
with your best skills and he'll explode. This is a good fight for levelling up
Blades, so it might be worth while using Siren after all.

My team were at Level 21/20 for this fight.

You can stay in Posporia if you want to complete any Field Bonuses or just
head back to town for another (automatic) scene and the reward of Sage Stone
Recipe. (Not too sure what this is.)


C H A P T E R   F I V E ....................................................C05


| Quests - Target  Points  1000    |
| Raider Rank: FLURRY 07  (3500)   |
| A Flower For You      100 points |
| Broken Crystal        200 points |
| Experiment And Rescue 100 points |
| Follow My Cat         150 points |
| Problematic Gifts     100 points |
| Soldiers Never Die    100 points |
| They Only Walk Away   150 points |
| Three Tasks           200 points |

- Grimoire Freezer (with the Flame Barrett)
- Ishtar 2nd Level South (with the Flame Barret)
- Dakascus West (with the Breath of Earth)
- Grimoire Squawk Treasury (duirng They Only Walk Away quest)

- Diemia - Mana of Stone (Nell Blade) [found at Earth Altar - Three Tasks
- Fanatos - Mana of Evil (Edge Blade) [found after They Only Walk Away quest]

- Aroma Material [Quest reward 'They only walk away']
- Breath of Earth [Quest item - Broken Crystal - A KEY ITEM)
- Expert Alchemy Staff [Quest - Danger! Pixie Trio]
- Fish Bikini [Field Bonus, Valtessa 7000 points]
- Fish Sword [Quest reward - Demon Squid Backlash]
- Gearbox [Quest reward - Experiment and Rescue]
- Living Uni Recipe [Alchemy Level 5 - Squawk Treasury, Grimoire after
  defeating Fatebringer]
- Magic Rapier [Quest reward - A Flower for You]
- Magic Kunai [Quest reward - Broken Crystal]
- Magic Shield Recipe [Dakascus, Crystal Valley W - chest]
- Superior Medicine [Quest reward - Three Tasks]

- ALchemy Level 6 if you didn't get it in the last Chapter.

Diemia gives Iris a summons which is a physical attack and you should use this
against enemies which resist her magic.

When you find any Pendelook make sure to keep at least one, and preferably
two, and this will help to complete a quest quickly in the next chapter.

C H A P T E R  F I V E  :  W A L K T H R O U G H

After the initial scene, return to the Workshop to save if you want.

Quests and Flame Barrett
There will be a large number of quests awaiting this time. Puni Brothers 2,
Fallen Angels, Experiment and Rescue, Demon Squid Backlash, Mushroom Stew, New
Type Sweets, and Tailor Made.

You'll see that some of these involve new areas - for example, 2nd Level South,
and the Grimoire Freezer. These are, of course, connected, since you needed
something to melt ice in Ishtar as well as in Grimoire. Start by taking them
all, and then talk to Anna to receive the Flame Barrett. Now you can melt all
the ice at Ishtar as well as finding a more direct route to the Squawk Village.

o Tutorial on Flame Barrett.
Basically you use this directly from the sword slash command and just alter the
attack using L1 or R1. Just be aware that when using the Flame thrower you
cannot slash enemies or smash boxes.

You could start with Grimoire as it's easier and there are some alchemy ideas
you might have left finding until now. Make sure to use Nell's Treat attacks
as often as possible using her Siren Blades and this way you will collect a
range of items required for alchemy.

Ishtar Quests
Before setting out, complete any leftover quests from the last chapter, and you
should be able to do some of the Fetch ones immediately. Check back at the
Guild and you might find another quest or two. For example, Pixie Trio was now
up and this helps in planning to complete a number of Ishtar related quests at
once. After completing the Grimoire Freezer adventure another Ishtar quest
appeared: Soldiers Never Die, together with Three Tasks and this is good news
as now you have a good reason for heading to Ishtar.

This need a little bit of planning, so make sure you have the 5 Black Fairy
Clothes, and have checked with Anna for instructions for both the quests that
involve her, as she will only talk about one at a time.

More Quests
After all these quests don't forget to report back for your rewards, and to
complete the Three Tasks Quest for a new Mana. There will be no more new
quests until this one has been completed (aside from repeats). Then A Flower
for You, and Broken Crystal will appear. This last one is important because it
gives you access to most of the rest of Dakascus.

If Problematic Gifts and They Only Walk Away appear, then accept them even if
you don't have the Quest Points capacity to complete them in this chapter. It
will save you a lot of effort if you try to do these quests in tandem. They
both require two visits to Grimoire, but the second visit of Pamela's quest
deposits you back in the Library automatically, so you could just carry on from
here to the Squawk Village. Then for the second visit to the Squawk Village
you are also taken there automatically.

After completing the first raft of quests, including getting Diemia it's a good
time to craft some new items and change Blades for Nell.

Make X Heal, and then use an X Heal for the first item to make Heal All. Make
Strange Gearbox. Make Brilliant Stone replacing the first item with Pendelook
to make the useful Pentagle.

Make Gear Blaze changing the first item to Strange Gearbox and you will get
Armed Gear, a Fire based weapon for Edge. Make Gurgu's Cane switching the first
ingredient for Eiche or Gash Twig, (this uses Pentagle for the final
ingredient) and you will get Wisdom Cane, a staff for Nell. Make Skirnir's
Staff, and then use this to make Caduceus replacing the first ingredient, and
you get Hermes Staff. (You can keep the Rainbow Feather Property of Hit +2 and
you'll have a staff with the full 7 hits on it.)

After completing the "Flower for You' quest make the Balmung from the recipe
Meyna gives you. You have had this weapon for a while, but without being able
to craft it you could not add any Properties, and now you can. There are a
couple of derived recipes from this one but you can't make those just yet.
When you complete the Broken Crystal quest you can make the Shadow Dagger for
Edge. (I like to put Deadly Toxin on this, as it can work with some bosses.)

Make Metal Hauberk using the Strange Gearbox as the first ingredient and you
get Gear Melxe 1. (You'll see that a number of armor items require Formal
Fabric which you don't yet have.)

You can now make Glowing Bracelet using a Pentagle, and this gives you the
useful skill of Raise. Make the M-type Auto Fan for another common skill, and
Demon Pot...provided you haven't given away all your Shifty Eyes to Yach.

C H A P T E R  F I V E  - Q U E S T S : R A I D E R  R A N K   : -  O  7

N O R M A L  Q U E S T S
Client   : Meyna
Objective: Bring her a Bouquet
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Magic Rapier x1 Recipe

Make a Bouquet weapon and take this to Meyna at the Memorial. This is reached
by heading right from the Bookshop.

Client   : Anna
Objective: Fix the crystals in Dakascus for the Pengie Chief
Rank     : 07 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Magic Kunai x1 Recipe, (Breath of Earth Recipe)
Unable to Cancel

Make your way to the Pengie Village and speak to the Chief. He will give you
the recipe for the Breath of Earth. Make sure you buy extra Chrome Crystals if
you don't have many, and then return to the Workshop and make about a dozen of
these. Return to Dakascus and you are given the option to take one BoE to the
Chief. Agree, and you will be at the Village in an instant. He will show you
where to use it and asks you to mend all the broken crystals. This will clear
the quest and you will be back at the village. Then you can continue and
explore the Western part of Crystal Valley.

Client   : Anna
Objective: Rescue someone stuck in Grimoire freezer
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Gearbox x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

This is easy as all you have to do it head to the right in Grimoire, after
picking up the Flame Barrett from Anna before setting out. Melt the ice and
then carry on going left through the door, and to the stairs. Then you can find
your way up to the second floor without the long walk around the block. Then
walk right and head for the red mark. This is the freezer area. Make sure to
melt everything you see (for a Field Bonus) and pick up all the treasure in
both the small rooms. Report back to Anna for the reward and to be told you can
keep the Flame Barrett.

Client   : Papal, Fountain Area
Objective: Talk to Papal and find Gon.
Rank     : 07 D
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Joker Fish x2
Unable to Cancel

This quest may not appear until Chapter 6, but it will show eventually.
Speak to Papal at her usual place near the Fountain and Nell hints at what he
might be doing. The plan involves finding people who might have seen him.

Walk up towards the Guild and then left, heading towards Yach and Hagel's
shops. You'll meet a Lady who advises you to look around the Library. Just walk
towards the Scripture Library and there will be a scene. Walk back to speak to
Papal again to complete the quest.

Just a note: if you don't get the chest to the left of the Scripture Library
now, you won't be able to access it again as the kittens will block your path.
It contains a Heal Jar, so it's no big loss.

Client   : Pamela
Objective: Listen to Pamela and return 4 gifts
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Black Bustier x1 (armor)

Walk to the Library in Grimoire, not forgetting that now you can take the
short cut by heading right at the entrance and melting the ice. Pamela wants
you to return some gifts, and will tell you more if you speak to her again. The
gifts are from Hagel, Ewan and "this other guy, and this lady".

Walk from the Workshop to the Fountain and there will be a scene with the
unnamed lady, a Raider Woman. Then walk towards the Tavern and there will be
another scene with the unknown Man. Finally visit Hagel in his shop and then
Ewan in his room at the Scripture Library, and after this you'll be
automatically back with Pamela. This can be useful if you have other Grimoire
business to do, as you end this quest in the Library.

Client   : Anna
Objective: Find Gramps and the kids who are lost in Ishtar.
Rank     : 07 B
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Le Merou Cog x5
Unable to Cancel

Take the teleporter from the 2nd Level North (head up the vines to the left of
the Woofer Village), and use the Flame Barrett on the ice when you arrive at
2nd Level South. Walk up the path and then jump onto the left two flat metal
plates and turn down the large pipe to the southwest where you will find them
in a small room. That's the end of the quest aside from reporting back to Anna
when you return to the Guild.

You can stay in Ishtar and complete other quests, or Field Bonuses if you wish.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Investigate the Squawk Village Treasury
Rank     : 07 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Aroma Material x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

This is an important quest since you finally get the recipe for the Aroma
Material, which is a key item for a number of recipes, and of course, you will
find a new Mana. You will also find one of Iris' Idea spots in the Treasury
after defeating the boss enemy providing you have reached Alchemy level 5.

Make your way to the Squawk Village, and walk around the pond and up to Squawk
Village North and finally head up the grass to the Treasury where there will
be a short scene. Now you have to return to Zey Meruze and speak to Grandpa at
the Fountain. Speak to him again when you are ready, and you will be back at
the Treasury and in a battle with no more chance to prepare.

Note that since you arrive here without a chance to raise the skill gauge you
can ensure that you have a few added points from the previous trip to the
Treasury, and these will remain on your gauge, giving you an advantage.

| BOSS -  FATEBRINGER                    |
| Location: Squawk Treasury, Grimoire    |
| Protections: Special/Status Double     |
| Weakness: Unholy, Electricity          |
| Skills: Gate (summons 2 Living Swords) |
|          - timed attack, Life Drain    |
| Drops: None                            |

At the start of the battle Fatebringer will cast "Gate", which is a timed
spell so he will continue to summon Swords during the battle. These Living
Swords are double defended against Special Skills, weak to Electricity and
also Unholy class.

The swords are fast can can use Shadow's End which is a multiple attack on one.
Their normal attacks do around 30 HP damage, and as soon as one is summoned it
will attack you. However, just ignore these once you gain a Burst and hit the
Fatebringer with all you've got: preferably Edge with Soul Burst and you can
just about kill him in one round. As soon as Fatebringer is destroyed the
swords will disappear.

With the correct Blades and equipment this is an easy battle to win. Nell with
Siren has a weapon, Jyoya, that targets Unholy. The Kobold Hero is very
effective in this battle if Nell has Siren equipped. Also make sure to have
Edge with Jiptus and the Lightning weapon, Cyclops. Iris had the Hermes
Staff by this point in the game which gives her more magic power.

My team were at Level 23/22 for this battle.

The Mana of Evil, Fanatos, is your reward, and another Blade for Edge together
with the Talisman weapon. Now, don't be too quick to leave, as there is a new
area to explore and chests to open. You can also find your first Blue Pearl in
a brown bag with a bit of luck as well as the recipe for the Living Uni. When
you are done, report back to the Guild as usual.

Client   : Anna
Objective: Undertake three tasks for Noella.
Rank     : 07 B
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Superior Medicine x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

The second of these tasks involves taking a message to the Woofer Chief in the
Village at Ishtar, so plan your Ishtar visits to include this quest when
you're ready. You will also meet Noella, the Guild Master for the first time
when you receive instructions for the quest from Anna.

First she wants Brilliant Stone, so give her one: it's simple enough as she is
standing next to Anna. Next, to take a trip to Ishtar. Again, this is simple
enough to complete as all you need to do is call in on the Chief at the Woofer
Village, and talk to him. Then return to the Guild to report to Noella for the
third task, which involves defeating a Kobold at the Altar of Earth in

Since a Kobold is a beast I equipped Edge with Plua and the Wind Slicer, though
this is not the best set-up for the second battle. In fact you need Ice weapons
and Nell equipped with Nymph Blade. Now, you cannot go through directly to the
Kuma area, as the guy is back blocking the route, so take either of the Fairy
Cannons to land close to the Kuma Fort, and make your way to the Altar from
there. The West Cannon (two rooms down from the Middle Battlegrounds, will take
you closest to the Altar, and there is a red mark to help you locate it.

When your have made your way to the top of the mountain path, jump from block
to block to reach the Altar.

| BOSS - Kobold Fighter x3               |
| Location: Altar of Earth, Posporia     |
| Protections: None                      |
| Weakness: Beast                        |
| Skills:                                |
| Drops: Tufts                           |

This is very easy and with one burst, which you can achieve before any of them
even have a chance to attack, they will be history. Now the real battle starts!

| BOSS - ROCKWELL                        |
| Location: Altar of Earth, Posporia     |
| Protections: Special Double, Physical  |
| Weakness: Dragon, Ice                  |
| Skills:  Mind's Eye (lock on one)      |
|          Calamity (fire - all)         |
| Drops: None                            |

His normal attack did around 60-70 HP damage to one, but with Iris equipped
with her trusty Ice weapon, the Gearshaft, and Nell knocking him back with
Kobold Hero, he only had one turn before we had the first Burst Chain. Summon
Nymph for effective damage. You would probably be better off with Nell using
Nymph with the Witch Staff (Ice) and her Frozen Shard attack, and Edge with
Jiptus and the Ice Blade, but it really doesn't matter too much. Calamity will
inflict a fair degree of damage to everyone but nothing too disastrous and I
didn't need to heal once in this battle. (Levels were 22/21)

Now you receive a new Mana - Diemia, a new Blade for Nell and the weapon
Lancelot, and will be automatically whisked back to the Guild, where you enter
the "back room" for the first time.

C O M B A T  Q U E S T S
Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Pixie Trio in Ishtar
Rank     : 07 D
Reward   : 12000 Cole, Expert Alchemy Staff x1 Recipe

These are found on the 2nd Level Terrace North, to the right of the Woofer
Village. This is the top small room at the far right of the map, reached when
you go across the small log bridge to the right of the first main grassy room.

| BOSS -  AMBER                          |
| Location:  2nd Level Terrace N Ishtar  |
| Protections: Special Double, Magic     |
| Weakness: Electricity                  |
| Skills:Healing Echo (timed heals all)  |
|        Dancing Edge, Star Drop         |
| Drops: None                            |

| BOSS -  GROVE                          |
| Location:  2nd Level Terrace N Ishtar  |
| Protections: Special Double, Physical  |
| Weakness: Ice                          |
| Skills: Wood Stomp (timed) Sword Dance |
| Drops: None                            |

| BOSS -  ECHO                           |
| Location:  2nd Level Terrace N Ishtar  |
| Protections: Special Double, Physical  |
| Weakness: Fire                         |
| Skills: Healing Echo (timed heals all) |
|         Mind Bomb - sleep              |
| Drops: None                            |

The key to having an easy time in this battle is to ensure that everyone has
the best armor equipped with resistance to Status Effects, and that you have a
weapon with Ice, Fire and Electricity to target each of their weaknesses. Then
you can concentrate on destroying them one by one. Obviously it would be
easier if Nell is equipped with Nymph Blades, but it's possible with any set
up if you are careful. I had Nell with Siren and Edge with Normal Blades.

Amber heals them all for 600 or so HP. Dancing Edge is a timed attack against
one and Star Drop (time attack blue bar) attacks one with Defense Down effect.
Her Magic resistance means that only Edge or Nell's physical lightning attack
will target the weakness and not any magic. Also Iris's Jiptus effect won't be
so strong as that is also a magic attack.

Grove's Wood Stomp is a timed attack, and Sword Dance reduces defense. Echo
uses Mind Bomb and Healing Echo. But at least both of these can be
effected by Jiptus and all magic attacks. Their normal attacks do around 35 HP

I started using Siren with Iris and they were immune...Use Jiptus with Iris
which decreases the amount they can heal each other by about half, so it's
worth while doing this. Target them one at a time when you reach the Burst
Gauge, and of course, target their weaknesses to help build the gauge.

Nell used Tinder Flux to good effect. In the end I finished off Grove first
since Iris could do a lot of damage with her ice attacks. I ended up with
Amber as the final one to defeat, but that depends on your Blades set up.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Ishtar Fallen Angels. 7 groups
Rank     : 07 D
Reward   : 4700 Cole, Le Merou Cog x13
* Repeatable
* Purple Monsters

Defeat 7/8 groups of Fallen Angels found on the eastern 2nd Level Terrace North
past the "garden" room. You will probably have to return a second time to kill
enough of these. Head right from Woofer village to find them in groups of two
or three, consisting of Marquis, Power, Living Armour and Sword Geist. You can
do this quest at the same time as the Pixie Trio one as they are found in the
same area. (You might want Edge's Normal Blades for this quest as they are all
Undead and you can use Buster Drive to great effect.)

Smaller numbers of groups, such as 5, will yield slightly less rewards: 4500
Cole, and 8 Le Merou Cog.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Darkness in Ishtar: 5/7 groups
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Worn Weapon x5, 80000 Cole
* Purple Monsters
* Repeatable 4x

You can find these around 2nd Level Terrace N, but they are in the area up the
vines in the village and then heading left towards the teleporter to 2nd Level
Terrace S. They are purple and all Unholy monsters: Death Knights, Dragon
Zombies, Shadowgirl, and Sword Geist.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Puni Brothers! In Valtessa.
Rank     : 07 B
Reward   : 8000 Cole, Puni Gummy x6

| BOSS - PUNI BROTHERS 2 Taro, Kichi,Jiro|
| Location:  Valtessa Fishing Spot       |
| Protections: Special Double            |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills:                                |

They are in the same place as before (the fishing spot), and although you
might think about using Nell's Normal Blades and her Punislayer weapon you
could also use this trip to Valtessa to collect some Puni Gummy treats for
another quest, and so equip the Siren Blades instead.

This time, after a few battles where there were no Punis to turn into treats
on the way, I had a skill gauge of 8 at the start of the battle, and after
Edge slapped them all with Dancing Edge and Nell with Kobold Hero I managed to
get a burst before they even had a turn, and that was the end of them! So,
really you can't fail whatever attacks you use. (My team were at level 22/21)

And, of course, once you claim the reward you should have more than enough
Puni Gummies for for the New Type Sweets quest.

F E T C H  Q U E S T S
Client   : Funan, Westbridge
Objective: Give him 2 Demon Squid
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Fish Sword x1 Recipe, Chatter Flower

You fish for these in Grimoire, Squawks Village Pond.

Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Take her Fungushroom x1
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Rainbow Feather x2, Pendelook x6

You will have plenty of these just in the normal course of events.

Client   : Ella, Rio Book Store
Objective: Give her 7 Puni Gummy
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Strange Slab x4, Bucket Cookie x1 (weapon)

You need to use Nell's Siren Blades Trick or Treat attack to accumulate these've guessed it, Punis. She finds it harder to make this attack on
stronger or magic resistant enemies, but the average Puni won't be a problem.
Equip the Siren Blades on your way to defeat the Puni Brothers in Valtessa and
you can complete this quest at the same time.

Client   : Gregor, 2nd level South, Ishtar
Objective: Take him Black Fairy Clothes x5/3
Rank     : 07 B
Reward   : 3000 Cole, Le Merou Cog x10
+ Repeatable

Note that you must first have the Flame Barrett (given to you by Anna for the
Experiment and Rescue Quest) and make FIVE sets of clothes. (In another game
it was only three, but I think this may have been for a repeat quest, anyway,
check the precise number required before starting out.)

This is actually quite an annoying little quest because you may have to hike to
Posporia and buy some more Fairy Clothes to use for the Black Fairy Clothes
recipe. You also need 5 Black Hats, and 5 Shroom Juice, and to make enough
Shroom Juice you need MSW. And despite the fact that I KNOW I never can have
enough Melty Spring Water, I always run out of it at about this point in the

So, what might appear to be a simple quest could involve trips to three
Alterworlds instead of just one. Note that it is repeatable as well, so if
you plan to take it on again, make sure to stock up on all the necessary

When you have the items take the teleporter from the 2nd Level North (heading
up the vines from the Woofer Village and then left along the pipe, and follow
the only path) to the 2nd Level South, and flame the ice blocks. Walk to the
top of the path and you will find Gregor standing at the left of the next
teleporter. He is always at the same place, and there will be  many more
quests for Gregor.

Original Recipe: Derived from Fairy Clothes
Items Needed:    Fairy Clothes
                 Black Hat
               o Concentrated Honey/Goat Milk/Shroom Juice

C H A P T E R  F I V E :  M I S S I O N  - Spellbound Lineage

There is a scene in Valtessa showing the location of the next Gem at the far
end of the first map, and whatever quest you were on, wherever you were,
you'll be back in the Guild, and then visiting Ewan in the Scripture Library.
You finally gain control of Edge again outside the Library with instructions
to go to Valtessa.

Make your way to the top north room: Guardian Hill. If you haven't already got
the Field Bonus for harvesting three seeds, you could take a detour to do that
on the way. Just wander around a bit and increase your skill gauge for free
while you wait for the seeds. When you reach the final room there will be the
usual healing place, just in front of the bridge.

I used Diemia for Nell and Jiptus for Edge with Nell having the Hermes Staff.
You're better off with Nymph for Nell, since the Stone Emperor resists physical

attacks, and make sure to equip the Cyclops weapon for Edge which is
Electricity based. If you don't do this, then you will find it harder to build
up the burst gauge.

| BOSS -  STONE EMPEROR (AGAIN!)                       |
| Location: Guardian Hill, Valtessa                    |
| Protections: Special, Status Double, Physical Resist |
| Weakness: Electricity                                |
| Skills: Tempest - all, Judgement (timed) - all       |
| Drops: None                                          |

Tempest does around 30 HP damage to all, and he self heals every turn,
sometimes even twice. Judgement looks worse than it is, and does around HP
damage to each although it weakens defense. (This is one reason why Nymph is
much better for Nell as you can use Sanctuary to heal this status effect as
well as healing everyone with her timed items skills.) His normal physical
attack does around 50 HP damage.

Armour Break from Nell can lower his defense, and Iris can use Diemia to knock
him back, and Jiptus to decrease his spirit and power, but these attacks don't
help much to fill the gauge, so make sure that Edge has his Cyclops equipped
with a high hit ratio to target the Emperor's weakness. It's surprising how
effective Delay can be on a weapon to push back his attack card and allow
for a burst to be reached, thus effectively preventing him from attacking by
stunning him. It took two bursts using Soul Burst with Edge to defeat him.

Now there will be a scene and another battle that you can't win, in fact you
may not even get a chance to act. After more events, the chapter ends.

Depending on how many quests you completed in this chapter Levels should be at
around 23/24 by the end.

Without the best equipment and Cyclops equipped to Jiptus Blades you may find
that this battle is more of a challenge than I suggest, and it might take up to
four bursts to defeat the Stone Emperor. Don't forget that you can use Nell's
Nymph blades to boost hits and power as well as for healing. Ensure you use
Jiptus to lessen Stone Emperor's power and the effects of his self healing, and
repeat this summons when the effect wears off.


C H A P T E R  S I X .......................................................C06


| Quests - Target Points  1000     |
| RANK 08 Foehn          (4500)    |
| Amnesiac Angel        200 points |
| Celestial Rookery     100 points |
| Courage Once More     150 points |
| Giant Exploration     200 points |
| Love Letter           150 points |
| N33d t0 f1x cl0ck     200 points |
| Oblivion              100 points |
| Want Tasty Meat       100 points |

- Giant Tree in Posporia
- Squawk Treasury, Grimoire
- All of Grimoire
- Crystal Valley Dakascus West (possible to explore in Chapter Five)
- Crystal Valley Celestial Rookery (quest - Celestial Rookery)
- All of Ishtar

- Faustus - Mama of Illusion (Nell Blade) [Found in quest - Celestial Rookery]

- Angel Wings [Alchemy Level 8 - see angel statue on Eastbridge in Z.M.]
- Crystal? [Alchemy Level 8 - see the black crystal in the Celestial Rookery,
- Doll [Quest reward - Giant Exploration]
- Doll of Death [Alchemy Level 7 - talk to Pamela]
- Diamond Dust [chest - 3rd Level Ishtar]
- Dragon Lance [chest - Celestial Rookery]
- Hell Fire [Quest reward - Forest Spirit]
- Hyper Doll [chest - 2F South Corridor, Grimoire]
- Japanese Outfit [Quest reward - Amnesiac Angel]
- Magic Armor [Quest reward - Lizards Four]
- Magic Stone [Quest reward - Celestial Rookery]
- Ultimate Rapier [Alchemy Level 7 idea - talk to Noella in her room]
- Ultimate Mech Sword [Alchemy Level 8 - visit Sword Hill in Ishtar]
- Water of Lethe.[Quest item for Oblivion given by Meyna]

- Alchemy Level 7
- ALchemy Level 8

You can obtain the recipe for the Ultimate Mech Sword in this chapter BEFORE
Shadowstalker appears, so long as you have reached Iris' Alchemy Level 8.

If you accept and cancel rubbish quests such as Yach's Shifty Eye, then this
will usually trigger other quests to appear.

C H A P T E R  S I X  :  W A L K T H R O U G H

RANK 08 FOEHN - Heal All x5, Divine Shield x3, Tasteless Fruit x3.

The World Expands!
Things start to get a little more complex now, since you will not have been
able to complete all the "quest point" quests from the last chapter that
required the Raider Rank of 07, and may have some to do now, with that rank. If
that is the case then you will have to check back to the list of quests in the
previous chapter. That also means that the rewards that you could have obtained
then, and some exploring, may only be possible now.

Also some quests that are listed for this Raider Rank did not appear until the
next chapter for me, but this might not be so in your game. Anyhow, that's my
excuse if things are not exactly where or when you might expect them to be, and
despite playing two games, I am still not altogether certain exactly in which
order some quests will first appear. It is also harder to suggest groupings for
quests, but by now you will know how to manage this.

Once you have access to nearly all areas of the Alterworlds you will have many
recipes and many new ingredients. This means that you can now start to
experiment more with alternative ingredients to improve older items, and
balance your preferred equipment set up for each party member.

Another complication is that many of the new recipes require rare or difficult
to make items. For example: the accessory Aroma Material needs Brilliant Stone,
Pentagle, Healing Bracelet and Salt. The first and last two items use Chrome
Crystals which need to be gathered in Dakascus, (not too much of a problem,)
and Salt is cheap and easy to buy from Manna, but the Healing Bracelet requires
another rare healing item which you don't have possess.

So my general advice is: keep crafting and checking for anything uncrafted or
with alternatives for the first ingredient. You should be able to raise Iris's
alchemy level to the maximum towards the end of the chapter, especially since
after getting the Hammer you will have access to every area in every Alterworld
except for Dakascus North.

There will be a whole heap of quests on the board at the start of this chapter.
Follow my Cat will be here if you didn't get it in the last chapter...which I
didn't. Lizards Four in Ishtar, and another from Gregor in Ishtar. The Angels
one will also be in Ishtar. Wait until the "N33d t0 fIx cl0ck" quest appears
and then you can complete a few Ishtar quests at the same time. This quest
also gives you the Hammer which will enable access to parts you couldn't reach

Golden Pig is a Valtessa quest, and there's one in Squawk Village, and another
in Posporia. The Squawk one is useful as you can also get a recipe idea when
you access the treasury. Depending on the order in which you took on quests in
the last chapter, there is still the rest of Dakascus to explore.

The first and easiest quest to complete is Yum Yum Candy which gives you the
items you need for crafting with the minimum of effort!.

There will be many recipes that you've had for a while that can be crafted
after visiting Western Dakascus. Items such as Glittering Thread and Star Prism
are found there for the first time. Formal Fabric and Holy Emblem, Glittering
Thread and Blue Pearl are all quest rewards and valuable items to get. Finally
the recipe for Aroma Material is available, even though you cannot craft it

Make Altena Ingot after being rewarded with Holy Emblems and this item gives
you the Blessed Weapon Property, which when added to a weapon will increase
it's capacity to inflict physical damage.

Make Unirus Lifeform - using a Blue Pearl.
This item will be very useful in the later stages of the game so I advise you
not to use it at all in battle until it is absolutely essential, and ONLY use
it for crafting when you must.

Take on as many Blue Pearl quests as you can, (they are often rewards for
repeatable ones), and keep searching for brown bags with them. These are the
only sources of the Blue Pearl and you should try and collect as many as you
can so you can stock up with Unirus Lifeforms. This helpful item inflicts
multiple attacks on an enemy which quickly builds up the Burst Gauge, and it
has the additional effect of filling up your skills gauge after the Burst has
ended if used at the right time.

You also need this item to make the Unipuni Pudding which heals an ally over
time, though personally I wouldn't waste them on this, except just to make the
one for your alchemy level and another for a later quest.

Now the tree icon will appear on the ALterworld maps and you can hit the tree
for rewards. You can also break boulders and this means completing some Field
Bonuses, as well as gaining access to many more areas.

Even after doing lots of repeatable quests I failed to get a couple of the
Quest Point quests to appear in this chapter, so my guess is that the Giant
Exploration has to be completed before Courage Once More, Amnesiac Angel and
Love Letter will appear, even though those quests have a lower grade. Doesn't
make a lot of sense to me, but that's the way it seems to be.

C H A P T E R  S I X  - R A I D E R  R A N K   : -  O  8

N O R M A L  Q U E S T S
Client   : Rufina, Valtessa
Objective: Go visit Rufina, Forest Depths
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Japanese Outfit x1 Recipe

Did not appear in chapter 6 - appeared in chapter 7.

Visit Rufina in Valtessa Forest Depths. She is will be waiting at the first
small room to the right when you enter the Forest Depths. The idea is to give
her something that brings back memories, so take the item Memory Refrain with
you for this quest. (You should have this by making it as a derived item for
the recipe Water of Lethe, that you obtained in the quest for Meyna.)

NOTE: It is possible that these quests don't appear in the right order and that
this one appears before the Oblivion one. If so, you will need to wait until
completing Oblivion before starting this quest, though you can still
accept the quest if you want.)

Client   : Noella
Objective: Go to Guild Master Noella and then to the Chief Pengie in Dakascus.
Rank     : 08 D
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Magic Stone x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Speak to Noella first and then head for the Pengie Village, which will be
marked with a red ! though you will know where it is by now. After speaking to
the Chief walk to the right and you will now have access to the Celestial
Rookery area of Crystal Valley West where there is another red ! mark. There is
only one path, but you can pick up treasure in some side rooms if you have a
few Breath of Earth to mend the broken crystals. There are very few enemies on
this path. When you arrive at the destination there will be a battle with no
chance for further preparation.

| BOSS - MIRAGE                          |
| Location: Celestial Rookery            |
| Protections: Special/Status Double     |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills:  Chomp (instant death)         |
|          Forgetful Hammer (seals)      |
| Drops: None                            |

Mirage used mostly ordinary physical attacks at first and only attacked Nell,
though this may be just random, and then launched a devastating CHOMP and poor
Iris bit the dirt.

They seemed to be pretty well defended as even Kobold Hero only did around 3500
HP damage to them on a burst. I didn't bother too much with healing since you
don't know when one of the team will be hit again with Death. Of course, make
sure to revive anyone immediately. I had Nell with Siren was useful and Edge
with Fanatos (which wasn't).

Now you receive the weirdest Mana for Iris: Faustus, the Mana of Illusion, and
possibly least useful Blades for Nell: You also get the Automata, a Faustus
weapon for Nell. Report back to Noella to complete the quest.

(My team were all Level 25 for this battle)

Client   : Earl, Tavern
Objective: Talk to Earl and go to Valtessa
Rank     : 08 C
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Puni Gummy x10
Unable to Cancel

(If it does not appear in chapter 6, it will appear in chapter 7)

Talk to Earl as usual, in the tavern in Zey Meruze, and Edge suggests that you
meet him at the deepest part of the Ancient Forest. Walk to the large central
room in the Forest Depths and then walk straight on to enter the small area
with the stone ruins. Beware though, after entering this room you won't be able
to do anything else in Valtessa as there will be a scene, after which the mist
will appear, cutting short your time in the Alterworld.

Client   : Anna
Objective: Investigate the Giant Tree in Posporia
Rank     : 08 A
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Doll x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

This appears later in the chapter.

Head out to the Bow Won's shop at the Neutral Baths and speak to him in order
to use the cannon there. You will be catapaulted to the Giant Tree, and this
is a one way trip; you cannot return to the rest of Posporia.

Once you've arrived walk right, and follow the obvious path to the red ! mark
at the end. You can find some chests along the way and fight enemies that are
mostly Jin Riders and Kobolds. Report back to Anna when you've reached the
end, which for this quest means going through the opening in the tree trunk at
the top of the tree, and there will be a short scene.

Client   : Winna
Objective: Deliver a letter to Pamela from Winna.
Rank     : 08 C
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Heart Striker (weapon)
Unable to Cancel

(Did not appear in this chapter, but in the next.)

Receive the letter from Winna and head for the Grimoire library to deliver it
to Pamela. You will also get a recipe idea Doll of Death, if you have Alchemy
Level 7. Return to town and head back to the Library to speak to Winna again to
complete the quest.

N33d t0 f1x cl0ck
Client   : Anna
Objective: The client wants a Strange Gearbox to fix the clock.
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Splat Hammer x1
Unable to Cancel

Speak to Anna for details about this quest, and then check that you have a
spare Strange Gearbox. If not then make one before setting out for Ishtar.

From the Woofer Village, climb the vines and head up the metal pipe, and thence
up to the teleporter to 2nd Level Terrace South. Flame the ice and walk up the
path to the next teleporter. When you arrive at the next area follow the path
down the metal platforms. This time I found the Woofer gone from blocking the
chest containing the recipe for Hades Axe. (The beads were showing as five

Continue along the only path to the next teleporter and then jump up to the one
above which takes you to the Third Level Terrace. Speak to K33p3r who is
standing next to yet another teleporter. Give him the Strange Gearbox when he
asks for it. He is so gl4d (not a typo!) that he gives you the Splat Hammer.

o Tutorial for Hammer
You use this in the same way as the Flame Barrett and it will destroy boulders
and can be used to hit the Trees in some Alterworlds

After this meeting you can change the Lithographs, and this means that you can
now access every area in Ishtar, and you can break the rocks that block the
entrance to the second floor in Grimoire.

Original Recipe: Gearbox
Items needed:    Le Merou Cog
               o Eternal Turnkey/Directional Spring/Strange Slab
               o Legien Ore/Glansen Ore

The Gearbox recipe is a quest reward for Experiment and Rescue.

Client   : Meyna, Memorial Monument
Objective: Talk to her and take her a Water of Lethe.
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Magic Silver Ingot x5
Unable to Cancel

Find Meyna at the Memorial in Zey Meruze, and she will give you the recipe for
the Water of Lethe. Return to the workshop and make the item: you should have
all the ingredients for it, and then take it to her. That's all there is to it.

(If you make another using the Water of Lethe as the first item you will get
Refrain Memory.)

Original Recipe: Water of Lethe
Items needed:    Nectar
                 Philosopher's Ash
                 Cure Jar

Client   : Reize, Dakascus Oasis
Objective: Bring him a Steak
Rank     : 08 D
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Holy Emblem x5

This is the first of a number of quests involving Reize and his desire for
food. Eventually you will be able to open the chest behind him, but for now
just keep accepting his quests. He is always found at the same place in the
fishing spot.

C O M B A T  Q U E S T S
Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Power x6/7/8 (any location)
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : 3300 Cole, Blue Pearl x10/4000 Cole, Holy Emblem x7
           OR 3700 Cole/Holy Emblem x5, Cole 3700, or Blue Pearl x9 and 3100

Second Level Terrace N Ishtar in small enemies, and even at the Entrance to
Ishtar. These are also found in Grimoire. This quest is repeatable many times
and the rewards vary.

If you get the repeated quest Fallen Angels you can find Power inside the
Purple enemies situated at the 2nd Level Terrace N area which makes it esaier
both to find Power and to complete two quests at once.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Panthers in Ishtar. 7 groups needed
Rank     : 08 D
Reward   : 5000 Cole, Impulser x1
* Purple Monsters

They can be found on the First Level Terrace Ishtar, which is reached when you
change one Lithograph to RED. (It's easiest to do this on the one in the Woofer
Village.) This removes the Sword Hilt that was blocking the path near the
entrance and gives access to the teleporter to the main part of the First Level

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Giant Golden Pig in Valtessa
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : 11000 Cole, Hell Fire x1 Recipe

The Golden Pig is in the Forest Depths, and of course he is in the very last
room at the far north of the area. (I'd suggest waiting until you have the
Hammer before walking all the way out here, as you could pass a little time
with some profitable tree thumping on the way, which also will help you
complete another Field Bonus for Valtessa.

Do the usual thing and raise your skills gauge before this battle.

| BOSS -  GOLDEN PIG                     |
| Location: Valtessa Depths              |
| Protections: Special/Status Double     |
| Weakness: Beast                        |
| Skills: Quick, Break                   |
| Drops:                                 |

Anyone who has played the other AI games will know what to expect from this
PIG, though he is not as fearsome as some. He can add to his speed with "Quick"
and break attack someone. Quick can trigger turn after turn so in effect he
gets three attacks to your one if you are unlucky. Keep healed and keep using
Jiptus when the effect wears off, as this will reduce the power of his attacks
by half.

His one person normal attack can do nearly 100 HP of damage if you don't use
Jiptus, so begin with this summon. You can use any Blades, but you might want
to have Edge use Plua with the Beastslayer Wind Slicer weapon.

(I had just started to use Fanatos so went with this and left the real killing
up to Nell and Iris. You can use any elemental magic and physical attacks on
him and they are all effective.)

You won't get the reward until you report back...all this walking and taxi-ing
gets a bit tedious after a while.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Petit Kobold! in Posporia.
Rank     : 08 C
Reward   : 11000 Cole, Quickstrike Blade x1 (weapon)

You need to go to the Fairy Treasury room, which is one room south from the
Village and then right. You can only enter this room when there are three or
less beads left.

| BOSS -  PETIT KOBOLD                   |
| Location: Fairy Treasury               |
| Protections: Special/Status Double     |
| Weakness: Beast                        |
| Skills: Quick, Bite                    |
| Drops:                                 |

This little guy is fast because he can use "Quick", turn after turn, and each
Bite attack can inflict around 30-40 HP damage for one person at a time.
Keeping healed is your first priority, and Nell with Nymph would be best for
this battle. Use Jiptus and Diemia summons with Iris to reduce the power of his
attacks, and knock him back. Getting a burst can be a little tricky if he
manages to do four or five attacks in a row, but otherwise this is not hard
with any Blades.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Lizard Rebel in Ishtar
Rank     : 08 A
Reward   : 11000 Cole, Magic Armour x1 Recipe

Walk all the way to the 2nd Level Terrace Pond and you'll find the Boss
blocking the path across the pond. You can edge (sorry...) around to reach the
fishing spot if you don't plan to fight them just yet. When you are ready jump
up to touch them and the battle will start.

| BOSS -  DRAGONEWT X3                   |
| Location: Ishtar 2nd Level Terrace N   |
| Protections: Special, Fire             |
| Weakness: Dragon                       |
| Skills:  Break                         |
| Drops: Dragon Bone                     |

There are only three of them and they are identical. Their only skill is Break,
which targets one, and they individually autoheal by around 250 HP each time
it is their turn.

Your Blades don't really matter, but having an attack that targets them all at
once is helpful, or a timed attack to build up your Burst Gauge. I used Kobold
Hero as a general attack and when the Burst occurred, good old Kobold stomped
them flat, and that was that.

Celebrate with a bit of peaceful fishing if you don't have much time left at
the end of this battle.

F E T C H  Q U E S T S
Client   : Hagel, Weapon Shop
Objective: Take him 10 Shroom Juice
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : Dragoneer x1, Silmarillion x1

(Did not appear in this chapter fact this request only appeared after
completing the quest to make a Draken for Hagel in the next chapter, and he
will talk about the need for medicine to heal his baldness, in a roundabout

Shroom Juice is easy enough to make using readily available ingredients except
that the final itsm is Mysterious Seed and you may run short of those. If so,
you can buy them at the shop in the Beastmen's Quarters. The rewards are two
weapons, but not recipes. In fact the additional Silmarillion is handy as you
will need 4 of these for a later quest.

Oh, and this is yet another reason for saying for can never have enough Melty
Spring Water!

Client   : Gregor, 2nd Level South, Ishtar.
Objective: Take him Gauntlet of Artorius x1
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : 9000 Cole, Formal Fabric x5

This is an accessory made from the Thorn Gauntlet using Altena Ingot as the
first item. To make the ALtena Ingot (derived from the Ingot recipe, and made
by changing first ingredient of the Magic Silver Ingot), you need the Holy
Emblem item. You can first get these from the quest Angered Holy Angel.

After making the Altena Ingot use this to make the Thorn Gauntlet accessory
and you'll find a new recipe: The Gauntlet of Artorious needed for a quest.
This recipe needs the Altena Ingot, Philosopher's Ash and a Pendelook - which
is also not a common item, but found in the further areas of Ishtar.

Gregor is reached by climbing the vines from the Woofer Village and then taking
the teleporter. From here melt the ice and walk up to the top of the path to
find Gregor standing by the next teleporter.

Original Recipe: Derived from Gauntlet
Items Needed:    Altena Ingot
               o Philosopher's Ash/Glansen Ore
               o Pendelook/Gravity Stone

Find the recip in a treasure chest at the Giant Tree, Posporia.

Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Give her 4 Chaos Candy
Rank     : 08 A
Reward   : Glittering Thread x5, Blue Pearl x5

You can get these as using Nell's Trick or Treat skill with Siren Blades
equipped. Various monsters give them: Kamikaze Doll G, Kamikaze Doll, Morning
Glory, Shield Geist, Dark Puni, Shadowgirl, Shadow Legien.

C H A P T E R  S I X  :  M I S S I O N  -  Challenging Control

RANK 09 GALE - X Heal x5, Misty Curtain x3, Sweaty Fruit x3.

After reaching the Raider Rank upgrade there will be a scene with Manna asking
you to go the Guild. You are at the Workshop so you can easily save if you want
before heading to the Guild, receiving your rank up items, and then entering
Noella's room for instructions.

Now make your way to the 3rd Level Ishtar to investigate the Pillar of Light.
This reached by going to the Woofer Village and then up to the second
teleporter where you have to smash the rocks. You MUST have the Lithographs set
to RED (the future) to remove the tree that otherwise blocks the path to the
east of the 3rd Level Terrace.  When you arrive at the 3rd LT you'll see the
red mark at Sword Hill. Gregor has moved to the first room and tells you the
route is past the tree, if you need reminding.

Walk along the narrow path to the right and where there is a flat metal plate
go through the gap in the upper wall onto a pipe leading north. In the next
room there is a healing spot just before you step onto the metal pipes that
lead to the next room.

You will arrive at the target destination immediately, and there is the
expected battle.

| BOSS -  ALVERO 2                       |
| Location: Sword Hill, Ishtar           |
| Protections: Special/Status Double     |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills: Twin Blade X (timed),          |
|         Thunder Blade (one)            |
| Drops: None                            |

His Twin Blade X attack on one does around 30 HP damage, but since this is a
repeat attack it will damage your burst gauge more seriously than your team.

Iris can summon Jiptus to begin with which helps, and I had Edge with Plua's
Dancing Edge to rack up the burst gauge. Nell with Faustus is hopeless in this
fight since none of her specialist attacks can be used against Alvero, but
really this does not matter as with one burst you can defeat him.

Then you have the more interesting battle. Yes, he transforms and takes on the
Undead class. The music changes as well, to a more funky minor key battle

| BOSS -  ALVERO 2 (AGAIN)                         |
| Location: Sword Hill, Ishtar                     |
| Protections: Special/Status Double               |
| Weakness: Undead                                 |
| Skills: Twin Blade X (timed), Thunder Blade (one)|
|         Necroism (power up), Spark Blade (timed) |
|         - all                                    |
| Drops: None                                      |

Use exactly the same techniques as before. Spark Blade can inflict around 70-
120 HP damage to all depending on weaknesses and equipment. With the boost he
gets, the timed and ordinary attack will do around 60 -70 HP damage per person
This battle will take at least two bursts to complete.

Edge with Plua is quite useful but I would suggest a different Blades for Nell,
though at least Faustus has higher HP and hits harder.

(After battle events are quite a shock actually...and now you know more about


C H A P T E R   S E V E N ..................................................C07


| Quests - Target Points           |
| Rank 09 GALE                     |
| Battlefield Nurse     100 points |
| Left Behind           150 points |
| Lost, I'll Find       150 points |
| Reckless Raiders      250 points |
| Subcontract, Again!   150 points |
| The Squawk Chief      200 points |
| Want Good Soup        100 points |

- Dakascus Crystal Valley North [Mission]

- Luplus - Mana of Time (Edge Blade) [Optional fight with Shadowstalker,
  Sword Hill, Ishtar]

- Crown of Thorns [Quest reward - Dragon Fight]
- Ladies Clothes [Quest reward - Left Behind]
- Legendary Stone [Quest reward - The Squawk Chief]
- Magic Board [Quest reward - Reckless Raiders]
- Merdoll [Quest reward - Prince of the Sea]
- Shoes [Quest reward - Bandits Resurrected]
- Super Medicine [Mission chest - inside secret room of ??? House]

- No more left!

Do NOT use the stronger healing items during battle if you can avoid it. Save
these for crafting and for the hardest battles.

C H A P T E R  S E V E N  :  W A L K T H R O U G H

In this chapter you can obtain the final Mana, and the Mission will take you
into the final area of the Alterworlds. You won't obtain all recipes yet
though, so just keep grafting/crafting.

You will begin this chapter in the Guild, so just take all the quests that you
can. Love Letter, Courage, and Once More, all listed as Rank Required 08
appeared at the start of this chapter.  After completing one or two early
quests there will be more on the board, so you can group and plan them
according to the Alterworld. The Reckless Raiders quest requires visits to
three different Alterworlds: Valtessa, Ishtar and Dakascus, so plan your other
quests around this one to avoid too much revisiting.

Valtessa Quests
There is one Raider to find in Valtessa, Earl's quest may be in this chapter,
Rufina as well, and the Puni Brothers 3 is in this chapter so you could do them
all at once. The Puni Brothers will be where they always are at the pond, and
the Raider's location is marked in the Depths.

Complete a quest that rewards you with Fragment of Aion, such as Battlefield
Nurse, and take on Festival Preparations or any other combat quest, and Strong
Bears (which also rewards with Fragment of Aion) at the same time.

Collect a few Ishtar quests: Gregor wants an Amulet, and there should be the
King Tuna request from Funan as well as some repeated combat quests to make it
worth your while, together with the Lost Raiders. You can also fight Shadow
Stalker in this chapter.

Take on the Squawk Chief quest and the Dragon Fight one: this will help you
find the Dragon's Tongue you need for the Karotto Magasto recipe and Want Good
Soup quest.

There is Soup to deliver and a Reckless Raider to find, but wait until you can
make the soup before starting out, and there is another set of Lizard Bandits
to vanquish.

There are no more Alchemy Levels beyond Level 8, but don't stop crafting
things as there are many more recipes still left that can only be completed
during the later chapters of the game. Also you can begin to improve the
quality of some previously made things now that you have access to a wider
range of ingredients. Start to think about saving and collecting the uncommon
items for better effects, and making multiples for healing and attack items.

Once you have a Fragment of Aion you can make the Super Nectar for the first
time. This is derived from the Nectar recipe with Nectar as the first

C H A P T E R  S E V E N  - R A I D E R  R A N K   :  O  9

N O R M A L  Q U E S T S
Client   : Repre, Hot Springs, Posporia
Objective: Take X-Heal x 5 to her.
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Quest Points: 100, Fragment of Aion x2

The reward is useful and the request is easy to fulfil. She is waiting for you
near a tree at the upper path leading to the right from the Neutral Baths in
Posporia. There will be an easy battle with two Tigers after giving her the

By the way she wants the X HEAL which is a Mana Item. and not the X-Jar, which
is an ingredient, although the recipe uses an X Jar for the last ingredient.
It also needs a Pendelook, so you may need to collect some more of these.
(Found in Ishtar.)

Original Recipe: Restorative Medicine
Items Needed:    Heal Jar
               o Pendelook/Dunkelhite

Client   : Meyna, Memorial Monument
Objective: Go to Meyna then meet her at Ishtar entrance.
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Ladies Clothes x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

May not appear until the next chapter.

Meet Meyna at the Memorial as usual and she wants you to accompany her to
Ishtar. Go to the portal and she will arrive. Although she doesn't tell you
much, if you look at the map for 3rd Level Terrace there will be the friendly
red mark showing the room. This is where the Diamond Dust recipe is found, and
it is to the far right of the main map.

Head up the two sets of vines from the Woofer Village and take the teleporter
to the 3rd Level Terrace. The Lithograph must be set to RED (future) so you can
walk past the tree, and you can quickly check this as there is no second pond
on the map if it is red.

There will be a couple of short scenes as you walk towards the destination
room, and at the metal plate where the path leads to Sword Hill, there will be
a battle with a couple of Leopards. Follow Meyna to the final room for the
completion of this quest.

NOTE: this time there are no enemies at all in the room so if you haven't yet
obtained the Diamond Dust recipe now is a good opportunity to do so. Just jump
across the rocks to the right.

Client   : Pukko, Beastmen Quarters
Objective: Listen to Pukko's concern, then go to Valtessa Depths.
Rank     : 09 B
Reward   : Quest points 150, Healing Necklace x1
Unable to Cancel

May not appear until the next chapter.

You don't need to do this quest as you already have the recipe for Healing
Necklace, but it's useful to get another one.

Visit Pukko in his usual place in the Beastmen's Quarters, and watch the scene.
Then go to the Ancient Forest to find the pendant that Phenyl dropped
somewhere. This is easy to find in the Forest Depths area. Head for the largest
room and then turn left to enter the room with the Tree icon and there will be
a scene as soon as you arrive. You are free to continue killing stuff in
Valtessa and could bash the tree for items and enemies. With a little luck you
will find an Apple of Youth here.

Return to town and take the pendant to Pukko and there will be another scene,
after which the quest is completed.

Client   : Noella, Master's Office
Objective: Go to see Noella and help the Raiders
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Quest Points 250, Magic Board x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

You are instructed to help out some Raiders who have been taking on quests that
are beyond their capabilities, but only at the last minute. You are supposed to
ask the Gatekeepers at the Alterworlds to find out where they went. You can do
these in any order and take as long as you like to complete the quest.

o Ishtar
If you head to the Ishtar entrance and speak to the guard by the door, he will
tell you that a low rank Raider went in, and is heading to the Sword Hill,
where the pillar of light appeared.

The route is from the highest teleporter in the Woofer Village with the
Lithograph set to RED. As soon as you go through the opening in the wall
heading to the red ! mark, there will be a scene.

If you continue up to the Sword Hill there will be a new boss enemy waiting for
you! This is Shadow Stalker. Don't worry if you lose this fight as there is no
penalty and you can return to fight him again.

o Valtessa
One is in Valtessa, so you could do this one when you have another Valtessa
quest or three. The location is marked with the red ! at the room just before
the final one in the Forest Depths. You need to head to the right when you
enter the previous room and this will begin a short scene and a battle with a
Owlbear and a couple of Leopards. That's all you have to do in Valtessa.

o Dakascus (need Breath of Earth if you haven't explored here yet.)
Talk to the guard and he will mark the Raider's location on the map. He is is
Crystal Valley West in a room at the furthest east. It's a long trek, but there
are Hourglasses to find along the way. (When you enter the first room of the
West region stay on the upper path heading left, and when you enter the
rectangular room stay on the lower path leading down.)

There will be a simple battle with a Lizard Lord, Lizard Shaman and Lizard
Warrior all of whom are weak to Ice and DragonSlayer weapons. There is nothing
to find in the room so if you're done, just head back to town, and report back
to Noella for the reward.

Client   : Earl, Tavern
Objective: Talk to Earl in person, then go to Giant Tree in Posporia
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Chain of Gleipnir x1/3 (variable)
Unable to Cancel

Find Earl in the Tavern and he gives instructions to defeat a monster called
Fallen Lord at the Giant Tree. This is reached from the cannon at the Bow Won
shop at Neutral Baths, and remember, you cannot get back to Posporia from
there, so try to find an additional combat quest for this visit if possible.

Once you arrive at the tree check the map to see a red ! mark in the second to
last room of the tree map. This is the Upper Area of the tree where the logs
form a series of flat steps.

| BOSS -  FALLEN LORD                        |
| Location: Posporia, Giant Tree Upper Area  |
| Protections: Special Double                |
| Weakness: Dead                             |
| Skills: Break                              |

He is immune to poison unless you remove his traits, in which case, he's not!
His single person attack can do around 140 HP damage depending on equipment.
Break will inflict 200 + .

As usual summon Jiptus with Iris and if possible use a weapon that targets the
dead. I used Edge with Jiptus for this battle and equipped him with the Holy
Halberd, and Nell with Faustus. But you could use any Blades. Just for fun I
removed his traits, and then poisoned him. This is an easy battle with one
burst and Soul Burst.

There will be a scene with Earl after defeating the Fallen Lord, after which
you can leave, and then return to the Tavern to speak to Earl again to complete
the quest.

Client   : Noella, Master's Office
Objective: Go to Noella and then find Squawk Chief
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Legendary Stone x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

This quest appears on the board after completing the Reckless Raiders quest.
All you have to do at first, is meet with the Chief in the Squawks Village.
As soon as you arrive a scene will unfold and you'll discover he isn't in the
village. (While you're here fish for Joker Fish if you need some for Funan
quests, and pick up the Hourglass close to the pond.)

Check the map for 3F and you'll see the red ! mark showing that the Chief went
to the clock tower. This is reached by a circuitous route, which is easier if
you have already explored the UG area and flipped the switch which opens the
way through to this area. If you haven't then either check out the section on
Grimoire or follow the summary of the route here.

Go back underground from the village and head back down the Prison Path and
then left along the path to UG 1F South, and bash the rocks at the far end with
the Hammer. This takes you to UG iF Far South. At the far end of the path go
through an opening to the Outer Castle ??? Switch. Flip this, and then return
all the way back to the main entrance of the Castle. (You can leave and return
for the last part of this trip it you want.)

Starting from the main entrance of Grimoire, bash the rocks that block the
opening, and go up to the second floor. This is 2F South Corridor and then walk
up the passage to 2F Inner South. (There are chests in the side rooms if you
haven't yet explored here.)  With the switch flipped, the machinery has
stopped, allowing you to proceed. Follow the path and enter the opening and
there will be a scene with the Squawk Chief.

After this you can explore further if you want by flipping the switch that was
by the opening to this area of the Castle (3F Inside), and doing the same for
the next section of this floor until you reach the Bell Tower. (There an Iris
alchemy idea there, for Alchemy Level 6.)

When you are ready, return to Noella to complete the quest.

Client   : Reize, Dakascus Oasis
Objective: Give him a Karotto Magasto
Rank     : 09 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Taiyaki x2

Make this soup as a derived recipe from the Green Soup, but you require a
Dragon's Tongue to make it. This is a drop from the Necrohydra enemy found in
Grimoire UG in this chapter. The enemies are inside large red blobs on the
Prison Path, and they are the purple groups for the Dragon Fight quest.

You need to complete this quest for the Taiyaki reward which is required for
for a quest in the next chapter to make Feudal Snackcastle. (There are other
sources for this item, but you might as well get as many as you can.)

Original Recipe: Derived from Soup
Items Needed:    Carrotato
                 Green Soup
               o Dragon Tongue/Golden Meat
               o Salt/Concentrated Honey

C O M B A T  Q U E S T S
Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the King of Scales in Dakascus
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : 12000 Cole, Shoes x1 Recipe

They are in East Dakasucs, which means heading right from the room where the
first Pengie stands, and then walking up three rooms and left into the side
room where you previously fought some Lizard Bandits. This time you will need a
Breath of Earth to cross over to the part of the room where the enemy is found.
Equip yourself with Ice and Dragon based weapons if you want to defeat them
quickly. Draken is useful with Nell using Diemia Blades.

| BOSS - KING OF SCALES                   |
| Location: Dakascus, Crystal Valley East |
| Protections: Status Double, Physical    |
| Weakness: Dragon, Ice                   |
| Skills: Venom, Dragon Stance (auto)     |
| Drops: None                             |

He is accompanied by two ordinary Lizard Thiefs, both of which are weak to
Ice, and they all have Venom attacks. Dragon Stance increases his speed so
he'll get in a couple of attacks, and one can do around 100 HP damage, but
that is only to one person.

This is a nice battle because of the range of weaknesses, and the fact that the
King is not defended against Special attacks, even though he resists physical
attacks. With Ice Volley from Nell, using the Accessory Ice Bangle, which
targets all enemies, and Iris with her Nymph Ice summons and an Ice weapon, a
burst is easy to achieve. With one burst you should be able to defeat both
Lizards. You can even poison them all and the King will lose around 2500 HP a
go if poisoned. It should only take one, or at the maximum, two bursts to
defeat them all.

Open the chest here to receive a Star Prism, and report back to Phenyl for the

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Grimoire Necrohydra. 5 groups needed
Rank     : 09 C
Reward   : 8000 Cole, Crown of Thorns x1 Recipe
* Purple Monsters

Make sure to take this quest for the recipe reward, and the drops of Dragon
Tongues. These purple enemies are found in UG Grimoire 2F which is reached
from the second Nature's Prison Room, that has the stairs down, hidden by
three boxes.

For the quest they appear one at a time in each purple enemy, and be careful
as they target everyone with a cursed breath attack, which means you cannot
recover HP during the battle if afflicted.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Jin Riders. 10 needed (Any Location - Giant Tree Posporia).
Rank     : 09 B
Reward   : 4900 Cole, Holy Emblem x10,
           (Repeats - 5700 Cole, Blue Pearl x 12/4100 Cole, Holy Emblem x7)
* Repeatable

You can find Jin Riders at the Giant Tree in Posporia. They are inside both
small and large enemies. This quest does not ask for groups, but for numbers
of Jin Riders and sometimes there will be more than one in a group.

Alternatives: defeat 9, for a reward of 4500 Cole and Glittering Thread x7.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Puni Brothers in Valtessa
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : 8000 Cole, Moon Prism x 1

They are where they always are: at the pond in Valtessa, and are the same as

| BOSS - PUNI BROTHERS 3 Taro, Kichi,Jiro|
| Location:  Valtessa Fishing Spot       |
| Protections: Special Double            |
| Weakness: Puni                         |
| Skills: Puni Spike                     |

This is pathetically easy, and if you have a few points on the skill gauge it
will be over in one round, or even one turn!

Client   : Phenyl
Objective: Slay Posporian Bear Monster. 8/7 groups
Rank     : 09 C
Reward   : 5100 Cole, Fragment of Aion x2
* Quest Limit: 3 times

This is a good quest to do for the reward, though it will probably require two
visits to complete it, at least I could not find sufficient numbers of groups
in one trip. Only five in fact, despite trekking everywhere in Fairy

Head to Fairy Fort West Entrance and Western Forest to find purple enemies:
Nightwalker Bears. To reach here in this chapter is slightly complicated
because Fairies block the way south and east, and you can't use the cannon
east of the pond. Use the cannon from Kuma territory West to land in Fairy
Fort, West Entrance, and walk left to find the first purple blob. Keep going,
heading towards the Fairy Village, to find more.

You can leave this quest until the next chapter when the situation changes in
Posporia. Now the bears have taken over Fairy territory and the Fairy Village
area is open for you to walk there.

F E T C H  Q U E S T S
Client   : Hagel, Weapon Shop
Objective: Take him Draken x1
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Star Prism x1, Magic Silver Ingot x5

This is made from the Dragon Lance recipe found in a chest in the Rookery at
Dakascus. After completing this quest Hagel will ask about the hair
restorative, but you need to check back at the Guild to accept this new quest.

Client   : Gregor, 2nd Level South, Ishtar
Objective: Take him 1 Amulet (or 3)
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Glittering Thread x8, Long Pochy x12
           (Repeatable: Blue Pearl x 5, Jawbreaker Candy 8/Blue Pearl x7,
           Dragon Bone x8 for 4 Amulets)
* Repeatable

This is another Gregor quest, and you make an Amulet (which is a weapon, not
an accessory), using a Pendelook and Altena Ingot from the Magic Stone recipe
(from Celestial Rookery quest). Check to see how many he wants, but for the
first time it should be only one. He's on 2nd Level South, reached when you go
up the first vine in the Woofer Village and then left along the pipe and up to
the teleporter.

By the way, you can have more than one Gregor quest at once so you could
accept one and then wait for another before taking the trip to see him.

Original Recipe: Derived from Magic Stone
Items Needed:  o Pendelook/Talisman/Wind Slicer
                 Altena Ingot

Client   : Ella, Rio Book Store
Objective: Take her Unipuni Pudding x1
Rank     : 09 B
Reward   : Le Merou Cog x 5, Holy Emblem x5/Blue Pearl x9
* Repeatable

To make the Unipuni Pudding you have to use a precious Unirus Lifeform. (The
recipe for this was found in the Squawk Treasury as an Iris Alchemy idea for
Alchemy Level 5 if you haven't got it yet.)

Make one pudding and take it to Ella for the useful reward. Now, in one game I
got the better Blue Pearl reward though this may have been for a repeat quest.
This quest is worth doing nonetheless, and keep an eye out for repeats if you
want to amass more Holy Emblems and Blue Pearls.

Original Recipe: Derived from Cake
Items Needed:  o Puni Gummy
                 Goat Cheese
                 Unirus Lifeform
                 Puppy Paw Bonbon

Client   : Funan, Westbridge
Objective: King Tuna x1 will be needed
Rank     : 09 S
Reward   : Merdoll x1 Recipe. Thunder Rod x3

Fish for King Tuna at Ishtar ponds. Either pond will do, but the second one
only appears when the Lithographs are set to BLUE (past) and King Tunas appear
more often.

C H A P T E R  S E V E N  :  M I S S I O N  -  Embracer of Darkness

RAIDER RANK 10, STORM - collect your rank up provisions:
Heal All x5, Nectar x10, Bitter Fruit x3

Start this mission by visiting Noella who will give instructions to speak to
Hagel, and Phenyl will tell you that the tavern is a good place for
information. Call in on both of them for information, and then go to the
Eastern Residences and the empty house, heading right along the path that runs
past the bookshop. The house is up some steps before reaching the grass at the

There will be a scene when you arrive, and then you must search the back wall
between the two patches of broken plaster and a secret door will open. There is
a chest with Super Medicine Recipe. Click X on the desk for another scene.
Click on the map at the back of the room for more information, and then the
decision is made to head for Dakascus.

Saving seems a good plan before setting out, and checking your equipment and
Blades. (By this point I had only one Breath of Earth left, so made a few more
just in case.)

I equipped Luplus to increase the Blade levels, (and in fact this is a good
choice of Blade if you have it) and Nell with Diemia so at least one person
had physical attacks. You won't be able to make Elixir from the recipe in
Crowley's House just yet, but with the Glowing Bracelet you can use Raise even
to fully heal, even if someone is not dead.

When you arrive at Dakascus look at the map to see the red ! mark at the
destination in Crystal Valley North, so make your way west and then north to
the first room of the currently unexplored area. As soon as you cross into the
new area the crystal that was blocking the path will disappear and you can

There is an hourglass in the first area, and if you walk right this leads to
the north. There are bags with the previously rare Gravity Stones. and lots of
crystals to break, but no enemies until you reach the next room. You can
explore the area first if you want, as there are some chests to find, but you
need at least five more Breath of Earths.

If you go left from the rectangular room (the third one in this map), you
must use another Breath of Earth and then you can cross to another room with
two exits. Go left and down and this path leads around and back to the right,
under the path to the left room, and to a heal point. Continue to find Crowley.

| BOSS - CROWLEY                           |
| Location: Dakascus, Crystal Valley North |
| Protections: Special/Status Double       |
| Weakness: Evil                           |
| Skills:  Heaven's Gate (all) timed       |
|          Whirl of Greed (all)            |
|          Haste (increases speed)         |
|          Vritra (all)                    |
|          Gate - summons Shadow (timed)   |

Most of Crowley's attacks are time based so you will see additional cards added
to the ACCB. If you use Luplus Blades with Edge you can erase these time cards,
and this makes quite a difference to the battle: at least it can mean that you
never have to heal! He can also summon additional monsters to the fight, but
these are not strong and can easily be defeated. However, he has a range of
attacks, all of which can be damaging if you let him keep his time cards.

Heaven's Gate (all) timed attack repeats once per card round.
His single attack did around 40 HP.
Whirl of Greed (all).
Haste, he speeds up.
Vritra, damages everyone.
Gate - summons a Shadow (timed)

Using Luplus for Edge is not a bad idea as you can erase Crowley's timed
attacks. Nell had Delay on her Diemia weapon which helped to prevent Crowley
from getting his turn, and Iris can summon Luplus to speed up your turns. (The
long walk will mean your skill gauge should be high without having to fight
battles). You can use the attack item Lightning Rod to good effect given that
Edge may not have many other useful attacks if his Luplus Blade is still at low
levels. Kill Crowley and all other summoned enemies will disappear. Maybe two
bursts to finish him off.

Iris takes the Gem, and that is the end of the chapter. You cannot do more
exploring even if there is time left.

If you don't have Luplus, then use whatever other Blade you like: Jiptus with
Edge would be good with Soul Burst, and Nell could use Nymph for healing and
boosting, with Iris on attack magic, and her usual Jiptus summon.

My team were at level 28 for this battle.


C H A P T E R   E I G H T ..................................................C08


| Quests - Target Points  1500     |
| Raider Rank - STORM 10  6500     |
| Chiefs Meeting        300 points |
| Complaints Exploded   200 points |
| Get Me Out!           200 points |
| Kidnapped Repre       150 points |
| Pamela's Death        150 points |
| Sword Of Dakascus     300 points |
| Your Love             200 points |

- No new areas.

- No new Blades, unless you left Luplus to this chapter.

- Glasses [Quest reward - Pamela's Death]
- Heaven's Book [Quest reward - Sword of Dakascus]
- Robe [Quest reward - Chief's Meeting]
- Stellar Rune [Quest reward - Tribal Code]
- Thunder Summoner [Quest reward - Shroom Out of Place]

- None

C H A P T E R  E I G H T  :  W A L K T H R O U G H

Dressing Up, Memory Calls, Making a Castle, Shroom Out of Place, Left Behind,
Karrotato Tragedy, Tribal Code, Subcontract Again will appear if you didn't
get it in the previous chapter. Complete a couple or more easy quests and there
will some more quests: Pukko's Lost, I'll Find which is for Raider Rank 9 but
only appeared in this chapter, Supreme Gem, Sword of Dakascus and Pamela's
Death then appeared.

Zey Meruze
There are a number of quests that involve alchemy so it's best to start by
doing some crafting. Then go and talk to Eva (and Earl) at the Tavern, and
visit Pukko in the Beastmen Quarters. Pukkos' quest and Karrotato Tragedy are
both in Valtessa, and so you can do these at the same time. If you have the You
Love quest for Pukko (which may be in the next chapter) and Complaints Exploded
it's a good idea to do these two at the same time as they both involve walking
back and forth to the Beastman Quarters.

The Gem combat quest and Noella's Sword quest are both in Dakascus so aim to
complete these at the same time. Chief's Meeting will only appear after
completing Noella's Sword, but when it does accept immediately, as this
involves visits to three Alterworlds, so you can plan other quests around this.

Dakascus revisited
Visit the Pengie chief and Reize at the Oasis at the same time.

Wait to do the Pamela's Death quest until you have the Chief's Meeting and
Shroom Out of Place, and you can do them all at once. Start by visiting Pamela
and then go the Village and find the Shroom in Nature's Prison after this, and
finally go to the lower floor of the Underground area to complete Pamela's

Check to see if there is anything new you can craft. It's easy to miss things
which are derived recipes so a quick review can be helpful at this point. Also
make lots of the more commonly used items and begin to stack up multiples of
things such as Alchemic Metal, Magic Silver Ingot, Philosopher's Ash.

For example, I found I had not yet made the derived recipe from Cheesecake.
This requires Cheesecake for the first item, Flour, Super Nectar and Taiyaki,
and makes Feudal Snackcastle, which you need for one of the quests.

Make Elixir now you have an Alberich.

Make the Chronicle Slab for which you need a Magician's Book (weapon) as well
as Glansen Ore/Elemia Ore and a Gravity Stone. This gives the useful property
of "Quick", and it's worth crafting some equipment with this.

After making Aroma Material you can make Ruby Prism. (It needs Aroma Material,
Brilliant Stone/Pentagle, Dunkelhite and Dragon Tongue.

With the Ruby Prism you can make Gold. I hate having to waste the precious
Prism on something with the quality of Useless, but there's no option. However
this enables you to make another piece of armour for Iris.

The recipe for the weapon Silmarillion can be used to make another weapon using
a Silmarillion as the first item, and either and Alberich or Elixir for the
last item. Alberich gives Autoheal++ so you might want to choose this. You now
have the Alectorian a 6 xHIT weapon for Edge with the added bonus of

The recipe for Balmung can be used with a Uni as the first item, and the
Chronicle Slab as the second, with Glansen Ore/Slash Rapier/Punislayer as the
third and Tufts/Brownie Mask/Rainbow Feather as the last, to make Hunter
Needle, a 4 xHIT weapon for Nell that targets Beasts.

You can finally make the Twig of Origin for Nell now you have an Elixir. This
uses Baba Yoga, Elixir, Philosopher's Ash and Shroom Juice. If you want a
better choice of properties then play around with the Baba Yaga as this is the
only ingredient over which you have some control. You'll see that this has
Gurgu's Cane as an ingredient and again, you might want to alter the properties
of this before using it. It can get complicated at this point in the game, as
you attempt to make weapons that have the very best properties without wasting
precious ingredients such as the Elixir.

Make Seaform Fishruin, a weird fishy weapon for Nell.

Use the recipe for Metal Haubark and with Angel Wings as the first item, Silver
Cuirass/Ravissan, Vanilla Syrup. and Monster Cookie/Jawbreaker Candy, you will
get Feather Flow for Nell. With this you can now make Heaven's Feel, also for
Nell. This resists special attacks whereas Feather Flow resists physical. Using
Feather Flow (Elixir, Altena Ingot/Apple of Youth/Gravity Stone, and Red
Powerpuff/Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cloth/Formal Fabric), you can make Scarlet Tail
for Nell, which resists Fire.

Use the recipe for Violetta and change the first item to Gold, and then
Violetta/Formal Fabric, Blue Pearl/Glittering Thread, and Angel Wings gives
you Saint's Garb.

With the Alberich, and Tufts/Fairy Hat/Rainbow Feather, you can make Bunny
Ears. Make Winged Boots for the first time now you have the Chronicle Slab.
(Boot, Chronicle Slab, Rainbow Feather/Gravity Stone.) You can choose from
Quick or Speed (L) on this item, but I'd go for Quick, as speed can be added to
many items.

Using the recipe for Healing Ankh and either Elixir or Super Nectar as the
first item (Super Nectar is cheaper in ingredients), you can make the VERY
useful Healing Bracelet, which has the Common Skill Heal All. Make more than
one of these if you can.

Make Aroma Material now that you have the Healing Bracelet. This uses Brilliant
Stone, Pentagle, Healing Bracelet and Salt.

Make Crown of Thorns using Silver Frost Ring, Water of Lethe, Voodoo Doll and
Altena Ingot and this gives the Common Skill Nightmare.

Make Phelios Globe which gives the Common Skill of Meteor. (It uses Globe, Star
Prism/Moon Prism, Globeball, and Magician's Book.)

You want as many Fragments of Aion as you can get, to make the Super Nectar, so
you can make Healing Bracelets for everyone.

Alchemy After Quests
Heaven's Book gives you the recipe for Solomon's Key, a weapon for Edge. (You
can put both Delay L and First Strike on this which I think is useful.)
Robe gives you the recipe for Alchemy Robe, armour for Iris. If you substitute
Thin Leotard for the first item you will get the derived recipe for Celestial
Robe using Formal Stole and Chain of Gleipnir. This double defends from Ice and
Fire attacks and has high speed so is rather useful, although the Alchemy Robe
has better overall defense and magic attack. Take your pick of these!

Make the Thunder Caller accessory and you can then use this to craft the
weapon Element Blaze. This is a better weapon with Electricity and has 6 xHIT.
You can also make Deadpoint Glasses which gives an increase to HP.

Once again there were too many quest point quests for me, so a number of them
did not appear despite taking and cancelling minor repeat quests. Anyway you
can continue to accept repeat quests and gather extra useful items from them,
and the missed quests will appear in the next chapter.

C H A P T E R  E I G H T  -  R A I D E R  R A N K   : 1 0   S T O R M

N O R M A L  Q U E S T S
Client   : Noella, Master's Office
Objective: Go to see her and then all the Chiefs.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Quest Points 300, Robe x1 Recipe.
Unable to Cancel

This will appear on the board after completing Noella's Sword Quest, so accept
it and return to talk to Noella again.

There is going to be a chiefs' conference, and you must deliver letters to all
the Beastmen Chiefs. This entails visits to Ishtar, Woofer Village; Grimoire
Castle, Squawks Village; Dakascus, Pengie Village; and Posporia, Kuma Village
and Fairy Village. All you have to do is speak to all the Chiefs.  You can
check your progress in the "Quest in Progress" menu.

To get to the Kuma Chief in this chapter you have to take one of the Fairy
Cannons (East or West) since the direct route is blocked. Then walk to the Kuma
Village and the chief is found inside the main house. From the Kuma Village
North then take the cannon back to the Fairy Village and walk ahead up the
slope into the tree house. The chief is in the second room here.

After completing all the visits (five in total), return to speak to Noella.

Client   : Cerber, Cerber's House, Beastmen Quarters.
Objective: Meet Cerber first
Rank     : 10 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Globeball x5
Unable to Cancel

May not appear until the next chapter.

Speak to Cerber, who is worried about Human/Beast relations again, and then
visit the Tavern in town and talk to Eva about the so-called secret "Human
Only" meetings to find out the truth. Then head back to the Beastman Quarters
and and you will witness their meetings. Of course all this angst is based on a
misunderstanding and as Pukko says: it's all been a waste of hatred! But now
you have another task, to visit the Pengie Chief.

Visit Dakascus and speak to the chief in the Pengie Village, who tells you to
head back to Cerber and reassure him. After another scene the quest is

Client   : Reize, Dakascus Oasis
Objective: Listen to Reize's story
Rank     : 10 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Moon Prism x1
Unable to Cancel

Visit and speak to Reize at the Oasis in Dakascus. He arranges to meet you near
the entrance on your next visit, so head back to Dakascus and he will be
waiting just inside the Alterworld. He joins your party and now all you need to
do is walk back to the signpost at the crossroads. After a short scene continue
down the path heading towards the Oasis, and there will be another short scene.
Finally, back at the oasis he STILL won't let you get to the treasure chest,
but that's the end of the quest, so at least you gain a Moon Prism.

Client   : Fairy Chief, Fairy Chief's Room
Objective: Listen to the Fairy Chief
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Peacemaker x1 (Weapon)

NOTE: Make sure to have a Hot Salad in your inventory before setting out.
However, if you forget, and have to go back and make one, when you re-enter
Posporia the game very kindly does not make you walk all the way back to Mr

This quest may not appear until the next chapter. Your access to the different
areas to begin with, is dependent on which chapter you get this quest, but
it's going to be awkward and involve a lot of walking.

Go to Posporia and make your way to the Fairy Village, and speak to the Chief.
His room is highlighted with a red ! mark. Apparently the bears have taken
Repre away from the Fairies. You can't take the cannon in the Fairy Village to
the Kuma village...of course, and you cannot use either of the Fairy Fort
Cannons, so you must walk. You can just go back to town and revisit if you
prefer, but the walk to the entrance to Posporia makes this just as long a

Anyhow after talking the Fairy chief the balance of power changes, and you can
walk north to the bears territory from the Middle Battlegrounds. When you
arrive at Kuma Village South you will be blocked by a guard. Speak to him and
he demands a Hot Salad to let you through.

When you eventually reach the village, walk towards the chief's house and
there will be a scene with Repre, and then a final one with the Fairy Chief
(no more walking is required, you'll be pleased to hear!) That completes the

Client   : Eva, Tavern
Objective: Listen to Eva's favor and then visit Pamela.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Glasses x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Visit Eva at the Tavern and she'll explain that she is curious about how
Pamela died and became a ghost. (So are we all!) Obviously there is only one
way to find out and that's to ask Pamela, so once again head out to Grimoire
Library, and you should know the route like the back of your hand by now.

She tells you to find her diary which is in the Underground area. (You can
leave Grimoire and return if you wish, or just walk back to the ground floor
and then head right to the UG entrance.) You'll see a red ! mark in the UG 2F
area. This is reached by walking along the UG path which goes left from the
entrance to the area, and then up the Prison Path and through the second set of
broken bars to the right into Nature's Prison. Break the boxes and descend to

Break more rocks and walk to the right along the darkened path where you can
light the fires using the Flame Barrett. Then go left through the broken bars
and follow this path until you reach an opening into a watery and brighter
area. Keep going to find the grave and diary. Immediately after this you will
be back with Pamela in the library, so if you want to do anything else down
here, make sure to leave this until last.

This is the end of the quest, and you don't have to revisit Eva.

Client   : Noella, Master's Office
Objective: Go to see her and get a sword for her from Dakascus.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Quest Points 300, Heaven's Book x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

This appears before the Chief's Meeting quest and is a good one to take, as
you can pick up lots of useful items in Dakascus and get another recipe.

Check your map to see a red ! mark at the final room at the bottom of the
Crystal Valley West map. Simply head west from the first Pengie, and then south
when you reach that map. You will be able to swordslash all the small enemies
along the way to the Sword Memorial. When you arrive click on the sword to
obtain it. Then return to town and take the sword to Noella to complete the

Client   : Pukko, Beastmen Quarters
Objective: Listen to Pukko's concerns
Rank     : 10 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Bunny Ears x1
Unable to Cancel

This quest involves a lot of walking back and forth but it's worth the effort.
Talk to Pukko in his usual place in the Beastmen's Quarters, and then go and
talk to Ewan in his room in the Scripture Library. Edge reassures Ewan that
they got their information from an extremely unreliable source, just as well,
since the idea of a 12 year old girl and Ewan is not a nice one, but don't
worry, Phenyl resolves things in her usual way.

Return to Pukko and now you have another target of his suspicions, Funan. Go
and find him at the Westbridge, and Phenyl turns up again. Head back to Pukko
who now thinks that Anna is Phenyl's favourite, and you get one of the best
lines in the game from Edge.

Now back to the Guild and speak to Anna, and finally return to Pukko to
complete the quest.

C O M B A T  Q U E S T S
Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Golden Pig in Valtessa. 4 groups.
Rank     : 10 B
Reward   : 9000 Cole, Globeball x3
* Purple Monsters
* Repeatable

Head for the Forest Depths and you will find Purple enemies in the second room
and thereafter. They are also in the Poison Altar room. The Golden Pigs might
be alone or accompanied by Jin Riders or Jagged Bears. If Nell has her Siren
Blades she can steal Golden Meat from the pigs, although this doesn't always
work, and you have a better chance of success if you use a burst. Though even
that might not work as they seem to be very resistant to stealing.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Wandering Fungol found in Grimoire.
Rank     : 10 B
Reward   : 16000 Cole, Thunder Summoner x1 Recipe

Phenyl will remind you that a Mushroom can heal itself, and you had better
take note!

This enemy is easy to find. Simply go to the UG Grimoire and up the Prison
Path on the way to the Pengie Village. He is waiting for you next to the far
wall of the first room that leads off to the right, called Nature's Prison.

| BOSS -  WANDERING FUNGO                  |
| Location: Nature's Prison, Grimoire UG   |
| Protections: Special Double, Electricity |
| Weakness: Fire                           |
| Skills: Poison Blow, Self heals          |

You really need equipment that resists poison and weapons that target his Fire
weakness. This is not an easy fight if you are ill-prepared, because of the
repeated self healing and poisoning your team. He heals himself for around 2500
HP each round, so if you are having to heal from poison while trying to rack up
the burst gauge he can easily recoup his health.  The best way to prevent this
is to stop him from having a turn by racking up the skill gauge fast with Fire
attacks, and using Diemia with Iris. Divine Shields can block an attack.

Now here's something useful. If you get poisoned and think you've run out of
healing items, (oops), check the green question mark for your battle items and
you'll find Eicheloa, lots of them no doubt, and this item heals poison,
although it does not heal HP. Make sure to heal from poison immediately.

I wasn't prepared for this fight, of course, and had Edge with the least useful
Blade Fanatos, and for various reasons he died and I had run out of nectars.
Meant to buy some and forgot. So I just went ahead with the other two and he
did his automatic reincarnation which was nice. I used Sacrifice after Edge
came back from the dead, to revive Iris (who had also died by this point) and
fortunately she had Raise, so we were back in business!

In the end I got fed up with this fight and my lack of killer burst moves, so
I used Iris' Faustus summon to remove all his traits. After that, with a bit
of Jiptus and Diemia from Iris and Godly Beam from Edge, he was soon

My Team were level 29 for this battle.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Kill Orb monster x 10. Any Location. (Dakascus)
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : 6500 Cole, Gravity Stone x3.
* Repeatable

They can be found in Dakascus North area inside some small white enemies. They
resist magic attacks but are weak to Electricity based weapons. A trip to this
area is useful for obtaining more Gravity Stones from bags as well as the
reward. They are also found in Ishtar in various areas, including the third
Level Terrace.

Various rewards for repeated quests: 6100 Cole, Holy Emblem x6, 6700 Cole,
Apple of Youth x1. (Kill 8 was the first of these.)

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Kobold Fugitive found in Dakascus.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : 17000 Cole, Stellar Rune x1 Recipe

This enemy is found in Dakascus Crystal Valley North in the large L shaped
room which is the fourth one on the map. Go left at the junction in this room
and he is waiting at the top of the slope.

| BOSS -  FUGITIVE KOBOLD                     |
| Location: Dakascus, Crystal Valley N.       |
| Protections: Special/Status/Physical/Double |
| Weakness: Beast                             |
| Skills: Boomerang Shot, Quick, Kobold Aerial|
|         Kobold Bound (all)                  |

Okay so he's a small Kobold, and that means, as a beast, you could use weapons
that target this weakness which might not be a bad plan since he's doubly
resistant to everything except magic. Otherwise just use magic on him.
Iris' Jiptus summon is useful to reduce his spirit and power as he can inflict
a lot of damage with his Boomerang Shot. If he gets in a Kobold Bound attack as
well, with Quick you could find yourself in trouble. If you have Edge with
Luplus you can Slow him down, though this doesn't prevent him from using his
Quick skill.

With the wrong Blades set up this battle might take up to three bursts to
defeat him. Nell would be best with a magic based Blades, Siren or Nymph so
she can heal, and make sure at least one person has the Raise skill...just in
case. The Delay+ (L) Property is also handy in this battle in forcing the
Kobold's card back on the ACCB.

F E T C H  Q U E S T S
Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Silmarillion x4 will be needed
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Gravity Stone x3, Chaos Candy x5 ((Holy Emblem x6 for one repeat
           and Holy Emblem x8 Chaos Candy x5 for another.)
* Repeatable

You should already have at least one of these from the reward for the Grow,
Dear Youth Hagel quest, but you will still have to make more. The easiest and
cheapest way to make these is with Altena Soul as the first item, Holy Emblem
as the second and then Magic Silver Ingot and Gravity Stone. Go to Dakascus if
you need more Gravity Stones.

Original Recipe: Legendary Stone
Items Needed:  o Altena Soul/Amulet/Fungo Charm/Silmarillion
               o Brilliant Stone/ Pentagle/Holy Emblem
                 Magic Silver Ingot
                 Gravity Stone

The recipe for Legendary Stone was a Quest reward for completing The Squawk
Chief quest in Chapter 7.

Client   : Ella, Rio Book Store
Objective: Feudal Snackcastle x1 will be needed.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Fragment of Aion x3, Dragon Tongue x3

Ella gives some great rewards for her quests, and you should make sure to
complete this one.

Using the Cheesecake (Mana item) recipe, select Cheesecake for the first item,
then Flour, Super Nectar and Taiyaki, and make Feudal Snackcastle. You'll see
that there are no substitutions for this recipe, and it uses the precious Super
Nectar, but it's worth doing this quest since you get more Fragments of Aion,
which are ingredients for the Super Nectar.

Taiyaki was a reward for the Want Good Soup quest in the last chapter so you
should have some of these. If not, then they are also a treat from Sandfish
and Sand Dragon enemies in Dakascus, and a 10000 point field bonus reward for

Original Recipe: Derived from Cake
Items Needed:    Cheesecake
                 Super Nectar

Client   : Gregor, 2nd Level South, Ishtar
Objective: Refrain Memory x9 will be needed.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Elixir x1, Crown Breastplate x1

The Refrain Memory is derived from the Water of Lethe recipe, and you should
have already found the recipe for this, but now you must make a lot of them.
Worth it for the hard to make and rare item Elixir.

NOTE: I accepted this quest but did not complete it until the next chapter
when I also had the Gold quest from Gregor. This saves that little bit of
effort involved in going all the way to Gregor twice instead of just once.

Original Recipe: Derived from Water of Lethe
Items needed:    Water of Lethe
                 Medicine X
                 Cure Jar

Client   : Hagel, Weapon Shop
Objective: Take him Shroom Juice x 30
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Shining Grail x1, Alberich x3 (The rewards appear as ????)

(May not appear until chapter 9.)

Easy to complete so long as you have enough Mysterious Seeds. If not, just buy
them from the Beastmen's Quarters shop, as you should have plenty of cash by
this point in the game, and it saves a lot of bother. The recipe is any
mushroom for the first ingredient, Bitter Grape, MELTY SPRING WATER! and
finally Mysterious Seed. The rewards are very rare items so try to complete
this quest.

(And yet again I did not have enough MSW...)

C H A P T E R  E I G H T  :  M I S S I O N  - Sisters

RAIDE RANK -11  VORTEX. Provisions: X Heal x5, Cure Jar x10, Apple of Youth x3.

When you rank up there will be a scene in Grimoire Bell Tower where the next
Gem appears, and this is followed with a scene in the Guild. You are
instructed to go and see Ewan at the Scripture Library. He is waiting for you
and tells you that this might be a trap, but as Nell says...act before you
think! Though you might want to save before setting forth.

Crush the boulders at the entrance and climb to the second floor. Follow the
main passageway through 2F Inner South heading right, and through the opening
at the end to 3F Inside. Again walk right following the path until you reach
the second switch and stairs up. There is a healing place here, so ensure you
use it and that your Skill Gauge is above the default.

You will meet a familiar person here, Yula of course, who foolishly thinks she
has a chance to beat your team.

| BOSS -  YULA                                             |
| Location: Castle Roof Inside, Grimoire Castle, Top Floor |
| Protections: Special Double, Status Double               |
| Weakness: None                                           |
| Skills: Scarlet Surge, Haste, Grand Quake (timed),       |
|         Beat Down (one), Killer Quake (one)              |
| Drops: None                                              |

She starts the battle with a kind of boost: this is Scarlet Surge and later in
the battle this gives her Haste and she may also use Grand Quake, which is a
strong timed attack against everyone. Her single person attack will do around
30-40 HP damage when curtailed by Iris; Jiptus.summon, so make sure to use this
early on in the battle. Killer Quake hurts one for around 70+ HP. Gain a burst
as soon as you can and keep healed.

This is easy enough with any Blades, but Jiptus Blades for Edge is especially
useful for the Soul Burst, and you should be able to beat her in two bursts or
so. I hoped she'd join the group after this but she didn't. :(

While you're here exit the Roof and flip the switch, then return and walk left
and over the stopped cogs to pick up a couple of bags of Blue Pearls and/or
Pendelook. Enemies will re-spawn as well. Re-set the switch, and this time
carry on right and over the cogs to reach the outside, where Iris takes the
seventh and penultimate gem.

After this battle my levels were 30 for everyone.


C H A P T E R  N I N E .....................................................C09


| Quests - Target Points   1500    |
| Raider Rank - VORTEX 11  8000    |
| An Alterworld Map     300 points |
| An Easy Request       200 points |
| Battlefield Idol      150 points |
| Confession            200 points |
| Curious Treasure      200 points |
| Kittens Need A Home   200 points |
| Memorable Sword       200 points |
| Sad Angel             150 points |

- Borot [Quest reward - Fool's Treasure]
- Brogius [Quest reward - Memorable Sword]
- Engagement Ring [Quest item - Confession]
- Green Board [Quest reward - An Alterworld Map]
- Nell Lance [Quest reward - Twinshade Demon]
- Staff of Creation [Quest reward - Red-Haired Beast]

C H A P T E R  N I N E  :  W A L K T H R O U G H

There are two scenes at the start of this chapter, after which you will be
inside the Guild. Take all the Quests from the board.

Kittens Need a Home, Complaints Exploded, Big Puni Research, Demon Subduction,
Sad Angel, Your Love, Memorable Sword, Red-Haired Beast were all on the board.
Talk to Anna for the Sad Angel quest and see Noella as well before you leave
and head back to the workshop to save and sort out all these quests. Another
two will appear quickly, at least if you complete one or two first, and these
are battlefield Idol, another one involving Repre and making Gold for Gregor.

The Wedding Dress quest does not appear until after completing a number of
others, but you won't be able to craft it unless you do the Confession quest
from Winna. He will give you the recipe for the Engage Ring at the start of
this quest. Complete Noella's sword quest before Confession and In Memory will
appear, and in any case you need the recipe from Noella to do this Hagel quest.

I had a lot of trouble getting some quests to appear in my previous game, but
this time I found that certain quests seem to trigger the appearance of new
ones. Once you complete the Wedding Dress one then An Easy Request appeared,
Youth and Its End (which I was expecting to see in chapter 8), and Reize's
Curious Treasure. Take every quest even if you cannot complete them all. I was
running out of available quest points by this stage of the chapter.
Noella;s dinner appeared after doing many other quests.

Red-Haired beast is found in Valtessa and so you can complete this quest and
Sad Angel at the same time.

Twinshade Demon and Winna's Confession quest.

Gregor's Gold quest is essential for a recipe and 3 Super Nectars, and you can
complete the fighting quest of Demon Subduction at the same time.

Battlefield Idol with Repre could be done at the same time as the Big Puni

There is the final quest from Repre and some combat quests, and of course you
will need to buy more MELTY SPRING WATER from the shop if, like me, you never
have enough of the stuff.

You can take Rufina's quest, Sad Angel and Scarlet, a combat quest.

After completing Noella's Memorable Sword quest.make the Brogius weapon using
familiar ingredients: Altena Ingot, Divine Shield and Altena Soul, or choose
alternatives to give you different properties. You can select Atk + (L) for
example, but this weapon only has 2xHIT so it's not a great one to use, but
that doesn't matter, as you want to use it for the Deus Ex Machina which has
7xHITs, and the Junk Borot, which has 5.

Make three Brogius, and make sure you get your preferred properties for the
first one, and then you can substitute less rare ingredients for the other two
and keep the same properties. Then use one for the Deus Ex Machina, one for the
Junk Borot and keep the third for a Hagel quest: In Memory.

Nell's Comet recipe requires an Engage Ring for the final item so you can only
make this one after receiving the recipe from Winna which he gives you at the
start of his Confession quest. Because this weapon uses other weapons for two
of the ingredients it means that you have a range of possible properties for
it. The main problem is to decide which would be best. However, since this
weapon only has one hit, you might not want to use it all despite it's attack

Staff of Creation needs Gold for the first ingredient, Long Pochy (or
alternatives) for the second and Diamond Dust for the last.

Verdure Tablet (the Green Board recipe) also needs Gold, but with the Rank Up
provisions you should be good for making another one. (I had run out of
Dragon's Tongues for this, which prompted a quick trip to the UG of Grimore.)

Craft the Crown Breastplate for Edge: this is his best armor so choose the
property wisely, but Quick is a good choice.

C H A P T E R  N I N E  -  R A I D E R  R A N K   :   1 1

N O R M A L  Q U E S T S
Client   : Anna
Objective: Go to Anna and then complete an exploration of every room in every
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : 300 Quest Points, Green Board x1 Recipe.

First speak to Anna and you will end up in Noella's office where she explains
this quest. You are asked to complete the mapping of every Alterworld, which
sounds simple enough. Visit every Alterworld, and when you enter there will be
a scene where everyone reminisces about the 'good ole days' in that world, if
you have already completed the exploration. If not, then find the missing
room/s! You can check the Alterworlds section of this FAQ to see which, if any,
you might have missed. When you have completed them all, return to speak to

If you think that you have done them all and can't get the reward, then this
means you missed one! Look at the quest menu page to see them all listed:
Also, if you think you have completed all the maps but when you enter the
Alterworld nothing happens, then that means you are wrong. I was sure I had
completed everything for this FAQ, but when I went back to Dakascus I
discovered there was a room I had missed, one of those which required a Breath
of Earth to enter.

The Alterworlds will be listed in whatever order you complete them, and you
can finish them all and avoid reporting back to Noella if you want to wait a
while, or complete other quests in order for the mission to trigger.


Client   : Eva
Objective: Deliver card to Meyna.
Rank     : 11 D
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Odysseus Sword

Do as many quests as possible before completing the final quest points ones,
and return to the Guild to find an important one from Eva. Unfortunately it
only appears late on in the chapter, so you may have a number of quest point
quests you could select to complete. You can accept them, but don't finish them
if you want this one to appear. If you take a points quest you may end up
missing this one, and it never returns!

Visit the Tavern for a scene and Eva asks you to give a card to Meyna. You
might think to find Meyna at her usual place by the memorial, but that would be
too easy. If you speak to the man at the door of the tavern he will say she has
been in the Guild and item shops, and indeed you can find her in the Guild
standing next to the two empty chests to the right.

After seeing Meyna Iris will suggest making a cake for her, and Nell comes up
with the recipe. Long  Pochy, Concentrated Honey, and a Feudal Snackcastle are
needed to make the cake.(Make sure you also have a Laughing Shroom and a
Vanilla Syrup as well if you want to see the alternative scene.) Once you have
everything then a scene will start when you enter the workshop. If you don't
have all the ingredients then you won't get the scene, so make sure to find
them all. If you have to make the Feudal Snackcastle first then leave the
workshop after crafting and re-enter to start the cake making scene.

You have the option to add Vanilla Syrup. Say no and Nell continues to add
secret spice: Laughing Shroom, and this leads to a scene where the Edge is
suffering from poison. Say yes to the Vanilla and she will still ask about the
Laughing Shroom. Refuse to add the Shroom and the dialogue at the party is
different - about the cake being too sweet.

Choose to add both the Vanilla Syrup AND the Laughing Shroom for the Ultimate
Cake! (But the result is the same as if you only added the Shroom...I was
expecting something good from the Ultimate Cake. Oh well.)

Client   : Repre, Hot Springs, Posporia
Objective: Listen to Repre's favor
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Apple of Youth x3
Unable to Cancel

Before starting this quest make sure you have crafted an Idol Costume. This
will save you an extra trip.

After her travels back and forth between the Fairies and Bears, Rufina is back
at her usual spot by the tree in the Neutral Baths area. Take the right hand
path from the Middle Battlegrounds and then when you arrive at the baths follow
the upper path to find her.

The Fairies and Kuma are still fighting over Repre it seems and your task is to
put a stop to this once and for all. Yes, I am sorry to say, but that involves
visiting both Chiefs once again. The good news is that you can use all the
Cannons so just make your way to one of the villages and then use the cannon
there to get to the other one. After this there will be a scene with the
Fairies and Bears and the next task is to make and Idol Costume for Repre.
(This is not stated as such, but you will see the instructions in the Quest in
Progress details.)

You will be back at the Middle Battlegrounds after the Chiefs' Meeting, so
either leave the Alterworld if you have to make one or, if you have one
already, then simply speak to one of the chiefs. I thought that leaving and
returning might be the faster option, but this time there is no helpful quick
teleport to the one of the villages. More walking, but at least after giving
the costume to one of the Chiefs you get the full concert and the end of the
quest. You will be at the watchtower entrance so it's easy enough to take the
cannon back to the Giant Tree if you have any unfinished business there, such
as the Giant Puni quest.

Client   : Winna
Objective: Go to Winna in the Scripture Library
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Alberich x2 (Engagement Ring Recipe)

Speak to Winna in the Scripture Library and he will give you the recipe for
the Engagement Ring. Make two of these: one for Winna and one for the Wedding
Dress quest.This recipe is essential if you want to make the Wedding Dress
armor. You will have had the recipe (a derived one) for a long time, and
noticed that the item requires Engage Ring as the last ingredient.

To make an Engage Rings you require a Healing Bracelet, Brilliant Stone,
Altena Ingot and Polishing Powder. (There are no substitutions.) Make two if
you can, so you can complete this quest and have a spare for the Wedding Dress.
After giving the Ring to Winna he asks you to escort him to see Pamela.
Simply enter the portal and he will join you. The library will be marked on
the map but you will know the way to it by now.

As soon as you turn the corner in the library area there will be a scene with
Pamela, and when this is complete that's the end of the quest.

Client   : Reize, Dakascus Oasis
Objective: Help Reize
Rank     : 11 A
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Junk Borot x1 (Weapon)
Unable to Cancel

Visit Reize at the Oasis, and at long last he will ask you to open the chest.
There is a monster inside as you might expect, but it's only a Kettle Spirit.
This is weak to fire and double resists magic, and can be destroyed in one
Diemia summon from Iris if you want to go for overkill, or any other attack
that is not magic. After a scene with Reize you will complete the quest.

(There was a long pause and a scene appeared with Ash surrounded by monsters at
the Giant Tree. I had 300 quest points left to go for the chapter, so this
might be the trigger for that scene.)

Client   : Papal, Fountain Area
Objective: Talk to Papal
Rank     : 11 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Dunkelhite x2
Unable to Cancel

As soon as you arrive at the Fountain area in town there will be a scene with
Papal. Your task is to find homes for Gon kittens. Carry on up to the Guild and
find Phenyl who will take one, and then walk right from the Guild (the path to
the Tavern) where a Raider Man will accept a kitten. Then go left from the
Guild and an un-named Lady takes another. Keep walking left towards the shops
and over the bridge where the "Cape Girl" will stop and ask for one.

Now you'll be back with Papal and that's the end of the quest.

Client   : Noella
Objective: Go to Noella and then do as she asks and go to Dakascus
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : 200 Quest points, Brogius x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

First of all talk to Noella and then go to the Library and speak to Ewan about
the sword. Revisit Noella, only to find that she has gone for a walk. Now you
must return to the place in Dakascus where you found the Sword

There is a red mark on the map (Crystal Valley West). Walk to the room before
the Pengie village and head west across the bridge. Then walk south and west
again to last room. When you arrive wait for the scene to end and return to
town, (or complete any other quests or field bonuses in Dakascus). Finally go
back to the Guild, and speak to Noella. After another couple of scenes you will
be back outside the Guild and the quest will be completed. Head back to the
workshop to make the Brogius!

Client   : Anna, Guild Reception
Objective: Go to Anna at the counter, and then to find Rufina in Valtessa.
Rank     : 11 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Globeball x3

Find Rufina in her usual spot in the first room down from the beginning
of the Forest Depths. She will run away, and no it's nothing to do with Edge,
despite Nell's insinuations. Follow her and if you look at your map you'll see
a new message on the first map, so you must go back here and then north to the
fishing spot. From the lake walk right and she is waiting for you on the
ledge, but she will run off again. Now return to the first room of the Forest
Depths where she is waiting by a tree. (You can't miss her). This time she will
speak and run off once more, back to her original room so follow her, and fight
an Owlbear.

After the scene return to town and Edge will say that he wants to make a
present for Rufina. A Pyre Blade seems an odd gift for a girl, but this is what
you must craft. Go back to Valtessa to take her this gift and you don't have to
walk all the way this time. Finally report back to Anna to complete the quest.

You can leave and return at any point during this quest if you want, and she
will be at the next area of this chase_an_angel adventure.

C O M B A T  Q U E S T S
Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Giant Puni x 7 needed
Rank     : 11 A
Reward   : 6800 Cole, Gravity Stone x6
* Repeatable.

These are NOT the large red enemies in the Kuma ??? area. But you can find
them in The Giant Tree in Posporia. If you also take on the repeat Festival
Preparation quest to defeat Jin Riders, you can do both at once. Alternatively
they are found in Dakascus in the Northern CV, but that's a long way to go and
you never know which enemy to attack.

At the Tree they are not common enemies, but can be found inside some large
red blobs but not blue blobs, and I didn't find any in the white blobs. This
is quite a frustrating quest, and it would have been a lot better if they had
been purple blobs. I only managed to find two in one trip during this chapter,
but they seemed to be more plentiful in the next chapter. You can start the
quest now, and complete it later when you revisit the Giant Tree for the Thief
of the Century quest in Chapter 10, though you may need a third visit.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Darkness demons on 2nd Level Terrace, Ishtar. 6 groups
Rank     : 11 D
Reward   : 9000 Cole, Fragment of Aion x2
* Purple Monsters
* Repeatable 5x

These are purple blobs and found at the 2nd Level Terrace North, that is
reached by climbing the first vine in the Woofer Village and then heading left
along the large pipe. They are Shadow Legiens and weak to electricity,
sometimes appearing as single enemies or accompanied by Shadow Girls and Death
Knight. You will find that there are only 4 or 5 groups in this first area but
if you continue through the teleporter and past the ice blocks, following the
route to Gregor, and then through the next teleporter there are more purple
enemies here at 2nd Level Terrace South.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Scarlet. Found in Valtessa
Rank     : 11 A
Reward   : 18000 Cole, Staff of Creation x1 Recipe

Look on your map and you can see that Scarlet in somewhere in the Forest
Depths. In fact he/she in at the Tree room.

| BOSS -  SCARLET                             |
| Location:  Valtessa, Forest Depths, Tree    |
| Protections: Special, Fire and Magic Double |
| Weakness: Beast                             |
| Skills: Slam (one, Spirit Down), Counter    |

This is a bear so you could go for a Blades which allows a Beastslayer weapon
Plua has Wind Slicer, but I wanted to test out the Deus Ex Machina having just
made it, so opted for Edge with Normal Blades for a change, and Nell with
Faustus using the Junk Borot for the same reason. Don't equip weapons with Fire
as he is doubly resistant to that element.

He can attack one person for over 160 HP damage and his Slam attack cannot be
avoided and inflicts spirit down. His can adopt the Counter form so he will
automatically counter, but he can't counter a timed attack so Edge with normal
blades is a reasonable choice for this fight  (When he does this skill he
automatically heals even if cursed, which I thought was a bit cheap, after
using Forgetful Hammer, but then of course the game description of this as
CURSE is incorrect. The attack has the effect of Sealing magic.

Use Diemia summon with Iris as her only physical attack. You could poison or
curse him if you like, and any Blades will do the job.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Twin Demons. Found in Grimoire
Rank     : 11 A
Reward   : 20000 Cole, Nell Lance x1 Recipe

The location is marked on the Grimoire map as the Top Floor. To reach this,
bash the rocks to the second floor and follow the path to the third floor and
continue to the roof and top floor. The enemy is waiting to the right of the

| BOSS - UNDARK                              |
| Location: Grimoire, Top Floor              |
| Protections: Special and Ice Double, Magic |
| Weakness: Unholy                           |
| Skills: Slashback, Sword Slicer            |
|         (defense down)                     |

| BOSS -  DEHOLY                             |
| Location:  Grimoire, Top Floor             |
| Protections: Special and Fire Double,      |
|              Physical                      |
| Weakness: Unholy                           |
| Skills: Heal All                           |

These two lasses are tough since they have different protections. Deholy is
resistant Ice and magic, and Undark is resistant to Fire and physical attacks.
You could use Iris's Faustus summon to remove the traits from Undark at least,
though Deholy will resist that magic. Use Jiptus as usual which will help a
little. You can also use forgetful hammer on Deholy if Nell has Faustus Blades
equipped. Weapons that target unholy would help too.

Deholy can use Heal All which gives them around 2500 HP. Their ordinary attacks
will inflict around 70-80 HP damage on one person, and Meteor does around 30-50
depending on equipment.

They are fast and will probably act before you do summoning Meteor, a powerful
timed attack. You can remove the time cards if Edge has Luplus equipped, but
if not make sure someone can heal everyone. Target Deholy first as soon as you
get a burst, and then go after Undark. Report back to Phenyl for the rewards.

My team were Level 31 for this fight.

F E T C H  Q U E S T S
Client   : Eva, Tavern
Objective: Give Golden Meat x2 to Eva
Rank     : 11 C
Reward   : Dunkelhite x2 Silmarillion x3

Golden Meat is obtained from Golden Pigs, and the easiest way to obtain these
is to use Nell's Team Kobold steal attack with the Siren Blade. This doubles
your chances of getting the drop, because you can steal an item AND have the
enemy drop it as well. This is a useful quest to complete for the rewards, and
the Silmarillion can be used to complete a repeat quest from Manna. You can
find Golden Pigs inside small blobs in Northern Dakascus, and Ishtar.

Visit the Tavern and give the two Golden Meat to Eva to complete the quest.
(By the way, if you have also accepted An Easy Request from Eva, but not yet
started it, then as soon as you visit the Tavern that quest will activate.
After the scene finishes, then speak to Eva again for this quest.)

Client   : Hagel, Weapon Store
Objective: Take him a Brogius
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : Glittering Thread x7, Gravity Stone x7, (Star Prism 1, Blue Pearl
           x15 - rewards vary for repeat quests.)
* Repeatable

Make another Brogius and give it to Hagel. You must first do the Memorable
Sword quest for Noella to receive the recipe for the Brogius.

Original Recipe: Brogius
Items Needed:    Altena Ingot
               o Divine Shield/Star Prism/Moon Prism
               o Altena Soul/Pendelook/Glittering Thread/Blue Pearl

Client   : Yach, General Store
Objective: Take him Wedding Dress x1
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : 110000 Cole, Alberich x2

You must have completed the Confession quest for Winna in order to obtain the
Engage Ring recipe which enables you to make the Wedding Dress.

Make the dress using Huffin Blossom, White Separates/Heaven's Feel/Formal
Fabric, Chrome Crystal/Blue Pearl/Brilliant Stone/Pentagle, and Engage Ring as
the final ingredient. Take the dress to Yach to complete this quest.

Client   : Gregor, 2nd Level South, Ishtar
Objective: Take one bar of Gold to Gregor.
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : Borot x1 Recipe, Super Nectar x3

To make Gold you require a Ruby Prism and Philosopher's Ash. To make another
Ruby Prism you need Aroma Material, Brilliant Stone, Dunkelhite and Dragon
Tongue, and to obtain another Aroma Material (an Accessory) you need Brilliant
Stone, Pentagle, Healing Bracelet and Salt.

The awkward one to obtain is the Healing Bracelet for which you need a Super
Nectar. I just used one I had already made and equipped, because I could make
more after completing the quest. If you don't have one to spare then you will
at least be comforted by the fact that you will be able to make more after
receiving the 3 Super Nectars that are the reward for this quest.

Take the Gold to Gregor and see if you can pick up any repeatable combat
quests such as Angered Holy Angel for Ishtar while you are there. You could
also complete the Demon Subduction quest at the same time as these purple
enemies are found on the route to Gregor.

Gregor is found by climbing the first vine in the Woofer Village and then
walking left along the pipe and following the path to the teleporter. Then
flame the ice and walk up to the top of the path where he waits beside the next

NOTE: Beware of fighting the large red enemies on the path up to Gregor on 2nd
Level Terrace South, as in this chapter they might include an Ancients or Fran
Pfeil. These are powerful enemies with strong magic attacks, however the
dragon is weak to ice, and Ancients is weak to electricity. (You can obtain an
Ultra-Thin Leotard from Ancients and Dragon's Tongue from Fran Pfeil, so it
might be worth the trouble!)

C H A P T E R  N I N E  :  M I S S I O N  -  Obstacles Overcome

Collect your provisions: Heal All x10, Super Nectar x5, Elixir x1.

The mission starts with a scene in Noells's room and you are told to head to
the top of the Giant Tree in Posporia. Walk right from the Middle Battlegrounds
to the Cannon south of the Neutral Baths room, at Bow Won's shop. When you
arrive check the map and you'll see the red exclamation mark on the room at the
very top of map/tree. Simply make your way to the this room. Once you reach
the last room of the middle area there is a healing spot next to a large red
blob. Make sure you have some skill points to spare and then continue up the
log for a scene with Ash.

| BOSS -  ASH                            |
| Location: Giant Tree, Posporia         |
| Protections: Special and Status Double |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills:   Sword Wave (damage to all)   |
|           Break (attacks one)          |

I used Jiptus with Edge and and Nell with Diemia, just for a change, and you
can use any attacks you like for this fight as it is very easy to win. Just
one or two bursts should do it. But that's only the start. Now for the real
battle! Annoyingly you don't get to keep your Burst Gauge so start from
scratch again. It will help if you have some skill points left from the
previous fight.

| BOSS -  ASH 2                              |
| Location:  Giant Tree                      |
| Protections: Special/Double, Status/Double |
| Weakness: None                             |
| Skills:   Liberate Limit (Haste) Twin Shot |
|           Break Rain, Deadly Bolt,         |
|           Master Shift, Destructobalde     |

Twin Shot - hits one.
Liberate Limit - increases speed.
Master Shift - he completely blocks physical attacks.
Destructoblade - when activated can do around 200 HP damage to one person, but
he will lose the protection of the Master Shift.
Break Rain - sword attack to all.
Deadly Bolt -  electric attack to one for around 200 HP.

As usual summon Jiptus with Iris to lower his attack and then concentrate on
building up the burst gauge. You are likely to suffer some serious damage from
his attacks so it helps if someone has the Heal All skill if you go with these
attack Blades.

A better set up for this mission is to have Edge with Plua and Nell with Siren
so she can attack and heal. In another game I had Edge with the Quickstrike
Blade (with First Strike) and Nell with Element Blaze, and both had Delay and
Speed + (L). With this set up I had the first strike, and obtained a burst
using Illusion Edge before Ash had his first attack. When he did get a turn he
used the skills listed one after another leaving Iris with only 34 HP left!
Destroblade does not block Kobold Hero or Nell's attacks and his attack using
this multi-weapon can be automatically blocked by Plua. This time it took two
bursts to win.

After the Battle
After the battle Ash explains a few things. A "Damned if you do and damned if
you don't" kind of situation now faces you, but what the hell, might as well
get the last gem, now you're here.


C H A P T E R  T E N .......................................................C10


| Quests - Target Points: None     |
| Rank: 12 TEMPEST                 |

- Distorted Dimension (D.D.)

- Legendary Battleaxe [Quest reward - Magical Pot]
- Shadow Gem [Quest recipe from Ewan - Truth in Darkness]

C H A P T E R  T E N  :  W A L K T H R O U G H

When the chapter begins there are a number of scenes, and you will see that
a hole has opened up in Zey Meruze which Iris says is the path to Uroborus.
After this you will be outside the Workshop. You have now reached the highest
Raider Rank and although there will be some more quests these are completely
optional as you could enter the hole and the Distorted Dimension at the start
of this chapter if you want to finish the game. However, you would miss some
challenging battles and have to settle with the "Bad Ending".

Point of No Return
Water cannot be taken from the Fountain anymore, although you can still get
some from the jetty beside the workshop. If you walk left from the fountain and
then over the small bridge you can find the hole. However you first must speak
to Noella before access is granted. This is just as well because the hole is
the POINT OF NO RETURN! (Actually you CAN return to Zey Meruze for more quests
even after entering the hole so long as you still have a save from the
workshop, but that would mean losing all progress in the Distorted Dimension.)
Tell Noella you are ready and you will all be at the hole. After this there are
no more options and you will be inside the Distorted Dimension.

Conditions for Good or Bad Ending
DON'T charge off to the hole too quickly if you want the "Good" ending for the
game. You require another quest "Truth in Darkness" and this will not show up
immediately. This means that you will need to complete a few more quests first.
If you don't intend to complete this quest then you can enter the Distorted
Dimension whenever you like, and after defeating the final boss you will get
the "Bad" ending.

There are no more Quest Point Quests in this chapter since Raider Rank 12 is
as high as you can go, but there are a number of optional bosses to fight, and
the one quest that will get you the good ending.

If you didn't get the "An Easy Request" quest in the last chapter, it will
appear now, as will Curious Treasure. Complete any quests left over from the
last chapter, and check the board as usual, however you may find that there
are no quests at all. If that's the case then wait until you have finished
current quests, or cancel repeat ones that you don't need.

The first Rank 12 quest that appeared this time was Thief of the Century, and
after that more combat quests: Disposal Tactics and Mystery of Puni. Then yet
more combat quests: Awakening and Doll Collection, and Magical Pot. Wait to get
Dragon's Fall and you can do this together with Doll Collection as they both
involve travelling to Crystal Valley North, Dakascus.

I noticed that the later quests appear randomly, after saving and reloading to
check on this, so you could try this trick if the one essential for the good
ending does not appear, and you don't want to wait.

Return of the Dragon only came up later in the chapter. Dragon's Fall appeared
after completing the first two Puni quests, and The Last Hero, which entails
beating the hardest boss in the game, will only appear after completing Mystery
of Puni and is likely to be the last quest on the board, apart from repeats.

Check your lists for anything left uncrafted, and consider altering the
properties for some equipment to help in the more difficult battles.

Making the Astral Cane I put charge + L and Magic + L on the Skirnir's Staff,
and then used this as the first ingredient for the Hermes Staff with the same
properties and then used the Hermes Staff to make the Astral Cane. You might be
happy with Guts on this, but this is the kind of fun fiddling around you can do
to obtain the properties you want.

Make Verdure Table, though you need Gold for this. It only has 2x HIT but you
can add Hit +2 to it with judicious choice of ingredients (basically using
another weapon with that property.) This is a useful weapon for Luplus with
Edge as it targets Dragons.

Craft Elixir and change the first ingredient to Super Nectar and with Alberich,
Brilliant Stone and Goat Milk or Concentrated Honey you will get Shining Grail.

By the time you have completed most of the quests in the chapter your team
should be at around level 34. This is fine if you want to finish the game, but
to defeat the Super Mini Puni you might think to aim for higher, but in fact
higher levels will take a long time to achieve, and you CAN beat the Mini Puni
at level 34.

C H A P T E R  T E N  - R A I D E R  R A N K   : 1 2

There will be a number of repeated quests in this chapter, both Combat and
Fetch Quests, but only the new ones are listed here.

G O O D  E N D I N G  Q U E S T
Client   : Anna, Guild Reception
Objective: Go to Anna, then to Crowley's Lab in Zey Meruze
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : Money 200 Cole, Alchemist Staff x1 (weapon)
Unable to Cancel

Speak to Anna and then go to Crowley's House in Zey Meruze. If you remember,
this is the ??? House on the path to the right of Ella's Bookstore. Proceed
into the back room and click on the desk to find Crowley's Diary. Now go to
Valtessa to the Forest Depths northernmost room, this is the Ruins place. As
soon as you enter events will unfold leading to a battle.

| BOSS - STONE EMPEROR                   |
| Location:  Valtessa, Forest Depths     |
| Protections: Special and Status Double |
|              Physical                  |
| Weakness: None                         |
| Skills: Cliff Slicer                   |

His one person normal attack will do around 150 HP damage. Given his
resistance to physical attacks I suggest only using Blades that are magic
based. Diemia from Nell is no use here as it is a physical attack, but Fanatos
(lighting) will hurt him for over 8000 HP if used at the start of a burst when
he is still stunned. Edge with Luplus can cast slow, and Time Quake from Edge
reduces magic defense so you can polish him off with only a couple of bursts
with this strategy.

The gem that was guarded by the Emperor is cracked, so next stop, Ewan.
(This is a good time to do a bit of Puni bashing at the tree if you have the
Mystery of the Puni quest.)

Return home and talk to Ewan and he gives you the recipe for the Shadow Gem.
Now make the Shadow Gem using the Broken Gem and a Ruby Prism. This is a Key
Item and you will find the recipe listed under this heading. Make the Shadow
Gem and there will be a scene. This is important if you want to understand the
story, so pay attention! After viewing the scene the quest ends.

C O M B A T  Q U E S T S
Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Emperor of Hades! Found in Grimoire UG
Rank     : 12 A
Reward   : 2000 Cole, Saint's Garb x1

This enemy is found in the deepest part of Grimoire in UG 2F and in the right
hand room as seen on the map, although there is no red mark. To get there break
the boxes in the second Nature's Prison room off to the right of the Prison
path. Break the boulders and walk right along the main path past 6 fires. The
enemy is at the far right the room.

| BOSS -  EMPEROR OF HADES               |
| Location: Grimoire, UG 2F              |
| Protections: Special and Status Double |
| Weakness: Puni                         |
| Skills: Puni Spike, Tera flame, Guts   |
| Drops:                                 |

Puni Spike will damage one person for around 130-150. Teraflame is a fairly
weak attack especially when Iris is equipped with the Celestial Robe which is
doubly defended against both Fire and Ice. Nell can use the Scarlet Tail to
defend against Fire or Feather Flow which defends against physical attacks.

It is a Puni so equip Nell with the Chrysanthemum Puppet weapon and Faustus
Blades. Edge could use Jiptus. You can use any attacks on him, but the final
blow needs to be a strong one since he will use his automatic GUTS skill to
stop you from killing him outright. Report back to Phenyl as usual for the

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Kamikaze Doll G. 9x needed. (Any location - Ishtar)
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : 5600 Cole, Moon Prism x1/ (numbers and rewards vary for repeats
* Repeatable

You can find these in some white blobs in the 2nd Level Terrace N, in the area
up the first vines from the Woofer Village. They are also found on the 3rd
Level Terrace on the route to Sword Hill and to the pond, (up the two sets of
vines to the teleporter). I found quite a few of them while on my way to beat
Hell's Fran Pfeil, and on the path towards the second pond area. They will
often appear in groups of three, so this quest can be completed fairly easily.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Stone puppet x7 (or x5) Found in Northern Dakascus.
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : 6500 Cole, Dunkelhite x2. (Numbers and Cole vary for repeats)
* Repeatable

This only appeared after doing the Emperor quest in one game, and in another
before it. They are found in the far north of Dakascus and are blue enemies.
They are weak to electricity but even that doesn't do a lot of damage to them,
and they resist physical attacks. Equip Nell with Siren and Element Blaze
By the time you get to the location and have to fight loads of other blue blobs
only to find that they do not contain the Stone Puppet it is easy to run out of
time. A very frustrating quest.

This quest can be repeated with 6 to be killed and the reward was 5100 Cole
and ??? x5. Sorry, I lost patience with the repeat and don't know what the
reward was.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Dragons of Dakascus. 4/5 groups needed
Rank     : 12 D
Reward   : 10100 Cole, Holy Emblem x5  (Repeats: 11300 Cole, Dunkelhite x2)
* Repeatable 5x
* Purple Monsters

You will find these purple enemies as soon as you enter the Crystal Valley
North, wandering around the large room with the Hourglass in the middle. There
are more of them if you continue into the next northern room.

These enemies are called Dragonia and they come with a Fran Pfeil, Necrohydra
or Dragon Zombie. Both Dragons are weak to any Dragonslayer weapon, or physical
attack, since they are defended against magic. The Fran is weak to ice and the
Zombie weak to fire so target these weaknesses to help build the gauge. You can
also use Ark Coffin on the Dragonia to stop him from summoning Meteor, even
though you cannot kill him with Crazed Burial. They are not really a boss, but
what the hell: here's the lowdown on them.

| BOSS - Dragonia                            |
| Location: Dakascus, CV North               |
| Protections: Special Double, Magic         |
| Weakness: Dragon                           |
| Skills: Meteor, (timed attack) Poison Blow |
|         Blizzard,                          |
| Drops: Dragon Tongue                       |

These are not easy battles to win especially as Dragonia can summon two meteors
in one turn and then use Blizzard as well, so you need to keep everyone at full
health to withstand the onslaught. You will need at least one burst to defeat
it and preferably equipment that protects from fire and status effects. At
least the Meteor attacks are timed so you have time to heal before they strike.

Fight a weaker enemy after one battle to raise your skill gauge before taking
on the next purple one. With a bit of luck you will find Stone Puppets in the
blue blobs here for the Doll Collection quest.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Aladdin Pot in Ishtar
Rank     : 12 B
Reward   : 20000 Cole, Legendary Battleaxe x1 (Recipe for Odysseus).

Before you can reach the teleporter to the First Level Terrace you must make
sure that the Lithograph is set to RED for the future. You can easily check
this by looking to see if the second is visible. If it isn't, then you know
that the Lithograph is already set to RED and don't need to bother going to
the Woofer Village to change it.

From the Entrance area of Ishtar turn left and walk up the path past the sword
that is now in the ground and to the teleporter that takes you to 1st level
Terrace. Follow the path past the Lithograph and make sure it is set to RED for
the future, to remove the boulder - which it will be assuming you got here by
the normal route. Where the path divides head right (past where the boulder
used to be) and the large red enemy is just past the spot where the boulder has

| BOSS -  ALADDIN POT                                |
| Location: Ishtar, First Level Terrace              |
| Protections: Special, Physical, Magic - all double |
| Weakness: None                                     |
| Skills: Tempest (all), Pandora's Box               |
|         (summons Ancients)                         |

I used Nell with Siren and Edge with Jiptus Blades for this battle.

One of the nice things about the Pot is that his traits can be removed. This is
the key to defeating him, since with double resistance to physical AND magic
attacks it would be tough, if not impossible. I also like to poison him and
Edge with Jiptus can do this, as well as equipping a weapon with Deadly Toxin:
you can put Deadly Toxin on the Holy Halberd for Edge. Poison will cause the
Pot to lose about 4500 HP each turn so as long as you can defend and heal and
get rid of the Ancients you can win this battle without fail.

Start with Iris using Faustus to remove the traits and then do the normal thing
of building up the burst gauge. Nell with Siren is also good as she can be your
main healer and boost defense. He will resist Faustus, but with a bit of luck
you can be effective on the first turn, and if not keep trying until you are

His normal physical attack is nothing to worry about especially if you equip
Nell with the Feather Flow armor. After removing traits use Jiptus with Iris.
Tempest will do around 50 HP damage to everyone depending on your defense and
having used Jiptus on him. After a couple of turns he will use Pandora's Box
and summon an Ancients. She is weak to lightning, but has some devastating
attacks - Vortex is a powerful wind attack on everyone, and Tera Flame a fire
attack. She is also very fast and will be able to "haste" to get additional
turns. The pot can continue to summon more and more Ancients! In burst mode
you can destroy her with one Soul Burst, or use Fanatos from Iris, or Soul
Eater with Frozen Shard from Nell's Siren Blade.

It took only two bursts this time, one to defeat Ancients and the other to
smash the Pot. Iris should have magic +(L) on on her cane to help with her
summons, and you will probably be at Level 32 for this battle.

All credit to GinFreaks for the strategy of removing traits.

Here's an even better strategy all credit to Kurama13. As already described,
start with Iris using Faustus to remove traits, and then have Edge (equipped
with the Jiptus blade) use Ark Coffin to capture the Pot. Finally, Edge should
use Crazed Burial on the coffin and that should kill the Aladdin Pot. He won't
even get a chance to summon the Ancients!

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Puni x200
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : 1000 Cole, Dunkelhit x3.

Go to Valtessa and kill the first blue enemy on the way in. The rest seem to be
random, so just slash them. Then go to the Tree and kill more there. Only BLUE
Punis count. Equip everyone with fire based weapons and Nell the Punislayer
weapon and this gets you fast kills all the time so time passes slowly. (I
equipped Edge with Shadow Dagger and Nell with Chrysanthemum Puppet, and Iris
with Astral Cane for fast wins. You will probably need to use two visits, but
that should be enough.

Blue Punis appear about 50% of the time at the Tree, and you can also get a few
Apple of Youth. I managed to get nine in one stint of Puni bashing. By the way,
if you stand facing away from the tree at the left, your Hammer will still work
and the bags will drop directly at your feet so you don't have to move to pick
them up. Just saves a tiny bit of extra effort.

You can easily do over 100 in one visit. Kill everything with fast kills to
prolong the time and keep at it until the mist comes down. At least you can
check for how many you have killed and do not have to keep count. This is also
a good time to complete the hidden Field Bonus of keeping 9 Skill Gauges, if
you have not yet done this, and the Bonus of two enemies dropped.

Collect the reward and...another Darkness quest. (However, check back and
the next Puni Quest will appear eventually.)

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Demons of Grimoire. 5 groups needed
Rank     : 12 C
Reward   : 10700 Cole, Dunkehite x2 (Repeated - 9700 Cole, Holy Emblem x5)
* Purple Monsters
* Repeatable 5 times

The quest notes tell you that these are seen near Grimoire Treasury, which
means they are inside it. Travel to Squawk Village and then to the Treasury
Building in the North part of the village.

The enemies come in groups with Shadow Legion, Elder or Orb together with one
Hell Legion. Nell with Siren Blades and her Jyoya weapon which targets unholy
enemies is a good choice, or any weapon that targets electricity, although the
Blades don't really matter. If you can't find enough on the main floor they are
also found in some of the side rooms.

| BOSS -  HELL LEGION                    |
| Location: Grimoire. Squawks' Treasury  |
| Protections: Special Double            |
| Weakness: Unholy, Electricity          |
| Skills: Nightmare (all - sleep)        |
| Drops: Gravity Stone                   |

This is not really a boss enemy but I thought you might appreciate some extra

Client   : Phenyl
Objective: Defeat the Puni Brothers. Found in Valtessa
Rank     : 12 A
Reward   : 3000 Cole, 3 Super Nectar
* Repeatable

Head to the fishing spot in Valtessa where you fought them before. Equip Edge
with Jiptus and Nell with Siren or Nymph.

| BOSS -  PUNI TARO, JIRO, KICHI                              |
| Location: Valtessa, Fishing Spot                            |
| Protections: Jiro  - Magic, Special, Status - all Double    |
|              Taro  - Physical, Special, Status - all Double |
|              Kichi - Magic, Physical, Special - all Double  |
| Weakness: Puni                                              |
| Skills: Quick, Self heals for around 900 HP per turn, Guts  |
|         Puni Spike, Puni Breath                             |

Kichi is at the top, Jiro in the middle and Taro at the bottom of your battle
screen. All their attacks target only one person at a time. Their single person
attack can inflict a lot of damage if your team are not protected or their
strength has not been decreased. Puni Breath is a one person attack for around
100 HP if defended, but around 200 damage if lacking defense. They heal for
around 1000 HP.

Now there is a nice trick you can use for this battle IF you remove the traits
from Kichi. He's the only one you do this with as he is not protected from
Status attacks. First do this by summoning Faustus with Iris, and then use Ark
Coffin on Kichi with Edge. After "coffining" Kichi you can use Crazed Burial on
him and it's instant death! He resists trait removal because it is a magic
based summons, but it has a good chance of success especially if used during a
Burst. After that you can do anything you like to him! If you are having
trouble removing his traits you can still use the Coffin on him but you won't
be able to use Crazed Burial.

After Kichi is defeated target Taro with Iris's Diemia summon and Edge's Soul
Burst, and finally Jiro. You can build up the burst gauge on them both
depending on whether a character has physical or magic attacks. Nell's Kobold
Hero is good for stunning the Punis but be careful of their GUTS defense which
will kick in at the end and can occur time after time.

I used Siren with Nell, though Nymph might be better but I like the speed
advantage of Siren especially while using Jiptus for Edge since he is slow.
Edge had Delay and Speed and Iris has Charge and Magic with Nell having Magic
and Charge and Delay and speed all + (L). Feather Flow armour on Nell helps

Level 33 for this battle.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Hell's Fran Pfeil. Found in Ishtar
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : 25000 Cole, Dunkelhite x2

You can find this dragon on the third Level Terrace of Ishtar. From the Woofer
Village climb both sets of vines, smash the rocks and the teleporter will take
you to the 3rd Level Terrace. Make sure the Lithographs are RED before this,
and then the tree that blocks the route to the right hand rooms will be gone.
Head right as soon as you can, going along the narrow path until you reach the
metal platform. Then jump through the opening and follow the large pipe to the
north. Keep going until you arrive at Sword Hill where you will find the enemy.

A normal Fran Pfeil is resistant to fire but weak to ice but this one lacks the
ice weakness. However as a dragon it is weak to a Dragonslayer weapon such as
Grand Viper for Jiptus with Edge, or Verdure Tablet with Luplus and Dragoneer
for Diemia with Nell. If you go this route ensure that someone has the Healing
Bracelet with Heal All and Glowing Bracelet with Raise. Equip Iris with the
Celestial Robe to protect against Fire and Nell with Scarlet Tail. You could
use Nell with Nymph for her healing and boosts. Make sure you don't equip
anyone with a Fire based weapon!

| BOSS -  HELL'S FRAN PFEIL                      |
| Location: Ishtar, Sword Hill                   |
| Protections: Special,Status, Fire - all Double |
| Weakness: Dragon                               |
| Skills: Teraflame, Impulse                     |

I started with Jiptus from Iris to be on the safe side, and then a defense
boost from Nell. With these precautions his single ordinary attack will only do
around 70 HP damage. You can also use Edge's Death Calls skill to help with the
burst gauge.

His attacks target everyone for around 70 HP damage depending on equipment and
the use of Jiptus to weaken him, and double that if not, so keep an eye on his
status and summon Jiptus again if you need to. Teraflame hurts a lot for
anything up to 300 HP if you don't have Fire resistant equipment. Use Diemia
with Iris and Soul Burst with Edge when you reach burst mode and keep healed at
all times so you don't risk getting wiped out by his Teraflame attack.
(Although he only did this twice in one battle.) It may take three or four
bursts to defeat him.

By the way some of the white blobs on the route contain Kamikaze Doll Gs if you
have that quest.

Client   : Phenyl
Objective: Defeat the Kobold Kid. Found at the Giant Tree.
Rank     : 12 A
Reward   : 25000 Cole, Globeball x5

(Kid is good with numbers. Don't cry if you lose... Phenyl's inscrutable

Walk right, through the Middle Battlegrounds to the Neutral Baths, and then
down to the Bow to Wow shop, and take the Cannon to the Giant Tree. Head left
and through the first opening in the tree which leads to the small room down
from the second large room. The large monster will be found here. You will
probably have to fight a large red enemy first as it blocks the path to the
boss, or just engage it and run away.

| BOSS -  KOBOLD KID                     |
| Location: Posporia, Giant Tree         |
| Protections: Special and Status Double |
| Weakness: Beast                        |
| Skills: Bite, Kobold Bound (all)       |

The kid is fast with his guns...well, axe actually, and even though I had Edge
with Plua he got in the first attack which damaged everyone for around 60 HP.
He then had another attack after Edge so he really is VERY fast. Bite is a one
person attack that can inflict around 150 HP damage. His normal one person
attack can do around 60-70 HP damage, and he self heals each turn for around
900 HP. Kobold Bound hits everyone and will reduce the burst gauge by a
significant amount.

Have Iris summon Jiptus to lessen the force of his attacks, and summon it again
when he recovers. She can also summon Luplus to speed up your team. Edge with
Plua may be fast but the lack of killer moves makes this not the best blade to
use for finishing him off quickly.

At least ensure you have equipment with Delay + (L) and Speed + (L) as this can
make quite a difference in this battle, and equip Nell with Feather Flow armor
which defends against physical attacks. Otherwise it's just a matter of getting
a burst and keeping everyone alive!

My team were Level 32 after this battle.

Client   : Phenyl
Objective: Defeat the Super Mini Puni. Found in Valtessa Depths.
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : 2800 Cole, x99 ??? (Crunchy Fruit)

"Luck is always a strategy!" Psycho Penguin.

NOTE: If you are having trouble triggering this quest, then, apart from
completing the essential Mystery of the Puni, try and take on (and complete)
some combat quests.

Every time I write a FAQ for an RPG, there seems to be one enemy or item that
eludes me and causes no end of trouble to defeat or find. With Atelier Iris 3
it's the *Mini Puni*, and when I started writing this section I had not
defeated him despite countless attempts. (Seriously, I lost count.) However,
persistence and some help from the AI3 GameFAQs board members and GinFreaks
FAQ, paid off in the end, but really there seems to be a lot of luck involved
and there is no guaranteed success first time. I have written a lot about this
battle partly because it took me so long to defeat the damned thing, and partly
because I hope to save you some pain if you decide to have a go.

If you attempt this battle, make sure to save before starting out for
Valtessa, and if you fail I'd suggest that you reload the save, even though a
failure will not be Game Over. You will need your items and if you have used
any of them in the battle then they will be lost forever if you don't reload.

The Situation
This Puni is alone to begin with, and he is very fast, with a devastating
attack that can kill one character in one turn if you are unlucky or not at
full health. He does not use any magic, but his physical attack can have the
effect of dispelling any boost. He also has the skill Quick which randomly
boosts his turn. After a certain time he will summon a clone, and with two
fast and vicious Punis you don't stand a chance. The plan is to kill him
before he can summon another one.

| BOSS -  *MINI PUNI*                                 |
| Location: Valtessa, Forest Depths                   |
| Protections: Special, Status and Magic - all Double |
| Weakness: Puni                                      |
| Skills:   Vengeful Puni Attack, Quick, (Dispel)     |
|           Self Heals for about 1400 HP each turn    |
|           Vengeful Puni Summon - summons a clone    |

General Battle Strategies
Before the starting the battle fight three or four enemies on the way to
ensure that your skill gauge is at the maximum level of 9 before the battle

Don't forget that you can Defend if the Puni has the next turn and you cannot
raise the Burst Gauge in time to stun him. This works well, (if you can call
anything working well in this battle), because not only will the damage be
less, but that character will quickly get another turn.

Use the Unirus Lifeforms for fast filling of the burst gauge. The damage they
do is negligible and the Puni resists their magic based attack but this does
not matter. The aim is to fill the gauge as fast as possible. Also, if you use
items for healing or attacking then your next turn will be faster than if using
a skill, however you will not raise the skill gauge. This doesn't matter too
much, as the main aim is to get a burst and then you will have the full 9
skill points available.

Winning Strategy
Equip Edge with Luplus Blades and Nell with Normal Blades, and if you have any
doubts about this read through the reasons for this to save yourself a lot of
unnecessary trouble. Make sure everyone has the best equipment with a good
range of useful skills and properties. Things like Quick and Guts will help,
though of course for it really is a matter of luck if they trigger or not.
(See the list at the end of this section.)

At the start of the battle summon Luplus with Iris to haste everyone, and then
Jiptus, as soon as you can, to lower the Mini Puni's strength. Use Edge's Time
Quake skill to reduce his magic defense, and have Nell attack or heal as
necessary since the Puni will probably hurt you badly.

Then use Edge's skill Slow on the Puni. This is the ONLY way to success unless
you are incredibly lucky, so keep trying until this is successful. Most of the
time the skill will miss, but it seemed to work better after reducing the
Puni's magic defense. You'll soon notice when it works and this status effect
will stay for many rounds, so you should be able to defeat the Puni before Slow
wears off.

Now keep up the pressure to get bursts. Nell's Punislayer with added HITS will
fill half the gauge on its own and if you have Delay on someone you can
also keep the Puni wrong footed as well as having slowed him to a crawl. Once
you get a burst try to use Iris for the first turn when the Puni is stunned and
summon Diemia. This should do around 15.000 - 20,000 damage each turn and if
you keep some skill points you will find that Iris can get a second turn during
the same burst and use Diemia again. (Just hope he doesn't block her attack!)

The other two don't have such powerful skills, but use Cosmic Bane with Edge
and Breakslash with Nell to knock him back. Armor Piercing and Quick Panther
are fast acting skills which can be used by Nell as well as Ein Zecksclaw if
you have enough skill points for this. If you run out of skill points while
still in a burst then use a Unirus Lifeform to boost the burst gauge and when
you're back to normal you will find that this leaves you with additional skill
points. (You could use Life Convert with Nell if you are desparate to get more
skill points while still in a burst, though this is a bit risky given that it
reduces her HP.)

Maintain this pattern and keep an eye on Slow because you will need to use the
skill again if it wears off, however you should be able to defeat the Puni
before this happens.

Whatever strategy you decide to use you will need to prepare for this fight.

o Items
Use all your fruits that came as rewards. You might also try and get more from
a spot of gardening for seeds which sometimes yield different fruits, although
they are rare. Each fruit raises the stat by one. Give all Magic raising fruits
to Iris and attack raising fruits to Edge or Nell.

Make lots of Unirus Lifeforms, Super Nectars and have at least one Shining
Grail in case of disaster. Have a few Feudal Snackcastles which heal everyone
over time, and a few Elixirs. This is the battle you have been saving them all
for, so go all out now!

o Equipment
Although this depends on your choice of Blades for Nell and Edge there are some
things you will definitely need.

Equip Iris with the Staff of Creation which has the highest Magic Attack. I
gave it the properties of Blessed Weapon and Magic+ (L). Iris MUST have Blessed
Weapon for her Diemia summons to work well. This is the strongest staff for
Iris but it has only 5 hits so you could give her an accessory with +2 HIT to
make up the difference. You could use Celestial Robe which has a higher speed
stat, or Alchemy Robe which has higher magic attack and defense. Try to give
her Guts as well, as this can help quite a bit in this battle especially since
Iris has the lowest HP and is more vulnerable.

Edge should have the Crown Breastplate, and Nell Feather Flow which boosts her
speed and resists physical attacks, or Scarlet Tail which has higher attack and
defense, but no speed advantage. This depends on which Blades you equip for
her, so if it's a magic based blades then Feather Flow might be better, but
for a physical attack Blades use Scarlet Tail.

Make sure to use properties wisely. Delay+ (L) and Charge+ (L) should help,
as well as Speed+ (L) on everyone. If you can manage "Quick" and First Strike
then that will help too, as will Guts. In the end I didn't have Charge on
anything for this fight, but it's a good property to have.

o My Equipment

Verdure Tablet - Delay+ (L), HIT +2
(To get Delay on this weapon you need to make the Magician's Book weapon with a

Dragon Bone - the only item with this property) and use this to make the
Verdure Tablet.)
Crown Breastplate - Quick
Crown of Thorns - Def+ (L)
Healing Bracelet - Speed+ (L)

Staff of Creation - Magic+ (L), Blessed Weapon
Alchemy Robe - Guts
Demon Pot - HIT +2
Glowing Bracelet - Power Guard

Punislayer - Speed+ (M), Crit+ (M)
Scarlet Tail - Blessed Weapon
Winged Boots - Quick
Bunny Ears - HIT +2

Blades Selection
There are various different strategies that I tried dependent on the choice of
Blades, so I'll comment on these. Also this might save you the trouble of
testing out different Blades, because I have been through them all and I can
safely say that there is really only one effective Blade to use for Edge, at

o Edge with Luplus
The idea is to cast SLOW on the Puni and also use Iris' Luplus summon to haste
your team. Preventing the Puni from getting a turn is crucial as it delays the
point at which he summons the second Puni, and avoids him killing any of your
team. In theory this is a good plan, but the problem I had with it is that
despite around a dozen different attempts, only once did Edge manage to Slow
him down, and all other times this missed. All misses are wasted turns and this
strategy was a complete failure for me, which is why I tried all the other
possibilities before returning to Luplus for the only successful attempt. If
you attempt the battle with this Blade then equip the best weapon, Verdure
Tablet, or Solomon's Key which has the added benefit of two additional hits.

In fact, this is the strategy that worked in the end, which is why you need
some luck. (It's always a strategy!)

o Edge with Jiptus
Soul Burst is a tried and tested skill that works well on many bosses, but the
problem with Jiptus is that it's very slow. However I tried with the Odysseus
having Atk Spec and Atk+ (L),and though it only had one hit Edge's attack power
is at least 600 with this weapon. Other equipmet had Blessed Weapon and Speed
+ (L). You can use Death Calls or Unirus Lifeforms for the Burst Gauge instead
of his normal attack.

o Edge with Plua
The advantage of Plua is that he's fast and you may even get in the first turn
using this Blade. You can also use the repeat turn skill to your advantage
especially if you have the property Delay+ (L) and this is an alternative way
to keep the Puni from getting a turn. Plua also has an automatic Block to many
Puni attacks and with luck this can kick in to protect Edge a number of times.
This Blade gave me the best result of any apart from Luplus.

o Edge with Normal
Deus Ex Machina is tha weapon to use with its 7 xHIT and I had it with Atk+
(L). The advantage here is that you have the timed skills of Cross Rain and
Windmill which assist in building up the burst gauge. However, the Puni used
the Vengeful Puni attack and Quick so many times during this battle that I
thought it had a grudge against me.

o Edge with Fanatos
Seriously don't even bother. Although this Blade has the reincarnation
automatic skill it won't help much to have Edge dead for a couple of turns,
and his best attack is Godly Beam which is magic based and therefore less

o Normal
She has Ein Zecksclaw though this is fairly slow, however her other attacks
are fast and most importantly she can equip the Punislayer weapon, although
you cannot get very good properties on this, no matter how hard you try.
However that doesn't matter in the end because her better defense and attack
will compensate, and if she has HIT x2 on her other equipment her normal
attacks will be very effective in building up the burst gauge fast. This was
the Blade that I used for her on my successful attempt.

o Diemia
She can armor break which reduces the Puni's defense, and has better defense
and attack with this Blade, but you sacrifice the Punislayer weapon, and her
speed is less, so the advantages are lost.

o Nymph
Although her magic based attacks won't be so effective, Nymph is great for its
support skills and healing. Frozen Shard can be a useful attack and will
sometimes stun the Puni. I used this Blade most often as I prefer to keep my
party alive if I can, and the boost to Iris' magic helps. Check that you have
sufficient items for Nell's supporting skills if you use the Nymph Blade.
However, since I did not use this Blade when I beat the Mini Puni you might not
want to adopt this strategy!

o Siren
Siren's one healing skill requires 3 skill points to use so it is not that
helpful, and although Kobold Hero can be very effective as a timed attack which
sometimes stuns as well as knocking back the Puni, it doesn't inflict much
damage since it's a magic based attack. This is Nell's fastest Blade, but in
the end that doesn't count for much if the Puni is not slowed down.

o Faustus
High defense and high physical attack might make this a tempting Blade to try
but apart from Gargantua its skills are of limited use against the Puni, and
it is also very slow. You could try it with the Junk Borot which gives Nell
high HP as well as good attack, and you can add Atk+ (L) to this weapon.

Iris is the key to this battle with her Blessed Weapon and Diemia summons. If
you boost her magic with Nymph and she hits the Puni when stunned then she can
inflict massive damage, (at least so people say) though I have only managed
23-24,000 HP. However there is a slight drawback to this skill as the Puni can
block Diemia even when used in a burst attack. I would not rely on Diemia
when fighting normally, especially if you are attempting to knockback the
enemy. But even without the magic boost from Nymph, and the risk of the attack
being blocked, Diemia is still the way to go if you plan to beat the Mini Puni.

Healing or Not?
Using the Raise skill if someone dies instead of wasting a turn keeping
everyone healed is one idea, (or using the item Super Nectar). However, if one
character dies then you will lose any burst that you have built up so a
strategy based on not healing does not seem to be such a good idea. I managed
to get the Puni down to just a sliver of health left with no deaths at all
relying on Nell's Nymph for constant healing, but unfortunately that's when he
called his brother in... With Luplus casting slow the danger of death is
lessened considerably, and items are the best way to heal as they don't use up
any skill points and allow you to have another turn more quickly than if you
used a skill. Also if you use healing items during a burst they will have an
increased effect. I put Raise on one of the team and Heal All on another and
used these when necessary.

After the Battle
You will get the reward of 99 Crunchy Fruit when you report back to Phenyl at
the Guild and the satisfaction of knowing you have beaten the hardest boss in
the game! Use the Fruit to boost Magic Attack on everyone, or just Iris if you
prefer. This will make her virtually unstoppable, and any other battles after
this will be a breeze.

C H A P T E R  T E N :   M I S S I O N  - To the World

When you have completed all the quests in this chapter, or whenever you choose,
go and visit Noella in her office at the Guild. She will ask: "Are you ready?"
Say yes (when you are sure you are) and you will be at the open hole, and after
a scene you will be inside the Distorted Dimension. You can change Blades here
since Ewan will make another circle for you. This is now the final Mission and
there is no turning back. Your team will probably be at level 34 and this is
fine for the final stages of the game.

You must have completed the "Truth in Darkness" Quest and have obtained the
recipe for the Shadow Gem from Ewan. Make the Shadow Gem using the Broken Gem
and a Ruby Prism.

D I S T O R T E D  D I M E N S I O N

Chests: Cure Jar, Green Soup, Flame x2, Heal Jar x2, Divine Shield, Nectar,
        Heal Jar, Uni, Crunchy Fruit, Nectar, Wild Meat, X-Heal, Nectar.

Enemy              | Class  | Drop             | Treat             | Weakness
Giant Puni         | Puni   | Pendelook        | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Kobold Elite       | Beast  | Worn Weapon      | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Kobold Ninja       | Beast  | Needle Candy     | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Lizard Wizard      | Dragon | Monster Bone     | Monster Cookie    | Ice
Lizard Shaman      | Dragon | Dragon Bone      | Monster Cookie    | Ice
Dragonewt          | Dragon | Dragon Bone      | Monster Cookie    | Special
Nightwalker        | Beast  | Wild Meat        | Chaos Cookie      | -
Jagged Tiger       | Beast  | Monster Bone     | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | Ice
Moon Flower        | -      | Mysterious Seed  | Crystart          | Ice
Dryad              | -      | Mysterious Seed  | Vanilla Syrup     | Fire
Orb                | -      | Pendelook        | Vanilla Syrup     | Elect.
Stone Puppet       | -      | Worthless Stone  | Jawbreaker Candy  | Elect.
Kamikaze Doll G    | -      | Black Liquid     | Chaos Candy       | Fire
Vorpal Sword       | Unholy | Wandering Armor  | Long Pochy        | -
Alchemic Soldier   | -      | Divine Shield    | Crystart          | -
Adamantiun Soldier | -      | Nectar           | Crystart          | -
Alchemic Beast     | -      | Misty Curtain    | Crystart          | Physical
Fran Pfeil         | Dragon | Dragon Tongue    | Jawbreaker Candy  | Ice
Dragonia           | Dragon | Dragon Tongue    | Jawbreaker Candy  | -
Shadow Legion      | Unholy | Shifty Eye       | Chaos Candy       | Elect.
Hell Legion        | Unholy | Gravity Stone    | Chaos Candy       | Elect.
Dominion           | Unholy | Angel's Slip     | Vanilla Syrup     | -
Duke               | Undead | Devil's Panties  | Vanilla Syrup     | -
Ancients           | Unholy | Ultrathin Leotard| Vanilla Syrup     | Elect.

D I S T O R T E D  D I M E N S I O N :  W A L K T H R O U G H

This is how the Dimension works. Everything is familiar territory, but it is
put together in an odd way, with areas inter-connecting unexpectedly. There is
no time limit here, and there are no enemies at first. When you come across
enemies you can run from most of them without a problem, and with no time
penalty. The map works in the same way as in the Alterworlds. There are some
enemies that can only be found in the Distorted Dimension so if you want to
complete your lists make sure to fight the large red enemies.

Zey Meruze Fountain and Grimoire
From the Blades circle walk to the left to open a chest [Cure Jar]. Then walk
up to the next screen for another chest [Green Soup]. Just a few steps to the
right and there are two more chests [Flame, Flame]. Now walk up the grass to
find yourself in the Squawks Treasury...only it is Grimoire Library. Climb the
library ladder and walk to the right for a scene

After the scene walk up and right (there is a creepy doll hanging and wobbling
on the wall) for two more chests [Heal Jar, Heal Jar] and there is an opening
to the left of the doll and you will be in the Grimoire Clock area and this is
where battles begin. Go to the right past the large red enemy, and hop across
the cog and then up the path past another large red blob and into the next
room. There are no enemies here and a teleporter awaits.

Walk down into the next room and open the chest for [Divine Shield]. Follow the
path to the next room which is a deserted Pengie Village. The chest here
contains [Nectar]. Now you cannot go further until you have defeated the Boss
enemy here.

Servant and Two Guardians

| BOSS -  SERVANT                               |
| Location: Distorted Dimension                 |
| Protections: Special and Status Double, Magic |
| Weakness: None                                |
| Skills: Nightmare, Death Sphere               |

| BOSS -  GUARDIAN x2                              |
| Location: Distorted Dimension                    |
| Protections: Special and Status Double, Physical |
| Weakness: None                                   |
| Skills: Spin Tornado                             |

All of them have the usual resistance to Special Skills and Status. Servant
resists Magic and the Guardians Physical. I slowed down Servant using Edge
with Luplus one time, and Cosmic Bane is very effective at knocking them all
back. Another time I used Jiptus for my favourite Soul Burst attack, but you
could just as easily use any Blade. Make sure Raise is on someone's equipment
in case of Death.

Guardian: Spin tornado will inflict lots of hits on one.
Servant: Nightmare hurts everyone and  Death Sphere can damage for over 200 HP
and kill instantly which is another good reason for slowing it down.

Get rid of the Guardians first. After this use Diemia with Iris as it's a
physical attack, and her Luplus summon to speed up time if you are having any

(Actually with judicious use of Knockback skills and getting a burst fast, a
third time I defeated them all with only one Guardian getting in a normal
attack, using the same Blades set up as for the Mini Puni: Edge with Luplus and
Nell with Normal Blades.)

After the battle click where you see a red mark next to the greenery to the
right of the boxes, and there is a ladder leading down. The chest has [Heal
Jar]. Walk down the path to the next screen and just past the enemies and down
the next short path is another chest with [Uni]. Walk to the left and there is
[Crunchy Fruit] in another chest near a large red enemy.

In the next area there will be some red enemies but this is when the people of
Zey Meruze will come to assist you.

Walk down the steps for another scene. After this rather touching event, go on
and up the steps to the cannon for [Nectar]. The chest below this has [Wild
Meat]. Follow the path to the right and proceed up the screen past a large red
enemy. At the next screen walk right under the bridge. Don't bother going up
and left past the large red enemy as this just leads to a dead end. Instead go
to the right of that enemy. It's not obvious that there is a path here. Now
there is another scene. Follow the path up some large steps and you enter a new

Giant Tree
Climb up a couple of vines and fight the enemy that is hiding behind the
treetrunk. Continue up the next vine to trigger another scene, and after this
walk up a slope and enter a teleporter.

Back to the Workshop
This room has two possible paths, but they both require you to go left to begin
with. First take the one leading right and along the grassy ledge, then past a
large red enemy to find a chest with [X-Heal]. Return to the previous screen
and this time walk up the grass to find a sudden battle, but you will be
rescued! After this you can return back over the bridge if you want if you
click on the stone well, but otherwise walk up to the signpost and then left to
the next room.

Carry on left and up the second set of stone steps and through a familiar door
to find yourselves back in the Workshop! Here you can save, change blades and
use the cauldron before entering the teleporter that is up the ladder. There is
a warning when you try to save: you cannot return to town or complete any more
quests with this save data. So make a new save file before undertaking the
final battle if you wish. By this point you may be at level 35 if you have
fought some enemies along the way.

Preparing for the Final Battle
Use the cauldron to make any items you want, and use up all leftover
ingredients to ensure you have a supply of Super Nectars and the best
equipment for whichever Blades you want. Although you can use any Blades for
the final battle the best one to use for Edge is Luplus or Jiptus.

When you are ready climb the ladder in the Workshop and enter the teleporter to
arrive at Ishtar. Jump down the vines and walk left and then up the stepped
rocks to the left. Follow the path to the end where there is a chest with a
[Nectar] and then jump onto the large pipe through the gap in the rock wall.
This leads to a recovery point and then a teleporter to the BOSS

This time I decided to try the battle with the Blades I use the least: Fanatos
for Edge and Faustus for Nell. I would suggest using your favourite Blades for
this battle and so long as everyone has decent equipment with useful properties
it shouldn't be too hard. The Raise skill is always a good idea and Heal All.
Edge should have the Crown Breastplate, Nell the Scarlet Tail, Feather Flow or
Heaven's Feel, and Iris Celestial Robe or Saint's Garb. Both of these have
additional protections, or choose the Alchemy Robe if you want higher Magic
Attack. Iris should have Blessed Weapon on her equipment, and Delay +(L) will
be useful if you are using weapon based attacks on him. I tend to use up any
leftover Unirus Lifeforms during this battle as there is no point in keeping
anything now.

| BOSS -  UROBORUS                                                       |
| Location: Distorted Dimension                                          |
| Protections: Status and Special - Double, Magic and Physical           |
| Weakness: None                                                         |
| Skills: Blaze - all, Plasma Shutter - one (timed), Cursed Breath - all |
|         Ancient Mist (dispel) Beginnings End - all, Abysmal Fist -one  |
|         World's End - removes Magic and Physical protection            |
|         Dimension Scythe - all, Pure Incarnation - all, and adds       |
|         Magic and Physical protection again                            |

First Form
At the start of the battle he will resist all attacks so it doesn't really
matter whether you use physical or magic attacks, though ordinary weapons
attacks will not be resisted. Use up any Unirus Lifeforms to help build the
burst gauge, and Iris can summon Jiptus as usual and you will soon acheive a
burst. He has two additional heads that do repeated fire or lightning attacks
and holds a large mace or rod which he uses for his more powerful attacks.

Blaze is a weak fire attack, and Plasma Shutter is a weak Lightning attack on
one. Cursed Breath is a weak ice attack on everyone. All these attacks are from
the additional heads and they are not worth worrying about. With your good
armour these won't hurt too much though they are timed attacks.

Second Form
Ancient Mist will dispel any boosts and give him another turn when he uses a
skill called Beginnings End. Although this appears to do nothing his next main
attack will be Beginnings End when he summons a girl who inflicts around 200 HP
damage to everyone. Make sure everyone is healed and his attack lowered before
this attack hits. After this he uses World's End and loses his magic and
physical defense. This is your chance to go all out. Dimension Scythe will be
used as well and this attacks everyone for around 50 HP or so.

Abysmal Fist is a one person powerful physical attack that causes around 200+
HP damage. After a while he uses Pure Incarnation which hurts everyone for
about 200 HP or so and restores his Magic and Physical Protections, but just
keep attacking him using a burst and your best skills.

Keep using Jiptus when the effect wears off and Diemia with Iris and you
should find that you only have to suffer the Beginnings End sequence once
before you have defeated him. (Oh, he doesn't get stunned by your Burst Gauge
so forget about trying to arrange for Iris to attack him at the start of the

If you find this battle hard to win then you may be choosing less effective
attacks or have weak equipment, because you can win with any Blades set up. You
could try Nell with Nymph for her boosts and healing, and Edge with Jiptus for
his Soul Burst. Don't forget that you can use timed attacks from some
accessories, and items for healing and attack. The main thing to watch out for
is that "Beginnings End" message and to ensure everyone is fully healed BEFORE
the attack hits you and then heal up again afterwards. GOOD LUCK!

C H A P T E R  T E N :  E N D I N G

Macho Rule: final one! Smile, especially when you're sad!

Once you gain control of Edge go to the Guild and into Noella's room. Chat to
people on the way for new information if you want. (You no longer have a
Reference Book or any Quests or even equipment, although you can still look at
the town map.) Then head for Valtessa: you'll have to walk as the Fairy Taxis
seem to have gone out of business. There are no enemies in Valtessa, but the
destination is marked as usual. It is in the Forest Depths in the central
largest room, and yes, you have to walk all the way there, but it is strangely
comforting without all the grass to cut and enemies to fight. Walk straight
ahead when you arrive at the large room and you will enter the Stone Ruins
place where you can find what you were looking for. Enjoy the good ending!

Finally you will have the option to save the cleared game data, and you can
begin the game all over again, though there is no New Game + or bonus dungeon
to find. At least you can select EXTRA and see the Library reference lists, or
choose BGM to hear all the music, or CAST for some additional pictures and the
names of the Japanese cast.


                     D.  T H E  A L T E R W O R L D S .................... *ALT



The five Alterworlds are accessed one by one as you progress through the
chapters, and although populated by different creatures they all share certain

o Field Bonus
Every Alterworld has a field bonus and if you complete a number of pre-set
tasks you will be rewarded with additional items. The points for these are

o Shops
Every Alterworld (except for Valtessa) has a shop or two.

o Enemies
All Alterworlds have enemies, and these are different for each one.

o Hourglasses
Find these to extend your time in the Alterworld by one bead. Some are clearly
visible and others will be revealed when you cut grass or break boxes.

o Crystals
Find crystals by cutting grass, breaking boxes, melting ice and smashing
boulders, and these will add to your overall points for the Field Bonus. You
need a minimum total of 4000 points from the crystals, although you can easily
get more than this from repeated visits, and the crystals also add a small
amount to your time.

o Gathering Items
This is where you go to find a range of items. These are found in a number of
ways. Everything regenerates when you leave and return except the Treasure

* Treasure Chests: these are in set locations and contain one item only.
* Cutting Grass: random crystals which give points towards the field bonus
  and brown bags containing items are found when you cut grass.
* Breaking boxes, vases, and crates also reveals random items.
* Flame ice blocks, smash rocks and break crystals for items.
* Brown bags are found in set locations although their contents vary. These
  will regenerate when you leave an Alterworld.
* A Tree that can be knocked with a Hammer. This will drop a range of brown
  bags as well as enemies.
* Fishing Spots where you can catch fish after getting the Fishing Pole.
+ Garden where you can plant Mysterious Seeds and harvest the results.


I.  A N C I E N T  F O R E S T  O F  V A L T E S S A .......................D01


  Field Bonus

  Map A: available in Chapter One.
  Map B: Forest Depths, available in Chapter Two

o  O V E R V I E W

From the West Bridge of Zey Meruze, walk a few steps forwards and then up, to
find this obvious portal into Valtessa.

Grass : Eiche - Eicheloa - Gash Twigs - Huffin Blossom.
Bags  : Belgrade Potato - Burdock Straight - Eiche - Gash Twig - Huffin
        Blossom, Mysterious Seed - Puniball - Spinacherb - Uni - Worthless
        Stone - Zuftuff Water
Chest : Healing Ankh, Heal Jar x2, Mysterious Seed x2, Stole Recipe and Nectar.
Depths: Nectar, Black Hat, Black Belt, Puppy Paw Bonbon, 8 Directional Spring,
        Caduceus, Divine Shield and Tasteless Fruit.
Fish  : Unihorn, Boot, Lake Fish,
Garden: Burdock Straight, Carrotato Bitter Fruit - seed, Chatter Flower,
        Huffin Blossom
Tree  : Uni, Bitter Grape, Gash Twig, Eiche, Apple of Youth (rare)
        Red Puni, Leaf Sprite, Caterpillar, Fungo, Airplant, Puni (blue),

Enemy              | Class  | Drop             | Treat             | Weakness
Mini Puni          | Puni   | Puniball         | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Puni               | Puni   | Puniball         | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Kobold             | Beast  | Tufts            | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Red Puni           | Puni   | Canone Rock      | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Owl Bear           | Beast  | Monster Bone     | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Bear               | Beast  | Wild Meat        | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Leaf Sprite        | -      | Glacier Stone    | Vanilla Syrup     | Fire
Air Plant          | -      | Mysterious Seed  | Crystart          | Fire
Morning Glory      | -      | Mysterious Seed  | Chaos Candy       | Ice
Puni Rider.        | Puni   | Brownie Mask     | Monster Cookie    | -
Caterpillar        | -      | Treasurebug Silk | Monster Cookie    | Ice
Fungo              | -      | Fungushroom      | Monster Cookie    | Ice/Fire
Harpy              | Beast  | Rainbow Feather  | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Leopard            | Beast  | Tufts            | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -

F I E L D  B O N U S

1. Cut 20 grasses!                  250 points
2. Won 15 battles!                  250 points
3. Got 2 Fragments of Time!         500 points
4. Fished 10 times!                 500 points
5. 3 seeds harvested!               500 points
6. Made 1500+ Cole in battle!       750 points
7. Did 10 Burst Chains!             750 points
8. Kept 9 Skill Gauges!             750 points
9. 2 enemies fell in a row...       750 points
10. Didn't enter even one battle!  1000 points
TOTAL                              6000 points

CRYSTALS                           4000 points

1. and 2. can be done early on.
4. Easy once you have the Fishing Pole.
5. Wait for the plant to flower and then turn to seed. You'll know it is a
seed when it appears red. It takes one bead or so to change.
6. Completing 7 will help you achieve this goal.
7. Try to complete this early on the game as it is hard to do once your
equipment is strong and your levels higher. Maybe once you have access to the
Forest Depths in chapter 2 or 3.
8. Skill gauges: keep it at the number 9 for 9 battles - in other words don't
use any skills to defeat enemies.
9. You can only do this once you have the Hammer and can hit the Tree with it,
which causes enemies and bags to fall.
10. You have to go through a few rooms to earn this title. Do this one after
you can slash the blue enemies.

NOTE: the Field Bonus that involves keep 9 Skill Gauges can be more easily
completed if you have Nell equipped with Diemia and use her skill "Life
Convert" which will increase the gauge by two. Get the gauge to show 9 and
then fight nine battles without using any skills, so the gauge stays at this
level. The one thing to avoid is getting a burst.

1000 points: 10 Spinacherb
3000 points  Bitter Fruit x3.
5000 points  X Heal x5
7000 points: Fish Bikini x 1 (recipe)
10000 points:Apple of Youth x3

Despite completing all bonus requirements you may not have sufficient points
to gain the final reward. You will need to keep slashing for crystals as these
appear randomly, and are added to the total points.

o  W A L K T H R O U G H

Map A: available in Chapter One.
You can easily explore the whole of this map in one visit.

You enter at the bottom left corner of the map. Walk forwards and down and
back along the first path where you cannot see a room on the map. In here open
the chest [Healing Ankh.] This is a valuable accessory and best to equip it to
Iris. Slash the grass here for Huffin Blossoms and crystals.

Return to the large area and hop up the grass to get two bags. There are two
more bags if you jump up to the ledge ahead. Then continue right,past the
large red enemy. You can win a fight against him easily enough if you reach
burst mode. Simply use fire attacks against the Puni and Kobold with Edge and
use Iris's magic, and with a Burst you will increase a level.

In the next room walk down the grass picking up a couple of bags as you go, and
then walk to the left of the tree where there is another bag, and past a large
enemy into a small room with a garden area where seeds can be planted. Open the
chest for [Stole]. You can see another chest that appears to be inaccessible,
but just walk right through a gap in the trees and you can find a path heading
left to the chest.containing [Heal Jar].

Return to the main path and walk right to the next large room. There is a bag
behind the tree and then some grassy mounds to jump across. At the far side
walk down the path past some large roots for another bag and grasscutting where
you can also find an Hourglass. Return to the main path and walk up to the next
room past a large red enemy. (This path has the World Tree for one of Iris'
Alchemy ideas Level 3.)

The next room has a bag by the tree, and if you go left there is a chest with
[Mysterious Seed]. Back in the main room carry on and climb up for a couple of
bags and in the next room head left for a bag and then right and down to the
pond and another bag. There is another just to the right, and one at the top
of the grass path to the right.

Jump up the next set of grassy steps and walk left past a large red enemy. Here
you can jump to the left where there is an Hourglass, and then jump again to
the left for two chests: [Mysterious Seed, and Nectar]. Head up after that for
a couple more bags, and then head to the room to the right for three bags, and
grasscutting, past a large red enemy.

The last room, Guardian Hill, has a bag and a chest with [Heal Jar], and that's
them all!

Map B: Forest Depths, available in Chapter Two
Kuu's first quest will gain you access to MAP B which takes a secret path left
from the third big room of the first map.

Forest Depths.
You can follow the green path left and then head down the screen and right,
and then up a short path to find a chest [Nectar]. This is the small right
hand room which has another path leading right to a dead end. Return to the
first room of the Forest Depths and now walk left to the next room

Jump up the slope to reach a chest at the top which contains [Black Hat]. Then
head left and you will come to a fork. The path leading right has a large red
enemy in the way and the one to the left takes you down screen to a small room
with a chest [Heal Jar] and after cutting the grass you can find another chest
[Black Belt].

Now go back and defeat the enemy and continue up the path and past another
Large red enemy. Keep heading down the path and you can go through a gap
leading south into a large room where there are a number of large red enemies

Poison Altar
If you get past the first two large red there is a chest down the screen with
[Puppy Paw Bonbon].

Back to the main path and you can jump on the grass mound and across to the
right where there is yet another large red enemy. Past this one to the next
room, and again keep low and you will head right to a new room. Just past a
large red enemy is a chest in a gap in a broken wall. [8 Directional Spring].
Then walk down the path to find another chest with [Caduceus]. This is a
useful weapon for Iris with fire element and high magic attack.

Hop (or fight) past another red enemy and you can reach the last small room at
the top of the map. There are two chests here: [Divine Shield] and [Tasteless

The Tree
The only room not yet explored is a small one reached from the upper path of
the largest central room and this just has a Tree that you will return to
later, but for now there is nothing else to find.


II.  G R I M O I R E  C A S T L E ..........................................D02


  Field Bonus

  First Visit to Grimoire - 1F to Library
  Underground Grimoire and Squawk Village - Chapter Four
  The Freezer - Chapter Five - with the Flame Barrett
  Squawk Treasury - Chapter Five/Six
  Underground Grimoire - with the Splat Hammer - Chapter Six
  After the Switch - 2F, 3F and Bell Tower
  2F - Hidden Room

o  O V E R V I E W

The Ancient Castle of Grimoire has some areas that can only be reached after
you get the Flame Barret and Splat Hammer. Many of the enemies are Undead or
Unholy class, so weapons that target these can be very effective. There are
seven different maps in the game, but your access to them all is only possible
in Chapter 6.

Walk left from the Guild in Zey Meruze, and when you reach the shops turn up
the path, and keep going to the end. Here you'll find the Scripture Library.
(Or just take the boat.) The portal is hidden inside the corner of the

Freese = Freezer Area
Treas  = Squawk Treasury
Squawk = Squawk Village
UG     = Underground

Grass : None
Bags  : 8 Directional Spring, Beast Fang, Canone Rock, Eicheloa, Legien Ore
        Long Shaft, Treasurebug Silk, Zuftuft Water, Eternal Turnkey, Poison
        Shroom, Glacier Stone, Strange Slab, Pendelook, Blue Pearl.
Freeze: Le Merou Cog, Glacier Stone, Wild Meat, Balloon Octopus, Demon Squid.
Treas : Blue Pearl, Pendelook, Puniball
Boxes : Beast Fang, Canone Rock, Legien Ore, Long Shaft, Glansen Ore
Chests: Legien Ore, Flame x2, Salt, Alchemic Cane Recipe, Zettel, Cure Jar,
        Trauer Tarot, Crunchy Fruit, Eternal Turnkey, 8 Directional Spring,
        Ring Recipe, Bomb Ice, Bitter Fruit, Heal Jar, Nectar, Legien Ore x2,
        Flame Ring, Legien Ore,
UG    : Brilliant Stone, Pendelook, Black Liquid
Freeze: Bonita
Squawk: Gong Recipe, 880 Cole, Le Merou Cog, Posporia Cotton x2
Hammer: Hyper Doll Recipe, Baba Yaga, Necronomicon, Gravity Stone, Bomb Bomb
        Ice, Strange Slab, Graver Bell, Glittering Thread, 1010 Cole, Tera
        Flame, Gleipnirs Chains Recipe, and Holy Emblem.
Fish  : Boot, Joker Fish, Demon Squid, Sharkgill
Garden: None
Rocks : Glacier Stone, Legien Ore, Elemia Ore

Enemy              | Class  | Drop             | Treat             | Weakness
Pot Spirit         | -      | Legien Ore       | Crystart          | Fire
Kettle Spirit      | -      | Glansen Ore      | Monster Cookie    | Fire
Sword Geist        | Undead | Shifty Eye       | Long Pochy        | Fire
Shield Geist       | Undead | Shifty Eye       | Chaos Candy       | Fire
Zombie Puni        | Puni   | Eicheloa         | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Heal Puni          | Puni   | Puniball         | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Golden Puni        | Puni   | Zufttuft Water   | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Dark Puni          | Puni   | Puniball         | Chaos Candy       | Fire
Caterpillar        | -      | Treasurebug Silk | Monster Cookie    | Ice
Living Armor       | Undead | Wandering Armor  | Monster Cookie    | -
Nightwalker        | Beast  | Wild Meat        | Chaos Cookie      | -
Shadowgirl         | Unholy | Rainbow Feather  | Chaos Candy       | -
Darkwing           | Unholy | Rainbow Feather  | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | Special
Jagged Tiger       | Beast  | Monster Bone     | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | Ice
Sword Sprite       | -      | Worn Weapon      | Vanilla Syrup     | Phy/Magic
Mad Brownie        |        | Brownie Mask     | Monster Cookie    | Magic
Death Knight       | Unholy | Shifty Eye       | Monster Cookie    | -
Vorpal Sword       | Unholy | Wandering Armor  | Long Pochy        | -
Dragon Zombie      | Undead | Dragon Bone      | Monster Cookie    | Fire
Necrohydra         | Undead | Dragon Tongue    | Needle Candy      | -
Power              | -      | Angel's Slip     | Vanilla Syrup     | -
Marquis            | Undead | Devil's Panties  | Vanilla Syrup     | -
Dominion           | Unholy | Angel's Slip     | Vanilla Syrup     | -
Duke               | Undead | Devil's Panties  | Vanilla Syrup     | -

F I E L D  B O N U S

1. 10 enemies sword slashed!        250 points
2. Won 10 battles!                  250 points
3. Destroyed 10 boulders!           250 points
4. Got 3 Fragments of Time!         500 points
5. Fished up a Joker Fish!          500 points
6. Caught 5 fish in a row!          750 points
7. Melted all the ice!              750 points
8. All webs clear in the library!   750 points
9. Chased a merchant 2+ times!     1000 points
10. Didn't check the map once!     1000 points
TOTAL                              6000 points

CRYSTALS                           4000 points

1. possible on the second visit.
2. easy to complete on the first visit.
4. easy as well so long as you smash boxes/vases as you go.
5. do this the first time you reach the Squawk Village.
8. Complete this when you have the cobweb quest from Pamela.
9. is awkward. I found him in his shop, left the area going back underground
and came up again immediately to find him next to the chief's house. I then
tried the same trick, to leave and return, and he was still by the exit place.
Went through a couple of screens and back and no joy, so just carried on back
to the entrance from the Castle (North UG Entrance) and he was there!
You can do all of these bonuses except 3 and 7 by chapter 4.
7. At the start of chapter five accept the Experiment and Rescue quest and you
get the Flame Barrett from Anna, Then you can melt all the ice, heading right,
and then into the Freezer Room.
3. has to wait until you get the Hammer and can access the deeper UG
10. simply enter, follow the path for a few rooms and leave.

1000 points: Puniball x 10
3000 points  Tasteless Fruit x3
5000 points: Bomb Bomb Ice x5
7000 points: Demon's Bottle x1 Recipe
10000 points: Globeball x3

The vendor is a squawk and sometimes he can be found standing to the left of
the exit tunnel when you arrive in the Squawks Village.  The shop is actually
situated heading left from the hole and up the track to the far right, but the
owner is not always there. He is also found at the entrance to the UG.

You can only access the Village after finding the Castle Key in Chapter Four.
This opens the door at the far end of the Outer Hall. Then follow the path
where it goes down to the Prison, and then continue heading right and up Prison
Path UG (Under Grimoire) 1F and up the ladder at the far end to reach the
Squawk Village.

Antique Shop Gee
Heal Jar (only later)   380
Cure Jar                450
Flame                   590
Black Liquid            320
Brownie Mask            410
Black Hat               740
R Large Explosive      3450

o  W A L K T H R O U G H

First Visit to Grimoire - 1F to Library
First Floor - 1F
From the entrance head left and then through the first door (next to the large
red enemy), and down the next corridor and then left through another door into
a small room where there are two chests: [Legien Ore] and [Flame]. The chest at
the corner of the corridor here has [Salt]. There are two boxes blocking an
opening to the outside and if you smash these you can walk down the outside of
the corridor wall and get two bags.

West Room and Landing
West Room has three enemies and one chest: [Alchemic Cane] Recipe. At the
Landing some stairs lead up to the next floor, but if you carry on to the next
screen there are two chests: [Zettel] and [Cure Jar].

East Corridor
This is the East Corridor and you cannot head back to the entrance because of
ice blocks. Walk right and go through a gap in the wall to a small outside
balcony with two chests: [Trauer Tarot], and [Crunchy Fruit]. Continue right
and there is a hidden room with another chest with [Flame], and a small enemy.

Outer Hall
Go back to the Outer Hall and head up to an outer pathway. At the far end is a
Locked Door that you cannot open yet. This leads to the Underground of

Landing and Stairs to Inner Centre
If you head up the stairs to the Inner Centre and keep left and ahead over a
small bridge, there are two chests: [Eternal Turnkey] is in one and [8
Directional Spring] in the other.

Inner West and Library - 3F
Now go left and then turn down the screen to Inner West, and you will find a
small opening with stairs, which leads to the Library, a place you will become
very familiar with. Follow the corridor to the Library Desk and get [Ring
Recipe] in a chest. Stay at the top of the bookshelves and enter a door at the
end to find a chest with [Bomb Ice].

Now hop down the ladder to the main floor of the library and pick up the bag in
the centre of the books as this is always Canone Rock, a useful item. From the
library floor walk down the corridor to the left (Library Balcony) for two more
chests. [Bitter Fruit] and [Heal Jar]. There is nothing in the room to the
right here, so head back up through the library and into the other room to the
left (Devil Aisle) for two more chests: [Nectar] and [Legien Ore]. Walk right,
down the corridor into another small room (Magic Aisle) with one enemy and a
chest with [Flame Ring].

East Corridor and Dark Altar
From the second floor go left from the door to the library and there is another
door to the outside East Corridor, but there is nothing to find here, besides
enemies and barrels, and the Dark Altar at the far end of the corridor.

Inner East and North - Second Floor
If you head right from the entrance to the second floor, (Inner East) smash
some boxes that block the path, and then behind the second set of boxes (near a
large red enemy) is a hidden chest with [Legien Ore]. Inner North and right is
another Locked Door that needs a Hammer. Head left and through a door to meet a
Squawk and more ice blocking the passage. You need the Flame Barrett for this.

That is as far as you can go for this first visit.

Underground Grimoire and Squawk Village - Chapter Four
When you receive the Castle Key after the Cleaning Cobwebs quest you can
access the Underground area. This is reached by heading right from the Landing
Corridor to the East Corridor and then up to the Outer Hall. The key unlocks
the door at the far end of the Outer Hall.

North UG Entrance
Antique Shop Gee might be here and you can buy Black Liquid in bulk, and Large
Explosive recipe from him for 3450 Cole.

From the entry walk a few steps along the path and break the boxes and barrels
for a couple of bags. If you want to go to the Squawk Village turn up the path
and go through the broken bars to the Prison Path.

UG 1F North and South
From the entrance area instead of turning up to take the Prison Path, walk left
and this takes you to UG 1F South. There is a chest with [Black Liquid] but
you cannot go any further until you can break the rocks.

UG 1F Prison Path
From the broken bars walk a few steps and turn right through another broken
barred hole into Nature's Prison, where you will find a chest with [Brilliant
Stone], and many small red enemies as well as two large ones.

Continue on up the Prison Path and there is another room through bars to the
right. One chest has [Pendelook], and there is a set of stairs leading down
just in front of the chest and hidden by some boxes. This leads to UG 2F, but
without a Hammer to break the rocks you cannot get any further.

Squawk Village - Backyard
Back on the prison path and directly left there is a long ladder which leads up
to the Squawk Village. You can chat and fish here for Joker Fish. There is an
Hourglass just around the corner from the pond if you need some extra time.
There are also two chests with [Gong] Recipe, and [880 Cole].

Squawk Village North and the Treasury
Continue heading right along the dark blue path, and there is another chest in
Squawk Village North containing [Le Merou Cog]. You can chat to a couple of
Squawk youngsters and two guards in front of the Treasury, although you cannot
access this just yet.

Antique Shop Gee
Keep going right for two more chests, both with [Posporia Cotton] x2. The house
here is the official shop of Antique Shop Gee.

The Freezer - Chapter Five
From the entrance to the Castle walk right and melt the ice here. Then go left
and up to 2F Inner Center. Go to the right through Inner East to Inner
North, and left through the door into Freezer Hall. Melt the four blocks here
and then enter the first door. Melt all the ice in here as well. Then walk down
the corridor and into the second room (Hazard Storage) where you can pick up
three bags, (all fish items!) open the chest for [Bonita], and melt more ice.
Keep going up the corridor melting as you go until you reach the end. There is
nothing more to find here, and the corridor is a dead end.

Squawk Treasury - Chapter Five/Six
You will gain access to this area after defeating the Fatebringer in the quest
- They Only Walk Away.

As soon as the battle is over, walk down the corridor and there should be an
Iris lightbulb icon provided you have reached Alchemy Level 6. This is a
significant recipe for Living Uni as the item crafted is very useful for some
harder battles later in the game.

Continue down the passage and at the point where there are two large red
enemies turn up the screen to enter a door where there is a room with one Large
red enemy, two small ones and a chest containing [le Merou Cog]. Carry on down
the corridor to the next door and the same situation awaits: enemies and a
chest with a |Grand Viper] weapon. Make sure to retrieve any brown bags as one
or two should contain the rare item Blue Pearl.

Grimoire with the Hammer - Chapter Six
NOTE - you can leave this first area on the second floor until you have used
the switch, which is accessed from UG 1F South.

South Corridor
Enter Grimoire once you have the Hammer and bash the stones that block the
stairs in the entrance hall. You can now get through to Castle 2F South

Go down the corridor and through the first door on your left to find a bag with
a Pendelook (another source of these closer to home than the far reaches of
Ishtar), and a chest with [Hyper Doll] recipe. There is another room directly
opposite this one, though it is not obvious as there is no door to see. In here
is a chest with a [Baba Yaga] weapon.

2F Inner South
Continue up the corridor into the clock area and this is 2F Inner South. You
can pick up an hourglass but can't progress any further until you have
operated the switch in the Outer Castle.

Underground Grimoire - with the Hammer
There are two separate section to explore in the Underground Castle after
getting the Hammer.

Start by heading right from 1F and melting the ice and then go right when you
enter the first door, to 1F East Corridor. Break everything in the hall room as
there is often an Hourglass in the boxes, and then continue along 1F Outer
Hall, making sure to pick up the Hourglass before entering the North
Underground Entrance.

UG 1F Far South
First make your way all the way left to the far end of the path at Castle UG 1F
South. There are some boulders at the end of the path, and although this
appears to be a dead end, if you break the three of them you can carry on into
a new room UG1F Far South.

(You can find Blue Pearls and Pendelooks here in brown bags and when you break
things.). Make your way to the far end of the path and then enter an opening in
the northern wall.

Outer Castle ??? Switch
This new area can be seen on your castle map as completely detached from the
other rooms and can only be reached from the stairs/hole you just entered from
UG 1F Far South. At the left of the path is a chest with [Necronomicon] the
weapon for Edge, and at the right a chest with [Gravity Stone]. At the end of
the path is a large switch under a tower. Choose to flip this switch. You won't
see any effect but there is one, although it is all the way to the entrance to
find out.

For now, if you are exploring these new areas, return to the prison path, and
back to the UG Prison Path South and then North, and this time turn up the path
at the junction near the entrance. IG 1F Nature's Prison. Enter the second
right hand room through the broken bars, and break the boxes to reveal the
entrance to 2F.

Castle UG 2F
Break the boulders in this first cave and then walk to your right. Use the
Flame on the small fires to provide more light. At the second fire walk right
and past a large red enemy to the end of the narrow path to find some crystals
and a chest with a [Bomb Bomb Ice].

At the fourth fire there is a broken barred gate to the left. Go through here
and light three more fires and break boulders for crystals and then enter
another open barred gate at the far end which takes you even deeper.

Castle Depths and Grave of ???
There are Strange Slabs in bags here, and if you continue through to the next
room there is a Grave.

Back on the main path from the broken bars you can continue past another couple
of fires and you reach another room with a number of boulders, more fires to
light, some small enemies and a chest with [Strange Slab].

After the Switch - 2F, 3F and Bell Tower
Bash the rocks and walk up to 2F South Corridor and continue through to the
clock area. Now you can jump across the stopped cog and follow the path to the
right. Keep going and jump over a cog to reach a chest containing [Graver Bell]
a weapon for Nell. Then continue on the main path until you see a handle switch
next to an opening to the next floor. Flip the switch and go through the

Look on your map and you'll see this is one room with stairs at each end. Go
left as far as you can go, and take the contents of the chest [Glittering
Thread], even though you might feel bad about it, the Squawk doesn't seem to
object. Then go right, and if you haven't flipped the switch a Squawk will
remind you. Otherwise continue over the halted machinery until you see another
switch and another opening. Leave the switch as it is.

Castle Roof, Inside, Top Floor
Go inside and head left and over a stopped cog to pick up some bags with the
useful Pendelook and Strange Slab and maybe Blue Pearl. Then return and flip
the switch. Now I thought maybe you could do this as many times as you like,
since the bags on the platform beyond the cogs reappear, but in fact they
disappear again when you re-swtch the cog, so you can't farm these items.

Bell Tower
After flipping the switch walk along the right hand path and through the arch
to the roof. There will be an Iris icon to your left if you have Alchemy Level
8 and you'll get the recipe Doomsday Bell, a weapon for Nell. That's it for
Grimoire for now.

Bashing Down the Doors - 2F Inner East
Go up to the second floor on your way to the Library and turn right and keep
heading right to Inner North and the door that could not be opened before. Bash
it with the Hammer and enter a room

Hidden Room
Yes, that's what it is called. There are a couple of small enemies in here and
four chests. [1010 Cole], [Tera Flame], [Gleipnirs Chains Recipe], and [Holy


III.  P O S P O R I A  B A T T L E G R O U N D S ...........................D03


   Field Bonus

   Map A - Central Region and Fairy Territory. Available in Chapter Two
   Map B - Central Region and Kuma Territory. Available in Chapter Three
   Kuma Treasury - with the Flame Barrett. Available in Chapter Five.
   Giant Tree - using Cannon. Available in Chapter Six.

o  O V E R V I E W

This area is complicated by the fact that the "war" will prevent access to
various parts of Posporia at various times. After you have use of the cannons
this restriction can be circumvented easily enough

From the East Bridge of Zey Meruze, walk north and past some buildings to the
right. Continue to a signpost and then go right. Hop up onto the grassy bank
and the portal to Posporia is just a few steps further.

In Chapter 3 the Kuma area is open, but the Fairy area is blocked by fairies.
In Chapter 5 the Kuma is blocking the way north from the Middle Battlegrounds
again, so you have to use the cannons.
In Chapter 7 a Fairy seems to block the way north into Kuma territory, but you
can just walk past. Fairies block the way south at Fairy Fort West and access
to Fairy Cannon East.
In Chapter 8 the Kumas block the path to to the north in Kuma Fort West and
East. This means you cannot use the Kuma East and West Cannons.
In Chapter 9 the Fairies are back in control but you can use all the cannons.

Grass : Mysterious Seed, Spinacherb, Poison Shroom, Posporia Cotton,
        Bitter Grape, (Chatter Flower from Chapter 7 onwards.)
Bags  : Eiche, Bitter Grape, Gash Twig, Glansen Ore, Fungushroom, Canone Rock,
        Poison Shroom, Fairy Hat, Legien Ore, Posporia Cotton, Worthless Stone
G.Tree: Lightning Rod
Chest : Fairy Hat, Mysterious Seed x2, Fairy Clothes Recipe, Fairy Clothes,
Map A   560 Cole, Glansen Ore, Fairy Hat, Monster Bone, Green Soup, Melty
        Spring Water, Nicro Cloth, Medicine X, 530 Cole, Leather Cuirass, Wind
Chest : Slicer, Treasurebug Silk, Cure Jar, Heal Jar, Wild Meat, Nectar, Flame.
Map B   Eternal Turnkey, Wild Meat, Sweaty Fruit, Black Liquid, Bear Pelt,
        Goat Milk x2, Black Hat, Kuma Outfit, Nectar, Black Liquid,
        Mysterious Card Recipe, Steak, Goat Milk, Monster Cookie, Bear Pelt,
        Arabesque Stole, Misty Curtain, Concentrated Honey.
Chest : Fungo Charm, Gauntlet of Artorius, Glittering Thread, Apple of Youth,
Fish  : A - 8 Directional Spring, Boot, Tiger Blowfish, Eternal Turnkey
        B - Tiger Blowfish, Boot, 8 Directional Spring
Garden: Spinacherb, Chatter Flower, Posporia Cotton - flower, Sweaty Fruit -
Tree  : Apple of Youth (very rare), Uni, Bitter Grape, Gash Twig, Eiche.
        Dryad, Kobold Guard, Kobold Chieftain, Kobold Mage, Kobold Priest,

Enemy              | Class  | Drop             | Treat             | Weakness
Kobold             | Beast  | Tufts            | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Kobold Mage        | Beast  | Beast Fang       | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Kobold Priest      | Beast  | Beast Fang       | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Kobold Fighter     | Beast  | Tufts            | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Kobold Guard       | Beast  | Tufts            | Needle Candy      | -
Kobold Chieftain   | Beast  | Tufts            | Needle Candy      | -
Kobold Elite       | Beast  | Worn Weapon      | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Owl Bear           | Beast  | Monster Bone     | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Jagged Bear        | Beast  | Wild Meat        | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Harpy              | Beast  | Rainbow Feather  | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Tiger              | Beast  | Beast Fang       | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Leopard            | Beast  | Tufts            | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Jagged Tiger       | Beast  | Monster Bone     | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | Ice
Morning Glory      | -      | Mysterious Seed  | Chaos Candy       | Ice
Dryad              | -      | Mysterious Seed  | Vanilla Syrup     | Fire
Jin  Rider.        |        | Lightning Rod    | Monster Cookie    | -
Heal Puni          | Puni   | Puniball         | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Golden Puni        | Puni   | Zufttuft Water   | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Giant Puni         | Puni   | Pendelook        | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Power              | -      | Angel's Slip     | Vanilla Syrup     | -

F I E L D  B O N U S

1. Destroyed 10 boulders!           250 points
2. Returned unharmed!               250 points
3. Won 10 battles!                  250 points
4. Fished 10 times! do this         500 points
5. 3 flowers harvested!             500 points
6. Cannon blasted 4+ times!         750 points
7. Talked to 15+ people!            750 points
8. Caught 2 boots in a row          750 points
9. Did 10 Fast Kills!              1000 points
10. Didn't enter even one battle!  1000 points
TOTAL                              6000 points

CRYSTALS                           4000 points

3. and 7 can be completed in your first visit here.
2. Make sure you are all at full health before leaving
5. The garden is in Fairy Village: plant seeds and wait until they flower (x3)
4. and 8 can be done at the same time. For 4 it doesn't matter what you catch.
9. Can be done in Chapter 2 or 3.
2 and 10 can be achieved at the same time if you slash blue enemies and enter
a few rooms before leaving.
1. Cannot be completed until you have the Hammer - they are all in the Kuma
Mountains area.
6. Complete this in one visit after the cannons are operational in Chapter 3.

1000 points: Uni x10
3000 points  Sweaty Fruit x3
5000 points: Tera Flame x5
7000 points: Dealer x1 (armour for Nell and Iris)
10000 points: Taiyaki x3

From the entrance go east to the central long room on the map, and then east
again across the bridge over the water to the Neutral Baths, and then down
the path to find the shop next to the cannon. This shop is not open until
Chapter 4.

From Bow to Wow: (Bow Won)
Flame                   380
Bomb Ice                740
Lightning Rod           900
Posporia Cotton         290
Bear Pelt               590
Goat Milk               420
Goat Cheese             740
Gauntlet               1280

Finding Peko's Shop
From the entrance go east to the central long room on the map, and then south
one room and east again to where you can see the fish icon on the map, continue
south and east heading for the arrow that indicates the next area.  From the
East Gate into go through the door into the next map, and follow the path
heading roughly north east, and the first tree you see on your left that has a
door in it, is Peko's Shop.

From the fairy village head to the east on the map and then go north and then
east to the next room to find the shop.

Souvenir Shop Peko: Peko's Souvenirs
Spinacherb              120
Eicheloa                 90
Flame                   510
Treasurebug Silk         90
Fairy Hat               230
Fairy Clothes           600
Fairy Stick             450
Flame Ring              530

Cannon from Bow Bow goes to Giant Tree and you cannot get back!
Kuma Cannon West take you to Fairy Fort West Entrance
Kuma Cannon East (top of Central Regien map) goes to Fairy Fort West Entrance
Fairy Cannon West takes you to Kuma Fort, West Entrance
Fairy Cannon East goes to Kuma Fort, East Entrance.
Fairy Village Cannon takes you to Kuma Village North
Kuma Village North goes to Fairy Village.

o  W A L K T H R O U G H

Map A - Central Region and Fairy Territory. Available in Chapter Two
In this first visit you can explore everywhere that is currently accessible
and fight the enemy at the Watchtower Steps for the Quest: COMBAT EXAM in
Chapter Two.  You are prevented from going into Kuma territory and cannot yet
use the cannons.

Battlegrounds Entrance
From the Entrance you walk into the second room on your map. There is a
*Woofer 1* here, (note this because one of the bonus tasks is to speak to 15
people, well, not people exactly, but individuals, so I will mark then as we
meet them. Follow the path to the next pair *Kuma 2 and *Fairy 3, and open the
two chests next to them. [Fairy Hat] and [Mysterious Seed].

Middle Battlegrounds
You can see three directions going out from this large room. You cannot go
north yet, but an Iris Idea will be visible on a *Kuma 4, and you will get the
recipe for Costume, (assuming your alchemy level is 1).If you cross the bridge
leading to the right of the screen just past the recipe bear, this leads to
Neutral Baths and Watchtower Steps and (eventually) to the Cannon for the Big
Tree and the Bow to Wow Shop.

However first go down the screen to check the cannon and another Iris Idea
will show at the left hand one: the recipe for Explosive. There is another
*Kuma 4 and a chest containing [Fairy Clothes Recipe.]

Fairy Fort West
Cross the southern bridge and this leads to Fairy Fort West. If you walk right
to the next screen this is Fairy Fort East.

Fairy Fort East and Pond A
Keep following the path right and up and then left to find a *Kuma 5 standing
by a pond. Walk further to the right over another wooden bridge and this takes
you to another room, also part of the East Fort, and with two paths: one
heading further to the right and the other down. If you follow the path you can
see some chests in an open walled space. The entrance is not obvious but it is
up and left under a kind of walled bridge. There is an hourglass and three
chests. [Mysterious Seed], [Fairy Clothes], and [560 Cole]. The entrance to
this room is in fact directly to the left of the path to the far right end room
of the map. Fairy Cannon East. Besides the Cannon, there is a *Fairy 6*

Fairy Fort, East Gate
Walk south from the previous room and you are at Fairy Fort, East Gate, and
this takes you to the next page of the Posporia Map. There is another
Hourglass, and *Kuma 7*, and a chest next to him [Glansen Ore] You will now go
through a wooden door in the Fort Wall and arrive at Fairy Territory.

Fairy Fort, West Entrance: Peko's Souvenirs
You begin at the top right corner of the map. Follow the grassy path and walk
up the small slope to a tree with your first Fairy Shop. Peko's Souvenirs. You
can buy Fairy Stick, an accessory with Cure, but you will soon receive this as
a quest reward so I wouldn't bother. The chest contains [Fairy Hat], so don't
give him any money for one of these. From here walk right to ...

Eastern Fairy Forest.
This is an L shaped room. Edge past the Large Red enemy and you will arrive at
a statue of a fairy where Iris will have another Idea: Cane. Open the chest
here for your first [Monster Bone]...kind of begs the question of who would
find a monster bone and put it in a gold and purple chest and not mind who
takes it, but we don't worry about things like that in a GUST game.

Fairy Village and Garden
Left from the statue and you will arrive at the Fairy Village, with another
*Fairy 8 to talk to, and a chest containing [Green Soup]. There are a couple
more fairies to chat to, and another one next to a cannon. *Fairy 9/10/11. Walk
up the path between the two statues and speak to yet another *Fairy 12, and the
*Fairy General 13. Enter the tree house and open the chest for your first
[Melty Spring Water]!  (You don't yet realise how precious this is...and how
hard it is to find more of it, at least, until you eventually have access to a
certain shop) *Fairy Chief 14 is in the back room.

There is a garden to the left of this area where you can plant seeds and a
useful Hourglass. Walk to the south to speak to yet another *Fairy 15 and then
you enter the next area.

Fairy Village West Entrance.
There is yet another Iris idea at the Mushroom circle: [Shroom Armor Recipe],
but only if you reached Alchemy Level 2. The chest in the mushroom circle
contains [Nicro Cloth]. Follow the winding path to the right and you reach
Western Fairy Forest.

Western Fairy Forest and Fairy Treasury
There are two rooms leading north and south. The north room is blocked by
*Fairy 16, so you will have to return here another time. This is the Fairy
Treasury, and you can only gain access when there are two or three beads left
on the timer. There are three chests in here containing: [Medicine X], [530
Cole] and {Leather Cuirass]

Fairy Station West
South is a small room leading west. Although it appears as if there is another
room to the south, this is in fact a real a tree house, Fairy
Station West, and there are two chests and a *Fairy 17, [Wind Slicer] and
[Treasurebug Silk].

Keep following the winding path west and past a large red enemy heading left,
and there is another chest [Cure Jar}, and a Fairy  sitting on top of a
tree.  Another one is past the grass *Fairy 14* and finally you will be back at
Fairy Fort West Entrance. Cut the grass here for Poison Shrooms, and a fair few
crystals and an hourglass. There is another hourglass past the Large Enemy and
back at the Fort Walls.  (You should have chatted to enough "people" by now, so
I'll stop counting!)

The Tree
In the left long room there is a large tree which can be knocked when you get a
Hammer, making Bags and enemies fail.

Fairy Fort West Gate and Altar of Water
Go through the gate and there is a Chest [Heal Jar] and a Kuma. Follow the
stone pathway and you will arrive at Fairy Cannon West, just south of the
entrance area. Walk straight to your left and this is the Altar of Water.
There is nothing here for now, so ignore this and walk north. (Although you
can fish here if you have time.)

Fairy Cannon West
This room is directly south from the Middle Battlegrounds. First chat to two
Kumas if you want, and open a chest for [Wild Meat]. Walk up the steps for
another crystal, a chest [Nectar] and two Fairies. Then head right past the
Kumas and you will be able to walk up past a Large Red Enemy (a bag here had
Fairy Hat) and back to Fairy Fort West.

Fairy Fort West
Walk up the steps to speak to another Kuma standing next to a large cannon,
and open a chest for [Flame]. From here the path leads right over a bridge and
there is another Kuma on guard.

Middle Battlegrounds
Now if you head north back to the center then you can go right towards the red
mark again having explored everywhere in one visit!  From the bathing pool
where there are a Fairy and two Kumas, walk up and to the right to the
Watchtower Entrance. There is a Fairy here, but keep going and you will come to
some large steps where a scene will take place. (This is the location for
another Quest later as well.)

There is another Kuma and Fairy to the right of the pond and down across a
short bridge from them you can find Bow Won, standing by a shop awning and
cannon. Remember this place for late, as he will open a shop here. You can also
use the Cannon from here to reach the Giant Tree.

Map B - Central Region and Kuma Territory. Available in Chapter Three
After receiving the quest to investigate "The Reason for War", you can head
north from the Middle Battlegrounds. (You cannot reach the Kuma area by the
Eastern route past the fishing spot as the way is blocked by Fairies, and it's
the same if you try to head south towards the Altar of Water area. This means
that you have to use the Cannon if you want to reach the Fairy Village for any

Middle Battlegrounds
The first chest contains [Eternal Turnkey]. The first room at the far north of
the Central Region map is Kuma Fort West.

Kuma Fort West
From here there are two different routes.

Head left to cross a bridge to Kuma Cannon West and you can find [Nectar] in a
chest to the right. Follow this path around and you enter Kuma Fort, West Gate.
This leads to the next map and Kuma Fort, West Entrance.

Climb up the small ladder and enter Kuma, Beast Cave where there are two chests
and a large red enemy to kill first. One chest has [Black Liquid and the other
[Mysterious Card] Recipe. Then walk up the steps to the house.

Kuma Station West
Enter the house here and open the chest at the end of the ledge for [Steak].
Jump down for an Hourglass, and two bags. Then go right to find yourself in the
West Entrance.

Kuma Fort, West Entrance
Walk right for a crystal by the tree and then up the stone steps to find two
chests to your left: [Goat Milk] and [Monster Cookie], and another to your
right with [Bear Pelt].

Kuma Territory, Mountains (Explosives)
This is up the center steps from the West Entrance. If you enter the open
doorway to the right you can break some barrels but you cannot set off the
explosives just yet. You need the Hammer for this, and when you have it, this
is the way to get into the Kuma Treasury. Set off the explosions and this will
have the effect of sending the guard at the Treasury to investigate, thus
allowing you access to the treasure. For now carry on up the steps and walk to
the right. Jump down the second opening in the rocks to open the chest with
[Concentrated Honey]. If you continue to the right there is an hourglass and
you arrive at Kuma Village South. For now carry on exploring the mountains.

Altar of Earth
This is up the left hand set of steps. There is a chest at the far end of the
area, containing [Arabesque Stole] though you may have to defeat the large red
enemy first. You can see the altar if you jump along the top of the rocks, but
there is nothing to find.

The second set of steps leads to another chest to the right containing [Misty
Curtain]. Walk back down and head right into the Kuma Village South.

Kuma Fort East and East Gate
Go right and pick up an Hourglass and open a chest for [Wild Meat],and this
room is Kuma Fort East. Walk around the path and up the steps and this will
take you down again and then left across a bridge to Kuma Fort, East Gate.

Kuma Cannon East
This is the small room to the north of here, and reached if you go right, but
there is nothing to find at the moment.

Kuma Fort East Entrance
Carry on heading left and then up the large stone steps and through the doorway
to Kuma Fort East Entrance. There is a house here called Kuma Station East,
with a chest [Sweaty Fruit], and if you go through the door to the right there
is another chest with [Black Liquid]. For the moment you cannot go further up
this path, so return through the house. (This eventually leads to an area
called ??? )

Kuma Village South (and Treasury)
Walk left and up the path to enter this room with three pathways heading in
different directions. The left path up some rock steps, takes you to an
Hourglass and through to Kuma Territory Mountain. The other path down from this
room leads to the Kuma Treasury, which is guarded.

Walk to the left in the Village South room to open a chest with [Bear Pelt],
and then walk up the steps to the right and into Kuma Village North.

Kuma Village North
Head right to open two chests [Goat Milk x2], and at the door to a house just
up from here is another chest with [Black Hat]. There is another Hourglass
sitting on a bench in the middle of the area. Go inside the Kuma Chief's House
and walk left into his Pantry, for two bags and a chest with [Kuma Outfit -

Kuma Treasury - with the Flame Barret - Chapter Five
Take the Fairy Fort East Cannon to the Kuma Territory and climb up the rocks at
the far side of the Kuma Village South. Jump down the rocks to the lower path
and enter the Explosives storage Room. Flame the Barrels and there will be a
scene and you'll see the Kuma guarding the treasure move. Now walk to the
Village and down the rock steps into the Treasury. There are crystals and five
chests, so this is worth while making the effort. [X Heal] [X Heal] [Thunder
Rod], [Tera Flame], [Bomb Bomb Ice]. If you have the Hammer make sure to
destroy 10 boulders in the Mountains while doing this.

Giant Tree - Chapter Six
You can only access the Giant Tree when you use the cannon from Bow Won's shop
at the Neutral Baths. The first time you'll get there automatically, but for
subsequent visits the bar to hit is much smaller than normal, so be careful, or
you will end up at some other random spot in Posporia.

Giant Tree Lower Area
From the arrival point walk right, and climb two sets of vines past two large
red enemies. There is a chest to your left containing [Fungo Charm] a weapon
for Edge. Continue following the only path along the logs until you reach the
next vine which takes you to the next room.

Follow the first two logs and go straight ahead through an opening in the tree,
to find a small room with one large red enemy and a chest with [Gauntlet of
Artorius]. Return to the main path and keep climbing the vines and walking the
logs until you reach another chest with [Glittering Thread] just to the left of
vines that take you to the next imaginatively title area.

Giant Tree Middle Area
You will probably have to fight a couple of large red enemies as you follow
this route. When you reach a large treetrunk walk left to open a chest with
[Apple of Youth], and then walk around the back of the trunk (out of sight for
a moment, but there is no enemy) and get the Hourglass. Then head through the
opening, and again go around the trunk, this time to the right. Climb the vine
and you're out of sight again and there is an enemy here you can't really

Walk along the grass path and up and around the path. There is a fork with an
opening in a treetrunk and a path leading to the right. The opening takes you
to a Lithograph if you are on the Giant Exploration quest, and the path along
the log simply ends up at Giant Tree Upper Area. If you hop up the flat
wooden platforms you reach the "Top of the Giant Tree" (Kind of

That's it.


IV.  V A L L E Y  O F  D A K A S C U S .....................................D04


   Field Bonus

   Crystal Valley East - First Visit to Pengie Village
   Crystal Valley West - With the Breath of Earth  (Chapter Five or Six)
   Celestial Rookery - Chapter Six
   Crystal Valley North - Mission Chapter 7

o  O V E R V I E W

Dakascus has a number of different areas and small rooms many of which can
only be reached after you have been given the recipe for the Breath of Earth
in Chapter 5 or 6, depending on when you choose to do the quest "Broken
Crystal". You will need 15 in total to mend the crystals.

From the Westbridge of Zey Meruze, walk down the grassy path and keep going
until you reach the next screen. Continue until you reach a portal surrounded
with jagged crystals. Enter this portal to access Dakascus.

Grass : Chatter Flower, Amethyst Flower.
WestCV: Bomb Ice, Dragon Bone,
Bags  : Amethyst Flower, Chrome Crystal, Elemia Ore, Beast Fang,  Gravity
        Stone, Legien Ore, Monster Bone, Mysterious Seed, Puniball,
        Spinacherb, Worthless Stone,
WestCV: Elemia Ore, Dragon Bone
North : Gravity Stone
Chest : Melty Spring Water x2, Lightning Rod, Holy Clothing Recipe,
        Concentrated Honey, 610 Cole, Monster Cookie, Thunder Stone, Gurgu's
        Cane, Armed Gear, Needle Candy, Hat Recipe, Bitter Fruit, Shield of
        Gargol, Le Merou Cog, and another Le Merou Cog.
WestCV: Tera Flame, Star Prism, Estevanguard, Glittering Thread x3, Star Prism,
        Goat Cheese, Star Prism, Magic Shield Recipe, Heal All, Black Bustier,
        Goat Cheese
Rook  : Star Prism, Holy Emblem, Dragon Lance Recipe
North : Thin Leotard, Moon Prism, Astral Staff Recipe, Alberich, Moon Prism,
        Alberich, Elixir, Moon Prism, Element Blaze.
Fish  : Boot, Bonita, Balloon Octopus
Garden: Burdock Straight, Carrotato, Spinacherb
Tree  : None

Enemy              | Class  | Drop             | Treat             | Weakness
Lizard             | Dragon | Monster Bone     | Monster Cookie    | Ice
Lizard Warrior     | Dragon | Dragon Bone      | Monster Cookie    | Ice
Lizard Shaman      | Dragon | Monster Bone     | Monster Cookie    | Ice
Lizard Lord        | Dragon | Nicro Cloth      | Monster Cookie    | Ice
Lizard Wizard      | Dragon | Dragon Bone      | Monster Cookie    | Ice
Caterpillar        | -      | Treasurebug Silk | Monster Cookie    | Ice
Morning Glory      | -      | Mysterious Seed  | Chaos Candy       | Ice
Moon Flower        | -      | Mysterious Seed  | Crystart          | Fire
Jewel Sprite       | -      | Bomb Ice         | Vanilla Syrup     | Electric.
Orb                | -      | Pendelook        | Vanilla Syrup     | Electric.
Stone Puppet       | -      | Worthless Stone  | Jawbreaker Candy  |
Puni Rider.        | Puni   | Brownie Mask     | Monster Cookie    | -
Bird Rider.        |        | Wild Meat        | Monster Cookie    | -
Golden Pig         | Beast  | Golden Meat      | Monster Cookie    | -
Sandfish           | -      | Shifty Eye       | Taiyaki           | Ice
Sand Dragon        | Dragon | Shifty Eye       | Taiyaki           | Ice
Heal Puni          | Puni   | Puniball         | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Golden Puni        | Puni   | Zufttuft Water   | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Giant Puni         | Puni   | Pendelook        | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Alchemic Soldier   | -      | Divine Shield    | Crystart          | -
Shadow Legien      | Unholy | Shifty Eye       | Chaos Candy       | Electric.-
Elder              |        | Thin Leotard     | Vanilla Syrup     | -

F I E L D  B O N U S

1. 10 enemies sword slashed!        250 points
2. Returned unharmed!               250 points
3. Destroyed 20 crystals!           250 points
4. Made 1000+ Cole in battle!       500 points
5. 3 seeds harvested!               500 points
6. Caught 5 fish in a row!          750 points
7. Jumped more than 40 times!       750 points
8. Kept 9 Skill Gauges!             750 points
9. Did 10 Burst Chains!            1000 points
10. Didn't check the map once!     1000 points
TOTAL                              6000 points

CRYSTALS                           4000 points

5. and 6. can be completed in the first visit if you defeat the Boss Lizards,
and you can plant seed at the same time as fishing. Wait for the seed to
flower and then turn to seed before you pick it.
7. will probably be completed in your first visit.
10. can be done when you undertake the quest to fix the crystals in Chapter,
and have to visit the chief for a recipe. However simply walking to the
village and leaving is not enough, so wander around for a while entering more
1. and 9 can be done when you first get access to the West Crystal Valley.
3. can only be done once you have the Hammer and access to the Celestial
Rookery in chapter 6.
3. Can be done most easily when exploring Crystal Valley North and the side
room have many crystals to smash.

NOTE: the Field Bonus that involves keep 9 Skill Gauges can be more easily
completed if you have Nell equipped with Diemia and use her skill "Life
Convert" which will increase the gauge by two. Get the gauge to show 9 and
then fight nine battles without using any skills, so the gauge stays at this
level. The one thing to avoid is getting a burst.

1000 points: Chrome Crystal x5
3000 points  Crunchy Fruit x3
5000 points: Thunder Rod x5
7000 points: Heaven's Key x1 Recipe
10000 points: Gravity Stone x3

Follow the path from the entrance until you find a Pengie standing in front of
a sign, and then head to the right to find the village.  The shop is further
in past the first few stalls and around the corner to the left.

Pegg's Discounts
Spinacherb              150
Eicheloa                120
Zuftuff Water           170
Melty Spring Water      240
Chrome Crystal           80
Men's Clothing         3380
Dress                  2700

Penn's Shop Outside Town
This is situated down to the right of the village and then up to one room on
its own.  Or head right instead of going up to the sign for the village and
there will be another small sign where the path splits,  Take the upper path
to the shop.

Penn's Discounts
Spinacherb              150
Eicheloa                120
Gash Twig                80
Misty Curtain           960
Divine Shield           960
Melty Spring Water      240
Chrome Crystal           80
Ice Ring                750
Frontier Headband      2400

o  W A L K T H R O U G H

Crystal Valley East - First Visit to Pengie Village
Hop up the steps and open two chests for [Melty Spring Water x2]. There are no
enemies until the third room. When you enter the fourth room you can see that
this is a crossroads. If you try to go right there is a large boss enemy, and
this is one of the Lizard quest bosses. If you try to go west then there is a
dead end, so for now just head up and right to the Pengie village. Open the
first chest for [Lightning Rod], and a second next to the chief for [Holy
Clothing Recipe]. Shop for two recipes and the MSW (Melty Spring Water!),

Penn's Shop and Oasis
After defeating the Lizard Musketeers you can go right and up to Penn's Shop
Outside Town, for more shopping and three chests: [Concentrated Honey, 610
Cole, Monster Cookie]. Down from here is the Oasis and garden with a chest
[Thunder Stone]. You can plant seeds and fish while waiting for the seeds to
sprout, and so complete these two field bonuses on this first visit.You cannot
get at the chest behind the man here for a long time yet.

Route to Guardian Hill
Now return up the path and this time head to the right past the entrance to
Penn's shop, for another chest with [Melty Spring Water], and a signpost to
Hill of Guardians. You cannot go any further right as there is a broken crystal
but you can go north. The fourth room has a chest with [Gurgu's Cane] a weapon
for Nell's Nymph Blades, but this is Fire based so not as good as the Witch
Staff for the Lizard enemies here.

There is an hourglass further on in this room and eventually you will reach
Guardian Hill, the final room of CV East. There is a chest with [Armed Gear], a
fire based weapon for Edge, and another one with [Needle Candy], another weapon
for Edge. (By the way, if you try to return from here, you need to jump across
the gaps as you cannot jump up the left hand rocks.)

There is one more room left to find and this is to the left of the third room
out of the six at the left of the map. In here you will find the Green-Tail
Bandits, and a chest containing the recipe for [Hat].

Return here after you have the Breath of Earth and mend the crystal. There is
another chest with [Star Prism]. You don't need to make a special trip as the
quest "Bandits Resurrected" will take you back to this room, in chapter 7.

Crystal Valley West - With the Breath of Earth  (Chapter Five or Six)
Try and get the sword slash bonus now while exploring the Western Crystal
Valley, or/and the burst gauge one.

Crystal Valley East and Far East
Before starting the exploration of the western valley go right from the main
signpost, and along the path that goes past the entrance to the Oasis and shop.
There is a broken crystal in the next room so mend this and continue to where
there is a chest conatining [Bitter Fruit]. Follow the path right and down to
the final room where there is an Hourglass and three chests that contain
[Shield of Gargol], [Le Merou Cog], and another [Le Merou Cog}.

From the Pengie standing near the sign to the village go left to the next room.
Use the Breath of Earth on the first crystal, and cross over and head down the
screen to open a chest with [Tera Flame]. Then return to the main path and
continue walking left, and at the next junction go up and right and fix another
crystal. In this next room there are two chests with your first [Star Prism]
and armour [Estevangaurd].

Crystal Valley West
Return to the main path and continue heading west. If you want the Hourglass
then jump from the top of the right hand steps to get it. In the next room
follow the upper path heading back to the east (it seems) and you will find
another small room with three chests and lots of grass. All three contain
[Glittering Thread]. This is first time you'll find this item and finding three
at once is rather nice. Now go back to the main path and keep going left up
some steps to find another chest with [Star Prism].

Route to Crystal Valley North
If you now take the upper path this leads to another broken crystal and CV
North. Repair the crystal and you can talk to a Pengie in this first room but
for now you can't go any further.

Crystal Valley West
Instead keep going left and you will end up in another long room heading south.
Jump up the the upper path to pick up another Hourglass and then staying at the
lowest level you will find a chest with [Goat Cheese]. and another with [Star

CV West Sword Memorial.
Continue (pick up another Hourglass), and there is another chest with
[Magic Shield Recipe] in this final room.

West Valley First Room Again
Now back-track all the way to the room where you entered the West Valley (it is
marked with a right hand arrow on your map), and this time go left. You can cut
grass and get bags with Dragon Bone up here and another Hourglass.

Now you will reach another choice or routes. Go left for now and open a chest
for [Heal All], then head south at the next junction. There is another choice
of routes so head down first, and keep walking to the left following the path.
At one point there is short track to the right and another broken crystal. Mend
this and pick up an Hourglass and a couple of crystals on an island. Now carry
on and eventually you will be heading back to the east, but keep going and you
end up in a room with just a couple of enemies and not much else.

Back to the long room with another choice of exit and this time head north
taking the left most path. There are three bags close together and then the
path turns back to the right. Here there is a room with two chests and a number
of enemies. The chests contain [Black Bustier] armor and [Goat Cheese].

Celestial Rookery - Chapter 6
This area opens up during the quest of the same name and is situated behind the
village. There are very few enemies here, and some rooms have none at all.

Walk right from the village and keep going left following the path until you
come to a broken crystal. Use a Breath of Earth and in the one room there are
two chests [Star Prism] and [Holy Emblem]. You can also break the large and
small solid crystals in here for bags and to help towards another Field Bonus.
Make your way back to the fork in the path and jump up the steps for a chest
with a new recipe [Dragon Lance].

Celestial Road
You are now in a large room on your map, with three paths. Carry on up the path
for a chest with [Astral Cane] next to a broken crystal. Mend this and head
into the room beyond for two chests [Horseman's Outfit] armor and [Glittering
Thread], and a bit more crystal smashing. Return to the main path heading down.

There is another broken crystal leading to another small room with one chest
[Spicy Fruit]. Continue back on the main path heading to the right, and after
wending your way down a crystal path this takes you to the actual Rookery,
where Faustus Mana is found after the usual boss battle.

Crystal Valley North - Chapter 7 Mission
You first gain access to this area during the mission in chapter 7 and Iris
will remove the large crystal structure that blocked the first room. There is
an hourglass in the first area and make your way through the enemies heading to
the left.

In this next room stay low and there is a broken crystal to mend at the far
left, though this only leads to a red crystal. Then walk up the path to the
next room where there is a chest with [Thin Leotard] and another with [Moon

After this minor detour return to the first room and this time walk right,
taking the path that leads to the north. There are two bags in the next room
with the previously rare Gravity Stones, and lots of crystals to break, but no
enemies until you reach the next larger room.

Here there are two possible paths. Take the lower right and use a Breath of
Earth to pick up a red crystal, but that's all. If you go left from the
rectangular room (the third one in this map), you must use another Breath of
Earth and then you can cross to another room with two exits.

Sealed Lands
At the first junction go left and down and this path leads around and back
under the path and to a heal point (if you are on the mission for chapter 7)).
Continue to find Crowley in a room called Sealed Lands, though there is
nothing else there if you return later.

Alternatively from the junction jump up the steps and mend the crystal to enter
another room with an Hourglass, and continue to the final room at the far west
of the map, to find three chests with [Astral Staff Recipe], [Alberich], and
[Moon Prism].

Back in the rectangular room take the upper right path and mend another
crystal. This takes you into a new L shaped room with two more exits. Keep
going right on the lower path to reach the final room with one chest containing
the rare [Alberich], and another with an [Elixir]. Return to the main path and
follow it around to the left for a chest with [Star Prism].

The next room to the left of the L shaped room might have more Gravity Stones
in a couple of bags and the final small room has more crystals to smash and
chests with [Moon Prism] and [Element Blaze], a weapon for Nell.


V.  G A R D E N S  O F  I S H T A R ........................................D05


   Field Bonus

   First Visit - Chapter 4 - Woofer Village and 2nd Terrace North
   Second Visit - Chapter Five - 2nd Terrace South (with Flame Barrett)
   3rd Visit - Chapter Six - (with Splat Hammer, and Lithographs changed.)
   First Level Terrace - Chapter 6
   3rd Level Terrace - Secret Path

C. Optional Mana/Blades: Siren and Luplus

o  O V E R V I E W

This is the most complex and largest Alterworld, because you have to use
various teleporters to get from one map to another, and the connections are not
marked on the game map. It's taken me two games, endless visits, and another
attempt at a FAQ to finally understand exactly how Ishtar works. In fact
Ishtar was really my inspiration for writing this FAQ as I was determined to
master its secrets!

Turn left from the Guild entrance and walk a few steps and you will see a
couple of boats and a rock to your right. There is a small house as well. If
you jump onto the nearest boat, and then the rock and finally onto the second
boat, you can then jump to the house. Open the door and go inside. There is a
portal here. However the guard won't let you through until the right time of
the game (in Chapter Four).Then he will be outside the door, and you can go
through ther portal into Ishtar.

2LTS = 2nd Level Terrace South
1 LT = Ist level Terrace
3 LT = 3rd Level Terrace

Grass : Spinacherb, Rose, Chatter Flower, Laughing Shroom, Mysterious Seed
Bags  : Rainbow Feather, Concentrated Honey, Legien Ore, Altena Soul, Glansen
        Ore, Thunder Stone, Elemia Ore, Flame, Tufts.
2 LTS : Elemia Ore, Strange Slab, Pendelook
1 LT  : Pendelook (in ice)
3 LT  : Blue Pearl, Elemia Ore, Glansen Ore, Pendelook, Rainbow Feather,
        Laughing Shroom.
Chest : Devil's Panties, Black Liquid, Cursed Doll Recipe, Pendelook,
        Pendelook, Witch Staff, Balmung, Nectar
        X Heal, Dragon Bone, Winged Boots, Worn Weapon, Hades Axe Recipe.
3 LT  : Star Prism, Glowing Bracelet, Gravity Stone, Heaven's Feel, Diamond
        Dust Recipe.
1 LT  : Thorn Gauntlet, Heal Jar, Maid Dress, Black Liquid, Rainbow Feather,
        Brilliant Stone, Pendelook, Draken.
Garden: Flower - Amethyst Flower, Spinacherb; Seed - Belgrade Potato,
Fish  : A - Scallop, Lake Fish, Boot, King Tuna (2nd Level Terrace North)
        B - Lake Fish, Scallop, Boot, King Tuna
Tree  : Bitter Grape, Eiche, Gash Twig, Uni,
       (Clay Puppet, Power, Heal Puni, Trumpet Lily, Stone Beast)

Enemy              | Class  | Drop             | Treat             | Weakness
Harpy              | Beast  | Rainbow Feather  | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Leopard            | Beast  | Tufts            | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Panther            | Beast  | Beast Fang       | Puppy Paw Bonbon  | -
Trumpet Lily       | -      | Mysterious Seed  | Crystart          | Fire
Orb                | -      | Pendelook        | Vanilla Syrup     | Electric.
Clay Puppet        |        | X-Jar            | Jawbreaker Candy  | Electric.
Kettle Spirit      | -      | Glansen Ore      | Monster Cookie    | Fire
Kamikaze Doll      | -      | Flame            | Chaos Candy       | Fire
Kamikaze Doll G    | -      | Black Liquid     | Chaos Candy       | Fire
Jin  Rider.        | -      | Lightning Rod    | Monster Cookie    | -
Golden Pig         | Beast  | Golden Meat      | Monster Cookie    | -
Golden Puni        | Puni   | Zufttuft Water   | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Heal Puni          | Puni   | Puniball         | Puni Gummy        | Fire
Stone Soldier      | -      | Thunder Stone    | Crystart          | Electric
Steelarmor Soldier | -      | Heal Jar         | Crystart          | Electric
Obsidian Soldier   | -      | Alchemic Metal   | Crystart          | Ice
Stone Beast        | -      | Elemia Ore       | Crystart          | Electric
Steelarmor Beast   | -      | Cure Jar         | Crystart          | Electric
Obsidian Beast     | -      | Alchemic Metal   | Crystart          | Ice
Alchemic Beast     | -      | Misty Curtain    | Crystart          | Physical
Hell Legion        | Unholy |                  |                   |
Shadow Legion      | Unholy |                  |                   |
Fran Pfeil         | Dragon | Dragon Tongue    | Jawbreaker Candy  | Ice
Power              | -      | Angel's Slip     | Vanilla Syrup     | -
Dominion           | Unholy | Angel's Slip     | Vanilla Syrup     | -
Ancients           | Unholy | Ultrathin Leotard| Vanilla Syrup     | Electric
Duke               | Undead |                  |                   |

F I E L D  B O N U S

1. Cut 20 grasses!                  250 points
2. Melted 20 ice cubes!             250 points
3. 10 enemies sword slashed!        250 points
4. Got 3 Fragments of Time!         500 points
5. 3 flowers harvested!             500 points
6. Kept 9 Skill Gauges!             750 points
7. Jumped more than 40 times!       750 points
8. Talked to 15+ people!            750 points
9. Fished up a King Tuna!          1000 points
10. Did 10 Fast Kills!             1000 points
TOTAL                              6000 points

CRYSTALS                           4000 points

During the first visit you can complete 1, 4, 7 and 9.
10 can be completed on your second visit especially if you are killing various
purple enemies for a quest.
2. can only be completed after getting the Flame Barrett in chapter 5.
5. can only be completed after changing one Lithograph to red (future) in
Chapter 6, and this makes the garden appear for the first time. Wait until the
plant turns into a flower and repeat twice more.
8. possible to do if you chat to everyone after having access to all areas.
3. can be done at any time as soon as you see lots of blue enemies.

NOTE: the Field Bonus that involves keep 9 Skill Gauges can be more easily
completed if you have Nell equipped with Diemia and use her skill "Life
Convert" which will increase the gauge by two. Get the gauge to show 9 and
then fight nine battles without using any skills, so the gauge stays at this
level. The one thing to avoid is getting a burst.

1000 points Concentrated Honey x10
3000 points Spicy Fruit x3
5000 points: Heal All x5
7000 points: Snack Staff x1
10,000 points: Dunkelhite x3

This is the easiest bonus to win because of the large number of crystals you
can find. It means that you could easily complete the bonus in Chapter 6 and
thus have access to Dunkelhite fairly early on.

The merchant is standing, slightly hidden behind the vines, at the top left of
the Woofer Village, on the 2nd Level Terrace.

Woofgang Merchant
Heal Jar                 380
Cure Jar                 450
Bomb Ice                 740
Altena Soul              201
Thunder Ring            1130
Flame Bangle            1950
Thin Leotard           45680

Set one Lithograph and they all change.

o Grey is present
o Red is future.
o Blue is past.

Red opens up the garden area on Second Level Terrace N.
Red opens up access to the main First Level Terrace area (flattens the sword)
Red opens up access to the Third Level Terrace and to Sword Hill.
Blue opens up the second fishing pond and the Tree that can be hit with the

o  W A L K T H R O U G H

First Visit - Chapter 4, Woofer Village and 2nd Terrace North
You can follow this walkthrough to complete the first Ishtar quest and obtain
the Siren Mana.

Make your way down the sloping swords to the Sky Gardens Entrance Room, which
is shown on the map as having a teleporter. Get used to these as there are an
awful lot of them and Ishtar takes a bit of getting used to. Hop down the vines
and pick up the contents of two bags, then walk onto the large pipe leading
left and slash, jump over, or fight the enemy that is hiding there. Enter the
teleporter and press X to arrive at 1st Level Terrace.

First Level Terrace
(You can see a red mark on your map showing the location of the first
Lithograph for the Disorderly Time quest) and three more teleporters.

Slide down the vines and you will land on a small rock with an enemy. Then
slide down the second vine (you cannot jump to the pipe behind this rock), and
you will probably end up in a fight with a large red enemy that lurks at the
bottom to trap the unwary. If you walk to the left there will be a large sword
blocking the path, (and a *Woofer 1) so leave that for now. Instead walk up the
path to the next teleporter (*Woofer 2) which takes you to the Woofer village

2nd Level Terrace North - Woofer Village
There is an Hourglass here and *Woofers 3 and *Woofer 4, and another one who
runs a shop. You can buy Altena Souls and Heal Jars here if you need them.
Walk up and enter the house and this is the *Woofer 5 Chief's Room. There is a
chest containing [Devil's Panties]. Climb up the left hand vines and speak to
the *Woofer 6 here, who tells you that you'll need something to melt ice if you
want to go further.

Route to 2nd Level Terrace South (no access without Flame Barrett).
NOTE: this route is still 2nd Level Terrace North until you actually enter the
teleporter to the South Terrace.

Follow the pipe behind him (to the left) and there is a chest at the far end
containing [Black Liquid]. You can make your way down the flat metal circles
and then up the next set of circles to a teleporter at the top, which takes you
to 2nd Level Terrace South, but as the Woofer told you, there are ice blocks to
the path and that is as far as you can go for this first visit.

Woofer Village Again
From the top of the left pillar you can jump to the chest at the top of the
right pillar. This is tricky to judge and you may fall down more than once. Try
and jump from the furthest upper edge of the rock and aim for the red crystal.
This chest has a recipe for [Cursed Doll] so it's worth the effort.

Now walk to the right of the Village, (without going all the way right to the
next room) down the path and then left to meet *Woofer 7 and *Woofer 8. Past
them is *Woofer 9, and a Lithograph coloured blue. This is the first of the two
Lithographs you need to find for the first Ishtar quest. After Iris
translates, you will see another red mark all the way to the right on the 2nd
Level Terrace Map, so walk down the right hand path from the Village.

2nd Level Terrace North - Garden
Here you will find *Woofer 10 and he will talk about making a garden. This is
where the Garden will be eventually. Keep heading right and take the contents
of a chest [Pendelook]. Follow the only path until you cross a log to the next
room. Here is *Woofer 11 standing on the edge of a cliff. There is only one to
way to go - and that is down. You will land on a ledge and an enemy. After
killing whatever it is, open the chest for another [Pendelook]. Jump down again
and walk up where the path splits to find an Hourglass.

Grassy Area
Cross the wooden log bridge to the next room where there is grass to cut. First
walk right over a small log to find a chest [Witch Staff] in the next small
room and a couple of bags. Then walk left into the next L-shaped room. You are
close to the second Lithograph now. Walk left and then down, following the
grassy track, until you reach a bridge. If you walk up from the bridge there
is more grass and a number of bags. (You can often find Laughing Shroom here)
Then walk to the right, and you will enter the room where there is a
Lithograph and a fishing spot.

Lithograph and Fishing Pond
There is a chest close to the wooden bridge containing [Balmung] a weapon for
Nell. Keep grass trimming for the Field Bonus as well as some useful items.
Cross the bridge and follow the path across the pond. If you go right as far as
you can you will find the fishing spot. Walk left and you will find the
Lithograph that is red the first time you see it (for the Disorderly Time

Route to 3rd Level - Sound Hill (Siren Mana)
If you cross the bridge and follow the grassy path this leads to another
teleporter and grass that can be cut for Roses. If you enter the teleporter you
will end up at Sound Hill. This is a room on its own, and the only reason for
going here is to fight an optional boss for another Mana pact. There is a
chest with [Nectar] where you arrive, and then if you walk to the right with
no warning at all, there will be a battle and the reward for winning is the
Mana, Siren.

Second Visit - Chapter Five - 2nd Terrace South (with Flame Barrett)
Climb up the vines in the Village and head left along the pipe. Follow the
metal plates jumping up at the end to the teleporter which takes you to the
Second Level South. Melt the ice and speak to the *Woofer 14 climb up the path
and then go left along the pipe to an empty room for a chest [X Heal]. The
room down the other pipe is the one where you find Gramps and the kids for a
quest, but there is nothing else in there.

Now take the lower right hand pipe into another small room with a chest
containing [Dragon Bone]. (The bags in this area will yield both Pendelook and
Strange Slab.) The other right hand pipe leads to a room with one chest
containing [Winged Boots] an accessory. You will probably have to fight the
large red enemy that hovers around on the metal plate before jumping onto this

The teleporter at the top of the path (next to Gregor) takes you to another
part of the 2nd Level Terrace. Hop along the metal plates heading to the right
and open a chest for [Worn Weapon]. Keep following the path left and there is a
* Woofer 11 blocking your access to a chest. I found the Woofer gone from
blocking the chest containing the recipe for [Hades Axe] when the beads were
showing as five left, so I think he takes a lunch break around the middle of
the day.

Route to Third Level Terrace and Clock
Continue along a wide path between sword hilts, to another teleporter, and then
jump up past a large red enemy to yet one more teleporter. This takes you to
third level terrace where you can talk to K33p3r who is standing in front of
(you've guessed it) yet another teleporter. This last one takes you to the
Clock of Foreign Time.

3rd Visit - Chapter Six - (with Splat Hammer, and Lithographs changed.)
When you complete K33p3r's quest: "N33d t0 f1x cl0ck", you will receive the
Splat Hammer and the ability to change the Lithographs. This means that you
can access every area in Ishtar, so this is a description of how to do just

You can change the lithograph in the village. In fact you'll notice that the
lithograph has been reset already to grey. You have the option to set to the
present, future or past. Set one Lithograph and they ALL change.

o Grey is present
o Red is future.
o Blue is past.

Set to red and the garden will appear, and the tree, that blocks access to the
right hand rooms in the Third Level Terrace, will disappear.

Third Level Terrace
Return to the Woofer Village and test out your new powers on the rocks in
front of the highest teleporter. Enter and you arrive at 3rd Level Terrace.
Head down the path and right and open a chest for [Star Prism]. Go on right and
if the lithograph was set to red (future) the tree that was blocking the way
to the right will have gone. You can speak to the *Woofer 12 here

(You can also walk around this area and head left to another room where there
is a dead tree (if red/future), and in the next area there is a *Woofer 13, who
will comment that a long time ago he caught fish here. If you climb the vine at
the far side of the pond there is only an Hourglass to find.)

o SET TO BLUE - the Pond in the Past
From the Third Level Terrace take this same route to the left pond and now
things will have changed. You can hit the tree behind the large red blob along
the path for enemies or items to fall, and pick up Blue Pearls in bags, in the
first room. Then at the Fishing Spot you can now fish. However, first walk to
the right and there is a chest with [Unihorn Lance] recipe. (There is the same
Hourglass up the vine at the far side of the pond.)

Follow the path past the tree stump and Woofer. Laughing Shroom is found in
bags. Open the chest that you find where the path turns up the screen for a
[Glowing Bracelet]. Just past the chest there is a flat metal platform and if
you look to the north there is a gap in the rock wall. You can walk through
here and onto a metal pipe to the next room.

Straight ahead of you is a chest perched on a rock. To access this use the
Flame Barret on the small unlit fire. (You have to walk around to the right to
do this.) Leave the fire to burn and get the other chest opposite it which
contains [Gravity Stone]. Eventually the ice will melt and you can jump up and
open this chest for [Heaven's Feel} a piece of armor for a girl.

Sword Hill - (Luplus Mana)
Continue up this room onto another pipe.and you will arrive at Sword Hill.
There is nothing to be found here just yet. However, if you return here in
Chapter Six, once you have raised Iris Alchemy Level to 8 you can find an idea
for the Ultimate Mech Sword recipe where the red stone shines.

Return to the path where you went through the hole and go right this time. You
will fall down into a room that has a couple of large red enemies and a bag
that may contain Pendelook. Head back to the wall and climb up the vine. Now
you must jump across the rocks to he far side of this area. This is
surprisingly awkward to do at first.

From the rock down from the vine start at the right corner and jump. If you do
the same at the next you will miss, so start the jump nearer to this lower
edge, and do the same for the next jump. The next rock is larger so this jump
is easy, but the final one needs you to start at the upper edge, and then walk
up to open the chest for the [Diamond Dust] recipe.

First Level Terrace - Chapter 6
After changing one Lithograph to Red, the sword hilt that blocked the path
going left from the First Level Terrace arrival point will be level with the
ground and you can go past this and up to the teleporter to the other part of
the First Level Terrace.

There are some ice blocks that can be flamed and then climb up the rocks to
find an Hourglass and a chest containing [Thorn Gauntlet]. Follow the path to
the next room and along the pipe until you reach another Lithograph and a chest
with a [Heal Har].

* Lithograph RED
Keep this Lithograph RED and you can walk to the rooms at the far right. If
you don't there is a tree blocking the path. Walk left from the Lithograph
into the next room and down the path and then you can either go left or right.

Walk along the pipe to the right and speak to the *Woofer 13. There is an
Hourglass at the bottom of the rocks and a chest with [Maid Dress]
half way up the rock steps at the right of the room. You can get bags from the
sword hilts if you walk in front of the sword. You will end up at the flattened
hilt back where you started this trip, and if you jump down you cannot get back
up and have to go all the way around again through the teleporter.

Head left into the next room, where there are a couple of ice blocks and a
large red enemy, and keep following the path to the next room. There are a fair
few blobs along this path which will get in your way and are hard to avoid.
Jump up a couple of metal plates to find a chest with [Black Liquid], and jump
onto the sword hilts walking left to find another Hourglass.

Jump down and there are four more ice-cubes and another Large red enemy.
Continue into the next room where the path divides. One pipe leads up from the
platform behind the large red enemy, and the other leads down some steps. Go
down the steps first to find a chest with [Rainbow Feather]. Then take the
pipe, which leads to a wall of ice blocks. Melt them and jump into the

3rd Level Terrace - Secret Path
Now here you will see another Lithograph if you jump onto the metal plate. Set
this to BLUE if you want to collect some extra rocks that only appear if it's
the past.

Make your way down the pipes and there is a ladder leading down. You will
probably find a large red enemy in the way. Go down another ladder and then
right and up for a chest with [Brilliant Stone]. Head back to the ladders and
go down another one (another red enemy is here as well), and continue along the
pipe and then through the door in the hut.

Mine Ruins
This is the area that can easily be forgotten about for the later task of
mapping all the Alterworlds. There are also rocks to break and two chests to
open with [Pendelook] and [Draken] a weapon. There is still further to go and
at the end of the path are some rocks all of which seem to yield various stones
or ores.

C.  O P T I O N A L  B L A D E S  -  S I R E N  A N D  L U P L U S

Strictly speaking both these Blade are optional since they are not found as a
part of the story, and you have to go a little out of your way to find them.
However it would be hard to miss them especially if you are determined to
explore every part of Ishtar. Both are essential and you would be hard pressed
to complete all quests without having these Blades. I recommend obtaining both
Blades as soon as you can, which for Siren is during your first visit to
Ishtar in Chapter 4, and for Luplus at some point during chapter 7. If you
prefer to wait until later chapters then you can do so.

Siren grants Nell the skills "Team Kobold", which gives her a chance to steal
an item from an enemy, and "Trick or Treat" which allows her to turn an enemy
into a sweet. Luplus enables Edge to remove enemy time cards from the ACCB bar,
and to cast "Slow", which is exceedingly useful for some powerful bosses.

1. SIREN - Sound Hill

| BOSS -  CANICON                       |
| Location: Sound Hill, Ishtar          |
| Protections: Double Special, Magic    |
| Weakness: Ice                         |
| Skills: Silence - all                 |
| Drops: None                           |

| BOSS -  MUSICA                        |
| Location:  Sound Hill, Ishtar         |
| Protections: Double Special, Physical |
| Weakness: Electricity                 |
| Skills: Nightmare - all (sleep)       |
| Drops: None                           |

As you can see, one is resistant to Magic and one to Physical attack, and they
have differing elemental weaknesses. Target these appropriately depending on
what Blades you have equipped. I happened to have Edge with Luplus so used him
to attack Canicon. Iris had her wand of course, but it happened to be Ice
element so that was not well planned!. I also had Nell with her normal Blades
but I would recommend Nymph so she can heal any awkward status effects. Nurse
Style armor will protect her from their status effects if you have managed to
craft this.

However with one Burst and Edge's Dancing Edge and Blink, Canicon was gone in a
couple of rounds. You can use items for attack if the enemy has wrong-footed
your Blades and weapons set-up.

Defeat them both and you receive Siren, the Mana of Sound and Funnybell a new
Blade weapon for Nell and she also can now use Siren Blades.

2. LUPLUS - Sword Hill

| BOSS - SHADOWSTALKER                      |
| Location: Sword Hill, Ishtar              |
| Protections: Special/Status Double, Magic |
| Weakness: None                            |
| Skills: Time Quake (all)                  |
|         Meteor - timed (all)              |
|         Phantom Shift (clones and heals)  |
| Drops: None                               |

Start by making sure you have a high Skills gauge before the battle begins,
and everyone can hit for 6/7 Hits. Walk up the path of Sword Hill and when you
reach the top the battle will begin.

Attrition/Defensive Strategy
This worked for me in chapter 7, although you may wish to wait until you can
craft stronger equipment. My team were at Level 27/28, with this equipment,
although I could have chosen better accessories!

o My Team's Set-Up and Skills
Edge: [Plua] Shadow Dagger, Funky Overalls, Healing Ankh, Thunder Bangle
(Blessed Weapon and Magic +L,)
Nell: [Nymph] Baba Yaga, Metamorabbit, Magical Torch, Demon Pot, Block,
Iris : Hermes Staff, Seashell Bikini (this is excellent as it double resists
magic), Hellfire and Vasilissa's Doll (Magic +L, Charge +L, Blessed Weapon)
They all had +2 Hit as well, and both Blades were at the maximum level 5.

NOTE: the recipe for the Seashell Bikini is the Fish Bikini and this is a
reward for achieving 7000 points for the Field Bonus in Valtessa.

o How this strategy works
Basically my strategy was to use Nell for healing and boosting defense and
attack, with Edge raising the burst gauge and Iris as the main attacker using
the Diemia ploy. I also accepted the fact that I was unlikely to be able to
destroy the SS before he cloned, though I had hoped at least to smash one of
the Shadowstalker's clones before he spilt into four, but was not successful,
though I think if I had a weapon with Delay+ (L) this would have helped.

Nonetheless, no-one died during the battle and with Nell doing the healing this
seems to be quite an effective approach. She can also heal with a Cure Jar
which will both restore HP and remove any negative status effects. It continues
for three rounds, AND it only costs one skill point. Of course she can also use
a Heal Jar and if the healing card has its turn during a burst then the effect
is magnified. Her Mental Ward will assist in defending against the SS's magic
for five turns and this skill also only uses up one skill point. Frozen Shard
is her main attack skill if you get a chance to use it.

Edge with Plua has a speed advantage and can use Personal Call to great effect
to increase his number of turns, and his Illusion Edge attack quickly increases
the Burst Gauge. His all enemies attack (Dancing Edge) is useful too,
especially when you have all four SS's to attack, though you are only likely to
be able to use this during a Burst as it requires 5 skill points. Plua often
automatically activates to block many attacks, and this gives Edge some extra
protection from all those Meteors and other nasty things.

Iris should be used to help with the Burst Gauge as well as summoning Jiptus to
reduce SS's power, but her main role is when you get a burst and to summon
Diemia. If she has the Blessed Weapon on one of her pieces of equipment and
high magic, then she can inflict massive damage on all clones at once with
this attack.

The main drawback to this Blades set-up is that SS is resistant to magic
attacks and you will only have one physical attacker. However with the
additional hits giving everyone 6 or 7 hits, this isn't as much of a
disadvantage as you might expect.

o ShadowStalker's Attacks and Skills
Ordinary physical attack - hits one. (This is less likely to be Iris as she is
in the back row.)
Time Quake - hits all and decreases Magic Defence.
Meteor - a timed attack that hits all.

Phantom Shift - when his health is around half, he will use this skill to clone
himself with both SS back at full health. Then when one of these is at half
health it too will use this skill, and so will the other one, so you can end up
with 4 SS's, all at what appears to be full health, and all with the same range
of attacks and defenses.

That's the bad news, but the good news is that each time he clones the clone
has half the HP (well, a lot less, anyway) of the inital SS so they become
easier to defeat. There is a maximum of four clones, and once you see all four
on screen then all you have to worry about is not dying from multiple Meteor
attacks, and destroying them all as fast as possible.

In the end it took around 4 or 5 bursts to win this battle. Now you will get
the Mana of Time, Luplus, and Magician's Book, which is a weapon for Edge's
Luplus Blade. By the way, you MUST have Luplus if you are to stand any chance
of winning the battle against the Mini Puni the final chapter of the game.


                            E.    L  I  S  T  S


   i. Shops -
  ii. Recipes
 iii. Quests
  iv. Mana Items
   v. Ingredients
  vi. Weapons
 vii. Armour
viii. Accessories
  ix. Character Skills: Blades
   x. Common Skills
  xi. Alchemy Levels and Ideas
 xii. Monsters
xiii. Key Items


i. S H O P S .............................................................. E01


R = Recipe (one time only purchase)
M = Mana Item
I = Ingredients
E = Equipment

Weapons, armour or accessories are shown with a Sword, Shield or Ring icon.


Everfresh Grocery Store  (Manna)
Item                     Price     Description
I Crystart (only later)    360     Crystal filling in a tart.  Eating it
                                   may be painful.
M Spinacherb                80     Good vitamins, small heal for one ally.
M Eicheloa                  70     An antidote.  Cures one ally of poison.
M Green Soup               440     Small heals for one ally over time.
I Flour                     50     A pure white powder made form grinding
                                   wheat.  For cooking.
I Salt                      50     Iodized table salt.  Essential seasoning
                                   for everyday meals.
I Belgrade Potato          100     A potato discovered by Belgrade.  Known as
                                   a delicacy.
I Carrotato                170     A thin, red potato.  Slightly sweet, but
                                   nasty if overgrown.
I Burdock Straight         210     A very tough burdock root.  For people who
                                   want to train jaws.

Rio Book Store  (Ella)
Item                     Price     Description
M Gash Twig                 50     The smell cures one ally of sleep
M Zuftuff Water            140     Sleepy water that sleeps the enemy
I Polishing Powder          40     Powder used to shine objects.  It can even
                                   polish your fingers.
I Zettel                   100     Wood chunks formed into a thin sheet, known
                                   as paper.
I Nicro Cloth              190     Cheap piece of cloth.  Snotty rich people
                                   call it rags.
R Cloth                    400     How to make simple cloth: Created Item
                                   Nicro Cloth
R Ingot                    750     How to make a lump of metal.  There's many
                                   kinds of metals.  Created Item: Alchemic
R Iris's Clothes          1050     How to make my outfit.  Might as well try
                                   making it again. Created Item: White
R Cake                    2190     How to make cake.  Now I can make it
                                   whenever I want. Created Item: Cheesecake.

New Leaf General Store  (Yach)
Item                     Price     Description
M Heal Jar (only later)    290     Medicine for medium heal to one ally
M Cure Jar                 360     Medicine that cures all abnormal states
M Nectar                   500     Revival liquor.  Cures knockouts.
M Flame                    440     A bomb that causes fire damage.
E Leather Cuirass         1370     Light armour that covers the chest and

Hagel's Weapon Store  (Hagel)
Item                     Price     Description
M Legien Ore               110     An ore containing lots of iron.  Very heavy.
M Long Shaft               190     A thin, long iron rod.  It is used for
                                   mechanical parts.
R Mechsword                500     How to make a basic mechsword like the one
                                   Edge uses.  Created Item: Pyre Blade.
R Battleaxe               1880     How to make an axe.  Axes aren't just for
                                   cutting trees.  Created Item: Heavy Glaive.
R Rapier                  1580     How to make a light sword even girls can
                                   use.  I can't use it?  Created Item:  Slash
R Lance                   2180     How to reconstruct the rapier.  It's shaped
                                   like a rocket.  Created Item Lancelot.
R Light Armour            1730     How to make mobile armour.  Uses no heavy
                                   materials.  Created Item: Metal Hauberk.


General Nethershop
Item                     Price     Description
I Mysterious Seed          740     A strangely shaped seed.  Plant it to make
                                   it grow.
M Uni                       40     Causes physical damage to an enemy.
M Poison Shroom             90     A mushroom to poison the enemy.
I Eiche                     60     Hard, durable, easily obtainable common
I Polishing Powder          50     Powder used to shine objects.  It can even
                                   polish your fingers.
E Devil's Panties        29990     Black underwear that tickles a man's inner
E Angel's Slip           36550     An unacceptable slip for both the wearer
                                   and the viewer.


From Bow to Wow: (Bow Won) - South of Neutral Baths
Item                     Price     Description
M Flame                   380     A bomb that causes fire damage.
M Bomb Ice                740     An explosive that causes ice damage.
M Lightning Rod           900     A rod that causes lightning damage.
I Posporia Cotton         290     Cotton originated from Posporia.  They grow
                                  anywhere now.
I Bear Pelt               590     Bear skin.  The scar on the eye shows how
                                  feisty they are.
I Goat Milk               420     Milk from the goats of Chariot Mountain.  A
                                  creamy sensation.
I Goat Cheese             740     Cheese made from fermenting Goat's Milk.
R Gauntlet               1280     How to make spikey gauntlets.  I want normal
                                  ones too.  Created Item: Thorn Gauntlet.

Souvenir Shop Peko: Peko's Souvenirs - Fairy Fort, West Entrance
Item                     Price     Description
M Spinacherb              120      Good vitamins, small heal for one ally.
M Eicheloa                 90      An antidote.  Cures one ally of poison.
M Flame                   510      A bomb that causes fire damage.
I Treasurebug Silk         90      Silk collected from treasurebug cocoons.
                                   Durable and cheap.
I Fairy Hat               230      The legendary Fairy, Pagigi, loved wearing
                                   this hat.
R Fairy Clothes           600      Clothes won by Fairies.  A popular
                                   souvenir. (Armour)
E Fairy Stick             450      A fancy cane with a fairy on top.  CS: Cure.
E Flame Ring              530      A fiery ring with a magical stone.
                                   CS: Flame Gaze.  (Accessory)


Antique Shop Gee - Squawk Village
Item                     Price     Description
M Heal Jar (only later)    380     Medicine for medium heal to one ally
M Cure Jar                 450     Medicine that cures all abnormal states
M Flame                    590     A bomb that causes fire damage.
I Black Liquid             320     Natural oil drilled from carcasses of
                                   ancient organisms.
I Brownie Mask             410     Masks that Brownies wear.  Are the pointy
                                   ears really cute?
E Black Hat                740     (Accessory) A hat that's been across the
                                   deadline many times.
R Large Explosive                  A normal bomb just isn't good enough.  What
                                   if I... Created Item: Tera Flame.


Pegg's Discounts - Pengie Village
Item                     Price     Description
M Spinacherb               150     Good vitamins, small heal for one ally.
M Eicheloa                 120     An antidote.  Cures one ally of poison.
M Zuftuff Water            140     Sleepy water that sleeps the enemy
I Melty Spring Water       240     Dangerous water that melts anything.  Do
                                   not drink it.
I Chrome Crystal            80     A magical crystal that can be mined from
R Men's Clothing          3380     Slightly weird, manly clothes.  Would Edge
                                   wear it?  Created Item: Funky Overalls.
R Dress                   2700     How to make a dress!  What kind of dress
                                   should I make?  Created Item: Roman Maiden.

Penn's Discounts - Penn's Shop Outside Town
Item                     Price     Description
M Spinacherb               150     Good vitamins, small heal for one ally.
M Eicheloa                 120     An antidote.  Cures one ally of poison.
M Gash Twig                 80     The smell cures one ally of Sleep
M Misty Curtain            960     Cloth that wards one ally from magic.
M Divine Shield            960     God's Shield.  One ally will autoblock.
I Melty Spring Water       240     Dangerous water that melts anything.  Do
                                   not drink it.
I Chrome Crystal            80     A magical crystal that can be mined from
E Ice Ring                 750     A frosty ring with a magical ice stone.
                                   CS: Ice Storm (Accessory)
E Frontier Headband       2400     A headband that gives courage to go beyond
                                   frontiers. (Accessory)


Woofgang Merchant (at the only village)
Item                     Price     Description
M Heal Jar (only later)    380     Medicine for medium heal to one ally
M Cure Jar                 450     Medicine that cures all abnormal status
M Bomb Ice                 740     An explosive that causes damage
I Altena Soul              210     A mystic blue flame.  It is said to be a
                                   form of god's power.
E Thunder Ring            1130     A sparkling ring with a thunder stone.
                                   CS: Lightning.  (Accessory)
E Flame Bangle            1950     A burning bangle enveloped in fire.
                                   CS: Hell Wave.  (Accessory)
E Thin Leotard           45680     A thin leotard that is dangerous in
                                   every way.  (Armour)


ii. R E C I P E S ......................................................... E02


There are five ways to get new recipes:

o New ideas for recipes are generated when Iris increases her alchemy level.
o Shops sell recipes.
o Some recipes are rewards for completing quests.
o Recipes are found in treasure chests.
o Recipes can be gained from completing a (hidden) Field Bonus

These are arranged in alphabetical order. In the game reference book they are
organised by type, and will be added to the list as and when you find them.

Created Item: Mist Armour.
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 1, Medicine Delivery

Created Item: Alchemist Staff
Derived Item:
Obtained: Chest Grimoire 1F, West Room, Chapter 1

Created Item: Nectar
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea Alchemy Level 2

Created Item: Angel Wings
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 8, West Side of Bridge to Beastmen Quarters

Created Item: Aroma Material
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 5, They Only Walk Away

Created Item: Astral Cane
Derived Item:
Obtained: Chest, Dakascus, Crystal Valley North

Created Item: Flame Bangle
Derived Item: Ice Bangle
              Thunder Bangle
Obtained: Chest, Gardens of Ishtar, 2nd Level Terrace N

Created Item: Heavy Glaive
Derived Item:
Obtained: Weapon Store , Zey Meruze

Created Item: Sibyl's Book
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 4, Bridgetop Duel

Created Item: Junk Borot
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 9, Fool's Treasure

Created Item: Bouquet
Obtained: Iris idea. Alchemy Level 1.

Created Item: Bread Bikini
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 3, Let's Talk

Created Item: Breath of Earth
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest Item, Chapter 5, Broken Crystal

Created Item: Brogius
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 9, Memorable Sword

Created Item: Witch Staff
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 2

Created Item: Cheesecake
Derived Item:
Obtained: Book Store, Zey Meruze

Created Item: Fairy Stick
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea Alchemy level 1, Posporia, Eastern Fairy Forest

Created Item: Nicro Cloth
Derived Item:
Obtained: Book Store, Zey Meruze

Created Item: Paw Gloves
Derived Item: Black Belt
              Frontier Headband
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 3, The Reason For War

Created Item: Philosopher's Ash
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 0, garden in Valtessa Forest

Created Item: Kuma Outfit
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea Alchemy Level 1, Posporia, (Kuma blocking path)

Created Item: Crown of Thorns
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 7, Dragon Fight

Created Item: Dark Crystal (A dark gem extracted from Aroma Material)
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 8, Black Crystal in Rookery Dakascus

Created Item: Cure Jar
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 3, Unsatisfied Humans

Created Item: Voodoo Doll
Derived Item: Vasilissa's Doll
Obtained: Chest, Gardens of Ishtar, on top of pillar in Woofer's Village

Created Item: Ravissan
Derived Item: Black Bustier
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 4, Cleaning the Castle

Created Item: Necronomicon
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 5, Grimoire Library

Created Item: Demon Pot
Derived Item:
Obtained: Grimoire 7000 Point Field Bonus

Created Item: Diamond Dust
Derived Item:
Obtained: Chest, Gardens of Ishtar, 3rd Terrace, far right jumping over rocks

Created Item: Hell Doll
Derived Item:
Obtained: Alchemy Idea, 7 Star, Castle Grimoire - Pamela

Created Item: Element Blaze
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 6, Top of Bell Tower in Grimoire

Created Item: Draken
Derived Item: Dragoneer
Obtained: Chest, Dakascus, Pengie Rookery

Created Item: Rosen Maiden
Derived Item: Nurse Style
              Maid Dress
              Wedding Dress
Obtained: Pegg's Discount, Pengie Village in Dakascus

Created Item: Automata
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 6, Giant Exploration

An automatic fan. So convenient in summer!
Created Item: M-Type Auto Fan
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea: Alchemy level 3, Zey Meruze, workshop windmill.

Created Item: Engage Ring
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest Item, Chapter 9, Confession

Created Item: Gear Blaze
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward - Uniting the Beastmen, Chapter 1

Created Item: Skirnir's Staff
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 5, Danger! Pixie Trio

How to make a bomb. Maybe I can change the ingredients.
Created Item: Flame
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea Alchemy level 0, Posporia Battlegrounds

The fairies' outfit. Green's nice, but I want other colors.
Created Item: Fairy Clothes
Derived Item:
Obtained: Posporia A: Chest

How to rot...I mean, age food. You can make cheese and stuff.
Created Item: Goat Cheese
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea Alchemy Level 2

Created Item: Seashell Bikini
Derived Item:
Obtained: Valtessa Forest 7000 Point Field Bonus

How to cook. Things taste better when they're cooked.
Created Item: Steak
Obtained: Iris idea. Alchemy Level 1

Created Item: Sharkgill Sword
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 5, Demon Squid Backlash

Created Item: Thorn Gauntlet
Derived Item: Gauntlet of Artorius
Obtained: Store (From Bow to Wow), Posporia Battlegrounds

Created Item: Strange Gearbox
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 5, Experiment and Rescue

Created Item: Deadpoint Glasses
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 8, Pamela's Death

Created Item: Gleipnirs Chains
Derived Item:
Obtained: Chest, Castle Grimoire Hidden Room

Created Item: Globe
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 6, East Room of Tavern

Created Item: Gold
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 2, Echoes of the Castle

Created Item: Jyoya
Derived Item:
Obtained: Chest, Castle Grimoire, Squawk Village

Created Item: Verdure Tablet
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 9, An Alterworld Map

Created Item: Grand Viper
Derived Item:
Obtained: Chest, Gardens of Ishtar, room before the clock.

Created Item: Black Hat
Derived Item: Bunny Ears
Obtained: Chest, Dakascus, Crystal Valley East

Created Item: Solomon's Key
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 8, Sword of Dakascus

Created Item: Key to Heaven
Derived Item:
Obtained: Dakascus 7000 Point Field Bonus

Created Item: Hellfire
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 6, Forest Spirit

Created Item: Holy Halberd
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea Alchemy Level 6, Gardens of Ishtar near the Beginning

Created Item: Violetta
Derived Item: Saint's Garb
Obtained: Chest, Dakascus, Pengie Village

Created Item: Brilliant Stone
Derived Item: Pentagle
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 4, Disorderly Time

Created Item: Chrysanthemum Puppet
Derived Item: Mark II
Obtained: Chest, Castle Grimoire past blocked Staircase

Created Item: Alchemic Crystal
Derived Item:
Obtained: Book Store, Zey Meruze

Created Item: White Separates
Derived Item:
Obtained: Rio Book Store, Zey Meruze

Created Item: Horseman Outfit
Derived Item: Rising Sun
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 7, Amnesiac Angel

Created Item: Healing Necklace
Derived Item: Healing Bracelet
              Glowing Bracelet
              Healing Ankh
Obtained: Quest Item, Chapter 3, First Feeling

Created Item: Kunai
Derived Item: Rose Thorn
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 2, Find Me Cat Food!

Created Item: Heaven's Feel
Derived Item: Scarlet Tail
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 8, Left Behind

Created Item: Lancelot
Derived Item: Lance Rocket
Obtained: Weapon Store, Zey Meruze

Created Item: Tera Flame
Derived Item: Bomb Bomb Ice
              Thunder Rod
Obtained: Antique Shop Gee, Squawk Village

Created Item: Odysseus
Obtained: Quest reward: Magical Pot (Rank 12)

NOTE: This weapon is received as a reward for a Quest for Eva in Chapter 9,
but NOT the recipe!

Created Item: Shield of Gargol
Derived Item: Shield of Atlas
Obtained: Alchemy Idea, 5 Star, Castle Grimoire Library

Created Item: Silmarillion
Derived Item: Alectorian
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 7, The Squawk Chief

Created Item: Metal Hauberk
Derived Item: Silver Cuirass
              Gear Melxe I
              Feather Flow
Obtained: Weapon Store , Zey Meruze

Created Item: Unirus Lifeform
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 5, Castle Grimoire Squawk Treasury

Created Item - Estevanguard
Derived Item - Crown Breastplate
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 6, Lizards Four)

Created Item: Cyclops
Derived Item: Ice Blade
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 3, A Fishy Gift

Created Item: Funny Bell
Derived Item: Graver Bell
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 4, Lost Kuu

Created Item: Chronicle Slab
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 7, Reckless Raiders)

Created Item: Shadow Dagger
Derived Item: Quickstrike Blade
              Demon Fang Blade
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 5, Broken Crystal

Created Item: Magical Torch
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 2, Grimoire Library Desk

Created Item: Balmung
Derived Item: Heart Striker
              Hunter Needle
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 5, A Flower for You

Created Item: Misty Curtain
Derived Item: Divine Shield
Obtained: Chest, Dakascus, Sword Memorial)

Created Item: Talisman
Derived Item: Amulet
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 6, Celestial Rookery

Created Item: Magician's Book
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 3, Library

Find: Reward when defeating Shadowstalker.

Created Item: Gearshaft
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 2, Ghost Research, (from Winna)

Created Item: Pyre Blade
Obtained: Weapon Store , Zey Meruze

Created Item: Caduceus
Derived Item: Hermes Staff
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 4, Lying Grandpa

Created Item: Funky Overalls
Derived Item: Uniform Q
Obtained: Pegg's Discount, Pengie Village in Dakascus

Created Item: Seaform Fishruin
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 7, Prince of the Sea

Created Item - Stratos Sword
Derived item - Impulser
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 2, Alterworld Visit

Created Item: Fungo Charm
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea Alchemy Level 4, Valtessa Forest

Created Item: Trauer Tarot
Derived Item: Flon's Charm
Obtained: Chest, Posporia Battlegrounds, Kuma Fort - West Side

Created Item: Red Powerpuff
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 3, Monster Puppeteer

Created Item: Nell's Comet
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 9, Twinshade Demon

Created Item: X-Jar
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy level 0

Created Item: Slash Rapier
Derived Item:
Obtained: Weapon Store, Zey Meruze.

Created Item: Heal Jar
Derived Item: Medicine X
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 0

Created Item: Flame Ring
Derived Item:
Obtained: Grimoire Chest, Library Desk area.

Created Item: Idol Costume
Derived Item: Rabbit Jacket
Obtained: Iris idea: Alchemy Level 4, Valtessa or Dakascus Fishing spots

Created Item: Alchemy Robe
Derived Item: Celestial Robe
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 8, Chief's Meeting

Created Item: Ruby Prism
Derived Item:
Obtained: Chapter 4 Mission reward

Created Item: Shadow Gem
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest Item, Final Quest, Truth in Darkness

Created Item: Winged Boots
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 7, Bandits Resurrected

Created Item: Mushroom Armor
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 2, Posporia, Fairy Village West Entrance

Created Item: Bucket Cookie
Derived Item:
Obtained: Gardens of Gardens of Ishtar 7000 Point Field Bonus

Created Item: Green Soup
Obtained: Default at start of game.

Created Item: Staff of Creation
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 9, Red-haired Beast

Created Item: Phelios Globe
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 8, Tribal Code

Created Item: Raven Cape
Derived Item:
Obtained: Chest, Valtessa

Created Item: Wind Slicer
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 3, Unseen Weep

Created Item: Elixir
Derived Item: Shining Grail
Obtained: Chest, Crowley's Room, Z.M.

Created Item: X Heal
Derived Item: Heal All
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 5, Three Tasks

Created Item: Thunder Caller
Derived Item:
Obtained: Quest reward, Chapter 8, Fungo Out of Place

Created Item: Dues Ex Machina
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 8, Large Sword in Ishtar, Third Terrace

Created Item: Peacemaker
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea, Alchemy Level 7, Guildmaster's Room

Created Item: Unihorn Lance
Derived Item:
Obtained: Chest, Gardens of Ishtar, Third Terrace Fishing Area: Past

Created Item: Water of Lethe
Derived Item: Refrain Memory
Obtained: Quest Item, Chapter 6, Oblivion ??
Created Item: Gurgu's Cane
Derived Item: Wisdom Cane
Obtained: Chest, Gardens of Ishtar, Second Level Terrace N

Created Item: Twig of Origin
Derived Item:
Obtained: Iris idea Alchemy Level 3, Valtessa Forest


iii. Q U E S T S   ........................................................ E03


These are arrnaged here in alphabetical order. If you want the quests for a
specific chapter, then they relate to Raider Rank, and Chapter One equates to
Raider Rank 3, and so on until Chapter 10 is Raider Rank 12.

Client   : Kuu, Fountain area
Objective: Give him a Bonita
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : 150 Quest Points, Magic Battleaxe x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Meyna
Objective: Bring her a Bouquet
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Magic Rapier x1 Recipe

Client   : Earl, Tavern
Objective: Give him a Fungushroom
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : Melty Spring Water x5
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Kuu, Fountain Area
Objective: Take him to an Alterworld
Reward   : Multi-Mechsword x1 Recipe, 100 Quest points
Rank     : 04 D
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Rufina, Valtessa
Objective: Go visit Rufina, Forest Depths
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Japanese Outfit x1 Recipe

Client   : Anna
Objective: Go to Anna and then complete an exploration of every room in every
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : 300 Quest Points, Green Board x1 Recipe.

Client   : Eva
Objective: Deliver card to Meyna.
Rank     : 11 D
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Odysseus Sword

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Power x8/7/6 (any location)
Rank     : 08 C/B
Reward   : 3300 Cole, Blue Pearl x10/4000 Cole, Holy Emblem x7

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Emperor of Hades! Found in Grimoire UG
Rank     : 12 A
Reward   : 2000 Cole, Saint's Garb x1

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Panthers in Ishtar. 7 groups needed
Rank     : 08 D
Reward   : 5000 Cole, Impulser x1
* Purple Monsters

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the King of Scales in Dakascus
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : 12000 Cole, Shoes x1 Recipe

Client   : Repre, Hot Springs, Posporia
Objective: Listen to Repre's favor
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Apple of Youth x3
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Repre, Hot Springs, Posporia
Objective: Take X-heal x 5 to her.
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Quest Points: 100, Fragment of Aion x2

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Harpy in Posporia
Rank     : 05 B
Reward   : 3500 Cole, Ice Ring x1

Client   : Eva, Tavern
Objective: Take her Rose Thorn x1
Rank     : 06 B
Reward   : Angel's Slip x1, Black Hat x2

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Giant Puni x 7 needed
Rank     : 11 A
Reward   : 6800 Cole, Gravity Stone x6/Moon Prism x1
* Repeatable.

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: 06 B
Rank     : Defeat the Jagged Bear
Reward   : 7000 Cole, Book of Prophecy x1 Recipe

Client   : Anna
Objective: Fix the crystals in Dakascus for the Pengie Chief
Rank     : 07 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Magic Kunai x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Noella
Objective: Go to Guild Master Noella and then to the Chief Pengie in Dakascus.
Rank     : 08 D
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Magic Stone x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Noella, Master's Office
Objective: Go to see her and then all the Chiefs.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Quest Points 300, Robe x1 Recipe.
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Pamela, Grimoire Library
Objective: Talk to Anna and then remove the Spider Webs in the Library Area
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Cute Clothes x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat enemy in Posporia
Reward   : Quest Points 200, 1 Fishing Pole
Rank     : 04 D
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Cerber, Cerber's House, Beastmen Quarters.
Objective: Meet Cerber first
Rank     : 10 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Globeball x5
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Winna
Objective: Go to Winna in the Scripture Library
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Alberich x2

Client   : Ella
Objective: Medicine X x7
Rank     : 04 C
Reward   : Glacier Stone x5, Chrome Crystal x5

Client   : Earl, Tavern
Objective: Talk to Earl and go to Valtessa
Rank     : 08 C
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Puni Gummy x10
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Reize, Dakascus Oasis
Objective: Help Reize
Rank     : 11 A
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Junk Borot x1
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Pixie Trio in Ishtar
Rank     : 07 D
Reward   : 12000 Cole, Expert Alchemy Staff x1 Recipe

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Grimoire Shadow Girls. 6 groups required
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : 3000 Cole, Dragon Bone x5
* Repeatable
* Purple Monsters

Client   : Funan, Westbridge
Objective: Give him 2 Demon Squid
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Fish Sword x1 Recipe, Chatter Flower

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Darkness demons on 2nd Level Terrace, Ishtar. 6 groups
Rank     : 11 D
Reward   : 9000 Cole, Fragment of Aion x2
* Purple Monsters
* Repeatable 5x

Client   : Anna
Objective: Investigate the history of Ishtar
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Holy Stone x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Kamikaze Doll G. 7 /8 groups needed. (Any location)
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : 5300 Cole, Moon Prism x1/8800 Cole, ???1
* Repeatable

Client   : Phenly
Objective: Stone puppet x5. Found in Northern Dakascus.
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : 5300 Cole, Dunkelhite x2.
* Repeatable

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Grimoire Necrohydra. 5 groups needed
Rank     : 09 C
Reward   : 8000 Cole, Crown of Thorns x1 Recipe
* Purple Monsters

Client   : Hagel, Weapon Shop
Objective: Take him Draken x1
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Star Prism x1, Magic Silver Ingot x5

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Dragons of Dakascus. 5 groups needed
Rank     : 12 D
Reward   : 11300 Cole, Dunkelhite x2
* Repeatable 5x
* Purple Monsters

Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Silmarillion x4 will be needed
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Holy Emblem x6, Chaos Candy x5, Gravity Stone x3,

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Investigate echoes in Grimmoire Castle, Altar second floor.
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Gold x1 Recipe (Kunai received after battle)
Rank     : 04 D
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Eva, Tavern.
Objective: Wild Meat x3
Reward   : Worthless Stone x10, 1000 Cole.
Rank     : 03 D

Client   : Anna
Objective: Rescue someone stuck in Grimoire freezer
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Gearbox x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Ishtar Fallen Angels. 7 groups
Rank     : 07 D
Reward   : 4700 Cole, Le Merou Cog x13
* Repeatable
* Purple Monsters

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Jin Riders. 9 groups needed (Any location - Giant Tree
Rank     : 09 B
Reward   : 5700 Cole, Blue Pearl x 12/4100 Cole, Holy Emblem x7
* Repeatable

Client   : Papal, Fountain Area
Objective: Talk to Papal first
Reward   : 150 Quest Points, Kunai x1 Recipe.
Rank     : 04 D
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Papal, Fountain Area
Objective: Find Gon
Reward   : Quest Points 100, 8 Directional Spring x2
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Winna, Scripture Library
Objective: Healing Medicine for Pamela
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : 150 Quest Points, Rose x1
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Funan, Westbridge
Objective: Give him Joker Fish x2
Rank     : 06 B
Reward   : Tiger Blowfish x2, Dragon Bone x8
* Repeatable

Client   : Pamela, Grimoire
Objective: Give her a Huffin Blossom
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Canone Rock x5
Rank     : 04 C
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Papal, Fountain Area
Objective: Talk to Papal and find Gon.
Rank     : 07 D
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Joker Fish x2
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Gregor, 2nd Level South, Ishtar
Objective: Take one bar of Gold to Gregor.
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : Borot x1 Recipe, Super Nectar x3

Client   : Pukko, Beastmen Quarters
Objective: Bring him a Kunai
Rank Required: 04 D
Reward   : 150 Quest points, Fairy Hat x1
Rank     : 04 D

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Giant Golden Pig in Valtessa
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : 11000 Cole, Hell Fire x1 Recipe

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Kobold Magicians, Posporia
Reward   : Healing Ankh x1, 2000 Cole
Rank     : 04 C

Client   : Reize, Dakascus Oassis
Objective: Listen to Reize's story
Rank     : 10 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Moon Prism x1
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Winna, Scripture Library
Objective: Speak to Winna.
Reward   : 100 Quest Points, Mechanical Staff x1 Recipe.
Rank     : 04 D
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Anna
Objective: Investigate the Giant Tree in Posporia
Rank     : 08 A
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Doll x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Lizard Thief in Dakascus
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : 4000 Cole, Laughing Shroom x2

Client   : Hagel, Weapon Shop
Objective: Take him 10 Shroom Juice
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : Dragoneer x1, Silmarillion x1

Client   : Yach, General Store
Objective: Give him 1 Laughing Shroom
Rank     : 06 D
Reward   : 7000 Cole, Black Liquid x1

Client   : Yach, General Store
Objective: Take him Wedding Dress x1
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : 110000 Cole, Alberich x2

Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Take her Broiled Fish x2
Rank     : 06 B
Reward   : Devil's Panties x2, Long Pochy x7

Client   : Hagel, Weapon Store
Objective: Take him a Brogius
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : Star Prism 1, Moon Prism 1, Glittering Thread x6/Gravity Stone x7,
           Blue Pearl x15. (Rewards vary.)
* Repeatable

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Petit Kobold! in Posporia.
Rank     : 08 C
Reward   : 11000 Cole, Quickstrike Blade x1

Client   : Eva, Tavern
Objective: Steak x5
Rank     : 04 B
Reward   : Puppy Paw Bonbon 7, Canone Rock 8.
* Repeatable

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Golden Pig in Valtessa. 5 groups.
Rank     : 10 B
Reward   : 9000 Cole, Globeball x3

Client   : Fairy Chief, Fairy Chief's Room
Objective: Listen to the Fairy Chief
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Peacemaker x1

Client   : Papal, Fountain Area
Objective: Talk to Papal
Rank     : 11 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Dunkelhite x2
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Posporia Bear Monster. 5 groups needed
Rank     : 06 D
Reward   : 6000 Cole, Needle Candy
 *Purple monsters

Client   : Meyna, Memorial Monument
Objective: Go to Meyna then meet her at Ishtar entrance.
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Ladies Clothes x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Chatter Flower x1
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : Bread Bikini x1 Recipe, Misty Curtain x3

Client   : Eva, Tavern
Objective: Take her Nectar x10
Rank     : 05 B
Reward   : Glansen Ore x5, Monster Bone x5

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Lizard Trio in Dakcasus
Rank     : 05 B
Reward   : 3000 Cole, Glansen Ore

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Lizard Rebel in Ishtar
Rank     : 08 A
Reward   : 11000 Cole, Magic Armour x1 Recipe

Client   : Pukko, Beastmen Quarters
Objective: Listen to Pukko's concern, then go to Valtessa Depths.
Rank     : 09 B
Reward   : Quest points 150, Healing Necklace x1
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Anna
Objective: Search for Kuu who is lost in Valtessa
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Magic Bell x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Winna
Objective: Deliver a letter to Pamela from Winna.
Rank     : 08 C
Reward   : Quest Points 150,
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Gramps, Fountain Area
Objective: Get 10 Beast Fangs
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Medium Alchemy Staff x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Gramps
Objective: Bring him 1 Dragon Bone
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Jawbreaker Candy x7
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Gregor, 2nd Level South, Ishtar
Objective: Take him 3 Amulets
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Blue Pearl x5, Jawbreaker Candy x8 (varies)
* Repeatable

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Aladdin Pot in Ishtar
Rank     : 12 B
Reward   : 20000 Cole, Legendary Battleaxe x1 (Recipe for Odysseus).

Client   : Ella, Rio Book Store
Objective: Feudal Snackcastle x1 will be needed.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Fragment of Aion x3, Dragon Tongue x3

Client   : Anna, Guild
Objective: Get 5 Heal Jars
Reward   : Quest Points: 200, Adventurer's Clothing x1 Recipe
Rank     : 03 D
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Noella
Objective: Go to Noella and then do as she asks and go to Dakascus
Rank     : 11 S
Reward   : 200 Quest points, Brogius x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Gregor, 2nd Level South, Ishtar
Objective: Refrain Memory x9 will be needed.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Elixir x1, Crown Breastplate x1

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Posporian Puni Riders. 8 groups needed.
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : 4000 Cole, Fungushroom x3
* Purple Monsters
* Repeatable x5

Client   : Anna
Objective: Investigate strange rumor in Posporia
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Nell's Clothes x1, Recipe.
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Take her Fungushroom x1
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Rainbow Feather x2, Pendelook x6

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Puni x200
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : 1000 Cole, Dunkelhite x3.

N33d t0 f1x cl0ck (Rank 8)
Client   : Anna
Objective: The client wants a Strange Gearbox to fix the clock.
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Splat Hammer x1
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Darkness in Ishtar: 7 groups /5
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Worn Weapon x5, 80000 Cole
* Purple Monsters
* Repeatable 4x

Client   : Ella, Rio Book Store
Objective: Take her Unipuni Pudding x1
Rank     : 09 B
Reward   : Le Merou Cog x 5, Blue Pearl x9

Client   : Ella, Rio Book Store
Objective: Give her 7 Puni Gummy
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Strange Slab x4, Bucket Cookie x1

Client   :Eva, Tavern
Objective: Give Golden Meat x2 to Eva
Rank     : 11 C
Reward   : Dunkelhite x2 Silmarillion x3

Client   : Meyna, Memorial Monument
Objective: Talk to her and take her a Water of Lethe.
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Magic Silver Ingot x5
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Eva, Tavern
Objective: Listen to Eva's favor and then visit Pamela.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Glasses x1
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl
Objective: Kobold Mage x6/8
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : 3700 Cole, Monster Bone x11/5
* Repeatable

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Demons of Grimoire. 5 groups needed
Rank     : 12 C
Reward   : 9700 Cole, Holy Emblem x5
* Purple Monsters

Client   : Funan, Westbridge
Objective: King Tuna x1 will be needed
Rank     : 09 S
Reward   : Mendoll x1 Recipe. Thunder Rod x3

Client   : Pamela
Objective: Listen to Pamela and return 4 gifts
Rank     : 07 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Black Bustier x1

Client   : Ella, Rio Book Store
Objective: Philosopher's Ash x7 will be needed
Reward   : Poison Shroom x10, 1200 Cole
Rank     : 03 D

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Puni Brothers, Valtessa
Rank     : 04 B
Reward   : Bitter Grape x3, 1000 Cole

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Puni Brothers! In Valtessa.
Rank     : 07 B
Reward   : 8000 Cole, Puni Gummy x6

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Puni Brothers in Valtessa
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : 8000 Cole, Moon Prism x 1

Client   : Phenyl
Objective: Defeat the Puni Brothers. Found in Valtessa
Rank     : 12 A
Reward   : 3000 Cole, 3 Super Nectar
* Repeatable

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Slay Punis of Valtessa 5 groups needed
Reward   : Thunder Stone x7, 2300 Cole.
Rank     : 04 D
* Repeatable 5 times.
* Purple Monsters

Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Boot x1
Reward   : Fairy Stick x1, Puppy Paw Bonbon x5
Rank     : 04 D

Client   : Noella, Master's Office
Objective: Go to see Noella and help Raiders
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Quest Points 250, Magic Board x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Scarlet. Found in Valtessa
Rank     : 11 A
Reward   : 18000 Cole, Staff of Creation x1 Recipe

Client   : Ewan, Scripture Library
Objective: Find the Magic Staff in Valtessa.
Reward   : Quest Points: 100P, Nicro Cloth x3
Rank     : 03 D
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat hell's Fran Pfeil. Found in Ishtar
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : 25000 Cole, Dunkelhite x2

Client   : Anna, Guild Reception
Objective: Go to Anna at the counter, and then to find Rufina in Valtessa.
Rank     : 11 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Globeball x3

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Wandering Fungol found in Grimoire.
Rank     : 10 B
Reward   : 16000 Cole, Thunder Summoner x1 Recipe

Client   : Anna
Objective: Find Gramps and the kids who are lost in Ishtar.
Rank     : 07 B
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Le Merou Cog x5
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Hagel, Weapon Shop
Objective: 7 Tufts
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : Metal Hauberk x1, Alchemic Metal x5.

Client   : Funan, Westbridge
Objective: Lake Fish x5
Reward   : Thunder Stone x5, Wild Meat x3
Rank     : 04 D

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat Kettle Spirit x8
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : 4000 Cole, Long Pochy x6
* Repeatable

Client   : Earl, Tavern
Objective: Give him an Altena Soul from Ishtar
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : Quest Points 100 Quest Point, Goat Cheese x5
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Earl, Tavern
Objective: Talk to Earl in person, then go to Giant Tree in Posporia
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Chain of Gleipnir x1
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Kill Orb monster x 10. Any Location. (Dakascus)
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : 6100 Cole, Holy Emblem x6/6700 Cole. Apple of Youth x1

Client   : Noella, Master's Office
Objective: Go to see her and get a sword for her from Dakascus.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Quest Points 300, Heaven's Book x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Gregor, 2nd level South, Ishtar
Objective: Take him Black Fairy Clothes x3
Rank     : 07 B
Reward   : 3000 Cole, Le Merou Cog x10

Client   : Yach, General Store
Objective: 7 Monster Bones
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : 4000 Cole, Glansen Ore x5,

Client   : Gregor, 2nd Level South, Ishtar.
Objective: Take him Gauntlet of Artorius x1
Rank     : 08 B
Reward   : 9000 Cole, Formal Fabric x5

Client   : Phenyl
Objective: Defeat the super Mini Puni. Found in Valtessa Depths.
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : 2800 Cole, x99 Crunchy Fruit (credit to Ginfreaks' FAQ)

Client   : Go to Anna at the counter
Objective: Find out why the Fairies and Kuma are at war.
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Cloth Accessories x1 Recipe.
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Noella, Master's Office
Objective: Go to Noella and then find Squawk Chief
Rank     : 09 A
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Legendary Stone x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl
Objective: Slay Posporian Bear Monster. x7 groups
Rank     : 09 C
Reward   : 5100 Cole, Fragment of Aion x2

Client   : Phenyl Guild Reception
Objective: Investigate the Squawk Village Treasury
Rank     : 07 A
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Aroma Material x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl
Objective: Defeat the Kobold Kid. Found at the Giant Tree.
Rank     : 12 A
Reward   : 25000 Cole, Globeball x5

Client   : Anna
Objective: Undertake three tasks for Noella.
Rank     : 07 B
Reward   : 200 Quest Points, Superior Medicine x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Kobold Fugitive found in Dakascus.
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : 17000 Cole, Stellar Rune x1 Recipe

Client   : Anna, Guild Reception
Objective: Go to Anna, then to Crowley's Lab in Zey Meruze
Rank     : 12 S
Reward   : Money 200 Cole, Alchemist Staff x1
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Phenyl, Guild Reception
Objective: Defeat the Twin Demons. Found in Grimoire
Rank     : 11 A
Reward   : 20000 Cole, Nell Lance x1 Recipe

Client   : Cerber, his house, Beastmen:'s Quarters
Objective: Talk to Cerber.
Reward   : 100 Quest Points, Enhanced Mechsword x1, Recipe.
Rank     : 03 D
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Cerber, Cerber's House, Beastmen: Quarters
Objective: Visit Cerber and then investigate complaints in Posporia
Rank     : 06 C
Reward   : Quest Points 150, Silver Cuirass x1
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Cerber, Cerber's house, Beastmen:'s Quarters
Objective: Investigate complaints from Ella, Yach and Manna.
Rank     : 05 D
Reward   : 150 Quest Points, Curative Medicine x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Anna at the counter
Objective: Investigate weeping in Valtessa.
Rank     : 05 C
Reward   : 100 Quest Points, Sharp Kunai x1 Recipe
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Reize, Dakascus Oasis
Objective: Give him a Karotto Magnato
Rank     : Quest Points 100
Reward   : Taiyaki x2

Client   : Reize, Dakascus Oasis
Objective: Bring him a Steak
Rank     : 08 D
Reward   : Quest Points 100, Holy Emblem x5

Client   : Yach, his store
Objective: Shifty Eye x3
Reward   : 1300 Cole, 8 Directional Spring 7
Rank     : 03 D
* Repeatable

Client   : Pukko, Beastmen Quarters
Objective: Listen to Pukko's concerns
Rank     : 10 B
Reward   : Quest Points 200, Bunny Ears x1
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Pukko, Beast Quarters
Objective: Listen to Pukko
Reward   : Quest Points: 100, Flour 6.
Rank     : 03 D
Unable to Cancel

Client   : Hagel, Weapon Shop
Objective: Take him Shroom Juice x 30
Rank     : 10 A
Reward   : Shining Grail x1, Alberich x3

Client   : Manna, Grocery Store
Objective: Give her 4 Chaos Candy
Rank     : 08 A
Reward   : Glittering Thread x5, Blue Pearl x5


iv. M A N A  I T E M S .....................................................E04


A. Crafted Mana Items
B. Gathered Mana Items

A.  C R A F T E D  M A N A  I T E M S

A Bomb Ice with greater damage.
Element: Magic, Ice

Original Recipe: Derived from Large Explosive
Items Needed:    Bomb Ice
                 Glacier Stone
               o Star Prism/Moon Prism

Find: Field Bonus for 5000 points - Grimoire.
      Chest - Grimoire UG 2F.
      Chest - Kuma Treasury Posporia.

An explosion that causes ice damage.
Element: Magic, Ice

Original Recipe: Derived from Explosive
Items Needed:    Glacier Stone
               o Salt/Polishing Powder
               o Legion Ore/Glansen Ore/Alchemic Metal

Drop: Jewel Sprite - Dakascus.
Shop: Woofgang Merchant, Ishtar.

Heal + cure sleep and curse for one ally.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Derived from Flame Broiled Dish
Items Needed:  o Lake Fish/Unihorn/Bonita
               o Joker Fish/King Tuna

Cake that heals one ally over time.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Cake
Items Needed:  o Goat Cheese
               o Concentrated Honey/Vanilla Syrup
                 Monster Cookie

Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Curative Medicine
Items Needed:  o Gash Twig/Eichelos
                 Concentrated Honey

Find: Chest - D.D. Grimoire, Posporia.
Shop: New Leaf General Store, Zey Meruze.
      Antique Shop Gee, Grimoire.
      Woofgang Merchant, Ishtar.
Drop: Steelarmor Beast - Ishtar.

God's Shield. One ally will autoblock.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Derived from Magic Shield
Items Needed:  o Gravity Stone/ Misty Curtain
                 Magic Silver Ingot

Find: Chest - Valtessa Depths, Beastmen's Quarters, D.D.
Shop: Penn's Discounts, Dakascus.
Drop: Alchemic Soldier - Dakascus, Distorted Dimension.

High Quality super heal for all allies.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Super Medicine
Items Needed:    X heal
               o Goat Milk/Concentrated Honey

Find: Quest reward, Memory Calls (x1), Raider Rank 12 reward.
      Chest - Dakascus, CV North.

Greater heal over time for all allies.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Derived from Cake
Items Needed:    Cheesecake
                 Super Nectar

A bomb that causes fire damage
Element: Magic, Fire

Original Recipe: Explosive
Items Needed:    Canone Rock
               o Salt/Polishing Powder
               o Legion Ore/Glansen Ore/Alchemic Metal

Find: Chest (2) - Grimoire, D.D.
      Chest - 1 in Posporia.
Shop: Souvenir Shop Peko, Posporia.
      Antique Shop Gee, Grimoire.
Drop: Kamikaze Doll - Ishtar.

Effective on enemies with high HP.
Element: Special

Original Recipe: Globe
Items Needed:    Globeball
               o Magic Silver Ingot/Altena Ingot
                 Strange Gearbox

Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Soup
Items Needed:    Spinicherb
               o Goat Milk/Meruze Water
               o Eicheloa/Wild Meat
               o Salt/Concentrated Honey

Find: Chest - Posporia, D.D.
Shop: Everfresh Grocery, Zey.Meruze.

Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Derived from Superior Medicine
Items Needed:    X Heal
               o Pendelook/Dunkelhite
                 Balloon Octopus

Medicine for medium heal for one ally.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Restorative Medicine
Items Needed:    Spinacherb
               o Meruze Water/Zuftuff Water/Goat Milk

Find: Chest - Valtessa, Grimoire, Posporia.
      Chest (3) - D.D.
Shop: Antique Shop Gee, Grimoire.
Drop: Steelarmor Soldier - Ishtar.

Medium heal and cure for poison
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Derived from Flame Broiled Dish
Items Needed:    Belgrade Potato
                 Burdock Straight

Medium heals for one ally over time.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Derived from Soup
Items Needed:    Carrotato
                 Green Soup
               o Dragon Tongue/Golden Meat
               o Salt/Concentrated Honey

A rod that causes lightning damage.
Element: Magic, Lightning

Original Recipe: Derived from Explosive
Items Needed:    Thunder Stone
               o Salt/Polishing Powder
               o Legion Ore/Glansen Ore/Alchemic Metal

Find: Chest - Dakascus.
Drop: Jin Rider - Posporia, Ishtar.
Shop: From Bow to Wow, Posporia.

Cloth that wards one ally from magic.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Magic Shield
Items Needed:  o Elenia Ore/Divine Shield
                 Magic Silver Ingot

Find: Quest reward - Let's Talk.
Shop: Penn's Discounts, Dakascus.
Drop: Alchemic Beast - Dakascus, Distorted Dimension.

Revival liquor. Cures knockouts.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Alcohol
Items Needed:  o Zuftuff Water/Goat Milk
                 Bitter Grape

Find: Chest - Zey.Meruze, Valtessa (x2), D.D. (x3), Grimoire, Posporia (x2).
      Quest reward - Fool's Treasure, Raider Rank reward (x3, x5, x5).
Shop: New Leaf General Store, Zey.Meruze.

A cup that cures all ally knockouts.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Derived from Super Medicine
Items Needed:    Super Nectar
                 Brilliant Stone
               o Goat Milk/Concentrated Homey

Find: Quest reward - Youth and the End (x1).

High protein medium heal for one ally.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Flame Broiled Dish
Items Needed:  o Wild Meat/Golden Meat
               o Belgrade Potato/Carrotato

Find: Chest - Posporia Kuma area.

Completely revives and heals one ally.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Derived from Alcohol
Items Needed:    Nectar
                 Bitter Grape
                 Fragment of Aion

Find: Quest reward - Fool's Treasure, Puni Brothers Forever.

A better flame with greater fire damage
Element: Magic, Fire

Original Recipe: Large Explosive
Items Needed:    Flame
                 Canone Rock
               o Star Prism/Moon Prism
                 Alchemic Metal

Find: Field Bonus 5000 points - Posporia.
      Chest - Grimoire, Posporia, Dakascus.

A Lightning Rod with greater power.
Element: Magic, Lightning

Original Recipe: Derived from Large Explosive
Items Needed:    Lightning Rod
                 Thunder Stone
               o Star Prism/Moon Prism
                 Magic Silver Ingot

Find: Quest reward - Prince of the Sea (x3).

Conscious Uni. Does damage to enemies.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Living Uni
Items Needed:    Uni
               o Puniball/Puni Gummy
                 Blue Pearl

Pudding that heals one ally over rime.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Derived from Cake
Items Needed:  o Puni Gummy
                 Goat Cheese
                 Unirus Lifeform
                 Puppy Paw Bonbon

Medicine for greater heal for one ally.
Element: Magic

Original Recipe: Restorative Medicine
Items Needed:    Heal Jar
               o Pendelook/Dunkelhite

Find: Raider Rank reward.
      Field bonus - Valtessa.
      Chest - D.D.

B.  N A T U R A L  M A N A  I T E M S

These items can be found or bought in various places.

A shiny apple. Increases max HP.
Property: HP+ (L)
Element: Blue Boost

Find: Quest reward - Battlefield Idol (x3).
      Repeat quest reward for Supreme Gem (x1).
      Use Hammer on Tree in any Alterworld. Rare drop.
      Chest - Giant Tree, Posporia.
      Raider Rank 11 reward (x3).
      Field Bonus, 10000 points - Valtessa.

Increases physical attack power.
Property: None
Element: Special

Find: Field Bonus - Valtessa.
      Chest - Grimoire.
      Raider Rank reward.

Increase magic attack power.
Element: Special

Find: Chest - D.D.
      Quest reward - The Last Hero (x99).
      Chest - Grimoire.
      Raider Rank reward.

An antidote, Cures one ally of Poison.
Property: Shroom Power
Element: Magic

Find: Grass cutting - Valtessa.
      Bags - Grimoire.
Drop: Zombie Puni - Grimoire.
Shop: Everfresh Grocery, Zey.Meruze.
      Souvenir Shop Peko, Posporia.
      Pegg's Discounts, Dakascus.

The smell cures one ally of Sleep.
Property: Stun+ (S)
Element: Magic

Find: Bags - Valtessa, Posporia.
      Tree - Valtessa, Posporia.
Shop: Rio Book Store, Zey.Meruze.
      Penn's Discounts, Dakascus.

A mushroom to poison the enemy.
Property: Magic, Status Effect
Element: Magic, Status effect

Find: Quest reward - Proof of Alchemy.
Shop: General Nethershop, Beastmen Quarters.

Increases magical defense.
Element: Special

Find: Chest - Dakascus, Rookery.
      Field Bonus - Ishtar.
      Raider Rank reward.

Good vitamins, small heal for one ally.
Property: HP+ (M)
Element: Magic

Find: Bags - Valtessa.
      Field Bonus - Valtessa.
      Grass cutting - Posporia.
Shop: Everfresh Grocery, Zey Meruze.
      Souvenir Shop Peko, Posporia.
      Pegg's Discounts, Dakascus.

Increases defense.
Element: Special

Find: Chest - Kuma Station East, Posporia.
      Raider Rank rewards.
      Garden seed - Posporia.
      Field bonus - Posporia.

Increases action speed.
Element: Special

Find: Chest - Valtessa Depths.
      Filed Bonus - Grimoire.
      Raider Rank reward.

Causes physical damage to an enemy.
Property: Atk+ (M)
Element: Physical

Find: Bags - Valtessa.
      Chest - D.D.
      Field Bonus - Posporia.
      Tree - Valtessa, Posporia.
      Bag - Beastmen's Quarters.

Sleepy water that sleeps the enemy.
Property: Def+ (S)
Element: Magic, Status Effect

Find: Bags - Valtessa.
      Tree - Valtessa, Posporia.
      Field Bonus - Posporia.
Drop: Golden Puni - Grimoire, Posporia, Dakascus, Ishtar.
Shop: Rio Book Store, Zey.Meruze.
      Pegg's Discounts, Dakascus.


v. I N G R E D I E N T S ..................................................E05


Ingredients come in two sizes: those that have pre-determined properties and
cannot be crafted: these are natural (and gathered) ingredients, and those that
can be made using alchemy.

A. Natural Ingredients
B. Crafted Ingredients

A.  I N G R E D I E N T S :  G A T H E R E D

Natural Ingredients have a variety of sources:

o found by cutting grass, picking up bags, or breaking barrels, vases and boxes
o found when melting ice blocks (using the Flame Barrett)
o dropped by defeated or sword slashed monsters
o monster turned into a treat by Nell
o bought in shops
o given as rewards for completing quests
o harvested by planting seeds
o fishing (using a fishing pole)

A spring that is stretched in eight directions.
Property: Delay+ (S)

Find: Chest - Grimoire A, Valtessa (x2).
      Fishing - Posporia.
      Quest Reward - Wanting Attention, Find my Cat!
      Bags - Grimoire.
Drop: None.

A white poofy bag. They only live in clean air.
Property: Autoheal++

Find: Quest reward - Youth and the End (x3), Confession (x2),
      Happy Wedding (x2).
      Chest - Dakascus, North.

A mystic blue flame. It is said to be a form of god's power.
Property: Magic+ (L)

Find: Bags - Ishtar.
Shop: Woofgang Merchant, Ishtar.

A light purple flower with crystal hard petals.
Property: Magic+ (M)

Find: Bags and grass - Dakascus.
Shop: None.

An octopus with a balloon shaped head filled with air.
Property: Autoheal+

Find: Fishing in Dakascus.

Bear skin. The scar on the eye shows how feisty they are.
Property: Def+ (M)

Find: Chests - Posporia, Kuma area.
Shop: From Bow to Wow, Posporia.

Monster fangs. Most are baby teeth that will grow back.
Property: Atk+ (S)

Find: Bags and boxes - Grimoire.
Drop: Kobold Mage, Kobold Priest, Tiger - Posporia.
      Panther - Ishtar.

A potato discovered by Belgrade. Known as a delicacy.
Property: Charge+ (S)

Find: Bags - Valtessa.
Shop: Everfresh Grocery Store, Zey Meruze.
Drop: None.

A very bitter grape used to ferment alcohol.
Property: Tough

Find: Grass, Bags and Tree - Posporia.
      Quest reward - Puni Brothers.
Drop: None.

Natural oil drilled from carcasses of ancient organisms.
Property: HIT +1

Find: Chest - Posporia, Kuma area.
      Chest - Ishtar, 2nd Level Terrace North.
Drop: Kamikaze Doll G - Ishtar, Distorted Dimension.
      Quest reward - Happy Greetings.
Shop: Antique Shop Gee, Grimoire.

A rare pearl that turned blue from the ocean's color.
Property: Def Spec

Find: Quest reward - Yum Yum Candy (x5), Magical Amulet (x5), New Menu Pudding
      (x9), Avenged Holy Angel (x10), Festival Preparations (x12), In Memory
      (x15) - when repeated.
      Rare brown bag - Squawk Treasury, and Grimoire Top Floor.
Shop: No.

A fish who got sick of the sea, and came to fresh water.
Property: Charge+ (L)

Find: Fishing - Dakascus.

Property: HP+ (M)

Find: Fishing, anywhere.
Drop: None.

Masks that Brownies wear. Are the pointy ears really cute?
Property: Def+ (L)

Drop: Punirider - Valtessa Forest Depths, Dakascus.
      Mad Brownie - Grimoire.
Shop: Antique Shop Gee, Grimoire.

A very tough burdock root. For people who want to train jaws.
Property: Def+ (S)

Find: Bags - Valtessa, Gardens.
Shop: Everfresh Grocery Store, Zey Meruze.

A rock that can burst into flames. Always be careful.
Property: Atk+ (M)

Find: Bags - Grimoire, Valtessa, Posporia.
      Quest reward - Flowers for the Library, Jumbo Steak.
Drop: Red Puni - Valtessa and Posporia.

A thin, red potato. Slightly sweet, but nasty if overgrown.
Property: Crit+ (M)

Find: Garden - Valtessa.
Shop: Everfresh Grocery Store Zey Meruze.
Drop: None.

It appears to be tasty candy. But its taste is...chaotic.
Property: First Strike

Find: Quest reward - Dressing Up.
Treat: Morning Glory - Valtessa, Posporia, Dakascus.
       Nightwalker, Dark Puni, Shadowgirl, Shield Geist, Zombie Puni-Grimoire.
       Kamikaze Doll - Ishtar.
       Shadow Legion - Dakascus, Ishtar.
       Hell Legion - Grimoire, D.D.,
       Kamikaze Doll G - Ishtar, D.D.

A mysterious plant that talks non-stop at night.
Property: Poison

Find: Valtessa and Posporia garden flower.
      Quest reward - Demon Squid Backlash.
      Grass cutting - Ishtar, 2nd Level Terrace North.
      Grass cutting - Posporia (Chapter 7).

A magical crystal that can be mined from Dakascus.
Property: Magic_ (S)

Find: Quest reward - Correct Knowledge.
      Bags - Dakascus.
      Field bonus - Dakascus.
Shop: Pegg's Discounts, Penn's Shop - Dakascus.

Crystal in a tart. Eating it may be painful.
Property: Tough

Shop:  Everfresh Grocery Shop, Z.M (chapter 4 onwards).
Treat: Admantium Soldier - D.D.
       Airplant - Valtessa.
       Alchemic Beast - Dakascus, D.D.
       Alchemic Soldier - Dakascus, D.D.
       Kettle Spirit - Grimoire, Ishtar.
       Moon Flower - Dakascus.
       Obsidian Beast - Ishtar.
       Obsidian Soldier - Ishtar.
       Pot Sprit - Grimoire.
       Steelarmor Beast, Steelarmor Soldier, Stone Beast, Stone Soldier,
       Trumpet Lily - Ishtar.

Honey cooked for three days, three nights. Very sweet.
Property: Charge+ (L)

Find: Bags - Ishtar.
      Quest reward - Strange Kettle.
      Chest - Dakascus.

An evil-looking squid. Makes the fisher unhappy too.
Property: Atk+ (L)

Find: Fishing - Squawk Village pond, Grimoire.
      Defrost ice - Freezer, Grimoire.

A dragon skull. Difficult for even a pro adventurer.
Property: Delay+ (L)

Find: Quest reward - Flaming Joker Fish, Dark Wing Collection (x5)
Drop: Dragon Zombie - Grimoire.
      Lizard Shaman, Lizard Warrior, Lizard Wizard - Dakascus.

A fresh dragon tongue. It continues to twitch.
Property: Fatal Strike

Drop: Dragonia - Distorted Dimension.
      Fran Pfeil - Ishtar, Distorted Dimension.
      Necrohydra - Grimoire.

An unlucky flower that blooms only once in many years.
Property: Stun+ (L)

Find: Quest reward - Kittens need a Home, Noella's Dinner, Doll Collection,
      Dragon's Fall, Return of the Dragon.
      Field Bonus, Ishtar.

Hard, durable, easily obtainable common wood.
Property: Block

Find: Grass and bags - Valtessa.
      Bags - Posporia.
Shop: General Nethershop, Beastmen Quarters.

An ore that contains Elemia silver, a magical metal.
Property: MAGIC+ (M)

Find: Bags - Dakcasus.
Drop: Stone Beast - Ishtar.

A turnkey with an infinity symbol. It keeps going and...
Property: Speed+ (S)

Find: Bags - Grimoire.
      Chest - Grimoire A.
      Chest in Poporia Kuma area.
Fish: Catch - Posporia Fishing spot.

The legendary Fairy, Pagigi, loved wearing this hat.
Property: HIT +1

Find: Chest and bags - Posporia.
      Quest reward - For You.
Shop: Souvenir Shop Peko, Posporia.

A pure white powder made from grinding wheat. For cooking.
Property: Charge+ (M)

Find: Everfresh Grocery Shop, Zey Meruze.
      Quest reward - Your Name.

A fragment of a gem that is infused with Aion's life force.
Property: HP+(L)

Find: Quest reward: The Strong Bears! (x2), Battlefield Nurse (x2), Making a
      Castle (x3), Demon Subduction (x2).

A monster favorite. It tastes weird, so people don't eat it.
Property: Shroom Power

Find: Valtessa.
      Quest reward - Mercenary Fight.
Drop: Fungo - Valtessa and Posporia.

A mysterious rock that is cold all year round.
Property: Resist+ (M)

Find: Quest reward - Correct Knowledge.
Drop: Leaf Sprite - Valtessa.

Metal that is harder than iron, yet lighter in weight.
Property: Stun+ (S)

Find: Quest reward - Lizard Musketeers, Pranks Prohibited (x7), Life's Friend
      (x5), The Age Of...(x5).
      Boxes - Grimoire.
      Bags and chests - Posporia.
      Bags - Ishtar.
Drop: Kettle Spirit - Grimoire and Ishtar.

Thread made from dew of the world tree. Extremely precious.
Property: Atk+ (L)

Find: Quest reward - Yum Yum Candy, Festival Preparations (repeat), In Memory.

The Ball of a globe. It hurts pretty bad when thrown.
Property: Crit+ (L)

Find: Quest reward - Complaints Exploded, Karrotato Tradegy, Sad Angel, Thief
      of the Century.

Milk from the goats of Chariot Mountain. A creamy sensation.
Property: Power Guard

Find: Chests - Posporia Kuma area.
Shop: From Bow to Wow, Posporia.

So many fights have been fought for this glowing meat.

Drop:: Golden Pig - Dakascus, Ishtar.

A physically impossible rock that floats in air.
Property: Speed+ (L)

Find: Quest reward - Big Puni Massacre, Big Puni Research, In Memory (repeat),
      Bags - Dakascus.
      Field Bonus - Dakascus.
Shop: Antique Shop Gee, Grimoire.

A sculpted emblem made long ago for various prayers.
Property: Blessed Weapon

Find: Quest reward - Want Tasty Meat, Angered Holy Angel, Festival.
      Preparations, Supreme Gem, Dressing Up, Prayer.
Shop: None.

A white flower that grows humbly in any harsh environment.
Property: Block

Find: Grass cutting and bags - Valtessa.

An extremely hard sugar candy. The spikes will hurt!
Property: Def Spec

Find:  Quest reward - Lying Grandpa, Again (x7), Magical Amulet (x8).
Treat: Clay Puppet - Ishtar.
       Dragonia - Distorted Dimension.
       Fran Pfeil - Ishtar, Distorted Dimension.
       Stone Puppet - Dakascus.

Females have a pinker lip and are sexier than males.
Property: Stun+ (L)

Find: Fishing - Grimoire.
      Quest reward - Follow my Cat.

The king of fish. It eventually inherits the father's crown.
Property: Sumo Class

Find: Fishing - Ishtar (both ponds).

Property: Stun+ (M)

Find: Fishing - Valtessa, Posporia.

A poison mushroom. One bite and you can't stop laughing.
Property: Shroom Power

Find: Quest reward - Greentail Bandits (x2).
      Grasscutting - Ishtar 2nd level Terrace North.
      Bags in Nature's Prison, UG Grimoire.

An ore containing lots of iron. Very heavy.
Property: Atk+ (S)

Find: Bags - Grimoire, Ishtar.
Shop: Hagel's weapon shop, Zey Meruze.
Drop: Pot Spirit - Grimoire.

A very long chocolate bar that is hard to eat.
Property: Autoheal+

Find: Quest reward - Strange Kettle (x6), Helping Make Dinner (x7).
Treat: Vorpal Sword - Grimoire,  D.D.
       Sword Geist - Grimoire.

A thin, long iron rod. it is used for mechanical parts.
Property: Delay+ (S)

Find: Bags and boxes - Grimoire
Shop: Hagels' Weapon Store, Zey Meruze.

Dangerous water that melts anything. Do not drink it.
Property: Charge+ (S)

Find: Chests - Valtessa.
      Quest reward - A Simple Quest.
Shop: Pegg's Discounts, Dakascus.

Ancient people came up with this cog that creates force.
Property: Speed+ (M)

Find: Quest reward - New Menu Pudding (x5), Soldiers Never Die (x5), Tailor
      Made (x10), Fallen Angels (x13).
      Chest - Squawk Village.

Water from the Meruze Lake. Clean water for drinking.
Property: Crit+ (S)

Find: Fountain, and water by Iris' workshop - Zey Meruze.

Bones of monsters. Don't you feel bad for them?
Property: Delay+ (M)

Find: Chest - Valtessa Forest Depths.
      Quest reward - Pranks Prohibited.
Drop: Owlbear - Valtessa, Posporia.
      Lizard - Dakascus.
      Jagged Tiger - Grimoire and Posporia.

A cookie shaped like monster. Very light and crunchy.
Property: Delay+ (M)

Find: Chest - Dakascus, Posporia Kuma area.
Treat:Bird Rider, Lizard, Lizard Lord - Dakascus.
      Lizard Shaman, Lizard Warrior - Dakascus.
      Puni Rider - Valtessa/Dakascus.
      Jin Rider - Posporia/Ishtar.
      Caterpillar - Valtessa/Grimoire/Dakascus.
      Dark Knight, Dragon Zombie, Living Armor, Mad Brownie - Grimoire.
      Dragonewt - D.D.
      Fungo - Valtessa.
      Golden Pig - Dakascus/Ishtar.
      Kettle Spirit - Grimoire/Ishtar.
      Lizard Wizard - Dakascus/D.D.

A moon crystal that becomes brighter on full moons.
Property: Counter

Find: Quest reward - Puni Brothers 3!?! (x1), Get Me Out! (x1), Disposal
      Tactics (x1).
      Chests - Dakascus North (x3).

A strangely shaped seed. Plant it to make it grow.
Property: None

Find: Chest - Valtessa.
Drop: Morning Glory - Valtessa, Posporia and Dakascus.
      Airplant - Valtessa.
      Dryad - Posporia.
      Moon Flower - Dakascus.
      Trumpet Lily - Ishtar.

A crystallized tear of the dead. A sad aura surrounds it.
Property: Autoheal++

Find: Quest reward - Mushroom Stew (x6).
      Chest - Under Grimoire 1F.
      Chest - Ishtar 2nd Level Terrace N. (x2).
      Melt ice blocks in Ishtar.
      Bags in Grimoire UG and Treasury.
Drop: Giant Puni - Posporia, Dakascus, D.D.
      Orb - Dakascus, Ishtar, D.D.

Powder used to shine objects. It can even polish your fingers.
Property: Crit+ (M)

Shop: Rio Book Store, Zey Meruze.
      General Nethershop, Beastmen Quarters, Zey Meruze.

Cotton originated from Posporia. They grow anywhere now.
Property: Power Guard

Find: Grass cutting and bags - Posporia.
Shop: From Bow to Wow, Posporia.

A bouncy mysterious ball that comes out of a Puni's body.
Property: Resist+ (S)

Find: None
Drop: Puni - Valtessa and Posporia.
      Mini Puni - Valtessa and Posporia.
      Dark Puni - Grimoire.
      Heal Puni - Grimoire, Posporia, Dakascus and Ishtar.

A puni shaped gummy. It jiggles even after swallowing it.
Property: Speed+ (M)

Find:  Bags - Valtessa and Dakascus.
Treat: All Punis except Zombie and Dark. Mostly found in Valtessa and Posporia.

A chocolate bonbon with the texture of a puppy's paw.
Property: Stun+ (M)

Find: Quest reward - Jmbo Steak, Rain, Rain Come Again.
      Chest - Valtessa Depths.
Treat: Nearly all beast enemies drop these.
       Jagged Tiger, Kobold Elite, Kobold, Kobold Mage, Kobold Priest,
       Kobold Fighter, Owl Bear, Bear, Harpy, Leopard, Darkwing, Panther.
       Mostly found in Valtessa and Posporia.

A rainbow colored feather. Possibly one of a phoenix.
Property: HIT +2

Find: Bags - Ishtar.
      Quest reward - Mushroom Stew (x2).
Drop: Shadowgirl - Grimoire.
      Darkwing - Grimoire.
      Harpy - Valtessa and Posporia.

A bright crimson flower with painful thorns.
Property: Poison

Find: Quest reward - First Feelings.
      Grass cutting - Ishtar (2nd Level Terrace South).

Iodized table salt. Essential seasoning for everyday meals.
Property: HP+ (M)

Find: Chest - Zey Meruze, Grimoire.
Shop: Everfresh Grocery Store. Zey Meruze.

Overgrown scallops that suffer changes of the environment.
Property: Def+ (L)

Find: Fishing - Ishtar (both ponds).

A vicious predator. Be careful not to get bitten.
Property: Very Heavy

Find: Fishing - Grimoire (Squawks' Village pond).

A magical gem shaped like an eye. It always stares.
Property: Magic+ (S)

Drop: Sword Geis - Grimoire.
      Shield Geist - Grimoire.
      Death Knight - Grimoire.
      Sand Dragon - Dakascus.
      Sandfish - Dakascus.
      Shadow Legion - Dakascus, Ishtar.

A crystal with the stars' shine. It twinkles at night.
Property: Guts

Find: Quest reward - Dragon Slashing (x1), In Memory (x1).
      Chests - Dakascus (x6).

A board with a bunch of nails on it. It turns when powered.
Property: Resist+ (L)

Find: Quest reward - New Type Sweets (x4).

A fish shaped pancake. Everyone thinks it's a fish.
Property: HIT +3

Find: Quest reward - Want Good Soup (x2).
      Field Bonus - Posporia.
Treat: Sand Dragon and Sandfish - Dakascus.

Tigerskin blowfish. It has toxins, but it still a delicacy.
Property: Poison

Find: Fishing - Valtessa, Posporia.
      Quest reward - Flaming Joker Fish.

A rock with numbing sensations. Feels good after a while.
Property: Def (M)

Find: Quest reward - Puni Research, Jumbo Steak (if repeated), Sorrow, oh Lake
Drop: Stone Soldier - Ishtar.

Silk collected from treasurebug cocoons. Durable and cheap.
Property: HP+ (S)

Find: Bags and boxes - Grimoire.
Drop: Caterpillar - Valtessa, Grimoire and Dakascus.
Shop: Souvenir Shop Peko, Posporia.

A bundle of animal furs. Feels great when rubbed.
Property: Speed+ (S)

Drop: Kobold - Valtessa, Posporia.
      Kobold Chieftain - Posporia.
      Kobold Fighter - Posporia.
      Kobold Guard - Posporia.
      Leopard - Valtessa, Posporia, Ishtar.

A huge fish with one horn. Its pitiful face makes you sad.
Property: Crit+ (L)

Find: Fishing - Valtessa.

Rich aromatic liquid so sweet that it can mess up your taste.
Property: Useless

Treat: Ancients - Ishtar, D.D.
       Dominion - Grimoire, Ishtar, D.D.
       Dryad - Posporia.
       Duke - Grimoire, D.D.
       Elder - Dakascus.
       Jewel Sprite - Dakascus.
       Leaf Sprite - Valtessa.
       Marquis - Grimoire.
       Orb - Dakascus, Ishtar, D.D.
       Power - Grimoire, Posporia, Ishtar.
       Sword Sprite - Grimoire.

Armor possessed by evil. It wanders aimlessly forever.
Property: Heavy

Find: No.
Drop: Vorpal Sword - Grimoire, D.D.
      Living Armor - Grimoire.

Mean on the bone. It looks appetizing, but don't drool.
Property: HP+ (S)

Drop: Bear - Valtessa, Posporia.
      Jagged Bear - Posporia.
      Nightwalker - Grimoire.
      Bird Rider - Dakascus.

An unrepairable weapon. It can only be used as scrap.
Property: Atk Spec

Find: Quest reward - Nearing Darkness.
Drop: Sword Sprite - Grimoire.
      Kobold Elite - Posporia, D.D.

A normal, worthless rock you can find anywhere.
Property: HIT +3

Find: Grass cutting - Valtessa.
      Bags - Posporia.
      Quest reward - Everyone's Dream.
Drop: Stone Puppet - N. Dakascus.

Wood chunks formed into a thin sheet, known as paper.
Property: Resist+ (S)

Find: Chest - Grimoire,
Shop: Rio Book Store, Zey Meruze.

B.  I N G R E D I E N T S :  C R A F T E D

Note that the recipe listed in your reference book shows the current
ingredients chosen to make that item (if there is an alternative). All recipes
show a circling red arrow to indicate alternative ingredients, and this is
shown here with a small "o".

An ingot of metal so hard that it will never break.
Property: Heavy

Original Recipe: Ingot
Items needed:  o Legien Ore/Canone Rock
                 Philosopher's Ash
                 Melty Spring Water

Find: Quest reward - Something Furry (x5)
Drop: Obsidian Beast - Ishtar.
      Obsidian Soldier - Ishtar

A holy ingot made by infusing powers into Magic Silver.
Property: Blessed Weapon

Original Recipe: Derived from Ingot
Items needed:  o Elemia Ore/Thunder Stone
                 Magic Silver Ingot
                 Holy Emblem

Mr. Penguin's recipe on how to fix the crystals.
Property: None

Original Recipe: Breath of Earth
Items needed:    Chrome Crystal

A holy stone with a clear light that can destroy evil.
Property: Exp Bonus

Original Recipe: Holy Stone
Items needed:  o Pendelook/Holy Emblem
                 Amethyst Flower
                 Chrome Crystal

Find: Chest - Under Grimoire.

The law of causality allow this slab to change time.
Property: Quick

Original Recipe: Magic Board
Items needed:    Magician's Book
                 Glansen Ore
                 Gravity Stone

A finely detailed, high quality silky piece of cloth.
Property: Resist+ (M)

Original Recipe: Derived from Cloth
Items needed:    Eiche
                 Glittering Thread

Find: Quest reward - The Holy Knight (x5)

Cheese made from fermenting Goat Milk. It stinks.
Property: None

Original Recipe: Fermentation
Items needed:    Goat Milk
                 Bitter Grape
               o Meruze Water/Zuftuff Water
                 Mysterious Seed

Find: Quest - Subcontract Work (x5)
Shop: From Bow to Wow, Posporia

Only one who masters alchemy can create this rare metal
Property: Useless

Original Recipe: Gold
Items needed:    Ruby Prism
                 Philosopher's Ash.

A metal blended with magic during its refining process.
Property: Autoheal+

Original Recipe: Derived from Ingot
Items needed:    Glansen Ore/Glacier Stone
                 Elemia Ore/Pendelook
                 Melty Spring Water

Find: Quest reward - Oblivion (x5), Dragon Slashing (x5)

A synthesising liquid whose success is unpredictable.
Property: Deadly Toxin

Original Recipe: Derived from Restorative Medicine
Items needed:    Poison Shroom
               o Meruze Water/Zuftuff Water/Goat Milk

Cheap piece of cloth. Snotty rich people call it rags.
Property: HP+ (S)

Original Recipe: Cloth
Items needed:  o Spinacherb/Gash Twig/Eiche
               o Tufts/Rainbow Feather
               o Meruze Water/Zuftuff Water/Melty Spring Water

Find: Chest - Zey.Meruze, Posporia.
      Quest reward - Researcher's Request (x3)
Shop: Rio Book Store, Zey.Meruze.
Drop: Lizard Lord - Dakascus

A holy stone with a divine glow. It can ward away evil.
Property: BP Bonus

Original Recipe: Derived from Holy Stone
Items needed:    Pendelook
                 Amethyst Flower
                 Chrome Crystal

Worthless ash. It is nothing, yet everything.
Property: Counter

Original Recipe: Common Dirt
Items needed:  o Flour/Polishing Powder
                 Worthless Stone
                 Meruze Water/Flour

A high quality piece of cloth made of Posporia Cotton.
Property: Guts

Original Recipe: Derived from Cloth
Items needed:  o Gash Twig/Eiche
                 Posporia Cotton
               o Tufts/Rainbow Feather

Find: Chests (2) - Squawk Village

A reverse Water of Lethe. It recovers lost memories
Property: None

Original Recipe: Derived from Water of Lethe
Items needed:    Water of Lethe
                 Medicine X
                 Cure Jar

The ultimate goal of alchemy. It can change matter.
Property: Atk Special

Original Recipe: Ruby Prism
Items needed:    Aroma Material
               o Brilliant Stone/Pentagle
                 Dragon Tongue

A treatment for hair loss. Individual results my vary.
Property: Shroom Power

Original Recipe: Derived from Fermentation
Items needed:  o Eicheloa/Poison Shroom/Fungushroom/Laughing Shroom
                 Bitter Grape
                 Melty Spring Water
                 Mysterious Seed.

No one knows how this works. It heats up after a while.
Property: Charge+ (M)

Original Recipe: Gearbox
Items needed:    Le Merou Cog
               o Eternal Turnkey/Directional Spring/Strange Slab
               o Legien Ore/Glansen Ore

Water from the river of Lethe. It can erase one's memory.
Property: None

Original Recipe: Water of Lethe
Items needed:    Nectar
                 Philosopher's Ash
                 Cure Jar

Pottery that looks nice, and is used as vases for flowers.
Property: None

Original Recipe: Pot
Items needed:    Philosopher's Ash
               o Meruze Water/Zuftuff Water

Drop: Clay Puppet - Ishtar


vi.  W E A P O N S ........................................................ E06


1. EDGE: Mechswords

2. NELL: Rapiers

3. IRIS  Staves

Element: Weapons are either Physical or Magic attack based, with additional
elemental power, or attacks which damage the five classes of monsters. These
are: Beast, Puni, Dragon, Unholy or Undead.

HP    : Health Points
ATK   : Physical Attack Power
M.ATK : Magic Attack Power
SPD   : Speed
DEF   : Defence
M. DEF: Magic Defence

Original Recipe : Base recipe from which the item is created, or derived.
Items Needed:     Ingredients required to make the item.

Find: The "Find" comments will tell you where you can find the weapon, if you
can. These found weapons will not have any Properties, and you have to craft
the weapon from a recipe in order to attach two properties.

1. E D G E ' S  W E A P O N S


The orthodox mechsword. 4xHIT
Element: Physical Attack

HP    : 0
ATK   : 12
M.ATK : 0
SPD   : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0

Original Recipe: Mechsword
Items Needed:  o Long Shaft/Burdock Straight/Long Pochy
               o Legion Ore/Glansen Ore/Chrome Crystal

The Pyre Blade with extra explosions. 2xHIT
Element: Physical, Flame

HP    : 0
ATK   : 30
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Enhanced Mechsword
Items Needed:  o 8 Directional Spring/Eternal Turnkey
               o Glansen Ore/Alchemic Metal/Pyre Blade
               o Meruze Water/Beast Fang/Puniball
               o Flame/Tera Flame

Sacrificed quantity for one quality hit. 1xHIT.
Element: Physical, Flame

HP    : 0
ATK   : 82
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Enhanced Mechsword
Items Needed:  o Strange Gearbox
               o Alchemic Metal/magic /Silver Ingot/Gear Blaze
               o Pentagle/Shroom Juice/Bucket Cookie
               o Flame/Tera Flame

Find: Chest Dakascus CV East

The blades turn like a chainsaw. 5xHIT
Element: Physical, Electricity

HP    : 0
ATK   : 25
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Multi Mechsword
Items Needed:  o 8 Directional Spring/Eternal Turnkey
               o Glansen Ore/Alchemic Metal/Pyre Blade
               o Monster Bone/Zuftuff Water/Shifty Eye
                 Wind Slicer

Evolutionary force of mechswords. 6xHIT
Element: Physical, Electricity

HP    : 0
ATK   : 66
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Multi Mechsword
Items Needed:    Strange Gearbox
               o Alchemic Metal/Magic Silver Ingot/Stratos Sword
               o Brilliant Stone/Vanilla Syrup/Black Liquid
                 Gauntlet of Artorium

Find: Quest reward - Balance of Nature.

A quality sword that Noella's lover used, 2xHIT
Element: Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 161
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Brogius
Items Needed:    Altena Ingot
               o Divine Shield/Star Prism/Moon Prism
               o Altena Soul/Pendelook/Glittering Thread/Blue Pearl

The best mechsword. Aka, mechanical god. 7xHIT.
Element: Physical, Ice

HP    : 0
ATK   : 181
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Ultimate Mechsword
Items Needed:    Brogius
               o Armed Gear/Sharkgill Sword
               o Altena Ingot/Gravity Stone

Sword made from the body of a Sharkgill. 3xHIT.
Element: Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 60
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Fish Sword
Items Needed:    Sharkgill
               o Beast Fang/Worn Weapon
               o Tiger Blowfish/Lake Fish/Joker Fish/Demon Squid
                 Strange Gearbox


A common battleaxe. Not for the weak. 1xHIT.
Element: Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 48
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Battleaxe
Items Needed:    Long Shaft
               o Legion Ore/Glansen Ore/Elemia Ore
                 Alchemic Metal

Find: Quest - Unseen Weep (enemy reward)

A halberd with a magic jewel. 3xHIT.
Element: Physical, Lightning

HP    : 0
ATK   : 61
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Magic Battleaxe
Items Needed:  o Monster Bone/Dragon Bone
               o Legien Ore/Alchemic Metal/Heavy Glaive
               o Chrome Crystal/Brilliant Stone/Pentagle
                 Shifty Eye

A halberd with a freezing aura. 3xHIT.
Element: Physical, Ice

HP    : 0
ATK   : 85
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Magic Battleaxe
Items Needed:  o Bomb Ice/Bomb Bomb Ice
               o Legien Ore/Alchemic Metal/Heavy Glaive
               o Eiche/Glacier Stone/Amethyst Flower/Rose
                 Posporia Cloth

A halberd of hell that spits poison. 2xHIT.
Element: Physical, Dragon Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 153
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Hades Axe
Items Needed:    Magic Silver Ingot
               o Alchemic Metal/Cyclops
               o Pendelook/Dragon Tongue/Fragment of Aion/Fungo Charm

God's battleaxe with a spiritual aura. 3xHIT
Element: Physical, Undead Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 149
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Holy Battleaxe
Items Needed:    Altena Ingot
               o Grand Viper/Ice Blade
               o Melty Spring Water/Brownie Mask
                 Medicine X

A mythical battleaxe of great powers. 1xHIT.
Element: Physical, Beast

HP    : 0
ATK   : 207
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Legendary Battleaxe
Items Needed:    Ruby Prism
               o Holy Halberd/Altena Ingot
               o Sibyl's Book/Necronomicon

Find: Quest reward - An Easy Request.



Weapon originated from the far east. 3xHIT.
Element: Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 21
M.ATK : 5
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 5

Original Recipe: Kunai
Items Needed:  o Legien Ore/Glansen Ore/Chronicle Slab
               o Zuftuff Water/Melty Spring Water
               o Polishing Powder/Black Liquid

Find: Quest - Echoes of the Castle, receive after the boss battle.

A Kunai that cuts wind on every swing. 5xHIT.
Element: Physical, Beast Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 25
M.ATK : 6
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 6
Original Recipe: Sharp Kunai
Items Needed:    Glansen Ore
               o Amethyst Flower/Kunai/Rose Thorn/Needle Candy
                 Polishing Powder

A red, curved Kunai drenched in evil. 4xHIT.
Element: Physical, Flame

HP    : 0
ATK   : 66
M.ATK : 17
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 17

Original Recipe: Magic Kunai
Items Needed:  o Worn Weapon/Chronicle Slab
               o Amethyst Flower/Wind Slicer
               o Medicine X/Beast Fang/Monster Bone
               o Polishing Powder/Black Liquid

Infused with the anger of the gods. 3xHIT.
Element: Physical, Lightning

HP    : 0
ATK   : 78
M.ATK : 39
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 20

Original Recipe: Derived from Magic Kunai
Items Needed:  o Thunder Rod/Lightning Rod
               o Amethyst Flower
               o Brilliant Stone
                 Gravity Stone

Find: Quest reward - Invisible Devils

A blade that changes the flow of time. 5xHIT.
Element: Physical, Unholy Slayer.

HP    :
ATK   : 95
M.ATK : 48
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 48

Original Recipe: Derived from Magic Kunai
Items Needed:    Chronicle Slab
               o Wind Slicer/Quickstrike Blade
               o Amethyst Flower/Canone Rock/Glacier Stone/Thunder Stone
                 Solomon's Key

Sweet candy that's been sharpened. 3xHIT
Element: Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 41
M.ATK : 10
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 10

Original Recipe: None
Drop: Kobold Ninja - Distorted Dimension
Find: Chest: Dakascus - CV East

A thorn of a rose. Painfully elegant. 4xHIT.
Element: Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 62
M.ATK : 31
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 16

Original Recipe: Derived from Kunai
Items Needed:    Rose
               o Zuftuff Water/Bitter Grape/Shroom Juice
                 Polishing Powder


A book of basics on magical powers. 3xHIT.
Element: Magic

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 50
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 25
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Magician's Book
Items Needed:    Zettel
               o Crystart/Chrome Crystal/Jawbreaker Candy
               o Tufts/Dragon Bone

A bound book of a psychic prophecy. 5xHIT.
Element: Magic, Ice

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 58
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 29
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Book of Prophecy
Items Needed:    Magician's Book
              o  Altena Soul/Brilliant Stone/Altena Ingot/Glittering Thread

A forbidden book about the dead. 3xHIT
Element: Magic, Lightning

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 105
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 53
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Demonic Book
Items Needed:    Magician's Book
               o Beast Fang/Shifty Eye/Monster Bone/Rainbow Feather

A locked book of some great king. 4xHIT.
Element: Magic, Flame

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 126
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 63
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Heaven's Book
Items Needed:    Magician's Book
               o Amethyst Flower/Pendelook/Pentagle
               o Canone Rock/Chaos Candy/Dragon Tongue

A book from before the world was born. 2xHIT
Element: Magic, Dragon Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 174
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 87
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Green Board
Items Needed:    Magician's Book
               o Zettel/Sibyl's Book/Necronomicon/Solomon's Key
               o Elemia Ore/Magic Silver Ingot/Blue Pearl/Philosopher's Ash

Bread shaped like a book. Very hard. 1xHIT.
Element: Magic

HP    : 0
ATK   : 200
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Cake
Items Needed:    Bitter Grape
                 Goat Cheese
               o Goat Milk/Concentrated Honey/Green Soup/Karotto Magasto
                 Chaos Candy



A stone that guards against disaster. 4xHIT.
Element: Magic, Unholy Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 14
M.ATK : 55
DEF   : 14
M. DEF: 14
SPD   : 14

Original Recipe: Magic Stone
Items Needed:  o Chrome Crystal/Amethyst Flower
                 Magic Silver Ingot

Find: Reward after defeating Fatebringer (Quest: They Only Walk Away)

A magical charm with an eternal flame. 3xHIT
Element: Magic, Undead Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 23
M.ATK : 90
DEF   : 23
M. DEF: 23
SPD   : 23

Original Recipe: Derived from Magic Stone
Items Needed:  o Pendelook/Talisman/Wind Slicer
                 Altena Ingot

An intricate charm with three gems. 1xHIT
Element: Magic, Flame

HP    : 0
ATK   : 15
M.ATK : 154
DEF   : 15
M. DEF: 15
SPD   : 15

Original Recipe: Legendary Stone
Items Needed:  o Altena Soul/Amulet/Fungo Charm/Silmarillion
               o Brilliant Stone/ Pentagle/Holy Emblem
                 Magic Silver Ingot
                 Gravity Stone

Find: Quest reward - Grow, Dear Youth (x1), Noella's Dinner (x3)

A stone with a lot of spiritual power.
Element: Magic, Lightning.

HP    : 0
ATK   : 56
M.ATK : 112
DEF   : 56
M. DEF: 56
SPD   : 56

Original Recipe: Derived from Silmarillion
Items Needed:    Silmarillion
               o Brilliant Stone/Pentagle/Holy Emblem
               o Magic Silver Ingot
               o Alberich/Elixir/Shining Grail

A mushroom's dreams and ambitions. 2xHIT
Element: Magic

HP    : 0
ATK   : 16
M.ATK : 62
DEF   : 16
M. DEF: 16
SPD   : 16

Original Recipe: Mushroom Charm
Items Needed:  o Chrome Crystal/Amethyst Flower/Amulet/Talisman
               o Eicheloa/Poison Shroom/Fungushroom/Mushroom Armor
               o Puni Gummy/Needle Candy/Philosopher's Ash/Worthless Stone
                 Blue Pearl

Find: Chest - Giant Tree, Posporia.

2. N E L L 'S  W E A P O N S


A thin sword that slashes and pierces. 3xHIT.
Element: Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 25
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 13
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Rapier
Items Needed:  o Legien Ore/Glansen Ore/Elemia Ore
               o Meruze Water/Polishing Powder/Shroom Juice
                 Melty Spring Water

A Puni-killer made by a Puni-hater. 4xHIT.
Element: Physical, Puni Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 34
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 17
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Rapier
Items Needed:  o Puniball/Puni Gummy
               o Slash Rapier/Philosopher's Ash
               o Melty Spring Water/Black Liquid

A spiral sword with magical blades. 3xHIT
Element: Physical, Undead Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 54
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 27
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Magic Rapier
Items Needed:  o Alchemic Metal
                 Magic Silver Ingot
               o Chrome Crystal/Slash Rapier/Unihorn Lance
               o Polishing Powder/Gash Twig/Goat Milk

Find: Chest - Ishtar 2nd Level Terrace N.

The secret spice is a hint of love. 5xHIT.
Element: Physical, Lightning

HP    : 0
ATK   : 64
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 32
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Magic Rapier
Items Needed:  o Concentrated Honey/Vanilla Syrup
                 Altena Ingot
               o Amethyst Flower/Slash Rapier/Punislayer
               o Monster Cookie/Puppy Paw Bonbon/Chaos Candy/Puni Gummy

Find: Quest reward - Love Letter

Very effective against beasts. 4xHIT.
Element: Physical, Beast Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 84
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 42
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Magic Rapier
Items Needed:  o Uni/Uninus Lifeform
                 Chronicle Slab
               o Glansen Ore/Slash Rapier/Punislayer
               o Tufts/Brownie Mask/Rainbow Feather

A sword that claims it can create peace.
Element: Physical, Unholy Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 120
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 60
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Ultimate Rapier
Items Needed:    Draken
                 Magic Silver Ingot
               o Brilliant Stone/Pentagle/Fungo Charm
               o Star Prism/Moon Prism

Find: Quest reward - Kidnapped Repre.



A spear made from a rapier. 1xHIT.
Element: Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 82
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Lance
Items Needed:  o Slash Rapier/Balmung/Heart Striker
               o Long Shaft/Burdock Straight/Long Pochy
               o Legien Ore/Glansen Ore/Elemia Ore/Gravity Stone
                 Melty Spring Water

A mech-spear with an explosive speed. 2xHIT.
Element: Physical, Flame

HP    : 99
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Lance
Items Needed:  o Lancelot/Draken
               o Long Shaft/Burdock Straight/Long Pochy
               o Flame/Tera Flame
               o Brilliant Stone/Pentangle

A spear capable of piercing a dragon. 3xHIT.
Element: Physical, Dragon Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 111
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Dragon Lance
Items Needed:    Altena Ingot
               o Long Shaft/Burdock Straight/Long Pochy
               o Dragon Bone/Dragon Tongue

Find: Chest - Ishtar, 3rd Level Terrace

A dragon striker with added speed. 5xHIT.
Element: Physical, Dragon Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 130
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Dragon Lance
Items Needed:    Peacemaker
               o Long Shaft/Lance Rocket/Draken
               o Dragon Bone/Dragon Tongue

Find: Quest reward - Grow, Dear Youth.

Nell's favourites. Still pretty strong. 1xHIT.
Element: Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 262
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Nell Lance
Items Needed:    Dragoneer
               o Heart Striker/Hunter Needle
               o Goat Milk/Black Liquid/Worn Weapon
                 Engage Ring

Unihorn's horn, made into a spear. 1xHIT.
Element: Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 154
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Unihorn Lance
Items Needed:    Unihorn
               o Bonita/Joker Fish/Scallop/Tiger Blowfish
                 Altena Ingot


A broom with witch-like decorations 2xHIT
Element: Magic, Ice

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 30
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 8
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Broom
Items Needed:  o Canone Rock/Chrome Crystal
               o Long Shaft/Long Pochy/Alchemist Staff
               o Eiche/Gash Twig

Find: Received after Quest - Monster Puppeteer.

A pro mage staff with a gem on top. 3xHIT>
Element: Magic, Flame

HP    :
ATK   :
M.ATK : 34
DEF   :
M. DEF: 9
SPD   :
Original Recipe: Witch Staff
Items Needed:  o Alchemic Metal
               o Amethyst Flower/Pendelook/Pentangle
               o Burdock Straight/Witch Staff
                 Brilliant Stone

Find: Chest - Dakascus, CV East

A staff that some wise guy designed. 2xHIT.
Element: Magic

HP    :
ATK   :
M.ATK : 54
DEF   :
M. DEF: 14
SPD   :
Original Recipe: Derived from Witch Staff
Items Needed:  o Eiche/Gash Twig
               o Magic Silver Ingot/Altena Ingot
               o Long Shaft/Gurgu's Cane

A pretty broom with a prismatic glow. 4xHIT.
Element: Magic, Ice

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 64
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 16
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Broom
Items Needed:    Moon Prism
              o  Burdock Straight/Long Podny/Gurgu's Cane/Hermes Staff
              o  Eiche/Gash Twig/Glacier Stone

Find: chest - Grimoire 2F South Corridor.

A young twig of the World Tree. 6xHIT.
Element: Magic

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 95
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 48
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: World Tree Twig
Items Needed:    Baba Yaga
                 Philosopher's Ash
                 Shroom Juice


A huge, cute looking bell. Fun to jungle. 3xHIT.
Element: Physical, Lightning

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 40
DEF   : 20
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Magic Bell
Items Needed:    Alchemic Metal
               o Meruze Water/Zuftuff Water/Metly Spring Water
               o Polishing Powder/Altena Soul/Black Liquid

Find: Defeat Canicon and Musica for Siren Mana and receive this weapon.

A bell careved from a clear crystal. 5xHIT.
Element: Magic

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 51
DEF   : 26
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Magic Bell
Items Needed:    Blue Pearl
               o Alchemic Metal/Funnybell/Jyoys
               o Worthless Stone/Dragon Tongue

Find: Chest in Grimoire 2F South after activating Castle Switch.

The bell to announce death and birth. 4xHIT.
Element: Magic, Unholy Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 80
DEF   : 40
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Gong
Items Needed:  o Altena Soul/Pendelook
               o Alchemic Metal/Funnybell
               o Beast Fang/Monster Bone/Shifty Eye

It brings forth the end of the world. 6xHIT.
Element: Magic, Lightning

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 97
DEF   : 49
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Doomsday Bell
Items Needed:    Thunder Caller
                 Phelios Globe
               o Alchemic Crystal/Jyoya/Graver Bell/Funnybell
                 Thunder Stone

A bouquet of Huffin Blossoms. 4xHIT
Element: Magic

Recipe: Bouquet
HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 34
DEF   : 17
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Bouquet
Items Needed:    Huffin Blossom
               o Zettel/Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cloth


A doll made from Fairy clothes. 3xHIT.
Element: Physical

HP    : 27
ATK   : 54
DEF   :
SPD   :
Original Recipe: Doll
Items Needed:  o Fairy Clothes/Black Fairy Clothes
               o Eiche/Gash Twig

A doll that walks around at night. 2xHIT.
Element: Physical, Puni Slayer

HP    : 39
ATK   : 77
DEF   :
SPD   :
Original Recipe: Hyper Doll
Items Needed:  o Horseman Outfit/Rising Sun
               o Eternal Turnkey/8 Directional Spring/Automata
               o Alchemic Metal/Altena Ingot/Shroom Juice
                 Strange Gearbox

A crimson Automata, three times better. 4xHIT.
Element: Physical

HP    : 59
ATK   : 89
DEF   :
SPD   : 45
Original Recipe: Derived from Hyper Doll
Items Needed:    Red Powderpuff
               o Eternal Turnkey/8 Directional Spring/Automata/Chrysanthemum
               o Brilliant Stone/Pentagle/Holy Emblem
                 Gravity Stone

Performance pursued, looks ignored. 3xHIT.
Element: Physical, Unholy Slayer

HP    : 80
ATK   : 120
DEF   :
SPD   :
Original Recipe: Doll of Death
Items Needed: o  Metamorabbit/Kuma Outfit
                 Lightning Rod
               o Strange Gearbox/Mark II
               o Chatter Flower/Apple of Youth/Seaform Fishruin

A hero of the ocean. Fish powers united. 2xHIT.
Element: Physical, Lightning

HP    : 49
ATK   : 98
DEF   :
SPD   :
Original Recipe: Merdoll
Items Needed:    King Tuna
               o Strange Slab/Automata/Chrysanthemum Puppet
               o Lake Fish/Balloon Octopus/Sharkgill/Demon Squid
                 Water of Lethe

An ultimate robot with a mechsword. 5xHIT.
Element: Physical, Flame

HP    : 130
ATK   : 130
DEF   :
SPD   :
Original Recipe: Borot
Items Needed:    Wandering Armor
                 Hell Doll
               o Pyre Blade/Armed Gear/Impulser

Find: Quest reward for Curious Treasure.

3. I R I S 'S  W E A P O N S


A traditional staff of alchemists. 3xHIT
Element: Magic

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 8
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Alchemic Cane
Items Needed:  o Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cloth
               o Gash Twig/Eiche/Burdock Straight
                 Legien Ore

A staff with a huge iron ball. 1xHIT
Element: Physical attack, Puni Slayer

HP    : 0
ATK   : 56
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Alchemic Cane
Items Needed:    Uni
               o Long Shaft/Long Pochy
               o Legien Ore/Glansen Ore

A staff with two intertwining snakes. 4xHIT
Element: Magic, Fire

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 38
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Medium Alchemy Staff
Items Needed:  o Long Shaft/Alchemist Staff/Crushing Empress/Witch Staff/
               o Chrome Crystal/Amethyst Flower/Glacier Stone
                 Melty Spring Water
                 Posporia Cloth

Find: Chest - Valtessa Depths.

The staff loved by Hermes, the mage. 5xHIT.
Element: Magic, Ice

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 66
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Medium Alchemy Staff
Items Needed:  o Skirmir's Staff/Caduceus
               o Pentagle/Blue Pearl/Glacier Stone
                 Rainbow Feather
                 Magic Silver Ingot

An Alchemist Staff with pure aura. 3xHIT.
Element: Magic, Lightning

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 56
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Expert Alchemy Staff
Items Needed:  o Caduceus/Bucket Cookie
               o Long Staff/Burdock Straight/Alchemist Staff
               o Altena Soul/Holy Emblem/Thunder Stone

Any great alchemist has used this once. 8xHIT
Element: Magic, Flame

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 75
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Astral Staff
Items Needed:  o Long Shaft/Hermes Staff
                 Star Prism
                 Moon Prism
               o Canone Rock/Crystart/Worn Weapon

A legendary staff in the creation myth. 5xHIT.
Element: Magic, Lightning

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 106
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Staff of Creation
Items Needed:    Gold
               o Long Pochy/Astral Cane/Baba Yaga
               o Diamond Dust/Hellfire

A staff, not house made of sweets. 3xHIT.
Element: Magic

HP    : 0
ATK   : 77
M.ATK : 83
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Snack Staff
Items Needed:    Long Pochy
                 Unipuni Pudding
               o Monster Cookie/Crystart/Chaos Candy/Taiyaki
               o Goat Milk/Concentrated Honey/Vanilla Syrup

Find: Quest reward - New Type Sweets.

A mech-staff with a glowing ball. 3xHIT.
Element: Magic, Ice

HP    : 0
ATK   : 40
M.ATK : 20
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Mechanical Staff
Items Needed:    Long Shaft
               o Eternal Turnkey/Le Merou Cog
               o 8 Directional Spring/Strange Slab


vii.  A R M O U R  ........................................................ E07


E D G E  A N D  N E L L
Light armor that covers the chest and shoulder.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 18
M. DEF: 10
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: None
Items Needed: None

Light upper body armor reinforced with metal plates
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 31
M. DEF: 17
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe:  Light Armor
Items Needed:   o Alchemic Metal
                o Bear Pelt/Leather Cuirass
                o Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cotton
                o Eiche/Gash Twig

Armor made of metals that reacts to spititual power.
Element: Resists Status Effects

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 51
M. DEF: 48
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Light Armor
Items Needed:    Magic Silver Ingot
               o Bear Pelt/Leather Cuirass/Metal Hauberk
                 Melty Spring Water
               o Treasurebug Silk/Posporia Cotton/Glittering Thread

Find: Quest reward - Unsatisfied Beastmen

Traditional clothing worn by the Kuma. Very warm.
Element: Ice

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 40
M. DEF: 26
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Costume
Items Needed:    Bear Pelt
               o Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cotton
               o Puppy Paw Bonbon/Paw Gloves

Find: Chest - Posporia: Kuma Village.

I R I S  A N D  N E L L
A thin leotard that is dangerous in very way
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 23
M. DEF: 74
SPD   : 39

Original Recipe: None
Items Needed: None
Drop: Elder - Dakascus
Shop: Woofgang Merchant, Ishtar

Thinness to the extreme. Barely even a leotard
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 18
M. DEF: 56
SPD   : 30

Original Recipe: None
Items Needed: None
Drop: Ancients - Ishtar, D.D.

The outfit for dealers who bet billions in a night.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 23
M. DEF: 30
SPD   : 36

Original Recipe: None
Items Needed: None

Find: Field Bonus reward for 7000 points, Posporia.

Clothes worn by Fairies. A popular souvenir.
Element: None

Recipe: 0
HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 8
DEF   : 11
M. DEF: 13
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Fairy Clothes
Items Needed:  o Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cloth
                 Fairy Hat
               o Treasurebug Silk/Glittering Thread

Clothes worn by the rumoured Black Fairy. Increases speed.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 26
DEF   : 6
M. DEF: 22
SPD   : 20

Original Recipe: Derived from Fairy Clothes
Items Needed:    Fairy Clothes
                 Black Hat
               o Concentrated Honey/Goat Milk/Shroom Juice

A thorny outfit covered in roses. Proudly painful.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 25
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 23
M. DEF: 27
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Dress
Items Needed:    Rose
               o Red Powerpuff/Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cloth
               o Chrome Crystal/Blue Pearl/Brilliant Stone/Pentagle
                 Devil's Panties

The costume for an angel of the battlefield.
Element: Resists Status Effects

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 26
M. DEF: 63
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Dress
Items Needed:    Posporia Cotton
               o White Separates/Heaven's Feel/Formal Fabric
               o Chrome Crystal/Blue Pearl/Brilliant Stone/Pentagle
               o X Heal/ Heal All

An outfit made from an image of some far east country.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 98
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Japanese Outfit
Items Needed:  o Arabesque Stole/Formal Stole
               o Tufts/Bitter Grape
                 Formal Fabric

A freshly baked warm bikini made of bread.
Element: Weak to physical attacks

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 29
DEF   : 20
M. DEF: 16
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Bread Bikini
Items Needed:    Zufttuff Water
               o Flour/Salt
               o Puppy Paw Bonbon/Monster Cookie/Puni Gummy
               o Treasurebug Silk/Glittering Thread

A sexy bikini that covers the bare minimum.
Element: Double Resist Magic, Weak to Physical Attacks

HP    : 0
ATK   : 51
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 22
M. DEF: 43
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Fish Bikini
Items Needed:    Scallop
               o Blue Pearl/Posporia Cotton/Huffin Blossom
               o Treasurebug Silk/Glittering Thread

Adventurers' outfit for Mistlifters. Edge likes it too
Element: None
HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 11
M. DEF: 5
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Adventurer's Clothing
Items Needed:  o Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cloth
               o Treasurebug Silk/Glittering Thread/Chain of Gleignir
               o Legien Ore/Canone Rock/Glacier Stone/Thunder Stone

Light armor with metal support. Maintains agility.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 24
M. DEF: 13
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Adventurer's Clothing
Items Needed:    Glansen Ore
               o Treasurebug Silk/Mist Armor
               o Legien Ore/Elemia Ore

Light mechanical armor with added superiority.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 68
M. DEF: 27
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Light Armor
Items Needed:    Strange Gearbox
               o Silver Cuirass/Mist Plate
                 Black Liquid
               o Le Merou Cog/Strange Slab

Black magical armor with powers of the dragons
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 61
DEF   : 61
M. DEF: 64
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Magic Armor
Items Needed:  o Mist Plate/Gear Melze 1
               o Beast Fang/Dragon Bone/Dragon Tongue
               o Altena Soul/Posporia Cotton/Black Liquid
               o Altena Ingot

A silvery white, holy Estvanguard.
Element: None

HP    : 35
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 113
M. DEF: 52
SPD   : 35

Original Recipe: Derived from Estevanguard
Items Needed:    Estevanguard
               o Brilliant Stone/Pentagle/Chronicle Slab
                 Medicine X
                 Shining Grail

Find: Quest Reward - Memory Calls.

Overalls worn by men who don't walk the normal path.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 13
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 32
M. DEF: 15
SPD   : 13

Original Recipe: Men's Clothing
Items Needed:    Black Fairy Clothes
               o Frontier Headband/Eiche/Bitter Grape
               o Black Belt/Holy Emblem/Brilliant Stone
               o Altena Soul/Holy Emblem/Brilliant Stone

A fighting man's outfit, soaked in blood and sweat.
Element: None

HP    : 43
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 71
M. DEF: 43
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Men's Clothing
Items Needed:    Formal Fabric
               o Estevanguard/Crown Breastplate/Funky Overalls
                 Water of Lethe
               o Mushroom Armor/Laughing Shroom

A costume made by carving out a huge mushroom.
Element: Resists Status Effects

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 19
M. DEF: 35
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Shroom Armor
Items Needed:    Fungushroom
                 Wandering Hero

A red adventurers' outfit for girls.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 20
M. DEF: 25
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Nell's Clothes
Items Needed:  o Puppy Paw Bonbon/Paw Clothes
                 Chrome Crystal
               o Bear Pelt/Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cloth

Black underwear that tickles a man's inner desires.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 13
DEF   : 13
M. DEF: 26
SPD   : 13

Original Recipe: None
Items Needed: None

Find: Quest reward - Helping Make Dinner.
      Chest - Ishtar.
Drop: Duke - Grimoire, Distorted Dimension.
      Marquis - Grimoire
Shop: General Nethershop, Beastmen Quarters

A sweet aromatic Powerpuff. popular among girls.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 36
M. DEF: 36
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Cute Clothes
Items Needed:  o Red Powerpuff
               o Fairy Clothes/Fairy Hat
               o Concentrated Honey/Vanilla Syrup

A very black bustier that'll remind you of a fair lady.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 17
DEF   : 41
M. DEF: 41
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Cute Clothes
Items Needed:  o Fairy Clothes/Black Fairy Clothes/Nicro Cloth
               o Ravissan/Horseman Outfit
               o Pendelook/Pentagle

Light armor for girls.
Element: Resist Physical Attack

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Light Armor
Items Needed:    Angel Wings
               o Silver Cuirass/Ravissan
                 Vanilla Syrup
               o Monster Cookie/Jawbreaker Candy

A white elegant bustier for the noble lady.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 37
DEF   : 61
M. DEF: 61
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Ladies Clothes
Items Needed:    Black Bustier
                 Huffin Blossom
               o Elemia Ore/Magic Silver Ingot
               o Feather Flow/Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cotton/Formal Fabric

Find: Chest - Ishtar, 3rd Level Terrace in room before Sword Hill.

Yula's favourite armour. Splendid performance.
Element: Fire Resist

HP    : 0
ATK   : 60
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 72
M. DEF: 64
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Ladies Clothes
Items Needed:    Heaven's Feel
                 Altena Ingot
                 Red Powerpuff

All girls dream of becoming an idol once in their life.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 54
M. DEF: 54
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Risque Outfit
Items Needed:  o Devil Panties/Angel's Slip
                 White Separates
               o Bouquet/Bread Bikini
                 Fairy Hat

A rabbit costume surrounded by mysterious magic.
Element: Ice Resist

HP    : 37
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 19
M. DEF: 93
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Costume
Items Needed:  o White Separates/Idol Costume
               o Puppy Paw Bonbon/Paw Gloves
                 Formal Fabric

You'll need courage to war this bunnysuit in public.
Element: Double resist magic, Weak to blue man

HP    : 52
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 39
M. DEF: 39
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Risque Outfit
Items Needed:    Thin Leotard
                 Formal Fabric
                 Bunny Ears

A white, simple outfit worn by Iris
Element: Resists status effects
HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 5
M. DEF: 11
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Iris Clothes
Items Needed:  o Treasurebug Silk
               o Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cloth

An unacceptable skip for both the wearer and the viewer.
Element: Ice Resist
HP    : 33
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 27
M. DEF: 39
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: None
Items Needed: None
Drop: Dominion - Grimoire, Ishtar, Distorted Dimension.
      Power - Grimoire, Posporia, Ishtar
Shop: General Nethershop, Beastmen's Quarter

A black cape you can even wear for formal occasions.
Element: None
HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 11
M. DEF: 19
SPD   : 4

Original Recipe: Stole
Items Needed:    Tufts
               o Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cloth
               o Gash Twig/Eiche/Eicheloa

A hand woven arabesque patterned piece of cloth.
Element: None
HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 20
M. DEF: 24
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Stole
Items Needed:  o Spinacherb/Fairy Hat/Fairy Clothes
               o Raven Cape/Treasurebug Silk/Glittering Thread/Posporia Cloth
                 Chrome Crystal

A wine red stole coloured with grape juice dye.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 48
M. DEF: 63
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Stole
Items Needed:    Bitter Grape
                 Arabesque Stole
                 Formal Fabric

A purple two piece outfit that is blessed with magic.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 20
DEF   : 24
M. DEF: 25
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Holy Clothing
Items Needed:  o White Separates/Gold
               o Amethyst Flower/Huffin Blossom/Jawbreaker Candy
               o Pentagle/Brilliant Stone
                 Posporia Cloth

A saint's outfit with a blessed coin on the chest
Element: Special and Magic

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 100
M. DEF: 100
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Violetta
Items Needed:    Gold
               o Violetta/Formal Fabric
               o Blue Pearl/Glittering Thread
                 Angel Wings

Traditional outfit of the east, worn on sacred occasions.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 60
M. DEF: 65
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Japanese Outfit
Items Needed   : Horseman Outfit
                 Formal Fabric
                 Water of Lethe

A legendary female alchemist's outfit.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 56
DEF   : 52
M. DEF: 54
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Robe
Items Needed:  o Fairy Clothes/Black Fairy Clothes/This Leotard/????
               o Violetta/Bear Pelt
                 Moon Prism

A french maid outfit that somehow attracts attention.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 38
M. DEF: 47
SPD   : 19

Original Recipe: Derived from Dress
Items Needed:    Amethyst Flower
                 Chrome Crystal
                 Angel's Slip

Find: Chest - Ishtar, First Level Terrace.

A dress for ladies, blessed with future happiness and joy.
Element: Double resist Special Skills

HP    : 56
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 57
M. DEF: 46
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Dress
Items Needed:    Huffin Blossom
                 White Separates
                 Chrome Crystal
                 Engage Ring

A thin, see-through robe used by holy maidens for flight.
Element: Double resists fire and ice
HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 13
M. DEF: 44
SPD   : 50

Original Recipe: Derived from Robe
Items Needed:  o Thin Leotard/Ultra-Thin Leotard
                 Formal Stole
                 Chain of Gleipnir


viii.  A C C E S S O R I E S ...........................................,. E08


These are listed in alphabetical order to make it easier to find information
about the one you might want. All Accessories can be equipped by everyone.
You can craft them to receive a variety of properties depending on which
ingredients you use, but if you find or buy one of these items it will have no
set properties.

An angel-wing shaped object which repels disasters.
Element: Double Resist Special Skills

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Angel Wing
Items Needed:    Gravity Stone
               o Tufts/Rainbow Feather/Glittering Thread
                 Holy Emblem

A rock with healing powers made from high level alchemy.
Element: Double Resists Status Effects

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Aroma Material
Items Needed:    Brilliant Stone
                 Healing Bracelet

This cane guards the wielder from pain. CS: Refresh.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Derived from Cane
Items Needed:    Star Prism
               o Shifty Eye/Dragon Bone
                 Amethyst Flower

A black belt that proves mastery of a martial art.
Element: Resist Physical

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: -100
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Derived from Cloth Accessories
Items Needed:    Black Liquid
                 Posporia Cloth
               o Huffin Blossom/Rainbow Flower

Find: Chest - Valtessa, Forest Depths.

A hat that's been across the deadline many times.
Element: Resists Special Skills

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Hat
Items Needed:    Black Liquid
               o Huffin/Rainbow Feather

Find: Quest reward - Beautiful Roses (x2).
      Chest - Valtessa Depths, Posporia (Kuma Village)
Shop: Antique Shop Gee, Grimoire

Rabbit ears. You can hear distant voices with this!
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 25

Original Recipe: Derived from Black Hat
Items Needed:    Alberich
               o Tufts/Fairy Hat/Rainbow Feather

Find: Quest reward - Your Love.

A cursed chain that ties down the wolf of the netherworld.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 50
M.ATK : 50
DEF   : 50
M. DEF: 50
SPD   : -50

Original Recipe: Gleipnirs Chains
Items Needed:    Formal Fabric
               o Salt/Holy Emblem
               o Goat Milk/Concentrated Honey

Find: Quest reward - Subcontract Again (x1/3 - variable)

Woven from thorns of the tundras of hell. CS: Nightmare.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Crown of Thorns
Items Needed:    Silver Frost Ring
                 Water of Lethe
                 Voodoo Doll
                 Athena Ingot

Glasses that show you the enemy's vital points
Element: None

HP    : 50
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Glasses
Items Needed:    Moon Prism
               o Magic Silver Ingot
               o Altena Soul

A sealed pot that is never to be opened. CS: Calamity.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Demon's Bottle
Items Needed:    X-Jar
                 Beast Fang
                 Shifty Eye

Ice crystals trapped inside a stone. CS: Blizzard.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Diamond Dust
Items Needed:    Ice Bangle
                 Bomb Bomb Ice
                 Blue Pearl

A ring for lovers now their eternity. CS:Bless.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Engagement Ring
Items Needed:    Healing Bracelet
                 Brilliant Stone
                 Altena Ingot
                 Polishing Powder

A fancy cane with a fairy on top. CS Cure
Element: -None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Cane
Items Needed:    Gash Twig
               o Spinacherb/Poison Shroom/Laughing Shroom
               o Fairy Hat/Fairy Clothes/Black Fairy Clothes

Shop: Souvenir Shop Peko, Posporia

A burning bangle enveloped in fire. CS: Hell Wave.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Bangle
Items Needed:    Flame Ring
                 Brilliant Stone
                 Canone Rock

Shop: Woofgang Merchant, Ishtar

A fiery ring with a magical fire stone. CS: Flame Gaze
Element: -

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Ring
Items Needed:  o Flame/Tera Flame
               o Canone Rock/Puni Gummy
                 Legien Ore

Shop: Souvenir Shop Peko: Peko's Souvenirs - Fairy Fort, Posporia.

A card signed with the grateful words of adventurer Flon.
Element: Resists Magic

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : -100
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Mysterious Card
Items Needed:  o Strange Slab/Chronicle Slab
                 Mysterious Seed

A headband that gives courage to go beyond frontiers.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 25
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Cloth Accessories
Items Needed:    Bitter Grape
                 Formal Fabric
               o Huffin Blossom/Posporia Cotton

Shop: Penn's Discounts, Dakascus

A silver gauntlet of the Holy Knights of Arthur.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 25
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Derived from Gauntlet
Items Needed:    Altena Ingot
               o Philosopher's Ash/Glansen Ore
               o Pendelook/Gravity Stone

Find: Chest - Giant Tree, Posporia

Revival power lies in the bracelet. CS Raise
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Jewelcraft
Items Needed:    Nectar
               o Goat Milk/Vanilla Syrup

A pagan charm with recovery powers. CS:Healing.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Jewelcraft
Items Needed:    Healing Necklace
               o Chrome Crystal/ Rainbow Feather
                 Althena Soul

Find: Quest reward - Furry Magician.
     Chest - Valtessa

A pagan charm with recovery powers. CS: Healing.
Element: -

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Jewelcraft
Items Needed:    Heal Jar
               o Legien Ore.Elemia Ore/Glacier Stone/Chrome Crystal
                 Melty Spring Water

Healing powers are infused in the gem. CS: Heal All.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Jewelcraft
Items Needed:  o Super Nectar/Elixir/Shining Grail
               o Philosopher's Ash/Jawbreaker Candy/Gravity Stone/Healing Ankh
                 Melty Spring Water

NOTE: this is used in some key recipes so take care to get all the Super
Nectar/Elixir and Shining Grail you can, and don't use them for healing!

A pot overflowing with boiling magna. CS. Tera Flame.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Hellfire
Items Needed:    Flame Bangle
                 Altena Ingot
                 Melty Spring Water

A frozen bangle that chills your body. CS Ice Volley.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Bangle
Items Needed:    Ice Ring
               o Glacier Stone/Glansen Ore
               o Jawbreaker Candy/Monster Cookie

A frosty ring with a magical ice stone. CS Ice Storm
Element: -

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Derived from Ring
Items Needed:  o Bomb Ice/Bomb Bomb Ice
               o Glacier Stone/Chaos Candy/Elemia Ore
                 Glansen Ore

Find: Quest Reward - Beautiful Queen
Shop: Penn's Discounts, Dakascus

Needed to pass the gates of heaven. CS: Heaven's Gate.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Heaven's Key
Items Needed:  o Holy Emblem/Altena Ingot
                 Apple of Youth
                 Polishing Powder

A light that bears an eternal flame. CS Flame Rain.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Magic Lantern
Items Needed:    Flame Ring
               o Alchemic Metal/Magic Silver Ingot

A cool invention for typhoon making. CS: Tornado.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Electric Fan
Items Needed:    Strange Slab
                 Strange Gearbox
                 Chrome Crystal

A cool invention for hurricane making. CS: Tempest
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Electric Fan
Items Needed:    M-type Auto Fan
                 Strange Gearbox
                 Gravity Stone

A paw shaped glove that's just irresistibly soft.
Element: -

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 15
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0
Original Recipe: Cloth Accessories
Items Needed:    Puppy Paw Bonbon
               o Nicro Cloth/Posporia Cloth
               o Huffin Blossom/Posporia Cotton

Find: Chest - Zey Meruze

A globe that summons stellar clusters. CS: Meteor.

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Stellar Rune
Items Needed: Globe
            o Star Prism/Moon Prsim
            o Magician's Book/Sibyl's Book

A ring with icicles inside the gem. CS: Mind Bomb.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Ring
Items Needed:    Ice Ring
               o Chrome Crystal/Crystart/Gravity Stone
                 Alchemic Metal

A defensive shield of Ajax the Great.
Element: Resists Ice

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Legendary Shield
Items Needed:    Shield of Gargol
                 Blue Pearl
               o Worn Weapon/Brownie Mask

A shield made from polishing an old metal mirror.
Element: Resists Fire

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Legendary Shield
Items Needed:  o Divine Shield/Misty Curtain
                 Blue Pearl
               o Altena Soul/Crystart

A dangerous glove with poisonous thorns.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 15
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Gauntlet
Items Needed:    Rose Thorn
               o Philosopher's Ash/Glansen Ore
               o Poison Shroom/Tiger Blowfish

Find: Chest - Ishtar, First Level Terrace.

A tingly bangle that can numb your soul. CS: Plasma Ray.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Bangle
Items Needed:    Thunder Ring
                 Altena Ingot
               o Thunder Stone/Glansen Ore
               o Chaos Candy/Huffin Blossom

A box that summons thunderclouds. CS Vortex.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Thunder Summoner
Items Needed:    Thunder Rod
                 M-type Pea Typhoon
                 Strange Gearbox
               o Eternal Turnkey/Le Merou Cog

A sparking ring with a thunder stone. CS: Lightning.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Ring
Items Needed:  o Lightning Rod/Thunder Rod
               o Thunder Stone/Jawbreaker Candy/Glittering Thread
                 Alchemic Metal

Shop: Woofgang Merchant, Ishtar

A magical tarot card that makes you a fortune teller.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 25
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Mysterious Card
Items Needed:    Magician's Book
                 Mysterious Seed

Find: Chest - Grimoire

A fugly-cute doll that mutters words. CS: Death Sphere.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Derived from Cursed Doll
Items Needed:    Voodoo Doll
                 Chatter Flower

The doll to punch when you're mad. CS Half.
Element: None

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Cursed Doll
Items Needed:    Treasurebug Silk
                 Brownie Mask

A boot with wings that'll make you feel lighter.
Element: Resists Lightning.

HP    : 0
ATK   : 0
M.ATK : 0
DEF   : 0
M. DEF: 0
SPD   : 0

Original Recipe: Shoes
Items Needed:    Boot
                 Chronicle Slab
                 Rainbow Feather/Gravity Stone

Find: Chest - Ishtar.


ix.  C H A R A C T E R  S K I L L S  A N D  B L A D E S....................E09


Be aware that some of these skills use up items. You can check how many you
have on the skills menu for the character when they are equipped with the
relevant Blade. Edge and Nell use Blades and have five possible Blades each,
although four of these can only be accessed once Iris has made a pact with the
appropriate Mana. You can ONLY change Blades in the Workshop, and in the final
dungeon, the Distorted Dimension.

Blades will level up when you gain Blade Points from fighting battles. They
start with the first (Level One) skill and every Blade has five levels. Every
Blade has specialised weapons and these are not interchangeable, although you
can change the weapon for that particular Blade when in the field.

E D G E 'S  B L A D E S

NORMAL: Edge's standard combat outfit. Skills are useful for Burst Chains.
SKILL            | EFFECT                   | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Pyre Bunker      | Fire                     | Phy/Fire | One    |  1   | 5/8
Windmill         | Physical                 | Physical | One x3 |  1   | 5/8
Buster Drive     | Physical, Charge Undead  | Phy/Und  | Area S |  2   | 5/8
Chain Digger     | Damage based on Chain no.| Physical | One    |  1   | 2/8
Cross Rain       | Physical                 | Physical | One x4 |  3   | 3/8

JIPTUS: Specialises in attack power. Most effective against single targets.
SKILL            | EFFECT                   | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Create Life      | List Skill: Summon Undead| Physical | -      | -    | 8/8
* Bone Bites     | Physical                 | -        | One    |  1   | 6/8
* Zombie Rain    | Special, Poison          | Phy/Stat | Area L |  1   | 5.8
* Cursed Dragon  | Special, Curse           | Phy/Stat | All    |  1   | 5/8
* Death Call     | Physical                 | Physical | One x3 |  2   | 5/8
* Resurrection   | Resurrection, Cure Status| Magic    | Allies |  2   | 4/8
Soul Eater       | Drain HP                 | Physical | One    |  3   | 6/8
Ark Coffin       | Coffin + Fire weakness   | Status   | One    |  1   | 7/8
Crazed Burial    | Instantly kills coffin   | Special  | All    |  1   | 7/8
Soul Burst       | Phys., depends on gauge  | Physical | One    | -    | 3/8

* NOTE: All "Create Life" Skills use items:
BONE BITES: Useable Item - Beast Fang 1
ZOMBIE RAIN: Useable Item - Puniball 1
CURSED DRAGON: Useable Item - Dragon Bone 1
DEATH CALL: Useable Item - Monster Bone 1
RESURRECTION: Useable Item - Fragment of Aion 1

PLUA: Specialises in speed. An all-rounder depending on equipment.
SKILL            | EFFECT                   | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Blink Attack     | Phys: consecutive turns  | Physical | One    |  2   | 7/8
Phantom Shift    | Null attack. (Auto)      | -        | Self   |  0   | 8/8
Personal Call    | Split (Add turn)         | Magic    | Self   |  1   | 7/8
Dancing Edge     | Physical                 | Physical | All    |  5   | 1/8
Illusion Edge    | Physical                 | Physical | One    |  3   | 4/8

LUPLUS: Magic specialised Blades, with useful time effects.
SKILL            | EFFECT                   | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Time Refresh     | Erase Time Skills        | Magic    | All    |  2   | 6/8
Mesmerize        | Special: Sleep           | Special  | One    |  0   | 7/8
Time Quake       | Magic, Decrease Mag. Def | Magic    | Area L |  2   | 5/8
Slow             | Slow. Increase wait time | Magic    | One    |  1   | 5/8
Cosmic Dance     | Magic. Knockback         | Magic    | All    |  3   | 3/8

FANATOS: Boosts all stats except speed. Also allows self recovery.
SKILL            | EFFECT                   | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Reincarnation    | Auto resurrect. Mag Boost| -        | Self   |  0   | 8/8
Grateful Pain    | Physical                 | Physical | Side   |  1   | 5/8
Shadow's End     | Damage depends on HP     | Magic    | One    |  2   | 5/8
Sacrifice        | Full recovery/damage self| Physical | Allies |  2   | 8/8
Godly Beam       | Magic. Attack Power down | Magic    | All    |  3   | 3/8

N E L L 'S  B L A D E S

NORMAL: Nell's standard combat outfit. Skills are easy to use.
SKILL            | EFFECT                   | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Armor Piercing   | Ignore Defense           | Physical | Area M |  1   | 6/8
Quick Panther    | Physical                 | Physical | One    |  1   | 7/8
Break Slash      | Physical. Knockback      | Physical | One    |  1   | 6/8
Life Convert     | HP Convert to Skill Gauge| Special  | Self   |  0   | 6/8
Ein Zecksclaw    | Physical. High Critical  | Physical | One    |  3   | 4/8

DIEMIA: Good defense and can do strong physical damage.
SKILL            | EFFECT                   | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Armor Break      | Physical. Defense Down   | Physical | One    |  1   | 5/8
Mind's Eye       | No Miss and Critical     | -        | One    |  1   | 7/8
Trample Charge   | Physical                 | Physical | Area L |  2   | 5/8
Lance Stomp      | Physical. Knockback      | Physical | One    |  2   | 5/8
Chariot          | Physical                 | Physical | All    |  3   | 4/8

NYMPH: Magic specialised Blades with healing abilities and support type skills.
SKILL            | EFFECT                   | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Sanctuary        | Element Immunity. Cure   | Magic    | Allies |  2   | 5/8
Healing Echo     | List Skill. Timed Heal   | Magic    | -      |  -   | 8/8
* Heal Jar       | HP Recovery S  x3        | Magic    | Allies |  1   | 3/8
* X-Heal         | HP Recovery M  x3        | Magic    | Allies |  2   | 3/8
* Heal ALl       | HP Recovery L  x3        | Magic    | Allies |  2   | 3/8
* Cure Jar       | HP Recovery S  x3 Cures  | Magic    | Allies |  1   | 3/8
* Elixir         | HP Recovery X  x3 Cures  | Magic    | Allies |  3   | 3/8
Swiftness        | List Skill. Increase HIT | Magic    | -      |  -   | 8/8
*Wind Circle     | +0-1 HITS Normal Attack  | Magic    | Allies |  1   | 5/8
*Light Circle    | +1 HIT Normal Attack     | Magic    | Allies |  1   | 5/8
*Soul Circle     | +2 HITS Normal Attack    | Magic    | Allies |  1   | 5/8
Boost            | List SKill. Stat Boost   | Magic    | -      |  -   | 8/8
* Power Ward     | Attack Boost. 5 turns    | Magic    | Allies |  1   | 5/8
* Spirit Ward    | Magic Boost. 5 turns     | Magic    | Allies |  1   | 5/8
* Defense Ward   | Defense Boost. 5 turns   | Magic    | Allies |  1   | 5/8
* Mental Ward    | Magic Def. Boost. 5 turns| Magic    | Allies |  1   | 5/8
Frozen Shard     | Ice, Stun Limit Boost    | Mag/Ice  | One    |  3   | 5/8

* NOTE: Healing Echo, Swiftness and Boost require the use of items.
WIND CIRCLE: Useable Item - Eicheloa
LIGHT CIRCLE: Useable Item - Gash Twig
SOUL CIRCLE: Useable Item - Pendelock
POWER WARD: Useable Item - Canone Rock
SPIRIT WARD: Useable Item - Legien Rock
DEFENSE WARD: Useable Item - Glansen Ore
MENTAL WARD: Useable Item - Worthless Stone

SIREN: Magic specialised Blades with offensive skills that can control
SKILL            | EFFECT                   | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Team Kobold      | Magic. Get item on chance| Magic    | One    |  1   | 5/8
Trick or Treat   | Turn into candy.         | Mag/Spec | One    |  2   | 5/8
Tinker Plux      | Magic                    | Magic    | Area L |  1   | 5/8
Kobold Hero      | Magic. Knockback         | Magic    | All x3 |  3   | 3/8
Prism Tone       | HP Recovery. Cure all    | Magic    | Allies |  3   | 3/8

FAUSTUS: A unique Blades with many strong skills, but very long wait time.
SKILL            | EFFECT                   | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Forgetful Hammer | Physical, Curse          | Phy/Stat | One    |  1   | 4/8
Chomp            | Physical, Death          | Phy/Spec | One    |  1   | 3/8
Mug              | Magic, More Money        | Magic    | One    |  2   | 3/8
Decoy Charge     | Lightning                | Phy/Elec | Area M |  2   | 2/8
Gargantua        | Physical                 | Physical | All x1 |  3   | 4/8

I R I S ' S  S K I L L S

Iris does not use Blades but can summon Mana after she has made a pact with

SKILL               | EFFECT                | ELEMENT  | TARGET | COST | SPEED
Summoning           | List Skill:Summon Mana| Magic    |        |  -   | 8/8
* Plua              | Sleep                 | Mag/Stat | All    |  1   | 5/8
* Nymph             | Ice                   | Mag/Ice  | One    |  1   | 5/8
* Siren             | % of Max HP           | Special  | All    |  1   | 5/8
* Jiptus            | Attack & Magic Down   | Magic    | One    |  1   | 5/8
* Diemia            | Physical/Knockback    | Physical | Side   |  2   | 4/8
* Fanatos           | Lightning             | Mag/Elect| One    |  3   | 4/8
* Faustus           | Drain HP. Null Trait  | Mag/Stat | One    |  1   | 5/8
* Luplus            | Shorten Wait Time     | Magic    | Allies |  3   | 3/8
Mana Storm          | Knockback             | Magic    | Area/L |  2   | 5/8
Elemental Conversion| Money on killing blow | Magic    | One    |  1   | 5/8


x.  C O M M O N  S K I L L S ...............................................E10


Anyone can use these skills providing they equip the relevant accessory.

C = Cost in Skill Points.
SPD = the speed at which you can act again after using that skill. You can
check this out in battle by observing the change in the placement of the
character's card when you plan to use a particular skill.

S T A T U S  A N D  H E A L I N G  S K I L L S
SKILL/ACCESSORY     | EFFECT                    | ELEMENT  | TARGET | C | SPD
CS: Bless           | Attack Boost, Magic Boost | Mag/Fire | One    | 0 | 5/8
ENGAGE RING         |                           |          | Ally   |   |
CS: Cure            | Cure - Poison, Mind       | Magic    | One    | 0 | 6/8
FAIRY STICK         |                           |          | Ally   |   |
CS: Healing         | Recover HP                | Magic    | One    | 1 | 6/8
HEALING NECKLACE    |                           |          | Ally   |   |
CS Heal All         | Recover HP                | Magic    | Allies | 1 | 5/8
HEALING BRACELET    |                           |          |        |   |
CS: Raise           | Resurrection/Full Heal    | Magic    | One    | 1 | 5/8
GLOWING BRACELET    | Adds Auto Heal            |          | Ally   |   |
CS:Refresh          | Cure - Poison, Mind,      | Magic    | One    | 1 | 5/8
ASCELEPIUS          | Slow, Curse.              |          | Ally   |   |

S T A T U S  A T T A C K  S K I L L S
SKILL/ACCESSORY     | EFFECT                    | ELEMENT  | TARGET | C | SPD
CS: Mind Bomb       | Special, Sleep            | Special  | Enemy  | 1 | 5/8
SILVER FROST RING   |                           | Status   |        |   |
CS: Nightmare       | Special, Sleep            | Special  | All Es | 2 | 5/8
CROWN OF THORNS     |                           | Status   |        |   |

E L E M E N T A L  A T T A C K  S K I L L S
SKILL/ACCESSORY     | EFFECT                    | ELEMENT  | TARGET | C | SPD
CS: Flame Gaze      | Fire                      | Mag/Fire | Enemy  | 0 | 6/8
FLAME RING          |                           |          | Area S |   |
CS: Flare Rain      | Fire                      | Mag/Fire | Enemy  | 1 | 5/8
MAGICAL TORCH       |                           |          | x4     |   |
CS: Hell Wave       | Fire                      | Mag/Fire | All Es | 2 | 5/8
FLAME BANGLE        |                           |          |        |   |
CS Tera Flame       | Fire, Knockback           | Mag/Fire | All Es | 3 | 4/8
HELLFIRE            |                           |          |        |   |
CS: Blizzard        | Ice                       | Mag/Ice  | All Ea | 3 | 4/8
DIAMOND DUST        |                           |          |        |   |
CS: Ice Storm       | Ice                       | Mag/Ice  | Enemy  | 0 | 5/8
ICE RING            |                           |          | Area S |   |
CS: Ice Volley      | Ice                       | Mag/Ice  | All Es | 1 | 5/8
ICE BANGLE          |                           |          |        |   |
CS: Lightning       | Lightning                 | Mag/Elect| Enemy  | 0 | 6/8
THUNDER RING        |                           |          |        |   |
CS: Plasma Ray      | Lightning                 | Mag/Elect| Enemy  | 1 | 5/8
THUNDER BANGLE      |                           |          |        |   |
CS: Vortex          | Lightning                 | Mag/Elect| All Es | 3 | 4/8
THUNDER CALLER      |                           |          |        |   |

P O W E R F U L  M A G I C  A T T A C K S
SKILL/ACCESSORY     | EFFECT                    | ELEMENT  | TARGET | C | SPD
CS: Calamity        | Magic, Knockback          | Magic    | All Es | 3 | 4/8
DEMON POT           |                           |          |        |   |
CS: Dark Gem        | % of max HP               | Special  | All Es | 3 | 4/8
DARK CRYSTAL        |                           |          |        |   |
CS Death Sphere     | % of Current HP, Death    | Special  | Enemy  | 1 | 5/8
VASILISSA'S DOLL    |                           | Status   |        |   |
CS: Half            | % of Current HP           | Special  | Enemy  | 1 | 5/8
VOODDOO DOLL        |                           |          |        |   |
CS Heaven's Gate    | % of Max HP               | Special  | All Es | 3 | 4/8
KEY TO HEAVEN       |                           |          | x3     |   |
CS Meteor           | Magic                     | Magic    | All E  | 3 | 5/8
PHELIOS GLOBE       |                           |          | x3     |   |
CS: Tempest         | Magic, Knockback          | Magic    | All Es | 2 | 5/8
M-TYPE PEA TYPHOON  |                           |          |        |   |
CS: Tornado         | Magic, Knockback          | Magic    | Enemy  | 1 | 6/8
M-TYPE AUTO FAN     |                           |          |        |   |


xi.  A L C H E M Y .L E V E L S  A N D  I D E A S ..........................E11


In order to receive these ideas Iris must raise her alchemy level. Every time
you craft something new the Alchemy Level bar (seen at the bottom left of the
screen) will increase a little. ONLY never-before-crafted items will raise her
level, so it's no good if you just make more of the same stuff. When her level
increases she also gains additional Magic and Magic Defense points to her
overall stats, so it makes sense to make new items as soon as you can.

You can find the actual Recipe when you encounter the appropriate place or
thing that has a light-bulb picture of Iris' face. Although some of these have
an in-built restriction, for example, you cannot find the locations in Ishtar
until you have access there, it is possible to find some of the recipes fairly
early on in the game if you make sure to raise Iris's alchemy level.

Ideas: Alchemy Level 0
- ? Medicinal Idea [Restorative Medicine Recipe - Iris' Workshop]
- ? Ceramic Inspiration [Pot Recipe - Guild, main room]
- ? Cheer for Boom [Explosive Recipe - Posporia]
- ? Dirt Research [Common Dirt Recipe - Patch of dirt in Valtessa]

Ideas: Alchemy Level 1
- ? Delicious Food [Flame Broiled Dish Recipe - Tavern, table, main room]
- ? Flowery Temptation [Bouquet Recipe - patch of flowers in Valtessa]
    (room to right of garden)
- ? Cute Clothes [Costume Recipe - Kuma, Posporia center]
- ? Magical Item [Cane Recipe - Posporia]

Ideas: Alchemy Level 2
- ? A Ripe Idea [Fermentation Recipe - Tavern, barrel at door]
- ? Idea for Drinks [Alcohol Recipe - Tavern, table by deer head on wall]
- ? A Witch's Must [Broom Recipe - Library, Ewan's Room, books on floor]
- ? Mushroom Love [Shroom Armor Recipe - Posporia]
- ? Navigating Darkness [Magic Lantern Recipe - Grimoire Library Desk]

Ideas: Alchemy Level 3
- ? Basic Magic Review [Magician's Book Recipe - first bookshelf in Library]
- ? Big Tree Mystery [World Tree Twig Recipe - sunlit tree in Valtessa]
- ? Mechanical Idea [Electric Fan Recipe - Windmill outside workshop]

Ideas: Alchemy Level 4
- ? Mushroom Fanatic [Mushroom Charm Recipe - mushrooms in the fourth room in
    Valtessa, OR in Posporia Western Fairy Forest near the Fairy sitting at
    the top of a tree in the room before Fairy Fort, West Entrance]
- ? Outfit Idea [Risque Clothing Recipe - fishing spot in Dakascus, or any
    other fishing spot - credit to Natwaf_akidna.)

Ideas: Alchemy Level 5
- ? Mystery of Life [Living Uni Recipe - Squawk Treasury, Grimoire, when you
    first have access there after defeating Fatebringer]
- ? Black Magic Study [Demonic Book Recipe - bookshelf in Library, Devil Aisle
- ? Defence Maiden [Legendary Shield Recipe - shield on wall in Library,
    Weapons Aisle, Grimoire]

Ideas: Alchemy Level 6
- ? Spinny Thingy [Globe Recipe - in Tavern room to the right]
- ? Holy Weapon Idea [Holy Battleaxe Recipe - first metal plate at Ishtar Sky
    Gardens Entrance]
- ? Endless Bells [Doomsday Bell Recipe - Bell Tower in Grimoire]

Ideas: Alchemy Level 7
- ? Peaceful Prayer [Ultimate Rapier Recipe - talk to Noella in the Guild
    Master's Office]
- ? A Dolly Idea [Doll of Death Recipe - talk to Pamela in Grimoire Library]

Ideas: Alchemy Level 8
- ? Sharpest Idea [Ultimate Mech Sword Recipe - check the sword at the far end
    of Sword Hill Ishtar in chapter 6]
    NOTE - if you don't find this idea until later then you will have to fight
    a powerful enemy first.
- ? How to be an Angel [Angel Wing Recipe - see the statue of an angel on the
    Eastbridge, Zey Meruze. Take the Taxi to the Beastmen's Quarters and walk
    back across the bridge and you can't miss it.]
- ? Crystallization [Crystal? Recipe - see the black crystal in the Celestial
    Rookery, Dakascus]


xii.  M O N S T E R S ......................................................E12


A. Common Enemies
B. Boss Enemies

Enemies usually come in groups or two, three, four, and sometimes five. They
are listed by type in the Reference Book: Punis, Kobolds, Lizards, Beasts
Sprites, Dolls, Soldiers, Dragons and Dark Angels (Power, Elder etc.) The final
part of the Reference list includes all bosses.

A.  C O M M O N  E N E M I E S

Here they are listed in alphabetical order, and this list does not include the
boss enemies. If there is no class listed, that is because that monster has no
class...those that do are weak to a weapon that targets that particular class.
For example: Ancients are weak to an Unholy Slayer weapon as well as being weak
to electricity, but an Alchemic Beast has no class and no elemental weakness.

ADAMANTIUM SOLDIER                                                         D.D.
Class   : -
Skills  : Calamity, Stone Shower (timed x3 - targets one)
Weakness: -
Resists : Double/Status, Physical
Drops   : Nectar
Treat   : Crystart
AIRPLANT                                                               Valtessa
Class   :
Skills  : Flying Seed (timed attack)
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Status
Drops   : Mysterious Seed
Treat   : Crystart
ALCHEMIC BEAST                                                      Ishtar/D.D.
Class   : -
Skills  : Stone Cannon, Overdrive, Plasma Ray
Weakness: -
Resists : Physical
Drops   : Misty Curtain
Treat   : Crystart
ALCHEMIC SOLDIER                                                Darkascus, D.D.
Class   : -
Skills  :
Weakness: -
Resists : Double/Status
Drops   : Divine Shield
Treat   : Crystart
ANCIENTS                                                            Ishtar/D.D.
Class   : Unholy
Skills  : Tera Flame, Vortex.
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Drops   : Ultra-thin Leotard (armor)
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
BEAR                                                          Valtessa/Posporia
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Slam (spirit down)
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Wild Meat
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
BIRD RIDER                                                            Dakascus
Class   : -
Skills  : Lance Attack (one), Bless
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Wild Meat
Treat   : Monster Cookie
CATERPILLAR                                         Valtessa/Grimoire/Dakcasus
Class   : -
Skills  : Web Shot (slow)
Weakness: Ice
Resists : -
Drops   : Treasurebug Silk
Treat   : Monster Cookie
CLAY PUPPET                                                             Ishtar
Class   : -
Skills  : Pandora's Box
Weakness: Electricity
Resists :
Drops   : X-Jar
Treat   : Jawbreaker Candy
DARK PUNI                                                              Grimoire
Class   : Puni
Skills  : Kamikaze Tackle, Headbutt.
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Special
Drops   : Puniball
Treat   : Chaos Candy
DARKWING                                                               Grimoire
Class   : Unholy
Skills  : Impulse (all), Wing Rush (one)
Resists : Special Skills
Drops   : Rainbow Feather
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
DEATH KNIGHT                                                          Grimoire
Class   : Unholy
Skills  : Life Drain (takes HP), Recklass Slash (multiple hits, drains HP)
Weakness: -
Resists : Special, Status
Drops   : Shifty Eye
Treat   : Monster Cookie
DOMINION                                                   Grimoire/Ishtar/D.D.
Class   : Unholy
Skills  : Heal All
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Angel's Slip (armor)
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
DRAGONEWT                                                                 D.D.
Class   : Dragon
Skills  : Break
Resists : Special Skills, Fire
Drops   : Dragon Bone
Treat   : Monster Cookie
DRAGONIA                                                                   D.D.
Class   : Undead
Skills  :
Weakness: -
Resists : Double/Special Skills, magic
Drops   : Dragon Bone
Treat   : Jawbreaker Candy
DRAGON ZOMBIE                                                          Grimoire
Class   : Undead
Skills  : Poison Blow (one), Ice Flicker (timed attack)
Weakness: Fire
Resists : -
Drops   : Dragon Bone
Treat   : Monster Cookie
DRYAD                                                             Posporia/D.D.
Class   : -
Skills  :
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Physical
Drops   : Mysterious Seed
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
DUKE                                                              Grimoire/D.D.
Class   : Undead
Skills  : Slashback
Resists : Special Skills
Drops   : Devil's Panties (armor)
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
ELDER                                                                  Dakascus
Class   : -
Skills  : Hell Wave
Weakness: Special Skills
Resists : -
Drops   : Thin Leotard (armor)
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
FRAN PFEIL                                                          Ishtar/D.D.
Class   : Dragon
Skills  : Break, Impulse (all)
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Double/Fire
Drops   : Dragon Tongue
Treat   : Jawbreaker Candy
FUNGO                                                                  Valtessa
Class   : -
Skills  : Toadstool Tango - falls asleep and heals itself
Weakness: Ice/Fire
Resists : Electricity
Drops   : Fungushroom
Treat   : Monster Cookie
GIANT PUNI                                              Posporia/Dakcascus/D.D.
Class   : Puni
Skills  : Headbutt
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Status, Physical
Drops   : Pendelook
Treat   : Puni Gummy
GOLDEN PIG                                                    Dakascus/Ishtar
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Break
Weakness: -
Resists : Double/Special, Status
Drops   : Golden Meat
Treat   : Monster Cookie
GOLDEN PUNI                                  Grimoire/Posporia/Dakcascus/Ishtar
Class   : Puni
Skills  :
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Status
Drops   : Zufttuff Water
Treat   : Puni Gummy
HARPY                                                  Valtessa/Posporia/Ishtar
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Impulse (attacks all)
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Rainbow Feather
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
HELL LEGION                                                      Grimoire, D.D.
Class   : Unholy
Skills  : Nightmare (all - sleep)
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Special
Drops   : Gravity Stone
Treat   : Chaos Candy
HEAL PUNI                                    Grimoire/Posporia/Dakcascus/Ishtar
Class   : Puni
Skills  : Healing (one), Puni Breath (attacks one)
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Status
Drops   : Puniball
Treat   : Puni Gummy
JAGGED BEAR                                                           Posporia
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Counter form, Impusle (all),
Resists :
Drops   : Wild Meat
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
JAGGED TIGER                                             Grimoire/Posporia/D.D.
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Rapid Move, Wild Fang
Resists : Ice
Drops   : Monster Bone
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
JEWEL SPRITE                                                           Dakascus
Class   : -
Skills  : Jewelled Hammer
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Magic
Drops   : Bomb Ice
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
JIN RIDER                                                       Posporia/Ishtar
Class   : -
Skills  : Tempest (all), Plasma Ray (one)
Weakness: -
Resists : Double/Electricity, Physical
Drops   : Lightning Rod
Treat   : Monster Cookie
KAMIMAZE DOLL                                                            Ishtar
Class   : -
Skills  : MB5, Big Explosion (damages all enemies in the group and kills self)
Weakness: Fire
Resists : -
Drops   : Flame
Treat   : Chaos Candy
KAMIKAZE DOLL G                                                     Ishtar/D.D.
Class   :
Skills  : Three Hit Combo, MB5 - timed attack
Weakness: Fire
Resists :
Drops   : Black Liquid
Treat   : Chaos Candy
KETTLE SPIRIT                                                   Grimoire/Ishtar
Class   : -
Skills  : Pandora's Box (a range of attacks or even healing), Ice Volley
          (damages all
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Double/Magic
Drops   : Glansen Ore
Treat   : Monster Cookie
KOBOLD                                                        Valtessa/Posporia
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Bite
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Tufts
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
KOBOLD CHIEFTAIN                                                       Posporia
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Bite, Flare Rain (x3 timed attack), Kobold Aerial (one)
Weakness: -
Resists : Fire-
Drops   : Tufts
Treat   : Needle Candy
KOBOLD ELITE                                                      Posporia/D.D.
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Bite
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Worn Weapon
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
KOBOLD FIGHTER                                                         Posporia
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Bite
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Tufts
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
KOBOLD GUARD                                                           Posporia
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Bite, Boomerang Shot (one)
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Tufts
Treat   : Needle Candy
KOBOLD MAGE                                                            Posporia
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Bite, Flame Gaze
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Beast Fang
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
KOBOLD NINJA                                                               D.D.
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Bite
Weakness: -
Resists : Special Skills, Physical-
Drops   : Needle Candy
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
KOBOLD PRIEST                                                          Posporia
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Bite, Bless (Spirit up, Power Up)
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Beast Fang
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
LEAF SPRITE                                                           Valtessa
Class   : -
Skills  :
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Physical
Drops   : Glacier Stone
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
LEOPARD                                                Valtessa/Posporia/Ishtar
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Double Bite, Quick, Wild Fang (many hits on one)
Resists :
Drops   : Tufts
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
LIVING ARMOR                                                           Grimoire
Class   : Undead
Skills  : Break (one)
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Wandering Armor
Treat   : Monster Cookie
LIZARD                                                                 Dakascus
Class   : Dragon
Skills  :
Weakness: Ice
Resists : -
Drops   : Monster Bone
Treat   : Monster Cookie
LIZARD LORD                                                            Dakascus
Class   : Dragon
Skills  : Dragon Stance (Auto), Break.
Weakness: Ice
Resists : -
Drops   : Nicro Cloth
Treat   : Monster Cookie
LIZARD SHAMAN                                                          Dakascus
Class   : Dragon
Skills  : Flame Gaze (one), Curse
Weakness: Ice
Resists : -
Drops   : Dragon Bone
Treat   : Monster Cookie
LIZARD WARRIOR                                                         Dakascus
Class   : Dragon
Skills  :
Weakness: Ice
Resists : -
Drops   : Dragon Bone
Treat   : Monster Cookie
LIZARD WIZARD                                                     Dakascus/D.D.
Class   : Dragon
Skills  : Tempest (all), Hellwave (all)
Weakness: Ice
Resists : -
Drops   : Dragon Bone
Treat   : Monster Cookie
MAD BROWNIE                                                           Grimoire
Class   : -
Skills  : Berserk - Power Up (Auto skill), autoheal, Three Hit Combo. Attack
Weakness: Magic Attack
Resists : Status/Physical
Drops   : Brownie Mask
Treat   : Monster Cookie
MARQUIS                                                               Grimoire
Class   : Undead
Skills  : Slashback (multiple hits on one)
Resists : Special Skills
Drops   : Devil's Panties (armor)
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
MINI PUNI                                                              Valtessa
Class   : Puni
Skills  :
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Status Effects
Drops   : Puniball
Treat   : Puni Gummy
MOON FLOWER                                                       Dakascus/D.D.
Class   :
Skills  : Counter-Pollen, (Defense Down, Power Up), Triple Shot (timed)
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Status
Drops   : Mysterious Seed
Treat   : Crystart
MORNING GLORY                                        Valtessa/Posporia/Dakascus
Class   :
Skills  : Charge Shot (time attack)
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Status
Drops   : Mysterious Seed
Treat   : Chaos Candy
NECROHYDRA                                                             Grimoire
Class   : Undead
Skills  : Cursed Breath (all), Plagued Bite (one) - Power Down, Hell's Flame
Weakness: -
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Drops   : Dragon Tongue
Treat   : Needle Candy
NIGHTWALKER                                                     Grimoire, D.D.
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Counter form (self heals), Impulse (all), Overdrive (Auto, power up)
Weakness: -
Resists : Magic
Drops   : Wild Meat
Treat   : Chaos Candy
OBSIDIAN BEAST                                                          Ishtar
Class   : -
Skills  : Lightning (one)
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Magic
Drops   : Alchemic Metal
Treat   : Crystart
OBSIDIAN SOLDIER                                                        Ishtar
Class   : -
Skills  : Tempest (all)
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Double/Status, Magic
Drops   : Alchemic Metal
Treat   : Crystart
ORB                                                        Dakascus/Ishtar/D.D.
Class   : -
Skills  : Seal, Star Drop (timed), Jewelled Hammer
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Magic
Drops   : Pendelook
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
OWLBEAR                                                      Valtessa/Posporia
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Counter form, Impulse (all), Slam (cannot be avoided- picks up and
          slams down)
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Monster Bone
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
PANTHER                                                                 Ishtar
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Quick, Wild Fang, Double Bite
Resists :
Drops   : Beast Fang
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
POT SPIRIT                                                             Grimoire
Class   : -
Skills  :
Weakness: Fire
Resists : -
Drops   : Legien Ore
Treat   : Crystart
POWER                                                  Grimoire/Posporia/Ishtar
Class   : -
Skills  : Sword Slicer (defense down), Healing (one), Slashback (attacks one)
Weakness: -
Resists : Special Skills
Drops   : Angel's Slip (armor)
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
PUNI                                                                   Valtessa
Class   : Puni
Skills  : Summon Puni, Puni Breath
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Status Effects
Drops   : Puniball
Treat   : Puni Gummy
PUNI RIDER.                                                   Valtessa/Dakascus
Class   : Puni
Skills  : Three Hit Combo, Puni Spike
Resists :
Drops   : Brownie Mask
Treat   : Monster Cookie
RED PUNI                                                               Valtessa
Class   : Puni
Skills  : Counter, Disperse (makes another one), Puni Breath.
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Status Effects
Drops   : Canone Rock
Treat   : Puni Gummy
SAND DRAGON                                                           Dakascus
Class   : Dragon-
Skills  : Quicksand (one - seals)
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Double/Electricity, Status
Drops   : Shifty Eye
Treat   : Taiyaki
SANDFISH                                                              Dakascus
Class   : -
Skills  : Sandwhip (one)
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Double/Electricity, Status
Drops   : Shifty Eye
Treat   : Taiyaki
SHADOW LEGIEN                                              Dakascus/Ishtar/D.D.
Class   : Unholy
Skills  : Life Drain
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Special Skills
Drops   : Shifty Eye
Treat   : Chaos Candy
SHADOWGIRL                                                            Grimoire
Class   : Unholy
Skills  : Poison Blow
Weakness: -
Resists : -
Drops   : Rainbow Feather
Treat   : Chaos Candy
STEELARMOR BEAST                                                        Ishtar
Class   :
Skills  : Rising Glory (throws one into the air)
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Status
Drops   : Cure Jar
Treat   : Crystart
STEELARMOR SOLDIER                                                       Ishtar
Class   : -
Skills  : Spin Tornado (targets one), Stone Bolt (timed attack)
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Status
Drops   : Heal Jar
Treat   : Crystart
SHIELD GEIST                                                          Grimoire
Class   : Undead
Skills  : Block, Healing
Weakness: Fire
Resists :
Drops   : Shifty Eye
Treat   : Chaos Candy
STONE BEAST                                                             Ishtar
Class   : -
Skills  : Rising GLory (attacks one)
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Status
Drops   : Elemia Ore
Treat   : Crystart
STONE PUPPET                                                     Dakascus, D.D.
Class   : -
Skills  :
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Physical
Drops   : Worthless Stone
Treat   : Jawbreaker Candy
STONE SOLDIER                                                           Ishtar
Class   : -
Skills  :
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Status
Drops   : Thunder Stone
Treat   : Crystart
SWORD GEIST                                                           Grimoire
Class   : Undead
Skills  :
Weakness: Fire
Resists :
Drops   : Shifty Eye
Treat   : Long Pochy
SWORD SPRITE                                                           Grimoire
Class   : -
Skills  : Sword Dance (Power down), Dancing Edge (timed attack x3)
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Physical and Magic Attacks
Drops   : Worn Weapon
Treat   : Vanilla Syrup
TIGER                                                                  Posporia
Class   : Beast
Skills  : Quick, Rapid Move, Moment Slice
Resists :
Drops   : Beast Fang
Treat   : Puppy Paw Bonbon
TRUMPET LILY                                                             Ishtar
Class   :
Skills  : Flying Seed (Timed attack)
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Status
Drops   : Mysterious Seed
Treat   : Crystart
VORPAL SWORD                                                      Grimoire/D.D.
Class   : Unholy
Skills  : Reckless Slash (heals)
Weakness: -
Resists : Special, Status
Drops   : Wandering Armor
Treat   : Long Pochy
ZOMBIE PUNI                                                            Grimoire
Class   : Puni
Skills  :
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Status Effects
Drops   : Eicheloa
Treat   : Puni Gummy

B.  B O S S  E N E M I E S

Details for the all the bosses and their skills are contained in the main
walkthrough. This is just a summary of them all in alphabetical order. None of
them drop anything and they are all immune to Nell's Treat skill.

Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Physical/Magic
Class   : None
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : None
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : Undead
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : None
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Magic, Special Skills
Note    : Appears with Grove and Echo
ASH (1)
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
ASH (2)
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Note    : With the Azoth weapon.
Class   : None
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Double/Special Skills, Magic
Note    : Appears with Musica
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : Unholy
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Ice, Magic
Note    : Appears with Undark
Class   : None
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Physical, Special Skills
Note    : Appears with Grove and Amber
Class   : Puni
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : Beast
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : None
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Physical, Special Skills
Note    : Appears with Echo and Amber
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects, Physical
Note    : Two of these appear with Servant.
Class   : Dragon
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects/Fire
Class   : Unholy
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Class   : Unholy
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Note    : Appears with Living Swords
Class   : Beast
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects/Physical
Class   : Beast
Weakness: None
Resists : None
Class   : None
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Double/Ice
Note    : Appears with Ice Sprite
Class   : None
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Ice
Note    : Appears with Ice Element
Class   : Dragon
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Physical, Status Effects
Class   : Beast
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : Beast
Weakness: None
Resists : None
Class   : None
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Note    : Appear with Fatebringer
Class   : Dragon
Weakness: Ice
Resists : None
Class   : Undead
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : Puni
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Magic/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : None
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Special Skills, Physical
Note    : Appears with Canicon
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Note    : Appears with Yula (1)
Class   : Beast
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : Puni
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Double/Magic
Class   : Puni
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Note    : Appears with Kichi and Taro
Class   : Puni
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Note    : Appears with Jiro and Taro
Class   : Puni
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Class   : Puni
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Note    : Appears with Kichi and Jiro
Class   : Dragon
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Double/Special Skills, Physical
Class   : Beast
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Fire/Magic
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects, Magic
Note    : Appears with two Guardians
Class   : Unholy
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Note    : Appears when summoned by Crowley
Class   : Unholy
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects, Magic
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects, Physical
Note    : Guards the liar of Uroborus
Class   : None
Weakness: Ice
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects
Class   : None
Weakness: Electricity
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects, Magic
Note    : Guards the gem of Escalario
Class   : Unholy
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Note    : Appears before its true form, The Elder dragon.
Class   : Dragon
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Note    : Appears after defeating the unholy monster, The Elder.
Class   : Unholy
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Fire, Physcial
Note    : Appears with Deholy
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects, Physical, Magic
Class   : None
Weakness: Fire
Resists : Double/Special Skills, Electricity
YULA (1)
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills
Note    : Appears with Nell
YULA (2)
Class   : None
Weakness: None
Resists : Double/Special Skills/Status Effects


xiii. K E Y  I T E M S .....................................................E13


Chapter One
NOTE: After events these items will disappear.

Magic Staff
The staff that Ewan wants. It has some very powerful magic.
(Give to Ewan and lose.)

Iris's Book
It can't even be opened because of the chain seal.

Chapter Two
Escalario (after Ewan explains this is Iris's book)
A legendary book that can make any wish come true.

Fishing Pole
A basic fishing tool, This one comes with the lure.

Other Key Items
Castle Key
The key to the Ancient Castle's underground world. (Chapter 4)

Flame Barrett
The Guild invented the flame thrower to melt ice instantly. (Chapter 5)

Breath of Earth
The Pengies secret formula. It can make crystals grow back. (Chapter 5)

Splat Hammer
A blunt weapon to crush boulders. Very dangerous for kids. (Chapter 6)

Earth Gem
A part of Escalario. Tranquil like the great earth.

Sea Gem
A part of Escalario. Calm blue like the deep sea.

Cloud Gem
A part of Escalario coloured pure white like the clouds.

Sky Gem
A part of Escalario with a divine clear feel of the sky.

Moon Gem
A part of Escalario. Faintly glows like a moonlit night.

Star Gem
A part of Escalario. It has the twinkle of a winter star.

Rainbow Gem
A part of Escalario that shines a prism like a rainbow.

Sun Gem
A part of Escalario that lights the dazzle of the sun.

Broken Gem
A cracked gem. it lost its magic, but glows with horror.

Shadow Gem
This gem shines no light. An eternal darkness is inside.


                      F.  V E R S I O N  H I S T O R Y .....................F01


0.5 June 17th 2006
Completed all lists, (although details for some locations' items and chests
and most monster attacks are not yet included.) Chapters 1 and 2 walkthrough
completed, and Quests listed for all chapters. Enemy lists for all Alterworlds,
and Game Basics complete.

0.55 Corrected some errors and added more to Chapter 3 and the Alterworlds.
0.70 30th June. Completed chapters 3,4 and 5 and new areas for the Alterworlds.
0.80 July 8th. Completed chapter 6 and 7 and all Alterworlds.
0.90 July 27th. Completed chapter 8.
1.00 August 10th. Added list of Boss Monsters and completed chapters 9 and 10.
1.01 September 29th. Added a section on the Controls.
1.10 29th July 2009. Improved the lists so locations are clearer to see.
     6th December 2009: added an alternative strategy for Aladdin Pot.
1.2. Added more details to some alchemy quests.
1.2. 22 January 2010: Added more details to some alchemy quests.
1.2. October 13th 2010. Added a request for donations at the end of the FAQ.


             G.  C R E D I T S  L E G A L  A N D  C O N T A C T ............G01


Thank you to Gust for making such a lovely game and NIS America and Koei for
bringing it to the West, even to the UK!

Thank you to GameFAQs for accepting my FAQs.

Thanks to the other FAQs on GameFAQs. I found the Bestiary by GinFreaks, and
Alchemy FAQ by Arthain especially helpful for their comprehensive lists, and
the walkthroughs by PeTeRL90 and Kouli helped with a number of quests.
GinFreaks' FAQ also gives the trait removal strategy for the Pot and has many
useful battle tips.

Thanks also to people who post on the AI3 board and in particular 911IronHelix
who posted a very helpful list on alchemy ideas and field bonuses, and
Natwaf_akidna who alerted me to the fact that any fishing spot would do for
finding the recipe for Risque Outfit.

Thanks to Kurama13 for an elegant strategy to kill the Aladdin Pot.

Thanks to Psycho_Penguin for the "Luck" strategy. Also for telling me how to
improve the lists, details of the Dark Gem CS skill, and more, much more. :D

Thanks to Shotgunnova for the ASCII template for the Sony Controller. Mine is
adapted slightly from his.

Thanks to Saikyo Mog for his continued support and advice. I tried to track
down the Evil Laughing Underwater Zombie who drops Clogged Snorkel and treat is
Sludge Fudge, but unfortunately it cannot be found anywhere, even if you switch
every Lithograph in Ishtar to the future. But thanks anyway. You know why. ;)


This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site other than
those listed, or otherwise distributed publicly. Use of this guide on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

The latest version will always appear on
Other Allowed Websites:

* Cheats

This FAQ is copyrighted by threetimes on 6th December 2009.
Updated: July 2012 to include other websites.


If you find any errors or omissions, (and I am sure there will be some) or if
you can add anything extra that might be useful, please let me know. Emails
must be titled ATELIER IRIS 3 WALKTRHOUGH/FAQ and can be sent to me at:

threetimes.ajh (use the abbreviation @) googlemail (dot) com

o--------------------------------- DONATIONS ---------------------------------o
|                                                                             |
| DONATIONS UPDATE NEWS! MAY 2011                                             |
|                                                                             |
| This was a request for donations to the Saikyo Mog cancer fund. Saikyo is a |
| long time friend and contributor to GameFAQs and last year he underwent     |
| emergency treatment for colon cancer, followed by 6 months of chemotherapy, |
| resulting in a huge medical bill.                                           |
|                                                                             |
| Fortunately, Saikyo's chemotherapy has ended. He is recovering and no longer|
| needs donations so badly after a community care programme paid the largest  |
| his bills. Many thanks to those who donated money, which helped towards     |
| paying for his emergency treatment, and he was most grateful for your kind  |
| messages of support and concern during this difficult time.                 |
|                                                                             |
| * Donate by Paypal to this account:-                   |
|                                                                             |